Sword God

Vol 36 Chapter 8: Arctic Sky Calamity (1)

The lush forest, overlooking from above, has a boundless horizon, and I don't know how many miles it will last.

The characteristic of Lvxing is that there are so many plants and they are very prosperous, so that the air here is very fresh.

Lu Luoxing has always been rainy. This time, dark clouds have quietly condensed over the forest. With the waves of wind that do n’t know where to blow from, there is a mighty momentum.

Whistling, gale howling, turning into a roaring gale, more and more dark clouds continually gathered from all directions, dense, dense and unstoppable, rendered like heavy ink over the sky, covering a large area, square Thousands of miles.

That dark cloud layer was black and thick, and it gradually piled up and became thicker and thicker. There was a thrilling pressure that condensed like a mountain and was about to collapse.

The whole endless forest seemed to be destroyed under the dark clouds that piled up in the sky, the wind roared, the woods shook, and numerous leaves were blown off the branches and swept across the sky.

The branches and leaves of the sky are flying in the sky, and they are shattered in the sky, turning into countless shatters and rushing into the dark clouds.


The dull sound also rang, shaking in all directions, ringing the sky and the waves.

That's Thunder!

It was a crimson thunder, like a dragon flying through the dark clouds, exuding a terrifying breath.

In a hurry, the breath was constantly spreading and was felt by many practitioners on the Green Star.

"what happened?"

"What happened?"

"Are there any treasures to appear?"

"Are there any mysteries born?"

For a while, after many times the god-level practitioners felt it, they quickly looked at the direction of the breath, and after a big shock, they also secretly guessed that they immediately showed a kind of greed and excitement.

Whether it is the birth of a treasure or a mystery, it is an opportunity for them.

If it is available, it will definitely be of great benefit.


Immediately, many people set off and quickly moved towards the direction of that big forest. The closer they got, the more they felt the oppressive atmosphere in the air.

dark clouds!

The dark clouds that stretched for thousands of miles completely covered one sky, suppressing everything like it, and extremely scary.

The crimson thunder was like a dragon flying through the dark clouds, making people trembled.

No matter how you look at it, you don't want the treasure to appear or the secret treasure to appear.

In Luluomen, the powerful meditation consciousness who was meditating felt the amazing breath, and his brows frowned slightly, and then his body appeared in the sky, staring away.

"This is ... someone is in the sky." Lu Luomen's psychic state was secretly surprised.

who is it?

Who on earth is Li Tianjie here to break through to the gods?

There is no such person in Luluo. Is it someone from other forces on Luluo?

Not sure, but just take a look and you'll know.

His body flickered, and Lvluo was very fast. She rushed to that forest quickly, and it was very shocking.

"Thousands of miles!"

"What an amazing talent and foundation!"

The shock was rushed directly into the heart, an indescribable shock.

It's just scary.

Thousands of miles!

For thousands of miles, he searched his memory, and found that in the memory, it seemed that he had never seen or even heard, who could cause such a mighty momentum when he broke through to the gods.

It's scary!

Far away, when he broke through to the gods realm, it only caused a cloud of tens of miles.

Dozens of miles and thousands of miles sound like a hundredfold difference, but the difference is not a hundredfold description.

There is a threshold between tens of miles and hundreds of miles, and the gap is more than several times.

This has everything to do with the solidity of the individual's foundations, the mysteries and talents that the various forces possess.

In this way, what kind of genius should be able to cause thousands of miles of fluctuation.

"Perhaps, no one is breaking through the Divine Realm." Lord Lulu surreptitiously guessed: "It may be that someone is breaking through the level of Royal Realm, or higher."

With the Divine Realm, every breakthrough of a realm must go through a scourge.

Because the higher the level of the Tongjing Realm, the deeper the control and mastery of the avenue, it must be tested by the avenue.

Only by passing the test can we be qualified to further control the road.

Thousands of miles of fluctuations, the imperial realm is about to break to the next level, and some more powerful people may be expected to cause it.

However, if it is a strong player of that level, how can he break through the low-level stars such as Lu Luoxing?

Master Lulu couldn't figure out why.

However, as long as you see Li Tianjie's person in person, you can understand.

"Heaven is coming." In the endless forest, Chen Zong looked up at the sky.

Thousands of miles of dark clouds rolled in, continually gathered, as if constantly piled up, sinking with the accumulation, astonishing breath, Chen Zong was the first to bear it, because Chen Zong was fierce.

This terrifying breath was directed at Chen Zong. As for the diffused air around him, it was just a leak.

But just the leaked breath makes it impossible for a sub-God to be close to the slightest, because as soon as it approaches, there is a feeling of terrifying disaster.

This feeling is not an illusion, and no one dares to ignore it.

Even Master Lu Luo did not dare to be too close, after all, he also felt scared.

In addition, he is in a divine realm. Once he enters the scope of the sky robbery, he will immediately cause more avenue power. At that time, he will be directed at him, or he will be hacked directly.

Even if you are not dead, you have to peel off.

Moreover, the probability of being hacked is high.

For small life considerations, it is better to watch from afar.



The momentum that destroys everything directly hits, suppresses the soul and body, and double oppression makes Chen Zong feel extremely difficult to breathe.

Within the sea of ​​God, on the flower of the great polar realm, a seed stays still, that is the kind of Tao formed by the condensed sword.

The appearance of Chen Zong's body looks the same as before, but if you look at the details, you will find that it is different.

Hair is like stars, eyes are like the sun and moon, blood is like rivers, and the membrane is like the earth ...

This body seems to contain a world, and it seems that the world looks like a body, which is extremely mysterious.

When the Tao of refining the body breaks through the realm of divinity, it means integrating the Taoism into the body and transforming it into the body.

Different gods have different bodies integrated into their bodies.

The **** body formed by the Supreme Word is naturally the strongest.

Chen Zong can clearly feel the arrogance of his body at this moment, as if there is a feeling of accommodating the world, and it cannot be destroyed.

"Heavenly ... Come on." Chen Zong looked up at the sky, watching the dark clouds pile up and oppress, and watching the red scary thunder carrying thunder, Chen Zong showed a look of excitement .


What kind of power is there?

That was the evolution of avenue power.

It is the avenue's test of practitioners.

So, what kind of disasters will you experience?

Taking a deep breath, Chen Zong stood up and faced the calamity.

As if I felt Chen Zong's momentum, in a hurry, a sound of low-pitched sounds blew, and a line of crimson red light gathered, densely packed, and condensed into a huge crimson light.


Just moments later, the red crimson thunderbolt was shot down in the air and turned into a thunder with the thickness of an arm. But in an instant, it was tearing thousands of miles into the sky and directly slicing to Chen Zong.

Very fast!

It is extremely fast, and its power is amazing.

"Come on, let me see how powerful you are." Chen Zong didn't even have any plans to dodge any shots, but had to fight against the thunder with his own body.

Divine power is nine points!

In general, the tragedies experienced by the sub-god through the Divine Realm are at most triple trespasses, and the top genius can reach six trespasses. The most amazing arrogance can reach up to nine trespasses. Generally, there are only star-level forces. Only the top Tianjiao who can endure the Nine Heavens Tribulation, and the number is very small.

Most of the top Tianjiao, if the Seventh Tianqiang, or the eighth Tianqiang.

Chen Zong doesn't know which level of robberies he will cause, but guesses that it should be no less than seven heavy robberies.

After all, they both broke through practicing qi and refining.

In the first heavy disaster, the power is definitely the weakest.

Chen Zong has to fight against the first hegemony with his own, and should have his own consideration.

First of all, this calamity is also caused by a breakthrough in the way of refining. It is normal for the way of refining to sharpen itself and fight against it.

Secondly, it ’s not clear to Chen Zong how much weight the Tianjie has, but the first one is the weakest. If the first one ca n’t handle it, then the more powerful Tianjie will be able to spend it, really. An unknown number.

Again, the benefits of being hard-hitting the sky are even greater.

The first thunder shot down, extremely fast, and powerful.

Chen Zong first put away the heart-printed treasure coat, and just made a strong resistance with a bang, Chen Zong only felt that he had lost his five senses, and could hear nothing but see nothing. There was only an overbearing force, carrying destruction. All the horrible powers constantly bombarded their bodies as if they were going to be crushed.


Crazy shock!

Chen Zong's body fluttered suddenly ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ A ray of light permeated from his body. When he flew, his hair fluttered, as if there were countless stars shining with stars, dense and numbness was beautiful.

The power of thunder continued to pour into Chen Zong's body, was absorbed, filled all over his body, and Chen Zong's consciousness was restored. Upon closer inspection, he found that the power of the calamity was actually in his body. The implied world is continuously absorbed.

With the absorptive power of the sky, Chen Zong felt that the world inside his body became more and more solid. Originally, the world was illusory. As it merged into the body, it gradually solidified, but it was not really true. The solidification, and now absorbs the power of Tianjie, the faster the solidification.

At the same time, the Taoism of the Sword of the Heart also absorbed some of the power of the Heavenly Calamity and became more and more condensed.

In the first calamity, Chen Zong completely resisted without any damage.

"Come again," Chen Zong said, cheering heartily.


The second calamity was shot down directly. This calamity had calf thickness, which was more than twice as large as the first calamity, and its power was more than twice as powerful.

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