Sword God

Vol 36 Chapter 5: Conceived

The world is coming!

Refine your heart!

The first sword came out. The terrible sword light carried the power of the world's will, as if carrying a world-like advent, and fell directly on the master of the pseudo-god for three nights. It was suppressed directly, and it was difficult to move instantly. .

The three nights themselves and the emptiness of the whole body were completely solidified and could not stand the slightest wave.

The second sword was subsequently killed, condensing the endless sharpness of the sword of heart, running through everything, the speed of the sword was extremely fast, following a trajectory in the heavens and the earth, the sword came out.


The sword gas burst in three nights' body and spread all over the limbs.

San Ye's face was shocked and puzzled.

Why ... Obviously the other party is only a sub-god, why after hearing the mystery of the psychic realm, there is no response and no test of the avenue.



With this deep puzzlement, the three nights were raged by the sword gas, and the pain swept across every part of the body, and a powerful force continued to pass.


A master of false gods ... death.

To a certain extent, the pseudo-godder is more precious and effective than the cross-god.

For example, sometimes, when the powerful gods are unwilling to take action, the sub-god level is not enough, and the pseudo-gods are very useful.

Han Ye Men is just a low-level star-level force, but it can have a pseudo-god master, and luck is very good. Some middle-level and even high-order star-level forces do not necessarily have pseudo-god masters.

But now, this false divine realm came because of the sorrow of the heart, sacrificed his life and died.

"Dead ... dead ..." Wang Zhiquan was completely stunned. He never expected that the three-night adult who was extremely powerful could be killed like this.

Immediately, he was agitated, his face pale, without hesitation, he immediately rolled up a gust of wind and hurried away.

In any case, it is better to leave first, and then leave the message to Han Ye Men after leaving, it is best to let Han Ye Men's powerful master of the gods.

Wang Zhiquan responded quickly, but Chen Zong also stared at him for the first time.

With a calm look, no fuss, no fuss, a flick of his fingers, suddenly, a ray of sword gas broke through the air, and a thunderous roar sounded in the void.

Thunder with a click!

Wang Zhiquan, who had flew several kilometers at full speed, trembled suddenly. As if struck by lightning, the back of his heart was sunken directly, as if being directly bombarded by an invisible sledgehammer.

The terrible force shocked and penetrated, directly smashing its heart, and the amazing sword energy spread throughout the body, raging endlessly, extinct vitality.

come down!

Like a bird in the middle of an arrow, the whole person fell quickly.

The Liu family was like wooden stakes, all motionless, all frightened.

With a roll of sword gas, Chen Zong rolled up Wang Zhiquan and San Ye's body and left quickly.

"Master Liu, this matter is left to me to deal with, it is to repay your kindness to me. If the people at Han Yemen hold them, they will say that they were killed by me, which has nothing to do with your Liu family." Into the willow's ears.

"Wait ..." Liu Hanyan reacted, and was about to yell at Chen Zongshi, but Chen Zong was extremely fast, but he was quickly away from the 10,000 meters away, and the next breath seemed to disappear without a trace.

Chen Zong also knew that killing San Ye and Wang Zhiquan was definitely not a trivial matter, but a troublesome one.

Although I don't like trouble, sometimes I have to face it.

If this matter is not taken over by himself, the Liu family is expected to be destroyed.

Moreover, no matter what the reason, the two were indeed killed by themselves.


"Han Yemen has a sacred realm, which should be the level of imperial realm."

Chen Zong thought while secretly away from the Liu family.

Yu Dao Jing is the most important realm of communicating with God.

"The pseudo-god was killed, Han Yemen would not give up, and he would definitely find me. At that time, maybe the god-god would directly shoot."

When thinking of the possibility that he might face a powerful god, Chen Zong couldn't help feeling a shudder. This kind of shudder was not fear, but an unspeakable excitement, and he couldn't help boiling his blood.

However, before that, you have to break through first, and break through to the level of Tongshenjing before you can have real strength to fight against the strongest of Shenshenjing.

The two bodies were quickly disposed of, and as for their appetite, they were reduced to Chen Zong's trophy.

This is how wealth is accumulated.

Looking for a remote valley, Chen Zong settled down for a while, while waiting for the birth of the soldiers, while thinking about the way to break through the divine realm.

"If you want to break through the magical realm, you must first condense the Taoist species on the flower of the Great Polar Realm and then go through the test of the scourge. After passing the scourge, the saplings turn into daoguo. Then you master the power of the avenue and control the Tao . "

"However, any cultivator can only choose one kind of Taoism and condensate Taoism."

This is the case in the memory of the sword master of Dongting, and this is the rule in the void.

No matter how many kinds of Taoism you master, but to break through to the gods realm, you can only choose one of them, which means that you must give up the other Taoism.

The most important realm of the Tongjing Realm is the imperial realm. As the name implies, it is the power to control the avenue and the imperial avenue, also called the power of the Tao.

The avenue is extremely mysterious. Any kind of avenue must have a lifetime of energy to pursue exploration. The practice of communicating with the divine realm is to constantly understand the avenue and the ambassador and finally master the avenue.

Excellent cultivators will brush through the various ideas they have, and then blend them into a new and stronger way to break through.

The strength of Taoism is high and low, and the power of the Tao after the breakthrough is also different. The potential is also high or low.

Such as the avenue after the breakthrough of the Supreme Will, is naturally the strongest avenue.

The master of the Dongting Sword masters four Taoisms and four top-level Taoisms, which respectively correspond to the four major Kendos of the Dongting Jianshan.

And he did not choose one of them, but with great perseverance, he merged the four Taoist ideas and became the perfect Taoist idea in his mind. He named it Dongting Taoist idea.

This way of thinking is supreme.

Judging from the memory of the sword master of Dongting, only those who master the Supreme Will can be expected to become the dominant power.

In other words, if you have not mastered the Supreme Word while under the Divine Realm, it will be almost impossible for you to achieve mastery throughout your life after breaking through the Divine Realm.

Of course, there are always exceptions to everything, but it takes great opportunity to make it.

Now, this has become a bit of distress for Chen Zong.

The Sword of Heart and the Word of the World are both of the highest level of Taoism. To break through the sacred realm, you can only choose one of them to consolidate the Tao and achieve the fruit.

How to choose?

Chen Zong is inclined to the sword of the heart, but he is very reluctant to give up the world's will, after all, that is the highest way.


The fusion of the sword of the heart and the Tao of the world has become a new Tao.

This method may work, but Chen Zong is not half sure.

Integrating the ideology is full of risks. It took a lot of time for the sword master of Dongting to merge successfully. It also experienced many dangers and included a lot of luck.

And that's just a fusion of top-level morals.

The Sword of Heart and the Word of the World are both Supreme Words of Thought. The difficulty of fusion is more than ten times higher than the fusion of the top-level Taoism and ten times more dangerous.

A little carelessness means that Taoism conflicts with each other and the integration fails. The end is the collapse of Taoism.

What does that mean?

It means that Chen Zong will lose the Taoism, he will no longer be able to condense, he will never hope to pass through the state of God, even at the sub-level level, because of losing the relationship of Taoism, his strength has greatly decreased.

Wealth insurance, Chen Zong is very aware of this, how much risk must be taken to get the best chance.

However, there are times when you are forced to bear the risk and you are forced to do so, and sometimes you have some confidence, even if you are a little sure, you have to take a risk.

This time, with the fusion of the sword of the heart and the word of the world, Chen Zong had no clue whatsoever.

And, when the ascension is to fuse the two Taos, a feeling of extinction directly breeds from the deepest part of the soul.

Chen Zong can only abandon the idea of ​​blending the sword of the heart and the world.

So, how to choose?

Perhaps, from the memory of the sword master of Dongting, we can find a way.

After all, the memory of Dongting Sword Master is extremely huge, far better than Chen Zong's own memory. I do n’t know how many times. Chen Zong did not dare to release it all at once, but only release it a little bit. Otherwise, estimate his own memory. Will be dispelled and become chaotic, and by then, you may no longer be yourself.

It took almost a month for Chen Zong's digestive memory to be the tip of the iceberg.

In the valley, time slowly passed, and the life and death soldiers in the inner world continued to evolve and gradually take shape.

The essence of Chen Zong's sword, the meaning of the world, and so on, seem to be integrated into that deity.

In the heavens and earth, the life-threatening soldier gradually shook, and the light spontaneously turned into a sword-like atmosphere surrounding it. Www.wuxiaspot.com ~ in all directions, more and more, as if endless, filled the entire inner sky .

Chen Zong, who was digesting the memory of the East Sword Master, was also awakened.

In a hurry, the sword-like spirits, centered on Chen Zong's body, spread quickly, and surrounded them, moving indefinitely, flying like spirit snakes.

In an instant, the sword became more and more powerful, and the scope became larger and larger. It continued to condense, turning into a dazzling sword light, covering a square kilometer.

Chen Zong's figure flew out of the air, suspended in mid-air, and the countless Jianguang differentiated, surrounding a kilometer circle, with Chen Zong as the center, forming a ball of Jianguang.

Each sword light exudes an astonishing sharpness and sharpness, as if able to penetrate everything, tear everything, and break everything.

Countless sword lights gradually contracted and restrained, and finally, in the presence of Chen Zong, condensed into a thicker and brighter sword light, turning into a sword.

The body of this sword is almost transparent, with a feeling of refraction of light and shadow, as if smog. It is like invisible and inexhaustible, but also very condensed, a very unusual contradiction and perfect fusion into one, extremely mysterious, incomparable, beyond Imagine.

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