Sword God

Vol 36 Chapter 15: Chasing across the stars

In the Kongkong, Chen Zong is driving, and constantly increases the speed, the speed is extremely amazing.

Wukong is a top-level void ship. When the speed is full, it is far better than the full flight of Royal Roads. In contrast, the full speed of low-level void ships is enough to beat the full speed of most Royal roads.

After all, the research of the Void Spaceship is to fly in the void and save time.

Previously, due to his own strength of soul and the burning of the void, if Chen Zong controls the Void, he can only play the full speed of the mid-level void ship, and the void shuttle is only a level of void year.

But now, I have broken through, and I am in a state of divine spirit, which has a great improvement in essence, when I can withstand stronger.

In this emptiness, Chen Zong can fully use the flying speed of a high-level void ship and use the void shuttle of ten void years.

If the overload is carried out, the speed of the top-level void ship can be used to blast out the true speed of the Void. As for a hundred years of void travel, it is difficult, or it must bear great danger.

But unfortunately, Chen Zong has only two kinds of vanity burning crystals, one is the middle order level and the other is the top order level.

This time Chen Zong did not use the top-level void burning crystal, that value is too high.

After all, he was going to shuttle through the void of a void year to rush to Hanwuxing quickly.

Fortunately, I have prepared some intermediate-level void burning crystals myself.

"Now that I've stepped into the realm of gods, it's time to find a chance to return to Tianyuan Sanctuary." In the spacecraft, Chen Zong secretly thought while driving the flying boat.

Thinking about it like this, Chen Zong searched in the star map of Wukong to see if he could find the existence of Lingwu Holy Realm.

"I appeared in a one-ary galaxy at the time. It stands to reason that the Nether Serpent should not have taken me too far away. In other words, the Lingwu Holy Realm is likely to be located in the one-ary galaxy."

"In the heavenly sanctuary of Lingwu Holy Realm, there is a void temple, but I do n’t know if there is a connection with the star-level force void temple in the void. If there is a connection, maybe I can pass through the star-level force void temple. "

However, Chen Zong was a little worried. Although there was some certainty that the Void Temple in Tianyuan Sanctuary and the Astral Void Temple should be related, there were some concerns.

Chen Zongyou's worries are normal. After all, the Lingwu Holy Realm does not appear on the star map. The star map of the top-level void ship is not simple and quite comprehensive.

Since it has not appeared, there are only two explanations. One is that the spiritual realm of the Holy Wushu is very mysterious. It exceeds the star chart record authority of the top-level void ship. Only the star chart of the super-empty void ship can record, which means Lingwu Saint The world is even more mysterious.

Another explanation is that the Lingwu Holy Realm is controlled by the Nether Temple and held by the Nether Temple. It has not been announced, which is equivalent to the private world of the Lingwu Holy Realm.

This kind of explanation is possible, but why, when I was in the Heavenly Yuan Sanctuary, there were no traces except for the void temples in each realm specifically for teleportation.

Can't figure it out or understand.

In the void, there are many stars, and the world is relatively few. On the value alone, the world is better than the stars.

For the stars, living beings live on its surface, but the world is the opposite. Living beings live on the inside and form a world of their own, so they have more potential. Compared with the stars of the same level, the rules of the heavens and the earth will be more perfect.

An undiscovered world is of amazing value. If Lingwu Holy Realm is not owned by the Void Temple of star-level forces, once exposed, it will inevitably lead to a battle. It is a battle between various forces. As far as the Lingwu Holy Realm is concerned, it is not a good thing.

"In this case, I have to find a time to return to the first galaxy, and then explore it. If it does not work, I will go to the Nether Temple." Chen Zong secretly sat down and decided after a well-thought-out decision.

As for the present, it is natural to first chase Han Yemen on the Han Yemen first. At that time, he had to force himself to worship him as a teacher, and even wanted to conquer the emptiness number, **** it.

After that, go to Xinyi Tiangong and take a trip, and then return to the one-ary galaxy to find the whereabouts of Lingwu Holy Realm.


The Hanwu Star differs from the Hanye Star by one word, but differs by one level, which is an intermediate star.

After the Han Yexing left the Han Yexing quickly, the first stop arrived was the Han Wuxing. Of course, because he had no relationship with the flying boat in the sky, he spent his time rushing at his own speed.

Fortunately, he is a strong man in the Three-Road Royal Realm. He is very good at speed and coupled with the non-stop journey day and night, he arrived in just ten days.

"With my strength, when joining the galaxy, the power is also extremely stable, at least it can be mixed with the position of an elder." After the cold night Lord descended on the cold fog star, he thought secretly, thinking about this idea when he was on his way.

Originally, he was the ancestor of Han Yemen. Above all, how comfortable it is, of course, he didn't plan to join other forces. Of course, he could get some, but he would lose some.

But now, he was afraid, if he was approached by that genius, if he was helpless, he might be killed, but it would be different if he joined a powerful force.

He remembers that the Hanwu Star is a branch of a galaxy-level family here, and through this branch, when it can enter the main house to become an elder.

If it is an astral force, it is difficult for him to enter because of his ability.

When Chen Zong arrived in Hanwuxing under the control of Wukong, he had to pass some verifications, otherwise he could not enter. Of course, if he stormed, the consequences would be serious and he would be attacked by a large array.

Chen Zongzhan reveals the practice of communicating with the gods, while his identity is casual.

For a time, it caused a great shock.

This news was soon passed to the branch of the lower-level galaxy-level Han family.

"Retreat through the Tongjingjing?" In the Han family branch, the strong Tongtong Jingzhen in the town received the news and immediately took it seriously.

"Invite him to come and remember, grandly." The miracle state said immediately.

The Han family is a lower-level galaxy-level force that dominates this galaxy. There are some strong but powerful people who are familiar with Divine Realm. If there are some Divine Realms with casual or small forces, they are also very willing to recruit And enhance the strength of the family.

Of course, this comes at a price, but relative to the benefits, the price is acceptable.

After all, there is nothing to gain.

Especially casual repairs, that's even more rare.

Immediately, another notification was received for the Han Dynasty ’s Tongjingjing.

"What, the ancestor of Hanye Xinghan Yemen, come to visit, uh, please come in."

The Han Jiatong Divine Realm frowned slightly, thinking secretly.

what's going on?

Han Yemen, the ancestor of Han Yemen, has already known about the entry of Han Yuxing, but it is not surprising that this famous and surnamed psychic state has arrived. Therefore, ignore it, as long as the other party Don't shoot on the cold fog star to cause damage or casualties.

But now, two gods have entered the Hanwu Star one after another, and the Lord came to visit that cold night, which had to make people doubt.

Is there something going on?

Or what treasures appear on the cold fog star?

However, I have not received any news.

So, please come in for a talk on that cold night, maybe you can know why.

Soon, Lord came in on a cold night.

"I hurriedly visit, please ask the Hanwu Master not to blame." The Hanye Master hurriedly folded his hands, the strength of this Hanwu Master is higher and stronger than him.

"The visitor is a visitor, please come in." The Hanwu Master stretched out his hand to draw a guise, and there was no polite words and other greetings. After all, they were unfamiliar with each other, and even met for the first time: "But I do n’t know before Han Ye. Come, why? "

"Master Hanwu, I have practiced till now, but I still only have three turns of the imperial realm. I don't know when I can break through the four turns. After thinking about it, I still decide to find a powerful force to join and seek an elder position. Contribute a force, get a benefit, maybe it is expected to break through the four-turn imperial realm, and think about it, this Korean family is the most suitable. "Master Han Ye concealed some of the reasons, but also said some of the reasons .

The Hanwu master heard the words, and narrowed his eyes immediately, without directly expressing his opinion.

He vaguely remembered that the Han family had invited this cold night lover, but the other party refused.

Of course, it was then, and now it is now. The reason the other party said was indeed considered.

"Sister Han Ye, I don't have this right, I can only report this matter to the host's house, and it will be decided by the host's house." After the host Han Han groaned, he replied.

"That's right." Lord Han Ye spoke well: "I don't know when to leave for the main house?"

"You're going too?" Master Hanwu was surprised.

"I don't have to be surprised. I admire the Han family for a long time. I used to be self-righteous, so I rejected the solicitation, but now I want to understand, so I want to join the Korean family as soon as possible to serve the Korean family." Very slippery.

"That being the case ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ I will arrange it first, and within ten days, I should be able to leave." The Lord of the Cold Fog didn't think too much, no matter what the other party's thoughts were, when he arrived at the main house, he would naturally Revealed, how the time will be determined by the main house.

"So, there's a man to work." The man on the cold night suddenly smiled. He expected that it would not be easy for the man to break through to the gods. Even if he broke through, it would not be easy to find himself.

So, you can rest assured.

At the same time, Chen Zong was also invited.

"Han family, is this galaxy's governing force?" Chen Zong's thoughts flashed through his mind, and he immediately decided to go to the branch of the Han family. After all, he wanted to find out the cold night lover, and he had to spend it alone. Search for Hanwuxing a lot of time.

But if you can get help from the Han family, maybe you can find out in a short period of time, which will undoubtedly save yourself a lot of time. Of course, Chen Zong also understands that it is impossible for the Han family to help itself for no reason. For some price.

At a price he can bear, Chen Zong is completely acceptable.

If it does not work, then force it with force and do not believe that the other party does not cooperate.

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