Sword God

Vol 36 Chapter 6: Strike through the Divine Realm

"Good sword!"

Chen Zong flicked his finger, the blade of the sword trembled as if it were boneless, and the trembling sword sound mellowed into his ear, shocking in all directions.

If the sword is good, Chen Zong can see an overview at a glance, and with a fingertip, he can know more.

A good sword is not only hard enough, so that it will not be easy to chip, but also tough enough to not break too hard.

With this sword, Chen Zong felt connected with his blood and shared his mind, as if he had grown from his own body like the five internal organs and six internal organs, as if he had become the sixth internal organ.



As for the Purple Thunder Sword, refining has been lifted.

Since then, only one of his own swords has been ordered.

"The sword is born from the heart, and the sword body has no phase. The gathering and disengagement are all between the mind." As if only this sword.

"So, I call you a sword with no heart at all." Chen Zong's soft groan fell, **** the sword, melodious, handed down, the sword as if cheering.

This sword ... should be spiritual.

A glorious light flowed across the sword, like a stream of water that never ceases to repair.

Chen Zong can feel that the power of this sword is better than the Purple Thunder Sword, but the most important is the potential, which is beyond the potential of the Purple Thunder Sword.

Chen Zong was very excited at the beginning of the heartless sword, just like a child getting a beloved toy, he couldn't let it go, he forgot about others for a while, and immersed himself in the exploration of the heartless sword.

After exploring, Chen Zong knew that this extremely heartless sword can be divided into two forms.

One form is the true sword form, which is the form currently held in the hand.

The other form is Jianguang form.

"Million swords ... turned!" Chen Zong loosened his hand holding the sword, and for a moment, the extremely heartless sword flew out with an extremely dazzling brilliance, as if the fireworks exploded and turned into sword lights, each sword light There are hair thickness, as many as 10,000.

Ten thousand sword lights, densely suspended in Chen Zong's body.

With a thought, suddenly, the 10,000 swords of light fluttered around the body, showing different sword moves, as if 10,000 people were practicing swords at the same time.

Of course, although Chen Zong can multitask, he still can't do everything, just because of the peculiarity of life-threatening soldiers with no heart sword, it is easy to control.

This feeling is really mysterious.

Kendo area!

In a hurry, the sword area spread out, covering a radius of ten meters, and 10,000 sword lights converged within ten meters. It blended with the kendo area in general, and a sense of control emerged spontaneously.

Jianguang is surrounded in the kendo realm, and Chen Zong can feel that this kendo realm has 10,000 daojians mixed with amazing defense capabilities.

"Maybe, I can develop a defensive sword move." Chen Zong couldn't help but think secretly.

Based on Chen Zong's current accumulation and realm, creating a sword trick is trivial and easy. The problem is that it is not easy to create a sword trick that suits you very well.

"Before that, we must first break through and repair." Chen Zong secretly said that recently, there is a feeling that is not very good, as if there is a crisis coming.

Chen Zong estimates that 70% to 80% of those who might be Han Yemen's psychic powers will come to the door.

Against Tongtong Shenjing with his current strength, I am afraid that he is not an opponent.

Breakthrough first.

When you have the power of the Divine Realm, then compete with one another.

The memory of the master of the Dongting Sword, this time, Chen Zong read and digested a part, there is a feeling that a solution is about to be found.

Three days later, Chen Zong finally found a solution.

"Although this method is also extremely dangerous, it does not feel the disaster." Chen Zong secretly said.

Wealth insurance seeks for greater gains and of course bears some risks.

This kind of risk, Chen Zong feels within his own tolerance, can fight.

This is the way to cultivate. If you only seek stability every time, there may not be any risks or accidents, but it can only be the case. It is difficult to advance to a higher level.

Chen Zong's temperament, however, belongs to the pursuit of stability. When there are better opportunities, as long as there is hope, we must grasp it.

Taking a deep breath, Chen Zong prepared to make a breakthrough in this valley.

Suddenly, the sense of crises became stronger, an overwhelming breath came over the sky.

The far side of the sky was instantly rendered black by an inexplicable force, spreading like a night.

Night is coming!

A wave of chill, accompanied by the night, covered the entire valley directly.

A hint of arrogance filled the valley.

Chen Zong was generally suppressed.

Immediately, a figure also emerged in the night. It was an old man in a black robe, with dark eyes and deep, carrying his hands, standing upright, as if integrated with the night.

The old man gazed at Chen Zong, his dark eyes turned, as if to see Chen Zong thoroughly.

Chen Zong was immobile, and he felt the breath on the other side carefully, and then compared it with the memory of the sword master of Dongting.

Sure enough, the cultivation of this old man is the level of the imperial realm, that is, the first level of the supernatural power.

The imperial realm is nine turns, and in the sense, the old man's cultivation should be no more than three turns. Of course, it may be that the other party has converged its own breath fluctuations, not all of them have been exposed, so Chen Zong cannot perceive clearly.

After all, Chen Zong is Chen Zong, and Dong Ting Sword Master is Dong Ting Sword Master. He has the memory of Dong Ting Sword Master but has no realm of Dong Ting Sword Master.

"Which disciple are you disciples?" Said the old man, his voice a little cold, like the cold wind of the night.

"Scattered repair." Chen Zongbuxubuji said, with a smile on his face, deep inside, there was a feeling of trembling, very stimulating, stimulating the heart to accelerate, the blood was like a torrent of dying.

A trace of warfare started from the deepest heart.

The old man was a little stunned. He was in a state of divine spirit and had a keen sense. Naturally, he also felt the trace of warfare condensed on Chen Zong.

A sub-god level.

That's right, he can see that this son is at the level of the sub-god level. In the face of his own divine power, the first reaction is not to ask for forgiveness, nor to escape, but to rise to war.

How arrogant!

"Okay, you killed me for three nights at Han Yemen and gave you two choices." The old man in black flashed in his eyes: "The first choice is to kill someone, and the second choice is to worship me as a teacher and swear allegiance. My cold night door. "

The old man's abacus is playing very well. Obviously, this child has amazing talents. If he swears allegiance to Han Yemen, it will not be long before Han Yemen will have a better understanding of the gods.

Moreover, if you worship yourself as a teacher, you will definitely get some benefits, that is a kind of luck care.

Maybe take yourself one step further.

Think about it, I feel very beautiful, very excited, so, in the future, Han Ye Men may become a mid-level star power or even a high-level power.

"I choose the third one." Chen Zong smiled, clenched the extremely heartless sword, and stroked it out.

Jian Guang tore up the sky instantly and beheaded. Chen Zong didn't test it. With his own sub-level strength, it was not enough to test a psychic state.

Therefore, this sword directly erupted.

Under the increase of the extremely heartless sword, the power has been strengthened by more than ten percent, and it is even more amazing.

"Sculpture of worms." The old man froze slightly, never thinking that the other party dared to take the initiative to himself, and then smiled coldly, showing his contempt.

No matter how powerful the sub-god level is, the gap between the sub-god level and the Tongshen Realm is inestimable.

Reaching out, lightly, a dark finger burst out of the air and suddenly burst out the sword light.

This is just an understatement of the old man's finger, using less than one tenth of his own power.


This is where the gap lies.

Chen Zong's heart shuddered even more.

Taking a deep breath, Chen Zong burst into full force.

Power of the sword in the beginning!

Breaking the mystery third!

Refining your heart and returning to one sword!

The sword that has been doing its best, with the constant increase, its power is more than doubled than the sword just before.

"Oh, good power." The old man's eyes lightened slightly, and Chen Zong's sword surprised him.

At the sub-god level, it is incredible that such a mighty sword can be exhibited.

Recalling when I was in the sub-god level, it was far from such a person.

Moreover, if one's cultivation is only for the first time, he may need to show his real strength to deal with such a sword.

Pointing out again, the power was a little more powerful. After defeating the sword light, it seemed to penetrate the void and kill Chen Zong directly.

Under that finger, a straight crack appeared in the void, and it was called Chen Zong's hair.

Without hesitation, Chen Zong released the field of kendo, and the extremely heartless sword was also disintegrated instantly, turning into 10,000 sword lights around the body, overlapping and resisting.


Every sword light was crushed under the black finger strength ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ but finally blocked the black finger strength.

"Yes, it was able to block the attack of my two successes." The old man secretly surprised, but he had three turns in the royal state. Although he hadn't used that power in the one hit, it was just a divine power, but the divine power was more than The power of the sub-god is stronger than many times.

In this case, try it with three successes.

The purpose of the old man was not to kill Chen Zong, but to surrender it for his own use.

Suddenly, Chen Zong rolled up a sword light, erupted to the extreme speed, and went straight away.

Chen Zong, who had just played against him, already understood that he was not the opponent of the other party at all, and there was no benefit in continuing to fight.

"Don't want to run away." The old man suddenly became angry, he must be angry, the night was rolling, the momentum of terror came, and he wanted to suppress Chen Zong.

Immediately, he saw his five fingers spread out, and the black light diffused into a huge black palm, as if falling from the sky, grabbing Chen Zong overwhelmingly.

Chen Zong's expression changed, and there was a flash of determination in his eyes. Next, a void ship appeared.

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