Sword God

Vol 35 Chapter 77: When he treats me


Dongting sword!

Theoretically, Dongting Jianshan has five swords, but in fact there are only four swords. They are the swords of the Fourth Avenue. As for the other swords, they are the Dongting swords and the Dongting swords.

For example, the sword that destroys the Taoist Temple is called the sword with destruction, which directly represents the destruction of the Taoist Temple.

Dongting Jianzi represents Dongting Jianshan.

It stands to reason that the sword of Dongting should be born in the sword of the Fourth Avenue, but now, it has been obtained by a new disciple of the true biography, or announced by the master of the sword of Dongting himself.

"Who is this sacred in the end?" Star Jianzi cried.

"He De He Neng." Killing swords looked murderous.

"When he is promoted to the gods, I will fight against him." Ruin Jianzi whispered.

"It's a bit of fun." Xi Jianzi laughed softly, and there were endless fantasy colors in her eyes.

Chen Zong was also surprised.

Dongting sword!

So he became Dongting Jianzi.

This represents the Dongting Sword Mountain. To a certain extent, it can also be regarded as the direct successor of the Dongting Sword Master.

Although it has obtained some inheritance from the Heavenly Palace of the Mind, and although it also happened to enter the Eternal Battlefield, it is very different from the successor who directly became a dominant power.

Even if it was Chen Zong's mindset, he couldn't help violently agitating for a while.

When he came to Jianshan in Dongting, Chen Zong found himself in a good position.

At first, it transformed into the Supreme Taoist World, followed by understanding the origin of Kendo to Wu Cunjing to master the introduction of kendo, and later it was promoted to the East Court sword. With its high status, the benefits will be greater.

Chen Zong was called again and was called by the Dongting Sword Master.

The first call was Chen Zong's transformation of the world, and the second call was to declare Chen Zong as the sword of Dongting.

But this time the call was different from the first one. It was not that simple.

Climb to the top and enter a cave house. The light is dim and silent.

Chen Zong stepped forward, the more he moved forward, the more he felt that the cave seemed to have no margin.

In the dim light, Chen Zong stepped and saw a figure in front of him. The figure sat cross-legged and hung one meter above the ground. Gradually, the figure became clear.

It was an old man, with an old face, a little withered, wrinkles, gray hair, and a gray robe on his body. It seemed that the whole man had a feeling of oldness and twilight.

Chen Zong was suddenly shocked.

Is this person the master of the Dongting sword?

If it were the Lord of the Sword of Dongting, how could this be so?

It's like an old man who is about to die.

"I'm very happy to meet you before Dao Xiao." The old man opened his eyes, his eyes were a little cloudy, but also a ray of fineness burst out. At that moment, Chen Zong had a feeling of facing the sword, and This indescribable shiver emerged from the deepest part of the soul, sweeping everywhere in the body.



Nothing can move, it is a kind of repression that originates from the soul and from the deepest part of the body.

The suppression like a snake facing the dragon is the suppression brought about by the essential difference in the level of life.


The old man in front of him seemed to be an old man who stepped into the coffin. He was a strong man who was beyond imagination.

Fortunately, the feeling of repression just disappeared in an instant, and Chen Zong regained his ability to act, only to find that, unconsciously, he was sweating.

"I have seen the sword master at the end of Kendo." Chen Zong immediately bowed to perform sword rituals to show his respect for the Kendo King.

At the same time, Chen Zong was also thinking about the meaning of the sword master Fang Cai.


What is dissipation?

Dead body dispels, that's what it means.

Could it be said that the owner of Dongting Sword is dead?

If the owner of the Dongting Sword disappeared, then this Dongting Sword Mountain will not be able to maintain it for a long time. Although there are such strong men as the four main courtyards, it is not the level of the dominance, which is essential. the difference.

The turbid eyes of the sword master of Dongting fell on Chen Zong's body, and looked carefully, for no reason, to make Chen Zong have a creepy feeling.

"A few years ago, when I first became the master of Kendo, I thought I was no longer invincible." The turbid eyes of the sword master of Dongting closed again, as if he opened his eyes, it would also make him feel tired.

Chen Zong had no other action, just so quietly listened to the words of the master of the Dongting sword.

As if talking to himself, as if recalling.

"At that time, I had a sword in my hand and challenged the powerful men in the void. When I encountered a defeated enemy, I woke up, but I was not willing to lose it."

"It's just that at this level, it's the apex of the void, and there's nowhere else to go."

"I don't want to be reconciled to this. I want to break the limits of the void and become stronger, even beyond the limits of the void, and I stare at the origin of the Avenue of Swords in the void."

Chen Zong could not help but move, this is to say that the origin of that section of Kendo.

"By merging the origins of the Avenue of Refining Swords, I can go one step further, break the limits, defeat strong enemies, and transcend the limits of this side of the void."

"I tried my best to intercept a section of the Kendo source from the base of the Avenue of Swords, but I was also counterattacked by the source of the Avenue of Swords. Against it, it cannot be dispelled. "

"This is backwash, the punishment of the Avenue of Swords for me."

Dong Ting Jianzhu was talking, and suddenly laughed, the laughter had a crazy taste, which made Chen Zong's heart tremble.

After all, facing a seemingly crazy Kendo master, it must be full of danger and I don't know when it will be killed.

"For many years, I have been searching for the right people to pass on my kendo, and to inherit the Confucian tradition of Dongting Jianshan."

Immediately, the eyes of the master of the Dongting sword opened again, and the muddy eyes fell on Chen Zong's body again.

"But unfortunately, there haven't been enough good people until you show up."

Listening to the words of Dongting Sword Master, Chen Zong was able to straighten out his thoughts. It turned out that this Dongting Sword Master built a hundred Dongting Sword Gardens, which was widely tested by his disciples to re-enter Jianshan. Inherit your own kendo.

As for why to do this, it is nothing more than that the Dongting Sword Master stared at the origin of the Avenue of Swords and tried his best to intercept it for a while, but was also backstabbed by the Avenue of Swords. It cannot be eliminated.

It looks like it's just procrastinating and lingering. I don't know when it will die.

Now, he appeared and was fancy by the sword master of Dongting. He wanted to inherit his kendo.

That should be true.

"You can get started in the field of sub-level kendo, and the talent in one of the swords is beyond anyone's reach. Perhaps, you can hope to merge that kendo origin, reborn, and come out of the void in the future."

The words of the sword master of Dongting made Chen Zong excited, but soon calm down.

What transcends the void is too distant. According to the information revealed in the words of the Dongting sword master, that should be something to consider after becoming the master of the void in this side.

Now, connecting to the realm of God is not.

However, Chen Zong also noticed that it is said that dominating the level is not the end of cultivation?

In other words, there is no such thing as the end of cultivation?

Or in other words, the so-called transcendence of the void is just a speculation of the sword master of Dongting himself?

Chen Zong didn't dare to think too much. That was too complicated. To himself now, thinking too much was useless.

"Today, I will use your last strength to help you merge that section of Kendo. Remember that if the integration is successful, you will be the sword of Dongting Jianshan, and the future sword master will inherit the sword." The sword master's tone was deep, as if he was finally talking.

"Remember, don't resist, relax and guide, my strength will help you."

Suddenly, an indescribable breath erupted from the late and aging body of the sword master of Dongting. Chen Zong seemed to see a ray of sword light, opening up the world like a sword light. For a moment, he traversed the void and made Countless stars have lost all their brilliance and become a foil.

Immediately, I saw the owner of the Dongting sword and pointed out a void like a sword, and directly scratched a crack. The crack was very stable, and the next time, a sword light emerged.

Chen Zong recognizes that this is the origin of Kendo, the origin of Kendo that he has previously learned.

Immediately after the origin of Kendo, he flew into the body, and was directly submerged into Chen Zong's body, and Chen Zong could not move at all, and his strength could not be mobilized.

I can only watch the origin of Kendo.

When he died, Chen Zong felt that his body was about to be exploded. How amazing the power of Kendo was.

It hurts!

The sharp pain that pierced the bone marrow as if the sharp sword broke out instantly, sweeping the whole body, this severe pain, the soul seemed to be penetrated and torn into countless fragments by countless sharp swords.

This pain has never been described before.

Is this the pain of blending the origins of Kendo?

Everything is too fast. From the moment I saw the sword master of Dongting, I couldn't help myself. Everything was controlled by the sword master of Dongting.

Chen Zong didn't even have a chance to refuse.

"Two great ideas!"

"You have two great ideas!"

A voice full of surprise suddenly sounded from Chen Zong's mind. Chen Zong recognized that it was the voice of the master of the Dongting sword.

When is ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Dongting Jianzhu ran into his mind?

The severe pain affected Chen Zong's thinking, and he could not think in the normal state.

By this time, Chen Zong felt from the bottom of his heart that he felt a bit of awkwardness.

"That's right. I didn't expect my luck to be so good. I could meet you before you dismissed it." The voice of the sword master of Dongting was full of joy, but Chen Zong heard a hint of shivering.

"So, I'm welcome, your soul, your body, I want it."

This resounded, and that bad feeling broke out, and Chen Zong finally understood.

The so-called inheritance and so on are all false. The purpose of this Dongting sword master is to occupy his own body, because his own body is about to decay.

If he changed his body and soul, he would be reborn, and he would once again reach the peak of Kendo.

"You can rest assured that when I am in charge in another day, I will conclude this cause and effect with you and let you be born again." This seems to be the last voice heard by Chen Zong.

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