Sword God

Vol 35 Chapter 69: Destruction and Creation (2)

Fiery breath, like the fragrance of blue, soft and boneless body, entangled himself.

As if having a pink dream.

The sword of the heart trembled, and Chen Zong continued to resist, resisting this terrible attack.

To Chen Zong, this is an attack.

"Okay." A rumored voice sounded. Suddenly, the fragrant beauty's light shirt was half-struck for a moment, and then it disappeared into smoke.

So real, like a real person, but turned into nothingness in an instant.


The mirages were all blinded and believed.

If it weren't for the last word, I'm afraid I'm going to be ugly.

Chen Zong could not help exhaling a long breath.

The fog in front of me seemed to be dissipating. Chen Zong saw the vegetation and mountains. This martyrdom was different from the destruction of the monasteries, as if it were a miniature of the world.

"Although a bit arrogant, I do have some skill." A blurred voice came into my ear, with a bit of ridicule.

"Well, it's not almost just before." Another voice sounded, somewhat unconvinced.

"Well, you don't want to think about what you are doing, what he is doing."

Chen Zong was called again. The caller was the head of the martyrdom, just as enviable.

In fact, Chen Zong did not see the true body of the head of the martyrdom, but only heard his voice.

The lazy voice has an inexplicable power that penetrates the heart and the deepest part of the soul, making it unforgettable forever.

Although the voice of the principal of the Martyrdom School was lazy and slow, he said more, and also passed on some information to Chen Zong, explaining some of the mysteries of Martial Arts.

"Let's practice well."

The last word asked Chen Zong to leave.

蜃 瞑 Kendo is based on the pulse of illusion, and grasps the essence of the mystery and mystery of fantasy, deepens and accumulates, and then continuously integrates some of the mysteries of illusion in Xiao Shimai. The ultimate achievement.

In the wind, there are magical mysteries, and in the water, there are magical mysteries. Even deeper investigations, such as fire and thunder, also contain magical mysteries.

The mystery of the illusion is deeply buried in everything in the world, true and false.

And one of the illusions is just the foundation of Jianjian.

Chen Zong began to enlighten the mysterious explanations of Jian Jian Tao taught by the master of the Martial Arts Academy.

It is mentioned that when the enlightenment of one of the imaginary reaches the extreme, beyond the limit, it can be elevated to a whole new level, which is the level opposite to destruction.


The means of making things out of nothing is like the means of a true god.

With the thoughts moving, all things come into being, all in one heart, all by heart.

When he read this message, Chen Zong was extremely surprised.

After all, in Chen Zong's cognition, illusion is change, illusion, and illusion. It is false. Even if it is lifelike, it is essentially false to do truth. It is a superb trick that deceives the five senses and even the six senses. .

But now, the words of the Lord of the Martyrdom say that one of the illusions reaches a very high depth. After breaking through the boundary, it is a new level, a level like the creation of the gods, and the false concubines are removed and become true.

Come true!

What an amazing means.

It is unimaginable.

If this is the case, then it can be explained that Jianjian is afraid of being the first of the four major Kendos in Dongting Jianshan, which is the most inscrutable one.

On the strength alone, the Star Kendo should be the most.

On killing alone, killing Kendo is the most important.

In terms of destruction, the destruction of Kendo is the most important.

But when it comes to unpredictability and potential, it's the Kendo.

Number one is for number one.

Many people understand that destruction is easy to create.

To build and produce something, you must first understand and familiarize yourself with the knowledge and structure of that thing. Then you must be proficient and even superbly skilled and spend a lot of time and energy to carefully and painstakingly construct. Only in the end can it succeed. Likely to fail.

But destruction does not need to be considered so much, so much attention, whether the knowledge and structure of that thing is familiar, does not hinder destruction.

Directly use violence to destroy it, no matter what kind of structure, all can be destroyed.

Therefore, what is particular about destruction is that it has enough power to suffice.

Speaking of which, creation is more difficult and wiser than destruction.

Ultimately, Jian Jiandao transcends the limit and turns into creation.

It was also mentioned that everything in the martial arts courtyard, such as the mountains, stones, plants, etc., is not really real, but is condensed by the mystery of martial arts, which is comparable to the real.

The more he understood, the stronger the shock in Chen Zong's heart.

What a mystery, how deep, but that is too far and far away from my own level, unimaginable.

Cultivate it.

Chen Zong began to enlighten other martial arts of the illusion.

The martial arts of illusion is mainly based on swordsmanship, but there are other aspects of martial arts, which form the complete illusion of martial arts, which is based on the sword of illusion.

Chen Zong has cultivated the sword of fantasy road to the extreme, mastered the upright meaning, and has a solid foundation.

Blue eyes of magic!

Royal Magic Body!

Thirty-six types of magic cloud flow front!

The magic is endless!

The purpose of Chen Zong is not to cultivate all of them to the extreme. It will take too much time. After all, in addition to the martial arts of the imaginary pulse, there are the martial arts of the annihilation of the pulse and the martial arts of the other ten pulses Adding up is too much. I am just one person with limited energy and time.

The most important thing is to understand the essence of the martial arts.

Cultivation of martial arts is only means and processes, and grasping the essence of its mystery is fundamental.

The mysteries are deep and unpredictable, Chen Zong decides to spend some time to understand them.

As a true disciple of Liang Da Yuan, Chen Zong was naturally arranged for his own residence and began to enter the retreat.

As for the outside world, news has already spread.

For example, how many people were selected by the sword of the one hundred Dongting Sword Gardens. Then, in the second test, how many people were eliminated and how many people were able to actually enter the Dongting Sword Mountain as disciples.

Of course, as for those who entered the Dongting Jianshan to become disciples, whether they are named disciples or true disciples, etc., the outside world does not know.

To the outside world, Dongting Jianshan is easy to find out, but the more detailed information is not clear for those without a certain status.

But no matter what, most genius Jian Xiu has been eliminated, and many of them are well-known in various galaxies.

In this way, how amazing are those who can enter Dongting Jianshan as a disciple.

"Okay." Su Lan knew that among the dozens of people who entered Jianting of Dongting, there was Chen Zong one who couldn't help showing a smile, very excited, from the heart.

Dongting Jianshan, but it is an extremely powerful existence in the void. Compared with the unitary religion, it is more than a hundred times more powerful, even a thousand times more powerful.

Perhaps the strongest in the monarchy entered Dongting Jianshan, and it was nothing.

Chen Zong's ability to enter Dongting Jianshan is absolutely promising.

When Yan Zhen knew the news, he turned black.

Jian Gongzi, this is indeed an amazing identity in the two galaxies ruled by the unitary religion, but it can only be considered good for the entire star domain.

For the whole void, it is nothing at all. Dongting Jianshan is very powerful. Among them, the magical realm is unknown.

That Chen Zong was able to enter Dongting Jianshan as his disciple shows that his talents are amazing, and when he is successful in cultivation, he is definitely not good for himself.

But it happened, and he was helpless.

Among the people who entered the Dongting Sword Garden of the one-dimensional galaxy, it was finally counted that only two of them passed the test and actually entered the Dongting Sword Mountain to become their disciples.

The first is Tianzong Chen Zong.

The first is Bai Yanluo.

As for the others, whether it is the true biography of the monarchy, the true biography of Fenglingmen or the true biography of the Tianxing Army, etc., all have been eliminated.

Perhaps it is not that they are not capable, but that they are out of luck.

For example, the young commander of the Heavenly Penalty Army and the master of Fenglingmen, etc., originally they hoped to enter the East Court Jianshan, and they could also mix up as a disciple.

But helplessly, in Fujian Kingdom, they received the post from Prince Luo and went to Fujian Mountain, then died there, and all the sword marks obtained were gone.

Although they worked very hard for a while, they did not get much.

In the end, luck was eliminated and it was not good.

If they didn't go to Fujian Mountain, there would be a 70% to 80% chance to become a named disciple of Dongting Jianshan.

However, the world talks about heroes based on their success or failure. What is the process? Only one can understand it. Outsiders simply cannot understand it, let alone pay attention to it.

Whether you work harder or harder, that is also your business. Whether it succeeds in the end is the focus of outsiders.

One hundred Dongting Sword Gardens, one thousand selected, and ultimately less than one hundred geniuses who entered the Dongting Sword Mountain. The one yuan galaxy occupied two people, which was amazing, attracting countless people's discussions, and once became a key topic.

Bai Yanluo ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ became famous earlier than Tianxinjian. His low birth, only a small family, but rises because of the adventures of the sky. It is famous for the airspace of the second town of the first-ary galaxy. Sheng.

As for the Tianxin Jian Chen Zong, he became famous later and fewer people knew him. He first became famous in the second town boundary city.

However, his origin seems to be even lower. It seems to be an indigenous from a distant star. Because of some accidents, he drifted into the void, and was fortunately brought by Miss Lin Jiaer to the second town boundary city. The road to fame began.

In the Ring Sword Star Lin's family, many people are laughing and laughing, at least that the relationship between Chen Zong and Lin Weiyin is still good. There is a good basis for each other. Maybe in the future, there are places to rely on each other.

As for the Chu family on Shanhexing, the situation is different from the Lin family.

Because of the relationship between the Chushan River and the Chu family, the Chu family had many feuds with Chen Zong. Later, even after the failure of recruiting Chen Zong, they also planned to kill, were rescued by the chaos of the city, and were warned.

This grudge ended.

If Chen Zong is doing well, that's fine, but now, it's not good enough to describe it.

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