Sword God

Vol 36 Chapter 13: Finally, God is powerful

The power of the avenue, colorful, and ever-changing, constantly falling from the heights, constantly absorbing into Chen Zong's body and being absorbed.

The Shenhai, which has been widened more than ten times, is fully blooming, and the sword-shaped fruit in the center is becoming more solid.

Immediately, the petals of the flower of the Great Polar Realm began to wither, and a fascinating stream of spirits continued to spread into the sword-shaped Tao fruit.

This sword-shaped Tao fruit is the result of the condensed sword of the Supreme Heart. It has an illusion. The illusion is not the illusion of illusion, but an unpredictable illusion. .

When the flower of the Great Polar State completely withered, it disappeared inch by inch, and the fruit has really taken shape, completely replacing the Flower of the Great Polar State and Taoism.

The power of the avenue is constantly being absorbed and being absorbed, more and more.

At the same time, Chen Zong ’s body is completely restored to normal, and the world ’s will and body merge, continuously absorbing the power of the avenue, everything in the world, the stars and the moon, rivers and lakes, mountains, forests, birds, animals, etc. Wait, all of them are constantly solidified, more and more real, more and more amazing.

The tenth heavy sword Yuan Gong continued to operate and continuously absorbed the power of the source of the main road, then the quality of Jian Yuan in the early days even increased again.

The only breakthrough was just a breakthrough, and now it is the real consolidation.

Everything is changing in a stronger direction.

Time passed slowly, and Master Lulu was constantly meditating and enlightening.

After all the power of the main road has been integrated into Chen Zong's body, the sky once again restores calmness, but it seems that it seems a little clearer and clearer, as if it was sunny after a heavy rain.

"It's finally over." Every time the gods were relieved, as if they were drained of energy, almost fell.

The enlightenment of Lord Lulu is also over, and the strength of the whole body is flowing endlessly, as if there are plants growing around, but only a ghost.

Immediately, the breath became more tyrannical and stabilized again.

"Five hundred years, I finally broke through." Master Lvluo tears.

After breaking through to the sacred realm, the practice was painstaking for five hundred years, but the progress was slow. I thought that it would be difficult to break through to the second turn in the millennium. I didn't expect it to break through now.

Thank you, Lord Lulu is very grateful to the person who has crossed the robbery. If he hadn't crossed the robbery here, let him have a look, I'm afraid it will take many years for him to break through to the second turn.

His body flickered, and Lvluo immediately flew away from the ruins hundreds of miles away. Looking down, he saw that a colorful cocoon was quickly losing its color.

When all the colors were lost, the Doraemon sounded suddenly, and saw an arm tearing the cocoon and penetrating out. Immediately, the cocoon was shattered to reveal a figure.

Just a flash, Lord Lulu only felt a tadpole in front of him, and there was nothing in the broken cocoon.

"Where's the man?" Suddenly Lv Luo was shocked, and looked intently, but she still didn't see the person. Where did she go?

Is everything I have seen just an illusion?

Suddenly, a terrible coercion came, and that courage carried an extremely sharp edge, very pure, but the sword pressure.

Under the pressure of that sword, the master Lu Luo who broke through the second turn of the imperial realm had a feeling of irresistibility, almost choking.

Turning around and looking back, I saw a figure in a white sword robe standing in the void, with eyes twinkling with the sharpest and most magnificent sword light, as if penetrating himself, called Lord Lulu. An inexplicable sense of panic.

He had a feeling that he seemed to be able to kill himself directly as long as the other party was willing.

"Slowly, I'm the Green Lover's Green Lover's Green Lover. I feel that someone is robbery on the Green Lover's Star. Come here for a look, and it's not malicious." The Green Lover spoke quickly, lest it be slow, he would be given a sword Beheaded.

This is not an illusion, but it really feels like it.

Chen Zong stared at Master Lu Luo, and a very wonderful feeling rose in his heart. That feeling was from the sword of the heart ... No ... At this moment, it can no longer be called the sword of the heart, but the heart An extraordinary perception brought by Kendo or Heart Sword Avenue.

A wonderful feeling like being born knowingly, just looking at each other, staring at each other, there is a judgment to determine whether this person is his opponent, to what extent this person may be able to fight with himself, to judge that he probably needs to use How much power or tricks can this person defeat or even kill.

This feeling was not available before, but only now. It is very wonderful and strange. It made Chen Zong very curious and secretly shocked, because there seemed to be no such information in the memory of the Lord of the Tingjian.

Of course, Dongting Sword Master's memory is huge, and he has not completely digested it, so far he has only digested a small part.

But in any case, this feeling is amazing and indescribable.

What kind of mystery it is, Chen Zong does not know, it is not clear, but it is certain that it is amazing. I can only slowly explore it later in the future. Maybe I can find the answer from the memory of the master of the sword in Dongting If not, find out the answer in your own capacity.

The mysterious feeling of Xuanzhi tells Chen Zong that the strong man who is in the second round of the imperial realm can't stop himself from a sword. If he wants to kill himself, he can use his real strength and one sword to kill him.

Not arrogance, but a kind of self-confidence that comes from the deepest part of the heart and from the deepest part of the soul.

A kind of self-confidence as if born.

However, the other party was not malicious, and Chen Zong was not good at it.

The sword pressure converged, and Lu Luo almost wiped cold sweat.

"I don't know what your name is?" Lv Luo said respectfully.

The strong are respected, so simple.

"Chen Zong." Chen Zong did not conceal his name.

"My Excellency Chen Zong, this time, I watched you realize that you were able to make a breakthrough and make two breakthroughs. I am very grateful to you, and asked you to come to my Luluo door and let me entertain you," said Luluo immediately.

"You can break through, then you have no chance to be grateful to me." Chen Zongbu Xu Buji said, Master Lulu could not help showing a touch of disappointment. In addition to the so-called gratitude, he naturally wanted to make Chen Zong.

"However, if you have good wine, I would like to drink a few glasses." Chen Zonghua Feng turned around and immediately called Lv Luo Shang excitement.

"Yes, yes, I have several thousand altars that have been hidden for thousands of years." Master Lulu said quickly.

The reason why Chen Zong agreed to the invitation of Lord Lulu was naturally because he had just entered the Tongshen Realm, and he planned to discuss with other Tongshen Realms. This discussion may not be cultivation, but also other.

After all, this man of green Luo should live a long time. Although he has the memory of the owner of the Dongting sword, the owner of the Dongting sword is only one person after all, not everything.

In addition to discussing it, Chen Zong also needs time to sort out the benefits of his breakthrough. After mastering it, he will return to that cold night star to take revenge.

After Chen Zong and Master Lu Luo quickly left, the god-level team approached the ruins of Tianjie hundreds of miles, and looked at the terrible scene, looking horrified one by one.

This power is terrible.

"Since then, this ruin may last." A sub-god sighed.

This forest is the largest forest on Lvluo Star, and it has been destroyed hundreds of miles now. It was destroyed by the forces of Tiancai. Such forces are too terrible and extinct.

These hundreds of miles of ruins, if there is no special situation, there will be no more vegetation, but hundreds of miles away, it will not be affected in any way, and it is still lush.

Over time, this place has also become a landscape on the green Luoxing, and because the traces of the scourge of heaven remain in the ruins here, it has attracted many people to come here to observe and observe, and it really has some benefits.

Of course, that's an afterword, and it has nothing to do with Chen Zong.


The origin of Master Luluo many years ago was a winemaker specializing in brewing in restaurants. Because of his coincidence, he embarked on the path of cultivation. His talents were okay, but they were not absolute, but he had perseverance and perseverance. Not bad.

Therefore, we can steadily improve our cultivation and slowly progress, but compared with other Tianjiao, it seems very slow, but very stable. Among them, there is also the relationship between Master Lulu's own winemaking.

He likes making wine. After becoming a practitioner, he will try a variety of wine making, such as plants, flowers, fruits, etc., and he will make some fine wines that can assist in cultivation.

In the end, with his patience and mentality, coupled with a bit of good fortune, he passed through the tragedy and became a powerful god.

But at the Tongjing state, his potential is also exhausted. At that level of transition to the state of the realm, the pause is hundreds of years. If not fortunate to see Chen Zongdu Jie this time, he can learn the power of the main road Only then can he break through to the second turn.

"If I cultivate by myself, maybe it will take hundreds of years to hope for a breakthrough." Master Lu Luo sighed, but was grateful to Chen Zong.

He poured Chen Zong a thousand millenniums of rice straw.

Qiancao Brew ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ is a kind of fine wine that the master of green dill uses a thousand kinds of spirit grass to uniquely mix, and after hundreds of years of adjustment, it is finally successful. Helps to cultivate, restore energy, and repairs the dark injuries of the body.

Of course, it has a significant effect below the Tongshen Realm, and for the Tongshen Realm, it can only be a good wine.

However, the thousand grass brews that have been collected for thousands of years are not the same, even if it is a miracle, it has the same effect.

Chen Zong can clearly feel that when Qian Cao Brew is in the stomach, a trace of the essence of grass and trees permeates, penetrates into his body, and slowly nourishes his spirit.

This feeling is very beautiful and very comfortable.

"Good wine." Chen Zong couldn't help admiring.

"If the little friend likes it, I have two altars here, so I will share the altar with the younger friend." Master Lulu laughed. The thousand grass brews are very valuable.

"Thank you." Chen Zong had good wine, so he did not refuse.

The two were chatting while drinking.

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