Sword God

Vol 35 Chapter 71: The second kind of Supreme Thought (below)

(Just thinking about what to eat at night, forget to update, sin and sin)

What is the ultimate destruction?

It is an explosion, it is the complete destruction of all existence, and it becomes nothing.

The chaotic thoughts in the transformation of Shenhai were instantly struck by the ultimate destruction force and exploded instantly. At that moment, Chen Zong only felt as if he had been blown up by the spirit.



Nothing has disappeared, nothing exists, everything is in nothingness.

What is nothingness?

Nothing, nothing.

No body, no soul, no thought, nothing.

"Did ... am I dead?" A thought suddenly emerged in the nothingness.

I didn't expect to just change the second way of thinking, but killed myself.

Chen Zong can feel that as he continues to understand the mysteries of destruction in the vein of destruction, after the accumulation of understanding reaches the extreme, it seems that a trace of unimaginable power is born, that power is the power of destruction, and the power of incomparably brilliant.

It is that trace of power that has caused the chaotic Taoism to explode directly into nothingness, as if everything like its own sea of ​​gods has become nothingness.

Is that so dead?

Not reconciled, but also cried and laughed.

Sure enough, cultivation has risks. The greater the gains, the greater the risks. Then, this time, have you not carried the risks and worshipped completely?

Do not!

If you really die, why can you still think about these issues?

Back to light?

No, Chen Zong can be sure that he is still alive, his thinking is still there, and his thoughts are still there.

He did not die.

However, even if there is no death, but now there is nothing, how can I get away?

Where to go from here?

Chen Zong felt bewildered.

Suddenly, Chen Zong recalled the mystery performed by the four kendo masters at the time.

The stars and killings were all destroyed under the force of destruction and turned into nothingness, but with the emergence of the power of sorrow, the mountains and rivers, the rivers of trees and trees, the stars of the sun and the moon, all turned into one world.

That seems to be a new world created from nothing.

With a change of mind, nothingness begins to change.

In the beginning, the mystery of Jianyuan Gong also emerged.

Within nothingness, a stream of airflow emerged, more and more dense, and suddenly the airflow began to differentiate.

The turbid gas sinks and the clear gas rises.

The sinking turbid gas continuously accumulates and condenses, turning into a land.

The rising air is constantly diffused away, becoming increasingly misty and turning into a sky.

Between countless breaths, the earth and the sky are constantly expanding and expanding, becoming even more vast.

On the sky, a cloud of clouds filled the air, condensing into a white cloud.

On the earth, pieces of land rise and turn into mountains. Pieces of land sink and crack, and become gullies. Rainfall is increasingly violent, covering the sky.

The gully was filled with water, and it became a river.

I don't know when, on both sides of the river, there are buds breaking through the ground and gradually growing, as if the time of decades has elapsed, the buds grow into towering trees, with lush foliage and lush foliage.

The wind blew from a distance, through the woods, and the leaves swayed, rustling, and the river was turbulent and rippled.

The river rushes and converges into a huge, forward-thinking pit, turning into the sea.

Rivers and lakes, all shaped.

The hills and mountains are endless.

The vegetation is continuous and dense.

Immediately at high altitude, a bit of light condensed, gradually enlarged, radiating a dazzling brilliance, the light shining on the earth, flowing above the earth, and beyond everything.

It was sunshine, it was scorching sun.

At the level of the sun's shadow, a meniscus condensed out, looming and looking far away from Lieyang. When the sun is set to the west, it will jump out of the east and dance with the night.

Little stars, hidden above the sky, is the light of the stars.



One world is condensed and displayed.




The sound of the sky is magnificent, and the sound of the Tao is spread.

It was the voice of the avenue, the voice of the heaven, and descended directly from the void.

I saw that outside the East Mountain Jianshan, in the void, a colorful light continually gathered and turned into a undulating lake, that lake is extremely vast.

That sounds like Jiu Caiguang Lake.

When Chen Zong in Tianyuan Sanctuary broke through the limits of swordsmanship and mastered the swordsmanship of the Supreme Heart, he also appeared on Dadao Tianyin and Jiu Caiguang Lake. However, he was in Tianyuan Sanctuary at that time and was restricted. Fully revealed.

Today, it is in the Jianshan of Dongting. I do n’t know how many times it is more powerful than Tianyuan Sanctuary. It is directly connected to the void. There is no isolation and the power is full.

That nine-colored sky lake is constantly permeating, condensing incomparable mystery, it is a mystery of the avenue in the void, and countless mysteries merge in it, intertwining, intertwining, colliding.

The sound of the avenue is so vast that no one can clearly understand what it is chanting, but they can hear it, which contains an incredible mystery.

"Jiucai Tianhu, Tiandao Tianyin, it seems that someone has achieved the ultimate ideology."

"who is it?"

"It was him."

"It doesn't seem to be arrogant."

"But I don't know which Supreme Word he has accomplished?"

"In Dongting Jianshan, there are five types of Supreme Taoism recorded in history. The four ancient swordsmanships correspond to the ancient stars, Taoism, extreme slaughter, Taoism, and true fantasy. And Dong Ting Jianyi, what kind of supreme purpose this son has transformed. "

"It's definitely not Dongting Jianyi."

The representative of Dongting Jianyi is the owner of Dongting Sword. Within the entire Dongting Jianshan, only the owner of Dongting Sword has mastered this meaning, and there is no inheritor.

As for the other four Supreme Supreme ideas, they are the Four Great Kendos and the Four Avenues.

Nothing is more difficult.

Even not many people know it, compared to that huge group of practitioners.

Dongting Jianshan is a well-known powerful force in the void. However, there are very few people who have mastered the Supreme Meaning, and only a few of them are known.

Dongting Sword Master!

The owner of Fourth Avenue Hospital!

The sword of Fourth Avenue!

You know, Dongting Jianshan is in the void, and it can be regarded as the top-level star-level force. Although its number is not large, all of them are at the level of the gods, and they are very strong, especially Dong Ting Sword Master is even more powerful.

Unlike other forces, Dongting Jianshan follows the elite line, each of which is a genius among the geniuses, an elite among the elites.

In this way, only nine people in the entire Dongting Jianshan have mastered the ultimate meaning.

Today, the tenth is born.



The intricate complexion permeates the hearts of many people, especially those who have mocked Chen Zong.

My heart is bitter.

Supreme thought!

Although both of them have achieved the Divine Realm, and no longer have the ultimate meaning, they always feel sour in their hearts.

Mastering the Supreme Meaning, this means that this person's future is very amazing, and he is expected to become a sword. In the future, even the power of the level of the courtyard master, there is a slight possibility, like the sword master of the East Court, suppresses the void. Strong.

If you let them know, Chen Zong not only mastered the Supreme Thought, but also the second one. I don't know what it will be like.

Even the owner of Dongting Sword cannot be indifferent.

Every look came.

"Good boy." The owner of the Destruction Academy smiled.

The Star Academy and the Killing Academy are silent, and it is by no means trivial to be able to grasp the Supreme Taoism, but at the time they rejected Chen Zong, there was nothing to say.

"How is it possible!" Prince Hao Luo clenched his fists, and his talents were like him. Now, he is only mastering the top-level Taoism. Although there are several top-level Taoisms, nothing can be compared with the Supreme Taoism .

It's as if fireflies are better than Haoyue. Haoyue has only one round.

That is the essential difference.

"Supreme Sense." Prince Muluo's fists became more and more clenched, his eyes became red, his breathing became short, and it took a while before he gradually calmed down: "I can also master Supreme Sense, my institute The mastery of several top-level morals has been cultivated to the extreme, and only need to cultivate the inheritance of killing kendo, combined with my own top-level morals, we can definitely master the ultimate slaughter.

Previously, there was limited understanding of Dongting Jianshan. I thought that if I got a lot of sword marks, I could become a sword at once. I didn't realize it until I actually entered Dongting Jianshan. It was not that simple.

Prince Luo's mood was better. He entered the killing monastery, which happened to be the same as the top-level Taoism he had cultivated.

In this way, as long as you work hard, there is a possibility that the top-level Taoism will be merged and transformed, and ultimately the ultimate slaughter and Taoism will be achieved, and you will master this supreme Taoism.

Although it is only a bit possible, you must do it anyway, even if you pay a great price, even if you do nothing.

Chen Zong is completely immersed in the transformation of Taoism and does not know everything about the outside world.

In fact, Shenhai still exists. The one just blasted into nothingness is just a feeling.

Within Shenhai, the sword of the heart was shaking gently, and on the other side, a mass of heaven and earth revolved. Inside, there was a clear distinction.

Sun, moon, stars, rivers and lakes, mountains and vegetation.

That is exactly what a world looks like, except that there are no creatures.

But in the next breath, there seemed to be a gurgling sound and a roar, and the birds condensed, flew between the trees, flew up into the sky, beasts roared, and ran between the wild plants.

With birds and beasts, this side of the world ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ suddenly a little more movement, a little more vitality, as if it is the real world of a party.

Chen Zong carefully observed and felt carefully, this is the second kind of meaning he has mastered.

The second kind is supreme!

Supreme Taoism means the ultimate level of Taoism. Chen Zong, who has mastered a Supreme Taoism, is very clear and has the power of Supreme Taoism.

In fact, when it comes to other talents, there is still a gap between Tianjiao and those from the top forces.

After all, his origins are ordinary, and his blood is ordinary, because his parents are ordinary.

If it weren't for the powerful and transcendent soul of the soul, who would already be out of nowhere, how could they sing all the way.

There are shortcomings, as well as advantages.

The origin is the short board, the blood is the short board, and the physique is the short board. However, the soul is the advantage, the understanding is the advantage, and the morality is also the advantage.

Therefore, for the second kind of supremacy, Chen Zong looks forward to it.

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