Sword God

Vol 35 Chapter 73: The essence of sword repair

The origin of Kendo!

What a treasure, what a chance.

Chen Zongdu was excited.

Just understanding the origin of the world of the Heavenly Yuan Sanctuary has given me great benefits, and the Heavenly Yuan Sanctuary is just a world that has not yet been restored.

However, the origin of Kendo in Jianshan is the origin of Kendo in the void. The gap between the two is just like firefly and Haoyue.

Of course, it is also worth considering that the higher the high-end, the greater the gap with the sub-god level, and the lessen the gains during enlightenment will naturally be smaller, after all, the levels are too far apart.

The origin of Void Kendo is actually more suitable for enlightenment.

However, the genius of the sub-god level can go to enlightenment, and there are also some gains. It will also be of great benefit for future promotion to the gods.

"Although there is a source of Kendo in Jianshan, it is not something you can do if you want to do it." Wan Xing really passed through Shen Chen, his eyes seemed to be shining brightly, and he passed the people's faces slowly and with great power. Take everyone's look into the eyes: "Jianshan is always concerned about the survival of the fittest. Without the ability, he loses the opportunity and eventually leaves."

After a few words, let everyone look dignified.

It is precisely because of the concept of Dongting Jianshan that there are less than a thousand people in the entire Dongting Jianshan, but each is a strong one, even if the strength is not particularly strong at one time, they have extraordinary potential and talent. .

"Our generation of sword repair, no matter the level of talent, regardless of the level of understanding, regardless of the depth of potential, will ultimately be based on strength." Wan Xingzhen said solemnly: "Sword is a sharp weapon, the main edge, warrior and kill, otherwise, it is just empty Better not practice. "

Everyone understood.

Some people are truly talented and amazing. One day of training is equivalent to ten days of training by others, or even longer. However, they will practice and will not be used. Once they fight with others, they will not be able to apply them flexibly, and they will not be able to exert their abilities. Some strength.

In the end, it became a stepping stone to others' reputation.

Some people may have more ordinary cultivation talents, but they can give full play to each of their own strengths and every learning they have learned.

Cultivators have great talents and great potentials, but they need sufficient combat power to feel at ease.

It can be said that cultivation is fundamental, and combat power is a means of protection.

You want to climb to a higher level, see the mysteries of a higher realm, be detached from everything, you can, but the premise is that you must have sufficient self-protection ability. If the self-protection ability is insufficient, it is easy to die. What else to talk about? Detached.

Especially sword repair, as a sword repair, when there is a sharp edge, where does the sharp edge come from?

From cultivation, from polishing.

Cultivation means practicing swords, sharpening means fighting.

That's what the Wanxing Zhenchuan said in just a few words.

"Dongting Jianshan, there are hundreds of battles and hundreds of killing Taiwan. One battle and one kill is one step, one step is one foot, one hundred feet to the top, and then you can go to the origin of Kendo and see the origin of Kendo." Wan Xingzhen Chuanning said "Now, wait with me."

"Hundred battles and hundreds of killing Taiwan." Chen Zong groaned, never heard of it before.

One battle is one step, one step at a time.

Not long after, dozens of named disciples and true biography disciples came to the so-called battles and killing Taiwan with Wanxing true biography.

It is a hundred steps, looking up one by one, it looks very ordinary.

Each step is one foot wide, one foot long, and one foot high, like moss-covered slabs of stone. If you place it elsewhere, it may make people feel very ordinary and don't look at it more.

But here, but Dongting Jianshan, everything is unusual.

Sometimes, the more ordinary and simple things appear on the surface, the more uncommon and simple they are.

When you actually walked under the battlefield and the battlefield, you looked up, but found that there was a layer of mist surging, covering everything, so that everyone couldn't see the end.

It's like a stairway to heaven, endless.

When looking at the first step, there was a mysterious and pervasive feeling, as if it were not a step, but a world.

"Course first from a named disciple, remember, only by breaking through the battlefield and killing Taiwan to reach the top can you be qualified to learn the origin of Kendo." Wan Xing passed a deep voice and glanced away: "You should remember One point, the sub-god level is a level with unlimited potential. Even if the cultivation is promoted to the extreme, in other aspects, it can still be continuously improved. The more the improvement, the greater the benefit to your future practice. "

At the sub-god level, the potential is endless. This is what Chen Zong has felt.

For example, the practice of swordsmanship, even if it is only a little magical level swordsmanship, it has been practiced more, and is more in line with its own morals. .

Of course, endlessness is just a description. It is not true. If true cultivation continues, sooner or later, the true limit will be reached, but at the sub-level level, very few can reach that true limit.

"I'll try it." A named disciple laughed, a confident smile on his face.

Outside of Jianshan, in the galaxy in which he lives, he is the well-deserved first genius. Even in the entire star field, he is well-known, and few people can compare with himself.

Now in the two years in Jianshan, his strength has been significantly improved compared with before.

Self-confidence comes from strength.

Increased strength brings stronger self-confidence.

He feels that if he kills Taiwan in a hundred battles, he can certainly break through.

However, ideals are beautiful and reality is cruel.

One, two, three ...

After a while, the named disciple ascended the tenth floor of the ladder. From the outside alone, everyone couldn't see any mystery at all, but only saw the other step out and start climbing, layer by layer.

But on the tenth floor, the speed of climbing began to decrease.

By the twentieth floor, he paused.

After reaching the thirtieth floor, the speed dropped again.

This time, the last ten interest rates only climbed to the thirty-first floor, and then it took twenty interest rates to climb to the thirty-second floor, and the last stop was at the thirty-fifth floor.

With a flash of light, the named disciple appeared below the ladder of battles and battles.

"I ... I failed." The disciple's face was very upset, which was undoubtedly a heavy blow.

Then, the second named disciple started to fight hundreds of battles, and stopped on the thirty-seventh floor.

The third!

the fourth!

the fifth!




All failed!

All the named disciples have all failed. None of them has broken through. The highest one is the 50th floor, and the worst is the 33rd floor.

In this way, all of the true disciples are looking dignified.

These battles and battles are so difficult to break through. Can they break through?

For a while, everyone was not so confident inside.

One by one, Wan Xing Zhen Zhuan didn't say anything, and his appearance didn't change much. It seemed normal.

"I'll try it." The sword mad smiled, jumped forward, and landed on the first step.

Soon, step into the second, third, fourth ...

The speed of the sword rushing into battles and killing Taiwan is very fast, the 20th, 30th, and 40th floors.

Soon, he entered the 60th floor, but after the 60th floor, the speed of the sword madness dropped slightly.

A dry disciple was suddenly stunned.

It turns out that this is the gap between himself and the true disciple.

They have already gone through hundreds of battles and hundreds of killing Taiwan. They know very well that the test of battles and killing Taiwan is real.

One layer is more difficult than the other, and the difficulty of the sixtieth layer is definitely far better than that of the fifty layer.

The sword madness didn't stop at the 60th floor. After a while, it set foot on the 70th floor. Although the speed dropped again, it continued to go up.

Seventy-first floor!

The look of a disciple became more dignified.

Is the gap really so obvious?

In the end, the sword mad did not break through hundreds of battles, but stopped at the 78th floor.

"It failed." Sword Madness did not have the frustration of those named disciples, but was a little disappointed, and then looked at Wanxing Zhenzhuan: "Brother Wanxing, is there any chance in the future?"

"Yes, there are no passers. There will be a chance every year in the future. After this time, there are nine chances. If you run out of opportunities and have not yet passed the battles, you can only leave Dongting Jianshan." Wanxing said calmly.

"Leaving Jianshan?"

"That's right, expelled." Wan Xing's tone was very solemn.


I'm afraid it's a pity.

Such a kendo holy land, Jian Xiu is all yearning, who wants to be expelled.

Suddenly, one by one stunned.

Besides, there are still nine opportunities for this failure.

Is it impossible to break through nine times?

If this is the case, then it proves that you are indeed not good enough or good enough. You do n’t need to be expelled from the East Mountain Jianshan, and you must leave ashamed.

"Haha, next time, I can make it through." Jian Kuang looked confident.

The other true disciples also made inroads one by one, but all failed.

Some broke into the 75th floor and some broke into the 80th floor.

"Chen Zong, dare not compare with me." Prince Luo Luo stared at Chen Zong, his eyes seemed to pierce Chen Zong, his tone was permeated with amazing sharpness.

Fu Jian Domestic ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Fu Jian fought a battle with Chen Zong in the mountains, and eventually fell, leaving Prince Luo to his heart.

If he doesn't pull it back, he will feel bad.

And now, fighting hundreds of battles and killing Taiwan may be a good opportunity.

At present, only Prince Luo and Chen Zong have not gone to war and battle.

"Okay." Chen Zong didn't say anything, just agreed lightly.

Neither side made any bets.

"You first or me first?" Prince Ming Luo snorted coldly and asked back.

"You go first." Chen Zongwei smiled. "I'm afraid I will hit you."

"Huh, good for the tongue." Lengheng snorted, and Prince Luo turned and his body fell directly on the first floor. Constantly rushing up, the speed is amazingly fast.

After a short while, Prince Hao Luo broke through the 50th floor and headed for the 60th floor, but in less than ten minutes, he crossed the 60th floor, like a bamboo shoot.

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