Sword God

Vol 35 Chapter 75: Primary resonance


Chen Zong broke through the battlefield and killed hundreds of Taiwan, reached the summit, stood on the peak, and was stared at by a number of famous disciples and true disciples.

The true story of Wanxing's eyes condensed with a solemn look, with a faint shocking taste.

He ... he did it all at once.


Just for the first time in a hundred battles and hundreds of killing Taiwan, they successfully broke through the summit, which is really amazing.

Wan Xing remembers very clearly that when he first entered the battlefield and killed 100 Taiwan, the constant pressure was constantly intensified, and that pressure made him feel almost collapsed.

Before and after, I used it five times before I successfully broke through the battlefield and killed the summit.

Most of the disciples who were in the same group did not break through after ten times of exhaustion and had to leave Jianshan. A few of the most outstanding ones used three times and the most used eight times.

Few battles and hundreds of Taiwanese killers have been made in just one time. Few people have been able to do this in the Fourth Avenue in the past generations, which adds up to less than ten people.

Don't look at Prince Hao Luo breaking into the 100th floor this time. It seems that he can almost reach the summit, but whether he has climbed to the summit or not, the gap is not so small, but very large.

The pressure of battles and battles will continue to increase, and in the end, it will be like crushing a leaf of a decaying mountain.

In the past, there have been some who broke into the 100th floor for the first time, but in the second time, they still failed to pass through, and only passed the third time.

Of course, there are a few who can reach the summit for the second time.

All in all, Chen Zong's one-time summit was undoubtedly shocking.

"Good boy, it really is very good." The Dean of the Destruction Academy couldn't help laughing.

Chen Zong found that after reaching the summit in hundreds of battles and battles, there was a portal, a portal that did not know where to go, and looking at that portal, Chen Zong's heart suddenly became excited.

Opening the portal, a unique kendo breath escapes, hovering at the portal.

That is the breath of Kendo, the breath of Kendo's origin.

Stepping out and stepping into the portal, Chen Zong's eyes were blank and invisible, and quickly dissipated. Chen Zong saw a sword.

It was a whole-body snow-white sword, without a hilt, except for a huge blade, suspended above the ground, motionless.

This cutting blade is five meters long and half a meter wide. It exudes a very mysterious atmosphere, implying sharpness.

Strands of virtual white sword qi, surrounding the blade, seemed to be indecisive.

The origin of Kendo!

This is the origin of Kendo!

The sword master of Dongting didn't know the source of Kendo intercepted from the void by any means.

Chen Zong's feeling was indescribable with this huge blade, the mysterious self-contained, as if the most powerful thing in the void, contains the invincible incomparable power.

Opportunity is rare, start to enlighten.

The enlightenment of the origin of Kendo is not limited in time, but even if the enlightenment of such high-level things is as powerful as it is, it will not be able to bear for as long as the enlightenment.

It is as if the effects of forces are mutual, and you must bear the coercion and load of understanding the origin of Kendo.

Chen Zong sat cross-legged in front of the origins of Kendo. When he first practiced, he used this posture and was already used to it.

Chen Zong began to enlighten himself. The outside world, the disciples and the true disciples dispersed, returning one by one, one by one, trying hard to cultivate themselves, striving for the second and third times Kill Taiwan to the top and see the origin of Kendo.

They do not know a very cruel fact. Among them, those who can really cross the battlefield and kill the Taiwan in the remaining nine times, less than ten, or even less, most people cannot pass through. , Can only be eliminated and left Dongting Jianshan, missed Dongting Jianshan's superb heritage.

Dongting sword master is different from other sword masters. Relatively speaking, he is more willing to provide a way for the younger generation, but it is not unlimited.

If you are a piece of mud, you will not be able to help the wall, and the sword master of Dongting will definitely not waste time.

Perhaps, the operation of Dongting Jianshan does not need to use his power to disperse his time and energy, but everything in Dongting Jianshan belongs to the owner of Dongting Jianshan and is his asset.

"I don't know how long you can get enlightened?" Wan Xing Zhen Chuan looked back at the top and thought silently when he left.

How long does it take?

this is a problem.

Different people take part in the origin of Kendo, and the length of time is different. Generally speaking, the longer you take part in the enlightenment, the more you will gain.

The time for enlightenment is short, and the harvest will certainly be less. Although not absolute, it is basically the case.

At the sub-level level to participate in understanding the origin of Kendo, you will continue to be suppressed by the origin of Kendo, generating a great load. When you cannot bear the load, you will automatically break away. This is left by the sword master of Dongting protection mechanism.

"At that time, I only learned about the time when the origin of Kendo was twenty breaths." Wan Xing secretly said: "The longest in the same batch is only thirty breaths."

"As far as I know, even the best four swords, when they first learned about the origin of Kendo, they only insisted on fifty breaths at most."

More insistence and less persistence, the difficulty gap is very obvious, especially the more the load continues to accumulate and become stronger, the more the increase, the more breath is an amazing improvement.

But I don't know how long this Chen Zong can persevere this time.

There is no experience for the first enlightenment. If it is the second enlightenment, there will be some experience, and it will often persist for some time.

Chen Zong began to enlighten, and time passed by.

Once enlightened, enter the state of enlightenment directly.

It seemed as if the eyes were dazzling, as if it had come into a void, a huge and incomparable sword light, shot down directly from the highest point of the void, as if to penetrate the void, the vastness, dominance, sharpness, sharpness, and mighty shore.

Chen Zong's mind shook for a moment, as if he had lost all perception.

Just like the past millennium, it was just a moment when Chen Zong was awake. The sword light shot down from the highest point of the void burst into pieces and turned into countless sword lights, which permeated all around.

The breath emitted by each sword light is different.

Some Jianguang's breath is bright and magnificent, and some Jianguang's breath is dark and cold and ghostly.

Some Jianguang are peerless, some Jianguang have unmatched strength.

Some sword lights, violent and overbearing, and some sword lights, soft and tough.

The sword light in this void is more than thousands, representing countless mysteries of swordsmanship.

The origin of Kendo is originally a mysterious collection of countless swordsmanship.

For a time, Chen Zong had a dazzling feeling, but Chen Zong was not confused, but quickly sensed.

There are countless swordsmanships and thousands of swordsmanships, but they are not the true essence. What Chen Zong wants to realize is essence and master the essence. Then all swordsmanship and swordsmanship can be quickly learned and mastered.

Essence is the real source.

Time passed slowly, Chen Zong continued to search, and also constantly under the pressure of the origin of Kendo, a little bit of load accumulation.

With the sense of the sword, Chen Zong found the essence of Kendo's origin, that is the essence.

It was a sword light with the thickness of a finger, and the color was dim and inconspicuous. The exhaled breath was very weak, and it was easy to be ignored.

But when Chen Zong's mind was completely condensed on that sword light, he felt an extremely pure kendo breath permeating, as if wrapping his own mind.

That breath, there is no sharpness, no domineering, no light, no coldness, nothing, and some are pure, extreme purity, without any trace of purity.

This purity means essence and means infinite possibilities.

With Chen Zong's constant understanding of the origin of Kendo, when Chen Zong found the core essence of Kendo's origin by the sense of the sword of his heart, that section of Kendo's origin suddenly shivered.

Unconsciously, it seemed that a gaze appeared and stared.

"This son can actually cause the resonance of Kendo's origin."

The origin of Kendo was intercepted by the sword master of Dong Ting. It is a treasure belonging to the sword master of Dong Ting. Although it is placed here for your enlightenment, no one can do it except the sword master of Dong Ting. Take it away.

Once there is any change in the origin of Kendo, the sword master of Dongting will know the first time.

Kendo Origin Resonance!

It may sound unclear, but only the true strong in the void can understand its meaning.

A sub-god level can actually cause the fundamental resonance of Kendo, indicating that its talent and potential on the one hand are extremely amazing. Maybe it has not been fully demonstrated yet, and it is not clear to itself, but as practice improves with the realm, The more obvious it will be, the more amazing it will be.

"I was afraid that I couldn't do it back then." The sword master of Dongting said secretly, his cohesive eyes fell on Chen Zong's body, moving brightly, as if to see Chen Zong through.

All of this, Chen Zong can't perceive the slightest change. One is that he is now fully devoted to the origin of Kendo, and the other is that Dong Zong is the strongest sword master.

"I don't know if this ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ can refine the origin of Kendo?"

"If he can do it ..."

"It's an enviable talent. If I had those talents back then, maybe I could go further."

The fineness in those eyes became brighter, gradually, as if feeling something, quickly restrained and became dim.

What is the origin of Kendo resonance, etc. Chen Zong does not know, his level is not so high, what he can understand, has not reached that level.

But this time, Chen Zong himself felt that he had obtained great benefits.

The enlightenment of the origin of Kendo refers directly to the enlightenment of the essence of that origin, as if washing one of his swords, removing the spleen and reorganizing it, becoming more and more solid, smoother, and for future cultivation, There are obvious benefits.

Unfortunately, while learning the origin of Kendo, he will continue to bear the coercion emanating from the origin of Kendo. For example, the origin of Kendo is a peerless sword repair. The sword pressure is amazing.

In the end, his load reached the limit and he could no longer comprehend it.

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