Sword God

Vol 36 Chapter 16: Take you to try the sword

When Hanwu Master saw Chen Zong, he was surprised at first.

"So young, a little too young." This is the heart of Hanwu's words.

Indeed, it seems that Chen Zong is not very old. At least he is younger than himself. At such a young age, would it be a casual practice?

Hanwu's first reaction was that he did not believe that the other party was a casual repair.

If the other party is really a casual repair, then only one point can be explained, that is, the other party has a huge opportunity, otherwise, it is impossible to break through to the psychic state in such a young situation.

Although some people in the void look very young, they are actually old monsters, but the cold mist believes that his vision is good, and how much can tell whether the person in front of him is really young or false young.

"I've seen Hanwu Shangren." Chen Zong saluted the Hanwu Shangren.

Yudaojing can only be called superior. As for the real person, only those who are stronger than Yudaojing are eligible.

Of course, not everyone's Royal Realm will win the word above others, such as Chen Zong.

"What's your name?" The Hanwu Master asked as he responded.

"My name is Chen Zong." Chen Zong reported his name: "This time, there is one thing that needs the help of the Han family, and I will pay the corresponding price."

Paying the corresponding price is tantamount to a transaction, so you don't have to owe anything.

Chen Zong's direct surprise to the mister, but quickly responded: "I don't know what help you need?"

"The Han Ye ancestor of Han Ye Men should have arrived at Han Wuxing. I need the intelligence of the Han family to find out where the Han Wu master is." Chen Zongbu Xu Buji said.

Han Ye Patriarch!

Hearing these four words, the man in Hanwu's face looked slightly surprised.

"It seems that the Lord already knows the arrival of Han Ye's ancestors, and maybe, at this moment, where the Han Mi ancestors are, please tell me." Chen Zong captured the look of Han Wu's people in an instant. With a slight change and extraordinary keen perception, Chen Zong immediately inferred that the man in the cold fog should know the whereabouts of the cold night ancestor.

It was a very wonderful feeling.

It feels like you are born with it. As if in the meditation, you can know some information by looking at the expression change of the other person.

In addition, Chen Zong can also see the other party's cultivation as a level, and the imperial realm has four turns.

In addition, there is a certain kind of confidence in my heart that I can do my best to defeat the opponent.

It's just that it feels a little different from seeing Lv Luo.

Lord Lulu entered the second turn, and Chen Zong gave a feeling of a sword to defeat him at a glance. However, the four-turn cold mist master, Chen Zong can only judge that he can Defeating it, can not be more specific to how many swords, etc., relatively speaking, a lot of blur.

Chen Zong could not help guessing, maybe his perception ability brought by the Kendo of the heart was limited, and its limitation should be directly related to the gap between the cultivation of himself and the target.

As for whether it is specific, it remains to be verified, but it should be inseparable.

"I don't know what your grievance is with the Han Ye Shang?" The Han Wu Shang didn't answer directly, but asked back, after all, the Han Ye Shang said that he would serve the Han family, a three-turn royal state, to the Han family. In terms of it, it is not low.

"Life and death." Chen Zong's two words were very indifferent, but the face of Hanwu suddenly changed.

Involving life and death is not a trivial matter.

"Since the Master already knows the whereabouts of Han Ye's ancestors, please also tell me that this is good for you and me." Chen Zong's tone was not Xu Wuji, neither high nor low, but the pupils of Hanwu's eyes contracted like needles. Somewhat angry.

This young man is clearly threatening himself.

He is an elder of the Han family and a mighty four-turn royal guardian. Can he still accept the threat from the other party?

"Sorry, I don't know, don't give it away." Although the Hanwu Master, under his anger, didn't lose his mind, he also made an incorrect decision.

Taking a deep look at the Master Han Han, Chen Zong no longer spoke, but turned to leave.

He said that he did not leave, because the other person ’s attitude called Chen Zongkang surely. The Hanwu master definitely knew the arrival of Han Ye's ancestor, and even had contact with it.

Well, this Hanwu ancestor may be here a little.

Pretending to be far away from the Han family and separated from the Han family's surveillance, Chen Zong converged and took a detour, avoiding all the surveillance of the Han family.

Although the Hanwu Star is controlled by the Han family, its eyes and eyes are spread over the entire star, but a psychic state, not just a general psychic state, intentionally hides itself, they want to play, it is difficult, even if they can find It's been a while.

Inside the Han family branch.

"My cold night, your words are not credible." The cold mist man looked at Han Ye's ancestor coldly, with a bit of anger.

"Why did the master say this?" Han Ye's ancestors didn't know Chen Zong's arrival yet.

The cold mist master said things briefly, the cold night old ancestor suddenly changed his face, his body was shaking.

how is this possible!

how can that be!

So fast, I broke through to the psychic realm!

It's incredible!

Moreover, he quickly chased here, very accurate.

"Sir, I'm sure that this son has just broken through recently. Its cultivation is that it is only a turn of the imperial realm." The cold night ancestor calmed down, his eyes turned, and said immediately: "And, this son It should be a casual repair, but there must have been a great adventure to break through to the realm of God so quickly. "

"What do you want to say?" The Lord Hanwu asked knowingly.

"My lord is a four-turn imperial realm, and I am a three-turn imperial realm. If we join forces, when nothing is wrong, then maybe we can also taste what the great opportunity is." The ancestor of Han Ye said, Full of temptation, suddenly the heart of Hanyu Shang also fluctuated with it.

Indeed, with the two people working together to deal with a one-turn imperial realm, even if the other party is excellent, they can win it.

At the level of imperial state, the difference between the first turn and the second turn is very obvious, and the difference is more than double.

Even if the opponent is a genius in Yudaojing, it is possible to fight across levels. However, it is estimated that the strength of the second-turn Yudao state is the most. If it is dead, that is, it can resist the third-turn Yudao state.

The two teamed up, plus some preparations, to be sure.

For a time, people in the cold fog were moving.

"That being the case, let's make a good plan." The Lord of the Hanwu finally said, the ancestor of Han Ye suddenly showed a smile. In this way, he should be able to solve this kind of trouble, when there is no worries .

"No need to plan, I'm here." Chen Zong's voice sounded, and at the same time, his figure appeared in this hall.

The ancestors of Han Ye and Han Wu were shocked, but never expected that the other party would be hiding here.

"When did you come?" The man on Hanwu's face sank, and questioned sharply.

"Just listening to your plans." Chen Zongwei smiled.

After Xiuwei broke through to the realm of the gods, Chen Zong reduced the kind of cautious cautiousness in the past, liberating the nature, and the mystery of the kendo that fit the heart.

"Come, let me see and see how the three-turn Yudao realm and the four-turn Yudao realm work together to suppress me." Chen Zong laughed, and there was a bit of wild taste in those sharp eyes.

Three turns to the Royal Realm!

Four Turns to Royal Realm!

so what?

I don't feel much pressure at all.

However, you can also use it to test your sword and try your current level of strength.

Since breaking through to the Royal Realm, he still hasn't really taken the fight.

The ancestral Han Ye ancestor, I'm afraid it's not enough to fight by myself, plus a cold mist lover on a four-turn royal road, maybe you can make yourself happy.

With a right-handed grip, and between the light of the sword, the extremely heartless sword suddenly condensed out, and the amazing sword pressure also permeated and fell on the ancestors of Hanye and Hanwu.


The shocking pressure suddenly made the two look different.

Without the slightest hesitation, Han Ye's ancestors and Han Wu's master also immediately shot.

With one arm, suddenly a dark night appeared behind him, spreading quickly, as if covering the sky.

There was also a heavy cold and cold mist sweeping around the people in the cold fog.

Suddenly, Han Ye's ancestors took a shot and turned it into a dark palm print, shot down in the air.

The fingers of the cold mist seemed to be undulating in the water, and the fingers were condensed with the extremely cold mist, which was shot out instantly.

This is great magical power!

As an old imperial powerhouse, more or less will master great magical powers, at least one.

The two did n’t do anything, and the first shot was great magical power.

However, Chen Zong didn't have the slightest surprise, but showed a smile.

A sword waved and chopped!

This is a sword for refining your heart!

This sword was created by Chen Zong, based on a single-minded, one-hearted sword that fits with the kendo of the heart. With Chen Zongxiu's breakthrough in the realm of ascension, he also quickly improved, transforming from a small magical level to a great magical level.

Similarly, the destiny soldier of Jixin Wuxiang Sword has also been upgraded to the level of being able to communicate with the gods. The power has greatly increased and it is in line with Chen Zong's own strength.

One sword, the power is amazing.

This sword was killed, first it cut off the fingerprints of the night, then collided with the fingers of the cold mist, and both collapsed.

Han Ye's ancestors and Han Wu Shang were shocked.

how can that be?

One by one, the UU reads www.wukanshu.com, and they can fight against them both.

Is this really a casual repair?

Even if it is the true transmission of some powerful stars, it cannot be done.

People in the cold fog could not help feeling a little regretful, but it was difficult to ride a tiger and they could only fight one another and suppress the other.

Full combat power!

Amazing horrific momentum erupted, the power was raging, and in a hurry, the sky and clouds gathered in horror, and countless forces of heaven and earth were drawn.

Night fell, covering all directions, and the cold mist rolled and covered the sky.

"what happened?"

"Is there a fight?"

For a time, many people were shocked. Fortunately, the place where the Hanwu Shang lived was independent, and it was far away from other people in the Han family. Otherwise, the outbreak was enough to reach many people and kill them.

In a hurry, I saw a sword light rising up into the sky, as if it had broken the night, and boundless.

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