Sword God

Vol 36 Chapter 14: 1 turn to Royal Road

Luluo star on Luluo door, Luluo door in thousands of green buildings.

This thousand green building is located on a giant tree with a height of one thousand meters. It is slowly and nourished and adjusted by the master of the green luo with his own avenue power. The scenery is unique.

"Qiancao brewing is really good wine." Chen Zong awakened from the cultivation, only feeling comfortable throughout the body, comfortable inside and outside, full of energy and vitality, full of strength, but restrained in the body, like the still water, the surface From the look, there is no movement, but in fact, it contains amazing power.

Although Chen Zong would not be greedy for the cup, he had a good drink, and it was the first time he drank such a wine.

After all, it is because of the change of identity, and the change of identity is generally based on strength.

If you are now a sub-god, even if you are outstanding, at best, you will be given a cup of Chikujo, instead of having a drink, you will get a thousand-kilo thousand Chikujo and three Altar of the five thousand years of thousand grass brewing.

The 500-year-old Qiancao brew is certainly not as good as the thousand-year-old, but its taste is also very unique. Save on drinking, Chen Zong can drink for a short period of time, which is also very good.

Soon, Chen Zong shifted his attention from Qian Cao Brew to his own situation.

From the talk of Master Lu Luo, Chen Zong only knew where he was now. As for the star map on the spacecraft, it was too vast. With the soul of Chen Zong's **** at that time, he couldn't search too much, just looking for The nearby stars are not sure where they are in the void.

Know it now.

Void, divided into five major parts, is east-west and north-south.

The green star, where she is now, is located in the central void.

As for the most powerful force in the central void, Chen Zong is quite familiar but can be said to be very strange: the heaven of mind!

In the mysterious Hua Ji's predecessor's mouth, the most powerful force worthy of the void is stronger than the eternal battlefield: the Mind Heaven Palace.

As soon as I thought of myself, I inherited the mind of the Heart of Heavenly Palace from the early days of the thirty-three heavy heavens, and then passed on the heart of the Heart of Heavenly Palace, the true heart of the true monarch, and the treasures of the heart and the treasure left behind. Be regarded as the fate of the mind Tiangong.

Also, the biggest fate should be the sword of heart.

It has been proven several times that there is some connection between the sword of the heart and the palace of the mind.

"When it happened, I went to the Xintian Temple and his party." Chen Zong could not help secretly said, clenching his fists, for no reason, there was a feeling of blood boiling.

Heart of Heaven!

The strongest forces in this void, I don't know what it will look like.

Exhale a long breath, the breath is like a sword, pierced through thousands of extremely tough leaves, leaving a neat and consistent sword mark, but did not destroy it.

However, if there is a sword repair under the God Realm so far, you can learn something and understand it.

So far, it didn't take long for me to drink and chat with Master Lu Luo first. Until now, I have time to slowly and carefully appreciate my changes.

The sword of the heart is transformed into the sword of the heart, or the avenue of the sword of the heart. As the fruit of the Tao, it is floating in the sea of ​​God that has expanded more than ten times, as if it dominates the entire sea of ​​god.

An astonishing kendo power filled the Tao fruit, permeating the edge of the Tao fruit.

That ’s the power of Kendo in the heart. It ’s a magical force with a sharp and unpredictable kendo. Unprecedented and unpredictable. For a time, it was difficult for Chen Zong to penetrate it. Until the extreme.

After exploring the power of the sword of Taoism in the heart, Chen Zong began to explore the mystery of the world avenue transformed by the Tao of the World.

Thousands of miles!

Some avenues already exist, and some avenues do not exist, but when they are understood and controlled, the power of the avenues in the void will also increase.

Therefore, although people often pass through the Divine Calamity, receive the gift of the power of the Avenue, and merge it into their own, but the root of the Void Avenue will not be weakened because of this. On the contrary, as long as someone passes the Divine Calamity, Will further enhance the origin of the avenue in the void.

The origin of this avenue has always been so continuously improved.

Therefore, the greater the number of powerful gods, the stronger the avenue will be.

If these psychic powers die in the void in normal situations such as fighting, and the body is dead, the avenue power belonging to them will also merge into the void and be absorbed by the origin of the void avenue. Further strengthen the origin of Nether Avenue.

So no matter what, the birth and demise of Tongshen Realm will only be beneficial to the origin of the avenue, but not harmful.

Of course, some special demonic means are excluded.

Chen Zong has mastered the two Supreme Words, and has passed through the tragedy of the gods, and achieved the gods, whether it is the sword of the heart or the world avenue, especially the world avenue, which is a relatively rare avenue. It is obvious.

Because of this, the avenues of the avenue in the void will come to so many avenues of avenues to gift Chen Zong.

That's a kind of feedback.

With the memory of the master of the sword in the East Court, Chen Zong had such a recognition, that is a kind of insight and vision.

The integration of World Avenue and one's body is a breakthrough for the way of refining. Long hair is like a star in the sky, and each one carries amazing power.

Chen Zong can even be sure that when he took out one of his hairs, he carried amazing power. For the demigods, he was an amazing treasure.

Running a little power, suddenly, the amazing roar sounded in the body, like countless thunders tumbling, amazing power filled the whole body, called Chen Zong has a punch that can smash the mountains and collapse the void.

With full power, suddenly, with long hair flying, a little bit of starlight also permeated, the sun and moon manifested in the left and right eyes, and a skin film also appeared the lines of mountains and rivers, as if the earth was boundless. Water, the mighty, under the beating conveyance of the heart, provided an amazing explosive power to the body.

This is the divine body!

After the Tao of refining has broken through to the state of being able to pass through the gods, the Tao will be integrated into the body and become a avenue.

Divine body is also the biggest source of dependence and combat power for refining and communicating with divine realms.

The so-called refiner is to temper his body and physique, to build the strongest, not to rely on foreign objects, to fight infinitely by his own physical strength.

With his two fists, the endless force of Pentium continued to pour into his fists, which made Chen Zong really want to wave.

But Chen Zong held it down because there was a feeling that once it exploded, it would inevitably cause great damage.

Here is Luluomen, no resentment and revenge against himself, not so.

However, no shot was taken, and Chen Zong's careful experience can also feel that the strength of his own body is very strong, but the stronger, it seems that it is not strength but defense.

"That's fine." Chen Zong nodded secretly.

The sword of the heart is good at attacking, the avenue of the world is good at defense, both offensive and defensive, both means are available, and the ability to save lives is stronger.

"Tongshen Realm is first and foremost the realm of the Tao, and the power of driving the avenue is for my own use. With my current practice, it is only a turn of the realm of the Tao, and it can only drive and control ten percent of the power." Chen Zong secretly said: "But "My avenue is created by the supremacy of the Tao, with amazing potential and mighty power. The sword power of this heart and the power of the world avenue are definitely more powerful than the power of many avenues."

"In addition, my foundation is extremely magnificent, and it should be able to break through to two turns or even three turns faster."

The power of Jian Yuan Gong in the tenth position was more than three times more powerful than the ninth level, but four times.

In other words, if the power index of Jianyuan Gong was one before, it is five now.

The imperial realm is divided into nine turns, and the improvement of each turn has nothing to do with the exercises, only the Tao fruit.

Chen Zong carefully observed the fruit of Kendo in the heart. There was a grain pattern on it, which was very slight.

If there are two turns, there are two lines, that is the line pattern, and the full name is the road pattern.

"With my current strength, Han Yemen, the three-turn Yudao Gate of Han Yemen, is not my opponent." Chen Zong secretly said, this is a feeling.

It is also a kind of confidence.

"As of now, I will choose to enlighten a little imagination, etc., and strive to realize the mystery of the extreme realm in a short time, and then, I will be able to master two supernatural powers." Chen Zong was a little excited. .

However, the excitement soon subsided.

Because Chen Zong has the memory of the East Sword Master, among them, there are many supernatural powers in nature, many supernatural powers, many supernatural powers, some supernatural powers as well.

However, as far as the imperial realm is concerned, great magical powers are the easiest to practice and master, followed by the celestial magical powers. As for the higher-level supernatural powers above the celestial magical powers, it is too difficult and difficult to cultivate the imperial powerful realms.

Chen Zong began to enlighten.

Time flies, blinking is just a few days. When Chen Zong woke up, he did not feel the passage of time.

"Time flies so fast." Chen Zong couldn't help secretly, for the strong man who understands the realm of God, the concept of time is relatively not so strict and clear ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Xiaoyou, news. "Lv Luo came to the door.

"Please say." Chen Zong stood up and said.

"That Han Ye Shang left Han Ye Xing before, and now went to the intermediate star Han Han Xing." Master Lu Luo quickly said.

When drinking before, Chen Zong had a hunch, that the Lord of the Cold Night would not necessarily continue to stay on the Star of the Cold Night and wait for him to find it. He might leave, so he asked the Lord Luo to help investigate.

As an old-fashioned miraculous realm on Luluo, there is naturally a way.

Today's news confirms his speculation that the Lord of the Cold Night really left Han Yexing. In this way, he saved himself wasting time to run around.

Now that it's known that Master Han went to that Hanwu Star, and Hanwu Star is not too far away from Luluo Star, Chen Zong said goodbye to Luluo and immediately set off.

Seeing this, Lu Luo is not easy to keep, and can only see off for Chen Zong.

Take out the emptiness number, now, Chen Zongke is not afraid of being stunned, at least now he has the power to protect himself in the void.

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