Sword God

Vol 35 Chapter 70: The Second Supreme Thought (Part 1)

(I do n’t know how many friends have forgotten this)

The Ring Sword Star Lin family is happy because of its relationship with Chen Zong, and Shanhexing bids because of conflict with Chen Zong and is worried.

But the party's Chen Zong did not know.

In Dongting Jianshan, Chen Zong retreats, ignores everything else, and wholeheartedly learns the mystery of martial arts sword art.

In Chen Zong's whole body, the breath began to become blurred, and there was an unreal feeling between the traces of the diffuse, like the moon in the flower in the mirror, dreamy and blurred.

Time passed slowly, and in a blink of an eye, it was more than half a year later.

Chen Zong's breath gradually faded, and then he was restrained and disappeared.

The eyes opened, a clear water, and suddenly ripples of ripples spread out, and suddenly, the air under the eyes' gaze changed, as if injected with a dreamlike breath.

When Chen Zong closed his eyes and opened them again, he was completely clear like water.

At this point, the training comes to an end and it's time to get out.

Cultivation focuses on the combination of work and rest. When you feel that it is about the same time, you should stop and do not force it. Otherwise, it will only cause a load on yourself and bring bad consequences.

The place where Chen Zong lived was located in the destruction of the Taoist Temple. The feeling of the Martyrdom to Chen Zong was strange and unpredictable, quite dangerous.

Stepping out of the Destruction Orthodox Temple, Chen Zong walked up and down the Jianshan Mountain, letting his mind go while walking.

"Chen Zong, pick me a sword." A sound with a bit of madness suddenly sounded, like a thunder suddenly blasted, and rushed directly into the ear. Then, an extremely strong sword light suddenly flashed, as if The cluster stars are bright, as if the supernova exploded instantly, sending out an unparalleled amount of violent violence, directly bombarded.

A pulse of the star: Xiaotianxing burst swordsmanship!

This sword method is deeper and stronger than the sword of the star path, but to cultivate, you must have the foundation of the sword of the star path.

The man who shot was the sword mad.

Sword Madness is certainly not its real name, but a title because of his character and sword style.


The sword mad is very combative, it is just a madman. In his star field, the level of the sub-god is very famous.

But after entering the Eastern Sword Jianshan, he is listed in the true story of the Star Academy, and after several times he has entered the true story of the Star Academy, those people have begun to hide from themselves and no longer fight against themselves. .

Looking for a true disciple of the previous generation or even the previous generation?

They are all psychic gods. To fight for psychic gods is purely to death.

But there is no way. Except for the new true disciples, no other sub-gods can be found in the entire East Sword Jianshan, all of which are psychic.

Therefore, the sword mad hit his idea on the new true stories of other Taoist schools, but unfortunately everyone was practicing, and he came out from time to time to try his luck.

This time, I met Chen Zong.

First of all, they reminded them, and then drew their swords to kill them. When they shot, they practiced a certain degree of star bursting swordsmanship.

Killed with a sword, the starlight burst, bursting out with an astonishing mighty power, the power of which was extremely powerful, as if destroying everything.

Chen Zong reacted instantly and issued a sword.

Invincible sword!

Killed with a sword, the breath of astonishing destruction suddenly filled, as if destroying the void, terrible to the extreme, the bursting starlight was instantly crushed and destroyed.

The sword mad pupil shrank like a needle and grinned again, seeming to be very excited. He was fully urged by his strength, holding the epee with both hands, raised high, and the endless starlight shone and condensed on the sword.

Xiaotianxing Town Sword!

A sword was cut off, and the sword body disappeared. There was only a huge dazzling to the extreme star light shining, as if pulled from the deepest part of the void, and turned into an ancient star. When it landed, it suppressed the world.

This swordsmanship is the strongest swordsmanship in the veins of the stars. On the level, it belongs to the level of little magical power, but it is the most advanced level of magical power. It is infinitely close to the power of great magical power.

One sword turned into a star, suppressing the earth in general. The sword that Chen Zong wielded was momentarily crushed, and the force of destruction was shattered.

A sword-shaped star was shot down in the air, and everything disappeared. Chen Zong only felt that an invisible but unmatched force suppresses himself as if to suppress himself forever.

However, Chen Zong was not half nervous. Such power was indeed very strong, but it was nothing. He could break it if he wanted to.

However, another approach might be good.

From the sword, there seemed to be a breath of breath spreading out, like a dreamlike feeling, spreading silently.

With the turning of Jianguang, the clouds changed, and the wind was blowing.

Thirty-six types of magic cloud flow front!

This is the superb swordsmanship of the illusion. Of course, in terms of level, it is not as good as that of the small Tianxing Zhenyu sword, but when it is displayed under Chen Zong's sword, it looks unpredictable, mysterious and exquisite. Even more exquisite.

The sword mad launched out with a sword, only to feel that everything in front of him was broken by his own sword, that is the supreme force, unparalleled arrogance and violent violence, directly defeating everything, and then suppress it, suppress all generations, Suppressed with eternal immortal power, eternal life cannot escape.

The mystery of Star Kendo lies in strength and immortality. When the two are completely integrated into one, they can show the true power of Star Kendo.

The small Tianxing Zhenyu sword exhibited by the sword mad has not actually reached that level, but now he feels that the power of that level is exhibited by his sword, although it is just fur, it is very amazing .

This kind of power made him feel that he had surpassed the sub-god level, and was comparable to the Tongshen state.

Really powerful power, the sword madness advocating strength can't help but feel fascinated.

As everyone knows, he has already been recruited, and he has been recruited by Chen Zonghuan.

A touch of the sword light, as if refracted in the void, avoided everything and killed directly.

The sword mad only felt a tingling pain in his brows, as if the spirit was pierced, and he woke up instantly.

Chen Zong's sword lightly touched Jian Jian's eyebrow, and it was received at the touch, but Jian Feng knew that he was defeated.

Defeated inexplicably.

"How did you do that?" Jian Jian frowned and asked, he was warlike, but he could afford to lose.

"An illusion." Chen Zong answered with a smile.

If it is a life and death, you should easily take the life of the sword mad.

From the perspective of Chen Zong, the strength of this sword mad is absolutely very strong, and it is much stronger than that of Master Linglingmen of the Criminal Army that day, second only to the level of Prince Luo.

As for the contemporary true biography of the monarchism, such as the non-returning sword, Bai Mei, etc., although they are also very powerful, they cannot be compared with them.

It's just a sub-level peak, and the gap is still very big.

But he is definitely stronger than Prince Luo.

It's self-confidence.

The sword mad is very depressed. He likes to fight hard and hard. When confronted with the martial arts of fantasy, he has a dwarfed feeling. He seems to be very powerful, but that is an illusion. On the contrary, it is actually hand-to-hand. open.

It's so speechless.

After thinking about it, Jian Kuang stopped looking for Chen Zong.

For Chen Zong, this was just a small episode. After the retreat, he went out to wander around and relax, but a battle occurred, which made Chen Zong also realize the inscrutableness of Dongting Jianshan swordsmanship.

After strolling around for a while, Chen Zong returned to the Destruction of the Taoist Temple and closed the retreat again. This time, he was enlightened by the sword art and martial arts of Destruction.

Seeing it, suddenly, Chen Zong felt that in Shenhai, the group was constantly changing its Tao.

In the depths, countless forces are colliding and exploding, as if they can destroy everything and destroy everything. Isn't that the force of destruction?

Chen Zong's heart was touched.

It turns out that this is still within the transformation of the Tao, such a situation.

That destroying power deepened Chen Zong's understanding of swordsmanship and martial arts, and its efficiency suddenly increased several times.

The various swordsmanship methods of the Destruction of the One Pulse have been continuously mastered by Chen Zong, and Chen Zong also found that the more profound the essence of the swordsmanship of the Destruction of the One Method is, the more the destruction power in the transformation of Taoism seems to become more and more. Domineering, the speed of evolution is getting faster.

Does such a method help me to transform this idea as soon as possible?

Chen Zong could not help but have a whimsy.

Enlightenment Enlightenment Enlightenment!

Constant enlightenment, all the mysteries of the golden wood, water, fire, wind, ice, thunder, light, darkness, etc., and the mystery of the pulse of extinction were all enlightened and mastered by Chen Zong.

This feeling is extremely beautiful. In a short period of time, the effect of enlightenment is ten times better than before.

Chen Zong once suspected that he had to destroy the new way of thinking he wanted to master?

Or something related to the meaning of destruction?

Whether or not Chen Zong is not clear, it is just a speculation, but it seems certain now that the Taoism in this transformation has obviously helped oneself to understand the mystery of destruction, and the same When you achieve improvement in the mysteries of the mysteries of destruction, you can in turn promote the strengthening of the power of destruction in the Tao and accelerate the transformation.

Accelerating means shortening time.

Chen Zong couldn't help but expect something.

Previously, this idea had been undergoing metamorphosis, but the metamorphosis was not completed. Chen Zong was once expected to be dull. Gradually, he didn't pay much attention, just waiting for it to complete metamorphosis. After all, at that time, he felt completely incompetent. To change.

It's not the same now ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ It seems that I chose to destroy the vein of Kendo, and it was indeed correct.

It was a choice according to the mind.

It is the right way to follow the original choice.

Then, let yourself be here, and transform this second Taoism, and see what kind of Taoism it will be.

Chen Zong feels that this second Taoism may be like the sword of the heart, and it is also a Supreme Taoism.

Supreme thought!

The Word is Supreme!

That is an extreme power.

Enlightenment, evolution, mutual promotion and complementarity.

Chen Zong did not know how long it had elapsed, nor how much time it took, but only felt that the destructive power of the second Taoism in the transformation had been accumulated to the extreme.

After the extreme, it was a complete outbreak.

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