Sword God

Vol 35 Chapter 72: Chance of Jianshan

Within Shenhai, the chaos full of destruction has completely disappeared, replaced by the epitome of one world and one world.

Feeling the mystery carefully, it is a mystery of its own, which makes Chen Zong a little confused.

It was originally thought that the ultimate achievement was the destruction of the Taoism, but it was not, but the destruction to the extreme, and the chance coincided with the mystery of creation.

Chen Zong couldn't help thinking.

"In the beginning, the meaning was yin and yang, the yin pole was yang, and the yang pole was extremely yin."

Chen Zong recalled that he was enlightened at the origin of the world of the heavenly sanctuary.

"Beginning with yin and yang, you realize the true meaning of life and death. The end of life is death, and the end of death is life. Life and death overlap, turning into reincarnation."

According to Chen Zong's understanding, the ultimate meaning of reincarnation should also be supreme.

But in the end, I do n’t know the meaning of reincarnation.

It's a new way of thinking.

Yin, yang, life and death, reincarnation, and the mystery of wind, fire, thunder and Taoism, and the mysteries of the Taoism that are learned from the origin of the world.

Thousands of thoughts, in the end, ended with the ultimate in destruction, and the beginning with the ultimate.

"It's like a world. In this case, it's called world morality." Chen Zong didn't have too much entanglement.

World Taoism, the second Supreme Taoism after the sword of heart, has amazing potential.

But now, Chen Zong doesn't know what the power of this world's Taoism is, and he has to dig it himself. This seems to be more difficult than tapping the potential of the Sword of Heart.

Regardless of the sword of mind on one side, Chen Zong's thoughts moved the power of the world's Taoism.

A roar rang immediately, but it was not heard, only heard in Shenhai.

A unique force was immediately mobilized by Chen Zong, spreading out instantly, condensed in the fingers.

A little bit, as if there was an astonishing roar, and it felt like that finger was falling, as if a world were coming down and directly suppressing the void.

"Suppression!" Chen Zong stunned for a moment. Is this the power and mystery of the world?

The mystery of the sword of the heart lies in the control of the will, the extraordinary perception and the indomitable sharpness. Does the mystery of the world's thoughts lie in suppression?

Is there anything other than suppression?

Chen Zong couldn't help thinking.

It is gratifying to master the Supreme Thought, but if you ca n’t dig out its mystery and power, it ’s as if you ca n’t mine without a precious mountain, and it will only increase your troubles.

Chen Zong estimates that in the future he will have to spend a lot of time and energy on this world.

If you want to break through the magical realm, at least you must develop all the powers you have to the extreme, so that the situation of instability will not occur.

It is not so easy to break through the sacred realm. From ancient times to the present, many brilliant people have failed because of small negligence.

After all, the consequences of failure are death. Although there are a few exceptions that can survive, there is no chance of breakthrough in life.

After mastering the second kind of worldly truth, Chen Zong was tapping its potential at all times, but Chen Zong was soon called.

Moreover, he was summoned by the master of the Dongting sword, which surprised Chen Zong.

"Seniors of Sword Science, what is the meaning of the Supreme Master?" There seemed to be a voice of seemingly restrained and seemingly endlessly domineering, as if in the void.

"World morals," Chen Zong responded.

"World doctrine ... what kind of doctrine is this?" The voice seemed a little doubtful: "Show your domineering power."

Chen Zong did not refuse, after all, he was very curious about the meaning of this world, and the other party was the master of Dongting Sword, the strongest of Dongting Sword Mountain, and one of the strongest in the void. Not sure what you can see, give yourself a few words, when the benefits are endless.

Chen Zong mobilized a hint of worldly power. Suddenly, an outline of the world's shadow appeared around him, causing a shock.

Immediately, Chen Zong felt that trace of the power of the world, out of his control, and was mastered by the owner of Dongting Sword, who did not know where it existed.

Chen Zong did not speak, waiting quietly, a little nervous inside.

Dong Ting Sword Master, who is the leader of the void, is called by such a strong, it is impossible not to be nervous.

After a moment, Chen Zong felt the power of the world's will again, and returned to his control.

"It's a weird way of thinking. It ends in destruction and starts with creation."

"However, the meaning of your world is still very simple. The sun, moon, stars, rivers, lakes, vegetation, birds and beasts are all illusory, only appearance, but no essence, not real."

"This idea has amazing potential. It is a world of its own. What will happen in the future depends on your own cultivation and mastery. If you master it well, it may become the top-most Supreme Idea. If you do n’t master it, it will be ordinary. through."

"For such new ideas, I can't give you any guidance. It's all up to you to explore."

The words of the master of the Dongting sword directly penetrated into Chen Zong's heart, allowing Chen Zong to hear it clearly.

Although he did not say anything in-depth, and did not have any clear instructions, Chen Zong also heard clearly.

World Taoism is a new Taoism, and even Dongting Sword Master has never heard of it.

Another point is that the world has great potential, but if it is a dragon or a snake, it depends on its ability.

If its development cannot be tapped to the extreme, then perhaps it is just in the name of a supreme innocence, and the real power may not reach the level it deserves.

But if you master it well, it is hoped that it will be the best.

After being summoned by the Master of the East Sword, Chen Zong was summoned by the leaders of the destroyed Taoist Academy and the Taoist Academy, both of whom were curious about the supreme sense of Master Chen Zong.

Unfortunately, they can't give any effective advice. Everything can only be realized by Chen Zong's own enlightenment, cultivation, and excavation.

To unearth the potential and power of the world, Chen Zong feels that the best way is to use swordsmanship.

Swordplay is a skill, a deep application and excavation of power.

If there is a corresponding swordsmanship, the potential and power of the world can be further tapped, but unfortunately not, you can only create your own.

After spending several months, Chen Zong finally created a suitable sword technique.

"The world ... comes!"

In a low-pitched voice, Chen Zong was cut off, and the power of the world ’s will condensed and flowed, and then cut off. It was a sword energy, but it was also a world. Coming down directly, suppressing everything, the power was extremely amazing. .

As the years passed, unknowingly, two years passed.

Dozens of people, including Chen Zong, have come to Jianshan of Dongting for two years.

Dongting Jianshan deserves to be a top-notch power with an amazing heritage. After two years of cultivation, everyone's strength has clearly improved.

Dozens of new disciples have all been gathered, regardless of whether they are true disciples or registered disciples.

Chen Zong suddenly became the focus, because everyone knew that Chen Zong had mastered a supreme sense.

What is Supreme Word?

They are all clear that that is the ultimate of Taoism, the Taoism closest to the avenue.

Taoism, to put it plainly, is a road to the avenue. The higher the level of Taoism, the closer it is to the avenue. The smoother the road, the easier it is to reach the avenue, and then take that step. , Master the avenue, so as to achieve psychic.

Supremely, it is already very close to the power of the avenue.

There are even rumors that when the potential of supreme will be tapped to the extreme, even a trace of the power of the corresponding avenue can be grasped in advance, even if it is only an insignificant trace.

But from ancient times to the present, there are very few, very few who can really do this.

"My Dongting Jianshan, since I have a great chance, any Jianshan disciple has a chance to get that chance." In front of dozens of disciples, there was a middle-aged person who was the true disciple of Jianshan.

The structure of Dongting Jianshan is relatively simple. The highest is the sword master, followed by the four main courtyard masters, then the vice president, and then the elders.

Under the elders, there are swords.

Jianzi can also be regarded as the range of disciples, and the second to Jianzi is the true biography disciples, divided into the number of true biography.

In the true story, they are named disciples.

"I am the eighteenth true story of the Star Academy. You can call me Brother Wanxing." The middle-aged man has a serious tone, and his voice contains a sense of grand power.

Each time Dongting Jianshan recruits disciples, there are long and short time intervals, ranging from hundreds of years to thousands of years.

And the number of disciples received each time is not the same, but not more than a hundred, and Jianshan has the rules of Jianshan, but it is not always possible to stay in Jianshan.

When there is no corresponding progress breakthrough within the prescribed time, you must leave Jianshan.

Therefore, there will be so few talents in Dongting Jianshan, less than a thousand, but each one is a true elite.

True rankings are closely related to strength. The higher the strength, the higher the ranking, the higher the ranking. In addition to a reputation, of course, there will be other benefits.

As for Chen Zong and their true stories, there is no title of the first true story. There is only one title, that is, the new true story, because they are not the gods, only the gods can qualify for the ranking.

"Master Sword Master is in the void, intercepting the origin of Kendo, sealed in the sword mountain." True story Wanxing said without Xu Buji ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The voice is deep and powerful, as if it is a drum-like rhythm. The words shocked everyone.


The origin of Kendo!

It is the origin of Kendo, taken directly from the void.

There is an origin in the void, an origin in the stars, and an origin in the world.

It is also the origin, but there is also a difference between strong and weak.

There is no doubt that compared with the origin of the world, the origin of the void is more vast and powerful.

"Your chance is to understand the origin of Kendo." Wan Xing's words immediately made everyone breathless and excited.


See the origin of Kendo.

What an amazing opportunity that is, even Prince Prince Luo's heart is full of excitement, because a force as strong as the Ming Luo Empire has no ability to intercept the origin of the Void Avenue, at most it is to realize the breath of the Avenue Avenue, but he is expensive For Prince Edward, there is no such qualification.

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