Sword God

Vol 36 Chapter 9: Arctic Sky Calamity (2)

"The first sky robbery, the power is so powerful!" Lord Lulu was shocked when he saw the first red thunder that was a little thicker than his arm.

When he was going to the robbery that year, the first calamity was only the thickness of the thumb. The thickness of the thumb and the thickness of the arm were several times different.

And now, the second thunder, even has the thickness of the calf, is more terrible, the power is even more amazing.

Who the **** is going on?

"What the **** is going on here?" As soon as the god-level distance view, I saw only a horrific red thunder that made them have a sense of soul flying down shot down, their faces changed greatly, terrified.

"Cross robbery, someone is crossing the robbery." Someone exclaimed.


To them, it was like a legend.

How amazing!

Unexpectedly today, they were fortunate enough to see someone crossing the road.

"This is too terrible." A sub-level second-level master trembled with fear.

He felt the power of the first calamity, and even if he tried his best, he couldn't resist it, and he would be bombarded and killed.

Even if he doubled his strength, he was not sure.

But now, his cultivation has approached the peak of the sub-god level, originally thinking, after reaching the peak, preparing for a period of time to impact the gods, now it seems that there is no hope.

It was just the first disaster.

Divine power, this is not a mystery of divine power, the sub-god level should understand.

Seeing now with my own eyes, my heart is filled with despair and fear.

Chen Zongke didn't know that he had passed through the blaze, which directly scared Lu Luoxing for many years. No one dared to cross the blaze, because that was too impressive and terrifying.

The second Tianjie was more powerful, but Chen Zong still chose to resist with his body.


When he died, Chen Zong had a feeling of being crushed, but it was not really broken, it was just a feeling.

A large amount of God's calamity power is continuously integrated into the body of the sword of the mind and the body of the world, which makes the Tao more and more condensed, and also makes the world of the Tao more and more condensed, so that the strength of Chen Zong ’s body is constantly Ascension, more amazing and more arrogant.


The third calamity shot down again.

This calamity, with its full thigh thickness, is at least twice as powerful as the second calamity.

Chen Zong still resisted.

The whole person was suddenly blasted into the ground, smoking smoke.

After the three scourges, the dark clouds over the sky became richer and deeper. The endless crimson thunder light rolled in the dark cloud layer and flickered endlessly. From all directions, the colors continued to converge, and their colors gradually gradually deepened.

The breath permeating the heavens and the earth is also becoming deeper and more depressed.

Chen Zong jumped out of the dirt pit, only feeling his body, more and more domineering, there was a feeling of smashing the mountains with one punch, which was very amazing.

Taking a deep breath, Chen Zong looked up and looked up at the sky. The fourth Tiancai had not yet fallen, and was still brewing. The reddish color gradually turned into dark red, and it became more and more terrible.

shoot down!

In a hurry, the dark red thunder shot down, and its speed was even faster than before.

Chen Zong secretly panicked and was immediately hit.

It hurts!

There was amazing pain all over and around my body. It felt like I was completely broken and torn at that moment.

The kind of severe pain is directly penetrated into the bone marrow and into the soul, but the power of the sword of the heart and the meaning of the world is also shown, constantly absorbing the power of the calamity.

Sky robbery, for the manifestation of the power of the avenue, presented in a thunderous way.

To cross the sky disaster, either to break the sky disaster, or to resist the sky disaster, or to resist the sky disaster.

Undoubtedly, the first two are relatively safe, but the last one is very risky, and a little accidentally dies, but again, the last one is also the biggest benefit.

This is related to the cultivation after the divine realm.

By resisting the calamity by yourself, you can get the strength of the calamity and continue to integrate. That is the pure power belonging to the avenue. When you break through the imperial realm, the foundation will be more stable during cultivation, and the improvement of cultivation Easier.

This is also an adventure, a self-challenge.

The power of the fourth calamity was too overbearing, and the kind of pain was almost unbearable for Chen Zong.

Fortunately, the strength of the two avenues and their own tenacity finally resisted the bombardment of the fourth Sky Calamity.

The fifth Sky Calamity was also brewing, and shot down in the air.

The dark red thunder is faster and more powerful. In this thunder, Chen Zong still had no way to dodge and was hit again.

The pain was much better than before. Chen Zong fell into the pit as if he had really been broken.

All the muscles were trembling, as if there were thousands of sharp blades raging and cutting in the body, howling could not help but howl, it hurts too much.

It was a pain straight into the bone marrow.

The sword of the mind and the body of the world and the body of the world are constantly absorbed and devoured. Even if the fifth avenger is extremely powerful, it is finally eaten by the power of the two avenues.

The sixth dark red calamity was also shot down.

Very strong!



Chen Zong is still a bit sure.

But as soon as he was hit, Chen Zong found that he seemed a bit oversized this time.

That feeling was too painful, as if the entire body was torn apart completely, and it had penetrated into every part of the body, extremely subtle.

Feeling, the sword of the heart and the meaning of the world seem to be unsustainable, trembling, as if to be broken.

too strong.

Lord Lulu was inexplicably thrilled. He was the first to hear about such a disaster.

The part of Dongting Sword Master's memory about the genius robbery, generally the dark red calamity, only appeared on the seventh, eighth, and ninth calamities, and the four, five, or six heavy marshals were dark red, almost no.

Chen Zong is the dark red from the fourth heavy disaster, but it is because of the superimposed relationship between the physical disaster and the refining of the body.

Under the sixth heavy disaster, Chen Zong was deeply trapped in a deep pit, and the deep pit was blasted deeper and deeper.

After the sixth calamity, no seventh calamity fell.

Chen Zong's consciousness was still sober, and he could not help but secretly relieved.

has it ended?

At a glance, his face changed dramatically.

not yet.

In the dark clouds above, the dark red thunder was boiling, continually converging from all directions, making the thunder in the center continually converge, the color changed again, becoming deeper, and finally, it became black.

Looking at the black ray of light, Chen Zong had a heart-beating feeling.

In the memory of the owner of the East Sword, even the thunder of the Ninth Heaven Slayer, the color is not so deep.

Even if the power of this kind of calamity is still not as high as that of the Nine Heavy Calamities, it will not be much different.

"Is it the Seventh Heaven Calamity?" The hearts of Lu Luo were shaking.

It's a monster.

Tianjie is continually brewing, accumulating amazing power, and Chen Zong quickly recovers. The sword of the heart and the body of the world, continuously draws the power of the Tianjie to strengthen himself.

The seventh Sky Calamity also appeared, and shot down in the air.

The seventh Skyscraper is black and not very fast, at least a bit slower than the first Skyscraper, but when it fell, a number of void cracks continued to appear, as if the terrible blunt knife was torn. Tissue paper, full of terrible power.


The breath is extremely depressed!

Although the speed of the Black Thunder was not as fast, Chen Zong felt that he could not avoid it and was completely locked.

Moreover, this black thunder gave himself a very terrifying feeling, as if he would destroy himself, and could not resist with his body.

However, this time Chen Zong still chose to resist, but it was just to re-release the power of the heart-printed treasure.

The Heart Seal Treasure Cover covers every part of the body, which can weaken Qicheng's attack power.

The seventh Tiancai directly bombarded Chen Zong. Suddenly, the overwhelming force was weakened by Qiyin Baoyi's defense, and the remaining 30% was bombed into Chen Zong's body.

Very strong!

Very strong power, full of amazing destructive power. Destructive power is constantly raging in the body, as if to destroy Chen Zong's soul and body, but because he was weakened by 70%, the power was a little insufficient and was continuously Absorption.

Rao is so, Chen Zong also feels that 30% of the power is completely better than the sixth Heavenly Calamity.

In addition, the Eighth Heavenly Calamity was also shot down. This time, Chen Zong was totally unsure of the resistance, even if he had a heart-printed treasure in his body, he did not dare to resist.

In that case, break it down.

With a right-handed grip, Jian Guang suddenly swallowed out. The extremely heartless sword appeared in his hands. Endless forces poured into the sword body, and the sword light was masterpiece.

Refining your heart and returning to one sword!

Killed with a sword.

The power of this sword is much stronger than before, because the sword of heart condenses into the relationship of Taoism, and continuously absorbs the power of the Six Heavenly Calamities, becoming more powerful.

In that sword light, there was a trace of dark red power, exuding terrible breath fluctuations.

It was a wave of power in the sky.


Jianguang, who refined his heart and hit a sword, directly hit the eighth Tiancai. After a slight pause, Jianguang shattered away. The Tiancai was also weakened a little, and the speed was also slowed for a moment.




Chen Zong kept killing his sword, every sword was at will, every sword was understatement, but each sword condensed its own strength.

The eighth Tianqiang was continuously hit and weakened, and the power was getting weaker and weaker. When Chen Zong was hit, its power was less than half, and it was weakened by 70% by the heart-print treasure, which was better than the seventh Tianqiang.

Absorbed again ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ However, the ninth Tiancai was also shot down, and its power was more than double that of the eighth Tiancai, which directly called Chen Zong's complexion.

With such power, if it is directly hit, even if it is weakened by the heart-printed treasure, it is estimated that you will be seriously injured.

too strong.

However, this should be the last disaster.

The Nine Emperor's Heist is the most.

As for the memory of the sword master of Dongting, it is true that there are more than nine deadly calamities, but that is too rare.

From ancient times to today, I don't know how many years there will be one, and once it appears, it must be extraordinary, even if it is the magical tragedy experienced by the master of the Dongting Sword that year, it is only ninefold.

Power of the sword in the beginning!

Breaking the mystery third!

Ten successes!

Refining your heart and returning to one sword!

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