Sword God

Vol 35 Chapter 76: Kendo area

(Overwhelmed, I drank too much last night, I ’m not in good shape today, I have more rest, and the update is slow, I ’m really sorry)

Fifty Breaths!

Chen Zong came to realize the origin of Kendo for fifty breaths.

This is only achieved by the four swords, and now there is one more.

What they don't know is that the four major swords enlightened on the origin of kendo and did not cause resonance, but Chen Zong's enlightenment on the origin of kendo directly understood the core essence of kendo and caused resonance. There is a difference between them.

Comparatively speaking, the benefits gained by Chen Zong are obviously better than the four swordsmen's first enlightenment.

Fifty Breaths!

When the news spread, the Fourth Avenue was shaken, from the owner to the next one, all shocked. After the new true story understood the meaning, it was shocked.


"Awful man." Gu Jianchen exhaled a long breath and said secretly.

There is no doubt that in such an age, such a life may be shrouded in its halo.

Such as sword mad sword ghost and others, in their respective places, they are one of the best kendo geniuses. Compared with them, there are very few, but when they came to Jianshan of Dongting, they found that they are here, in fact It's nothing.

After all, those who are eligible to enter the East Mountain Jianshan as disciples are very talented.

Well, everyone is almost the same. There are at least a few excellent ones, and there is no big difference. However, Chen Zong's excellence makes them feel hopeless.

It was a despair that couldn't catch up.

In the secret room, Chen Zong closed the door to practice, quietly sorted out everything he had learned from the origin of Kendo, and strived for further progress.

The foundation of his kendo was combed, and all the dross disappeared, leaving behind the essence, which made Chen Zong feel refreshed, as if he had removed the heavy burden.

Immediately, Chen Zong drew his sword and practiced his sword skills in the back room.

Basic Sword Skills!

All kinds of swordsmanship that he has mastered.

Like a sword of one heart!

Such as Jin Yaoguan Star Sword!

Such as Dongting Jianshan's various magic skills and so on.

One practice, as if I do n’t know the years, it never ends, never stop.

Gradually, a trace of inexplicable breath pervaded Chen Zong, which was the breath belonging to the sixth heavy kendo realm, a little bit of solidity, diffused in all directions, covering the area of ​​10 meters around Chen Zong as the center.

It looks like an invisible sword air, shuttles and weaves, and is directly covered by a fine net.

Chen Zong's swordsmanship has also changed. Each sword follows a certain indescribable mysterious trajectory. It seems simple, but in fact it has hidden deep and profound mysteries. The mystery of the deep sea.

At that moment, Chen Zong naturally closed his eyes, as if within ten meters of his own center, all in control, the sword, knowing everything, everything.

On a certain day, Chen Zong's sword gave a slight meal, the surrounding atmosphere instantly dissipated, disappeared, everything was restored as usual, Chen Zong was awake.

"This feeling ..." Just moments later, Chen Zong felt different. Everything around him seemed to be washed away from the dust, and became clear, transparent, and bright, extremely clear.

Furthermore, Chen Zong could see the traces if there were no traces in front of him, and the trajectory was vague and uncertain, like an illusion, which made Chen Zong once think it was an illusion.

But under closer observation, Chen Zong found that it was not an illusion, but it was real, as if he had seen the trajectory after opening his eyes.

As if the clouds see the bright moon, the water clear stone appears from the general, the mysterious and mysterious, unspeakable.

"This feeling……"

Chen Zong couldn't help breathing, his eyes closed again, following a kind of fluctuations and inspirations in the meditation, and when he was on the barbaric dragon star, the feeling of merging the heavens and the earth and permeating nature once again diffused, It was also unknowingly opened, and everything had undergone some indescribable changes.

There seemed to be a humming sound, and Chen Zong felt it, a trace of invisible sword air permeated in an extremely mysterious way, spreading around him, covering a circle of ten meters centered on himself.

Just now, Chen Zong himself didn't have any awareness. Everything was done unintentionally, but now, it is done intentionally, and it feels completely different.

Very wonderful feeling.

As if within a ten-meter circle centered on himself, everything is in his possession.

Eyes opened, like a mirror, a stream of streamers flickered by, and the streamers corresponded to all traces of their trajectory within ten meters.

For a moment, it seemed as if there were no thoughts, gathered from all directions, and merged into Chen Zong's inner consciousness.

That is not a thought that belongs to anyone, but a thought that belongs to the avenue of the sword in the void, as if it is a kind of inheritance, a kind of notification, and a kind of godly understanding.

Only when Kendo realm rises to a certain level.

Under Chen Zong's eyes, the fascination of light and light was erratic, as if flashing thousands of mysteries of kendo.

"Kendo realm."

"The sixth most important state of kendo is the kendo realm."

Chen Zong's voice was very low, as if murmuring, but there was an inexplicable excitement.

At the moment when the four words of Kendo were spoken from his mouth, Chen Zong seemed to hear the roar and roar in the void. After that, the thousands of sharp swords were oscillating, sending endless howling sounds, sharp and peerless, as if cutting Heaven, like the Avenue of Swords in the void, is angry, as if someone has violated its majesty.

Those who commit majesty on the avenue shall be killed without amnesty.

At that moment, Chen Zong understood the meaning of those roars, roars, and the contention of the endless sword.

At that moment, Chen Zong also felt the onset of death and the catastrophic disaster. It was not a simple death, but an annihilation from the source of the soul. Everything would disappear, leaving no trace.

"Oh, what's going on here? It turned out to be angry." A voice sounded, but no one heard the whole Jianshan.

Immediately, a touch of will came, and Chen Zong was observed, and immediately shocked.

"Kendo Realm!"

"This son is actually at the sub-level, and he will start in the real Kendo field!"

The tone was full of shock and incredibleness.

The field of kendo, or martial arts, belongs to the sixth realm of kendo and martial arts. Many of the gods have never mastered it, and they are very clever. It can be regarded as a high-end power at the gods level.

But now, a sub-god level has mastered the field of kendo, even if it is just an entry.

At the sub-god level, it is difficult to master a piece of fur in the sixth level. Although it is difficult, some top geniuses can do it. For example, in Dongting Jianshan, there were a few true disciples who could master at the sub-god level. To the fur of the sixth level of Kendo.

But mastering a trace of fur and getting started is two levels, just like the gap between the sub-level and the psychic state.

When Dongting Sword Master himself was in the sub-god level, he had mastered the sixth fur of the Kendo realm, but did n’t get started, but only after he broke through the supernatural power.

Chen Zong now, after learning about the origin of Kendo, went to Wu Cunjing after a retreat, and finally took that crucial step to successfully master the realm of kendo.

It is equivalent to saying that Chen Zong has mastered a power of the level of divine realm. Of course, because of the relationship of cultivation, Chen Zong is not an opponent of the divine level, but at the sub-level level, it is already invincible unless there is other The same sub-god level.

"It's terrible talent."

"I only hope to resist the anger of the Avenue of Swords."

"This is a great opportunity for me in the East Chamber."

Chen Zong didn't know the excited mood and various thoughts of Dongting Sword Master, because at this moment, Chen Zong felt his soul as if being constantly attacked by countless Jianguangs, penetrated through, and turned into nothingness. This extreme horror.

The sword of the heart trembled, and the word of the world moved along with a roar.


Chen Zong did his best to mobilize all forces to resist the anger of the Avenue of Swords, and he could die if he could not carry it.

Fortunately, Chen Zong finally resisted.

The anger on the Avenue of Swords is receding, and a trace of unpredictable but mysterious power seems to descend into Chen Zong's soul, so that Chen Zong feels his soul as if being washed. It seems to be closer.

Carrying the anger of the Avenue of Swords, invisible, his own kendo talent has been enhanced, how much to enhance, Chen Zong does not know, but it is a good thing to be able to enhance.

"That's why, no wonder, all kinds of psychic states are unpredictable below the psychic state." After the anger of the sword avenue, Chen Zongming realized, psychic state, communication, and even master the avenue, close to the avenue, so it contains The breath of the avenue, the division of its realm, and so on, also carry the breath of the avenue.

If it is foreseen in advance, it will be like leaking a secret, and it will suffer the backlash of the avenue.

In the other, the soul is flying away, but in the other, it stops there. It can no longer be advanced, and there is no hope for life.

Fortunately, Chen Zong mastered the sixth realm of Kendo, and after learning about the origin of Kendo, he successfully got started and stepped into this mysterious level before he was able to carry the anger of Jiandao Avenue.

In retrospect, Chen Zong couldn't help but feel a little palpitated, almost, it was the end of his death and everything went to nothing.

Chen Zong also understands that the reason why he can master the field of kendo to reach the entry level, of course, to understand the origin of kendo is the focus, but it is also inseparable from his past accumulation.

For example, the realm of the heart!

Such as the sword domain of the heart!

Like mindfulness!

Such as a trace of Kendo sixth realm fur!

All of these, www.wuxiaspot.com, are laying a solid foundation for taking this step.

Without these foundations, even if you directly understand the origin of Kendo, unless you have many times, you can not master the field of Kendo now.

"I now have the best in Kendo, the sword of heart and the meaning of the world second, and there is still potential to unearth in one mind ..."

"This kind of strength, in the sub-God level, let's be invincible."

Chen Zong couldn't help secretly.

On this day, a major event happened in Dongting Jianshan.

A magnificent sound, as if originating from Taikoo, filled with the sound of kendo contention.

"Xuan ... Destroy the new true story of the Taoist Academy and Chen Zong the new true story of the Taoist Academy as the sword of the East Chamber."

Therefore, the voice of the sword master of Dongting resounded loudly and directly into everyone's ears, setting off a terrifying storm.

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