Sword God

Vol 36 Chapter 2: Invincible

Han Yexing is a low-order star, dominated by the low-order star Han Yemen. There are no other schools on the Han Ye star, and the composition of the forces is one by one.

The Liu family is one of many inherited families.

In the lobby of the Liu family, the owner Liu Hanyan frowned, staring ahead, with a bit of anger.

"Master Liu, marrying me is your best choice. As for the dowry, you don't need much, just use your weak Liu sword of the Liu family." The middle-aged man who was glared by Liu Hanyan was slightly proud of himself. Look, said with self-care.

"Wang Zhiquan, you really have a good abacus, you want both people and money." Liu Hanyan sarcastically said.

She is the head of the Liu family, and the weak Liu Jian is the ancestral soldier of the Liu family. It is very precious. Only the head of the family has been able to control the envoys.

"I feel that the request of the Wang family owner is too much. The weak Liu Jian is my Liu family's inherited soldiers. It must not be used as a dowry. Dowry should be chosen as another." An old Liu parent said suddenly.

Everyone heard, their faces changed greatly.

"Elder Three, what do you mean?" The second Elder immediately scolded.

The meaning of the three elders is not to have Liu Hanyan marry that Wang Zhiquan, isn't this to push the Liu family owner into the fire pit.

"Hey, after all, I am also for the Liu family." The three elders sighed impassively, and looked like a family: "The Wang family is stronger than our Liu family, and has a little relationship with Han Yemen. It can marry the Wang family with smoke. Lord, for our Liu family, there are only advantages and no disadvantages. Think about it. When the Wang family comes forward, and seeing the Wang family's face, our Liu family's children can become the disciples of Han Yemen more easily. "

"That's right, as long as you marry me with smoke and use the weak Liu Jian as the dowry, Wang Zhiquan assures you that every year, I will win three places for the Liu family to enter the cold night gate." Wang Zhiquan promised while he was hot.

In a word, the elders of the Liu family were suddenly moved.

Han Yemen is the strongest force of Han Yexing. It is the ruler. There are many masters in the door. With the ability of the Liu family, one person can enter Han Yemen one year as a disciple, even if it is very good.

Today, the number of places can be increased to three, which is several times higher. Over the years, the Liu family will definitely be stronger.

Of course, people also have selfishness. If there are more places, they will be better allocated, and it will be easier for future generations to get places.

The response of the elders made Liu Hanyan's complexion look cold and cold inside. She was very clear that Wang Zhiquan's purpose of marrying her was nothing more than fancying her own physique, not others.

Because of this, I can't marry, marry in the past, and now it sounds good, there will definitely not be any good ending, let alone, Wang Zhiquan looked down on her.

"Master Liu, you and our master can be regarded as beautiful women, a perfect match." The elder of the Wang family laughed strangely.

"Get out." Liu Hanyan broke out directly.

"Hey, Master Liu, it looks like you're going to tear your face." Wang Zhiquan suddenly showed a cold smile: "Since this is the case, then don't blame me."

Boom boom!

A tyrannical breath erupted from the Wang family.


All are sub-gods, and they are very arrogant and amazing.

In particular, Wang Zhiquan, despite his thoughts, has reached the second level of the sub-god level.

For a while, everyone in the Liu's hall changed his face, and he breathed in a confrontation, but obviously fell behind.

On Han Yexing, the Wang family is a big family, and the Liu family is just a small family.

Although there are no powerful people in the magical world, there are more than one master of the second level of the Wang family, and there is only one Liu family, the elder, who left the family a few years ago and has yet to return.

There are only three sub-gods in the first level, namely the homeowner Liu Hanyan, the second elder, and the third elder.

But this time, the Wang family came to four sub-levels. The most powerful Wang Zhiquan was the second level of the sub-level.


For the Liu family, this is the crushing power.

"Liu Hanyan gives you one last chance." Wang Zhiquan exuded a strong breath, suppressing the audience, his eyes flickered endlessly and he looked like a ghost: "Your choice will determine the survival of the Liu family. "

"Han, for the Liu family, marry you." The three elders assisted.

The second elder's expression changed, obviously his mind was moving, but he still didn't say anything.

Liu Hanyan's silver teeth were almost bitten. This despicable man threatened her with the Liu family.

How to do?

You can only compromise, otherwise the Liu family will likely be destroyed.

The Wang family has some relationship with Han Yemen. Even if the Liu family is destroyed, it is estimated that they will not be punished by Han Yemen.

Liu Hanyan closed his eyes in pain.

One option is the demise of the Liu family. The other option is to enter the tiger's mouth and fall into the fire pit. The Liu family is likely to become a vassal of the Wang family.

Either choice is bad.

"Master Liu, do you need help?" At this moment, a gentle voice, like a silent rain of moisturizing materials, came in from outside the hall with a breeze, blowing into everyone's ears, ignoring all the mighty authority Squeeze straight into the heart of Liu Hanyan.

Liu Hanyan froze slightly, the sound seemed to have been heard somewhere, and could not help but a figure appeared in her mind, which was the one she saved before.

After being rescued, there was not much intersection. It was only through his brother that he knew that the opponent had a very good swordsmanship. As for the strength, I didn't know.

But now, the other party is here, is there enough confidence in their strength?

The lively heart of Yan Liu flashed a lot of thoughts.

"If you can." Liu Hanyan didn't think about it for a long time.

The meaning of this sentence is that if Chen Zong is confident against Wang Jiazhu and others, then he will shoot, if not, then he will not do it.

"As you wish." That voice sounded again. Immediately, a terrible breath suddenly came down, directly suppressing the four royal masters of the royal family.


With this breath, the horror was extremely extreme. The four people including Wang Jiazhu seemed to see a sky sword hang in the air, exuding an extremely amazing sword pressure.

It was very pure sword pressure, direct suppression.

To a certain extent, sword pressure is a kind of momentum. However, only sword practice with very sophisticated Kendo accomplishment can turn momentum into real sword pressure.

After the momentum became sword pressure, that power was even more terrifying.

Under the pressure of the sword, the strength and momentum are not arrogant enough to resist, and they will directly lose the ability to resist.

For example, although the four members of the Wang family are not weak, compared with Chen Zong, there is a huge gap.

The sub-god level, according to the saying, is a realm with infinite potential. The strong can be extremely strong and can crush other sub-god levels.

Now Chen Zong is at the sub-level level and thinks he can't find his opponent.


The four of them, including Wang Jiazhu, knelt under Chen Zong's horrible sword pressure.

This scene immediately shocked the Liu family.

They didn't feel any breath.

Because Chen Zong perfectly controlled his sword pressure and only acted on the four members of the Wang family. Chen Zong could not do it in the past.

But now, after mastering the realm of kendo and getting the memory of the sword master of Dongting, it is not difficult or even easy to do this.

Wang Zhiquan's foreheads were all raised, constantly struggling to resist and arouse all their strength, but still couldn't resist, the sword compaction was too terrible, not only on the body but also on the mind.

As if the whole person were to be crushed.

"Master Liu, is it dead or alive?" Chen Zong entered the hall, but the sound rang again, and he passed into the hall, suddenly making the four of the Wang family extremely scary.

Liu Hanyan's look also changed.

The death and death of the four members of the Wang family were between her thoughts.

If they could, Liu Hanyan would have them die, but they couldn't, because the Wang family was stronger than the Liu family. Once they died in the Liu family, the cold night gate would be pursued. For the Liu family, it would definitely be a disaster.

Therefore, as a homeowner, Liu Hanyan must consider from the perspective of the family.

In the end, the four members of the Wang family were let go, but the other party was required to make an oath, and no more ideas of the Liu family were allowed.

In this regard, Chen Zong did not show up, nor did he show anything else.

However, Chen Zong knew that the horror of the royal family would not be so easy to give up, and would definitely come again.

However, as long as the strongest is not coming, Chen Zong is not afraid.

The Han Yexing is only a low-level star. Among the Han Yemen, there is only one powerful god. Although the Wang family has some relationship with the Han Yemen, the face is not so big as to invite the only one. Where the strong come forward.

What fear is there as long as it isn't a sacred realm?

It is a pity that instead of merging the origin of Kendo, he was absorbed by the sword of the heart. Otherwise, according to the memory of the sword master of Dongting, if he successfully merged the origin of Kendo, he might be able At the **** level, he has the combat power of the gods.

Although it was a pity that he didn't get that chance, Chen Zong didn't have much regret.

After all ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ At that time, if the sword of the heart did not devour and absorb the origin of Kendo, there would not be enough power to destroy the true spirit of the sword master of Dongting, and he would not be able to send himself away from Jianshan of Dongting.

If it is a true fusion of the origins of Kendo, then you will also be replaced by the sword master of Dongting, and you will no longer be yourself.

Therefore, a loss must have a gain.

Even if there is no successful integration of that kendo origin, the initial integration has brought a lot of benefits to himself. The most intuitive is the promotion of the sword body in the beginning, from the level of the intermediate spirit body to the superior. Spirit body.

Chen Zong has tested it himself. If the power of the sword body in the early period is enough, it will be enough to enhance the power of the sword element in the early period, which is very significant.

Of course, this kind of power can't last. It can only erupt like a mysterious law. It is short-lived. The advantage compared with the secret law is that there are no side effects.

It's like a secret method that has no side effects and can be promoted.

In the elegant and exquisite courtyard, Chen Zong is meditating and reorganizing the memory of the sword master of the East Court.

My current self is only a little bit prepared for the impact of the Divine Realm.

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