Sword God

Vol 35 Chapter 67: select

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"From ancient times to the present, the stars represent power."

"The vanity is immortal, the stars are immortal."

"Star Kendo is the way of eternal power."

"Choose Star Kendo, and you will live with the stars and be immortal with the void."

Canggu's ancient, magnificent, and overbearing voices sounded, as if rolling through endless rivers of time, passing through ancient and modern times, and being introduced into Chen Zong's ears, shaped like a brand, and unforgettable.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Zong only felt the rapid change of the whole body, the vast expanse of void and boundlessness, and a little bit of stars seemed to be lit by the pair of ancient giants that penetrated time and space.

The darkness seems to have dissipated for a few minutes. The vastness has added a bit of tranquility, and it looks deeper and deeper, as if it contains endless mysteries. Chen Zong unconsciously looks, feeling every starlight, or far away. Near or strong or weak, but they all contain amazing power.

The stars are immortal and the stars are immortal.

That kind of power, that is eternal and immortal, is eternal and immortal. It exists forever between heaven and earth, forever in the void, and it is immortal and immortal with the void.

The way of strength, strength comes first, strength is immortal.

Strength is fundamental, the most important thing for practitioners, and extremely attractive.

An temptation, an impulse, hit Chen Zong's heart and shake Chen Zong's decision.


Unmatched power!

Immortal power!

Immortal power!


"Well, the power is immortal. That is nothing but vanity. Only killing is eternity." Su Shi, a voice full of endless killings, seemed to penetrate the bounds of **** and descend into the void.

The blood-red breath continued to spread, rendering all directions, and dyed every shiny star in the void into red, the color of blood, as if the blood was diffused.

The astonishing killing intention emanates from every star, filled with void, as if to turn this void into a killing hell.

Killing Kendo!

"Junior, I've seen the sword of killing you practicing, and you realized that the uprising of the uprising is very good. You hold your sword firmly, and you do not hesitate to kill a sword.

The sound that seemed to pierce from **** came with an astonishing chilling murderous power, and directly poured into Chen Zong's ears.

Chen Zong only felt that everything in front of him had become blood red, as if it were a **** purgatory, and deep inside, there was a constant burst of killing.

The killing is surging, the killing intention is tumultuous.

In the past, the accumulated murderous power left by continuous killings seems to be erupting. The mystery of the Sword of Killing is becoming clearer and stronger, and the power of the Upanishads seems to be endlessly enhanced.

This gave Chen Zongsheng a feeling that, as if he swung his sword, he could slaughter all living beings.

That sword became a real slaughter. The slaughter was born, not a joke.

Star Kendo, immortal strength.

Killing Kendo, slaughtering lives.

Shocked Chen Zong's heart once again.

"The stars are immortal, the eternal killing, hum, everything will be reduced to nothingness under my destruction of Kendo." A sound filled with extreme and overbearing sounds, the sound was trembling, and the blood red was fading As if being torn apart, the starlight of each one has also become dim, and then cracked and turned into powder.


The breath of endless destruction pervaded all around, and Chen Zong found that the void in which he was living began to collapse under the power of this terrible destruction.

Not long afterwards, the entire starry sky was destroyed under the force of that terrible destruction.


Destroy everything, destroy everything to nothing.

The so-called eternity is just a joke under the power of destruction.

"What you can destroy is just such an appearance." The ancient voice sounded, and in that nothingness, it seemed that there was another starlight to flash.

"Well, what about destruction, killing will last forever." The voice full of murderous sounds followed, and a flurry of blood red also condensed again.

Strictly speaking, there is no difference between the power of the stars, the power of killing, and the power of destruction. The only difference lies in its different properties.

"Destroy again!" The sound of the destruction of Kendo sounded again, overbearing, do not allow others, and destroy the twinkling starlight and condensed blood again.

"Stars, killings, destruction, everything can't bear my thoughts."

A seemingly lazy voice sounded, that laziness, as if whispered in the ear, there is a power directed at the deepest part of the soul.

I can hear that the owner of this lazy voice is a woman, who ca n’t see her, but just hearing her voice makes people have infinite reveries, ca n’t help but want to listen more, ca n’t help but want to indulge in Among them, we can't extricate ourselves, even if it just sinks, we won't hesitate.

The three voices of the stars, killing and destruction also went silent.

Around Chen Zong, that nothingness changed.

The vicissitudes of the sea, the world reappears.

Mountains, flowing water, vegetation, sun and moon, stars, birds, beasts ...

In Chen Zong's extremely shocked eyes, one world, one world, and one complete world appeared.


If you haven't guessed wrong, then this should be Ji Kendo.


As if creating life, as if creating something.

This method is simply inscrutable and difficult to distinguish.

蜃 瞑 Kendo!

"How do you think?" The lazy voice sounded again, and rushed directly into the deepest part of Chen Zong's heart. For a moment, Chen Zong almost blurted out and chose Jian Jian Road.

But in an instant, the sword of the heart trembled, so that Chen Zong recovered a little sober, and quickly shut up.

At the same time, the world is shrinking, eventually becoming a piece, condensed in nothingness, and then, starlight blooms out, blood color sweeps through, and the force of destruction expands and contracts like a black hole.

Four major Kendo!

Four terrible powers.

"If I can, I will choose four." Chen Zong spoke.

His words silenced people.


Four Kendo, at the same time, want to choose the four Kendo.

"Every one, to the extreme, you can become the master of Kendo. You can choose the four major Kendos and cut off the road." The ancient voice sounded, with a bit of regret, and the starlight quickly dimmed. disappear.

Obviously, this Star Kendo voluntarily gave up, which also made Chen Zong unable to choose. Perhaps he felt that Chen Zong was too greedy.

"Pay attention to the power of killing." The sound of killing Kendo fell, and the blood red also dissipated. In the end, only the power of destroying Kendo and the power of Jianjian were left.

"Boy, you can create a sword art upright like the Great Destruction. It is really good. I will see what you can cultivate." The overbearing voice of Destruction Kendo sounded, with a bit of teasing and expectation.

"It's not a good thing to be so high, but sometimes it's also motivation." The lazy voice passed into his ears and did not disappear.

Obviously, Destroyer Ken and Kendo recognized Chen Zong.

In other words, Chen Zong can destroy Jiando and Jianjian.

Although there are some regrets in your heart, sometimes, when you make a choice, you also face the choice of others.

Although he has the intention to choose the four major kendos, after all, Chen Zong's intentions are very firm. His own sword intention is the sword intention of the heart and the supreme sword intention, so his kendo should be related to the sword intention of the heart Kendo, even the Taoism that has not yet been completely transformed, will have something to do with your own kendo.

These four major kendos are very unpredictable. As the ancient voice of the star kendo states, any one of the four major kendos can become the master of kendo to the extreme.

However, I did not want to practice the four major kendo to the extreme, but rather to understand the mysteries of the four major kendo, to draw the essence of it, to improve and expand their kendo accumulation.

Chen Zong has never forgotten his roots.

Perhaps cultivating the inheritance left by others can take a lot of detours and improve faster, but in the end it is not yours.

It will be fast at first, but when it reaches a high level, it will be restricted.

Those who belong to themselves will take a detour at first, will continue to accumulate, and will be very slow, but when it breaks out, it will be very amazing and full of energy.

The first path is suitable for most practitioners, and the second path is only suitable for practitioners who are brilliant and confident.

Moreover, the probability of success of the second path is very low.

But Chen Zong has already been on this path, and it is impossible to give up.

Although it is impossible to understand Star Kendo and Killing Kendo, it is also very good to learn about Destruction Kendo and Sword Kendo.

When Chen Zong made his choice, everything disappeared and his eyes opened, Qiu Butler stood not far from him and looked at himself.

Chen Zong could see Qiu butler's face with unspeakable surprise.

Because Chen Zong's left and right hands each have a sword.

One was a black sword order, and the breath was full of destruction, destroying everything, which represented the identity of the destruction of Kendo, and was a token.

This is normal, indicating that Chen Zong chose to destroy Kendo.

But ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ What about the cyan swords in the other hand?

The blue sword command has a misty and dreamy atmosphere, and the autumn steward knows very well that it stands for Jianjian.

What does it mean that two sword orders appear in the same person?

It means that the two major Kendo fancy at the same time.

In Dongting Jianshan, there is no such existence, but there are very few. In the memory of the autumn housekeeper, there are only a few people from many years ago to the present.

It seems that this young man is much better than he thought.

Since two major kendos have been chosen, Chen Zong will naturally not lose time. Cultivation is against time.

However, this Dongting Jianshan is still quite unfamiliar. In many respects, you still need to consult the autumn steward in front of you. After all, the other party is here. The understanding of Dongting Jianshan is definitely not comparable.

Facing Chen Zong's inquiries, the butler of Qiu continued to talk. Now Chen Zong is already a disciple of Dongting Jianshan, and he can know more information.

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