Sword God

Vol 35 Chapter 74: 0 battles 0 kills

Fight hundreds and kill Taiwan, the hundredth floor.

Prince Luo's figure stood still, and everyone's eyes were all condensed on him, even the true legend of the Star Academy.

There are 100 levels of battles and battles. Now Prince Prince Luo has reached the 100th floor, and if you go up, you can pass the battles and battles to reach the summit and get the opportunity to learn the origin of Kendo.

A flash of light flickered on Prince Luo, which meant two possibilities.

One is to go over a hundred floors and go up again. The other is to fail. I do n’t know which one.

In the next breath, Prince Luo's figure flickered, disappeared on the hundredth floor, and appeared at the bottom of the battlefield and battlefield.


Prince Luo's complexion changed, he did not expect that he would fail.

However, it is not surprising that when you think of your opponents in the 100th floor, you are very arrogant and you will lose.

Those opponents are so powerful that they can't make it through themselves, and Chen Zong can't make it through.

So this time, I won't lose.

"It's your turn." Prince Mingluo hummed.

Chen Zong nodded, stepped forward, his body flickered, and he landed directly on the first floor of the battlefield and battlefield. A feeling pervaded, letting Chen Zong know that his nine-fold heavenly ring and Na ring, etc. An invisible force was banned and could not be opened.

In a hurry, the eyes changed, the ladder disappeared, and it was replaced by a white cloud, as if there were no margins. A blink of an eye, the white cloud retreated to the surrounding area, and a huge circular platform appeared.

The floor of the platform seems to be cast in one piece, as smooth as white jade.

Suddenly, from the white mist surrounding the platform, a smoky figure came out, white robes like snow, light like the wind, a sword hanging from the waist, a look of coldness, and indifferent eyes.

As soon as this person appeared, he said nothing, the toes were slightly on the white jade ground of the platform, and when he was gushing, a gust of wind was rolled up, and the sword around his waist also came out of the sheath.

The body and sword are united into a sword light that breaks through the air, killing like a wind.

This is the sword of the wind.

From the breath and shots of the opponent, Chen Zong judged the person's level of strength, the second level of the sub-god, and its cultivation should be reached the peak level, and its sword skills are also very superb. On the overall strength, when it is Reached the peak level of the sub-god level.

This kind of strength, the first true sword of Yiyuanjiao Palace is not a sword, and it is not its opponent at all, and the gap is obvious.

But this strength is nothing to Chen Zong.

The body flashed, staggered, and killed.

Chen Zong stepped out and knew that he was on the second floor.

On the second floor, there were two opponents. The joint strength was even more amazing, but was still easily defeated by Chen Zong.

The third layer is three opponents, each of which is a peak level of the sub-god level, very amazing, the swordsmanship is superb, and it is different swordsmanship.

On the tenth floor, the opponents became ten, and the ten swordsmanships they played came from the small ten veins. One team played together and formed a greater threat to Chen Zong.

But this is nothing to Chen Zong.

On the 20th floor, the opponent became twenty.

On the 30th floor, the opponent became thirty.

Any one is the strength of the sub-god peak, not the general sub-god peak, there are more, and it is more terrible to cooperate with the enemy to cooperate with each other.

No wonder, some of those named disciples lost their way to the 30th floor. After all, they are too strong. After all, if you continue to break through, your own strength will be continuously consumed. You do n’t have time to recover, and you ca n’t take Dan. Medicine and so on.

With limited power, you have to keep going up. In fact, the difficulty increases dramatically.

On the fortieth floor, the opponent became forty.

On the 50th floor, the opponent became fifty.

The sixtieth floor has become sixty.

For Chen Zong's break into the 60th floor, everyone was very dull. After all, every true disciple could break into the 70-th floor. Chen Zong is also a true disciple, and he has mastered the Supreme Thought. More than ten floors.

It can be said that after entering the 70th floor, it can be regarded as a real test.

No, it should be said after eighty floors.

The 70th floor is still not difficult for Chen Zong.

Moreover, what they don't know is that Chen Zong has not exerted his full strength from the first floor to the 70th floor now.

World Sense!

What Chen Zong used was the meaning of the world, not the sword of the heart.

The world ideology has just been grasped, and its potential has not yet been tapped, but the Sword of the Heart has tapped most of its potential.

When it comes to power, of course, the sword of the heart is stronger.

However, the reason why Chen Zong does not use the sword of the heart, but uses the word of the world, is to plan and sharpen the potential of the word of the world in battle.

The 80th floor!

Each of the eighty opponents was very strong, and they were all in their heyday. On the contrary, Chen Zong continued to fight, but his own power was also consumed a lot.

Eighty opponents looked indifferent one by one, but they would not give Chen Zong any time to recover his strength. They came from all directions.

The small ten-pulse swordsmanship and the four big-pulse swordsmanship have been exerted as many as possible, but they will not conflict with each other. Instead, they will cooperate with each other to make up for each other.

Chen Zong felt like he was in a hundred waves, and was heavily impacted and oppressed.

"The world ... comes!" With a low drink, Chen Zong waved his sword and fell off.

This is a trick created by Chen Zong himself according to the characteristics of the world's will. Now it is just a trick, but it is constantly improved. Now it is used in actual combat.

The buzzing sounded, the sword carrying a world came down directly, and the terrifying force suppressed it. Eighty opponents trembled. Whether it was flying or sending out a sword, the body stopped instantly, as if Repressed.

But Chen Zong himself also carries tremendous pressure.

One sword, to play with the meaning of the world, to suppress the masters of eighty sub-level peaks, it is not easy.

Seizing a momentary opportunity, Chen Zong once again issued a sword and killed.

Eighty-first floor!

The eighty-second floor!

Keep going up, the speed started to decrease.

By the 90th floor, Chen Zong felt more pressure.

Prince Luo Luo has been staring at Chen Zong's figure, watching Chen Zong step by step.

The 91st floor!

The 92nd floor!

For Prince Luo, who broke into the 100th floor, he was very clear about the difficulty. At the end of each floor, he was experiencing life and death.

Because more and more opponents, and their own power is less and less, invisibly, the difficulty continues to increase.

It is a gradual increase in difficulty, which will overwhelm the general crisis and stress.

The hundredth floor!

Chen Zong even stepped on the 100th floor.

Prince Guro subconsciously clenched his fists, and immediately sneered: "Even if you can step into the 100th floor, you must not break through."

One hundred floors, one hundred powerful opponents joined forces, each of them is amazingly powerful, and is in its heyday.

"Can you break through?"

"I think it's difficult."

"Yeah, battles and battles may seem simple, but the difficulty is amazing."

Chen Zong also realized the difficulty.

One hundred opponents, high-intensity fighting, but their own strength, but there is not much left.

The cultivation of the sub-God peak, even if the technique is unpredictable, the power is always limited. To this point in the battle, there is not much left.


Suddenly, Yinmang's eyes permeated. Chen Zong took control of all his powers and did not reduce his strength because of consumption.

The world is coming!

Under the constant battle, the sword of the advent of the world is constantly improved, and its power is constantly improved.

One sword fell, the world's shadow came, and one hundred people were directly suppressed. It was difficult to move.




Chen Zong is out of his mercy, this kind of battle is either you or me, there is no luck.

In any case, you have to climb to the top of battlefields and battlefields, and realize the origin of Kendo.

The origin of Kendo, the sooner you become enlightened, the greater the benefit.

One year earlier and one year later, the difference is obvious for geniuses.

Time passed slowly, and Chen Zong's time on the 100th floor in battles and battles had already exceeded Prince Luo.

"Can he break through?" Prince Milwauke could not help but grit his teeth and shook his head again, like a hypnosis: "Impossible, he must not be able to break through, that kind of pressure of the opponent."

However, there was a trace of panic in Prince Luo's heart, and he was worried that if he was crossed by the other party, he would lose.

Counting the previous one is equivalent to losing twice, and the feeling is very uncomfortable.

The hundredth floor of the battlefield.

The silver awns in Chen Zong's eyes flickered, looking cold and cold.

The body looks like a refraction of ghosts, and it looks like a lot of phantoms. However, several small magical powers are alternately performed to avoid the attack of the opponent and then fight back with a sword.

The world is coming!

When a sword is killed, the ghost of the world condenses in the sword's spirit, and directly locks one of them, making it impossible to move.

This is another application of the advent of the world. It is not a large-scale repression, but a reduction in scope. It only targets one of the targets, and its repressive power is even more amazing.


In the case of immobility, Chen Zong was easily beheaded.

It's as if killing one's neck.

Fight fight!

Kill kill!

Keep fighting!

More than kill!

Battle and battle.

Ten are left.

Chen Zong's face remained calm, but felt his own strength, and there was not much left.

In addition, the sword of heart began to be used.









A hundred powerful enemies ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ were all beheaded under the sword by Chen Zong. Chen Zong felt like he was overdrafting, and the feeling of deficits permeated from the deepest part of his body.

"At this level of strength, even those named disciples may not be able to survive even after another ten years." Chen Zong secretly said.

The sub-god level is endless, but in fact there are limits, but that limit is a theory. In addition, the limit that each practitioner can dig is not necessarily the same.

Ordinary practitioners have limited potential, and of course their limits are not high.

The genius cultivator has higher potential, and of course, its limits will also increase.

These battles and battles are an excellent test. There is no chance of chance.

Taking a step forward, Chen Zong stepped out of the battlefield and killed everyone, and in the shocking eyes of everyone ... reached the top!

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