Sword God

Vol 36 Chapter 3: The Phantom Strikes

The Wang family mansion is more luxurious and wider than the Liu family several times, and a strong breath is engulfed in it.

"Are you here?" Wang Zhiquan snapped in the hall.

"Quick, it should arrive in half an hour." An elder responded immediately.

In the royal family, it is the words of the owner.

"Very good, set a banquet right away and entertain at the highest standard." Wang Zhiquan almost glowed with red light.

After the adult has been entertained and he has enjoyed himself, he will recover all the humiliations he had suffered before.

Liu Family!

This time, in order to recover the humiliation at the Liu family, Wang Zhiquan paid a great price, and finally contacted the adult from the cold night door and asked him to come forward once.

That adult, but in the gate of Han Ye, second only to the master of the psychic powers, was almost able to break through the power of the psychic powers that year, but only failed a little bit, but failed. Down, his strength is much more arrogant than the sub-god level.


It is also called Pseudo-God Realm, which refers to a practitioner who failed to pass through the Divine Realm and fortunately did not die. Although the breakthrough failed, he also grasped a little power. Therefore, although his strength is not as good as the real Divine Realm, he also has some The power of the gods is much better than the sub-god level.

The number of practitioners of the pseudo-god realm is very small, far less than the sub-god level. After all, most of the breakthroughs in the go-go realm are success and failure, and the result of failure is more than 70% death.

20% are immortal, but because of this they lose all their power and become wasteful.

The remaining 10% is a pseudo-complex.


Above the sky, two figures are flying fast, one of them is Wang Zhiquan, the other is a black robe with a bare head and a fleshy face, which makes people not a messy character at first glance.

Of course, in the world of the practitioner, the level of strength has nothing to do with whether it looks fierce or not.

However, Wang Zhiquan looked respectful.

"Are you sure, the owner of the Liu family is the Sanyin spirit?" The bald man confirmed again.

"Yes, Lord Three Nights, Liu Hanyan is the Sanyin spirit body." Wang Zhiquan's tone was extremely certain. Why did he marry Liu Hanyan at that time? , You can get the pure Sanyin spirit power of the other party and turn it into your own. You can purify your own constitution and make cultivation a step further.

This is not only useful for yourself, even for people in the pseudo-god state. Although you can't break through the god-god state again, you can further enhance your own potential and strength.

"Sanyin spirit body, such a woman will be very cool when used." Three nights revealed a sneer, this expression made Wang Zhiquan can't help but shiver a chill, these three days, the beauty in Wang's family for three night Twenty of them were all killed.

I am afraid that in this perverted heart, the power of the Sanyin spirit body is not as fun as that body.


Wang Zhiquan couldn't help thinking about it secretly, but the thought of being shamed and kneeling down at that time burned his heart and turned into anger.

In any case, this shame must be returned.


After Liu Hanyan came to the courtyard to thank Chen Zong, he did not know what to say and left.

Chen Zong started meditating again.

Until now, all of his own power has been excavated to the extreme, and the sub-god's extreme has reached the point of impossibility. Then, naturally, it is necessary to break through to the divine realm.

The reason why Chen Zong has not yet made a breakthrough is that he is willing to have two.

The first is that the understanding of Tongshen Realm is not enough. The memory of the master of the Dongting Sword is very heavy. He must choose among them the parts related to breaking through the Shenshen Realm and make all preparations. This is Chen Zong's habit.

The second is life-threatening soldiers.

Chen Zong has a feeling that it is better that the life-defying soldiers conceived before breaking through the realm of the gods himself. This is also what Su Luan said, so the potential will be greater.

There were about three years left before the birth of the life-threatening soldiers, but this time because of the origin of kendo, a little bit of kendo origin was incorporated into it, which shortened the incubation time.

Fifteen days!

With fifteen days remaining, the soldiers could be born.

Chen Zong also looks forward to his life.

Because it is the magic soldier that carries the accumulation of his spirit and sword. It will be closely related to himself. If there is no accident, the life soldier will accompany himself. In the future, he should not always change the new sword. Already.

"To break through the Divine Realm, you must first achieve the Taoist Fruits, and go through the test of the scourge. Only after passing through can you get the recognition of the Dadao, so as to master the Tao power, truly step into the Divine Realm, and enter the ranks of the strong in the void. "

Suddenly, a feeling of uneasiness permeated from the heart, Chen Zong interrupted his thinking, his gaze was fixed, and he looked at the sky.

Immediately, Chen Zong showed a smile.

Is it finally here?

Then look at who is the sacred person who can bring some uneasiness to himself.

Of course, Chen Zong can definitely not be a psychic state, because if it is a psychic state, the anxiety that he feels will definitely be many times stronger than now.

Since it is not psychic, what fear is there?


An extremely icy and extremely cold atmosphere suddenly spread from the distant sky. The atmosphere was diffused like mountains and rivers, and the sky was darkened on one side as if night was coming.

The Liu family was shrouded, and in that terrible atmosphere, he was cold and shivering.


The advent of a strong man is the arrival of a strong man that the Liu family cannot resist, and the breath is terrible, obviously not coming with goodwill.

"Come out, give me out." Wang Zhiquan's voice sounded, with a bit of scent, and spread across the Liu family instantly.

Chen Zong knew that he was talking about himself.

"Wang Zhiquan, are you going to break your vow?" Liu Hanyan spoke hard with this arrogant breath.

"Of course not, I won't shoot." Wang Zhiquan smiled.

He was forced to make an oath that day, and also showed off some word games. He only said that the Wang family did not come to trouble the Liu family, and did not say that other people would not be troubled by other means.

"That's right, it's a woman who is a triple-yin spirit body. Just looking at it, it's full of flavor." The bald-headed three-night face was full of flesh and a smile, but how terrifying he looked, he took a deep breath , As if smelling Liu Yan's body fragrance, revealing an intoxicated look: "You, qualified to be my woman."

Compared to those women he had seen before, this willow smoke is more feminine, and the atmosphere attracted him and made him feel irritable.

However, Liu Hanyan didn't think so. This man looked ugly, fierce, and spoke so, which caused Liu Hanyan's resentment, especially he and Wang Zhiquan were a group.

"Yu Hanyan can be seen by the three-night adult at Han Yemen. That is the blessing you have cultivated in three lives." Wang Zhiquan laughed, but thinking of a woman like Liu Hanyan would be perverted by the three nights. Pressed down, my heart was very upset.

Wang Zhiquan's words immediately changed the face of Liu Hanyan and others.

They all know the Han Ye Men, and the three night adults, they have naturally heard of their status. That is the first master in the Han Ye Men except the one who is powerful in the gods. It is said to be a shock to the gods. The power of the pseudo-god realm who failed in the realm was terrible.

There used to be a second-level master at the sub-level, challenged everywhere, defeated one strong enemy after another, almost beat the famous masters on the Han Yexing all over, and all won.

This person challenged Han Yemen in a spirited manner, and defeated many masters of Han Yemen, and finally caused three nights to come forward.

one move!

Just one move, the master was killed by three nights.

That battle also made people aware of the existence and power of the powerful pseudo-god.

For Wang Zhiquan, he was able to call a master of pseudo-god realm. This is definitely a disaster for the Liu family.

"Master Liu, let the one who has hidden his head out that day." Wang Zhiquan drank again.

"I can't even bear the pressure of my sword. Are you qualified to say this?" A voice suddenly sounded, just like the spring breeze blowing, blowing the amazing momentum that emanated from three nights.

"Interesting." San Ye's expression changed slightly, and he could ignore his imposing manner. This man is indeed extraordinary.

However, as long as it is a sub-level, there is nothing to worry about, at best it is the difference between one move and two moves and three moves.

As if a gust of wind was blowing, a figure appeared not far from Liu Hanyan.

very young!

This is the first impression of Wang Zhiquan and San Ye.

So young, the strength should not be strong, then there is only one explanation.


Top genius.

"Which one are you from?" Sanye's eyes were a little dignified.

Although he had the confidence to kill the other party, if any of the big disciples were, it would cause big trouble.

"Loose repair." Chen Zong smiled slightly.

His current identity is indeed a loose repair. As for the Dongting sword or something, the owner of the Dongting sword was killed by himself.

In this way, of course, I can't say against myself that I am a disciple of Dongting Jianshan, how thick my skin is to say that ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Sanxiu! Repeated for three nights, the eyes suddenly became extremely cold, between the flashes of cold light, as if to pierce Chen Zong, a cold atmosphere as if swept by the ice storm, screaming as if to be Drown Chen Zong and devour.

Chen Zong did not move, but to bear and feel the impact and suppression of that breath.

Is this the power of a pseudo-god?

Indeed, compared with the sub-god level, there is a slight difference, there is something more, and that extra thing, that kind of power, can cause obvious suppression to the sub-god level.

But for Chen Zong, this kind of repression is obviously not enough.

Only by strengthening it more than ten times can he truly affect himself. After all, Chen Zong is very confident. Now his own strength has already surpassed many sub-gods and reached an amazing height.

The opponents of the sub-god level have no interest at all. Perhaps the opponents of the pseudo-god realm can let themselves enjoy the battle.

This is a kind of self-confidence, a self-confidence of self-strength, and a self-confidence contrasted by the memory of the master of Dongting Sword.

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