Sword God

Vol 36 Chapter 18: Han Jiatai

Han Guangxing, the star of Han's family, is surrounded by a large array of cold air.

"Dare to dare to kill my Korean parents, and forgive them." The Han family owner was furious.

"Homeowner, this puppet has left the first town boundary city and flew out of the galaxy, we must take action as soon as possible." An elder said.

Although the Han family is a galaxy-level force, there are actually not many strong people in the family with the level of the gods. They add up to less than ten. Some of them are out to sit on other important stars. About half of them stay in the family .

"Tai Shang has set off to intercept." As soon as the owner's voice fell, the whole person calmed down.

"Do you want to shoot yourself too high?" The elder was shocked when he heard the words, and then immediately happy.


Void and boundless.

In the distance, countless stars bloomed and flickered endlessly. The void and calmness in this place were like the lake surface.

Suddenly, a little ripple appeared, but in an instant, it turned into ripples and quickly washed away, and then instantly turned into a raging swarm, surging and surging in all directions.

An empty flying boat also emerged from the center of the ripples, as if coming out of the water.

遁 空 号!

It was the Niankong, which just ended another year of void travel, and came directly to the edge of this galaxy. Next, we will burst out of this galaxy, enter the void between the galaxies and galaxies, and reach another galaxy , Continue to go straight to the mind Tiangong.

No doubt, this is a long road, but Chen Zong's determination cannot be blocked.

In the Void Zone, because of the special environment, it is impossible to enable the Void Shuttle, and it can only fly at speed. Then, the high-order and super-order Void Crystals are very important.

This time, this is also the last void shuttle in the local galaxy.

Chen Zong suddenly found that, in front of him, a figure seemed to be standing.

Standing in the void, the figure was an old man in a black robe, motionless, his eyes closed, as if asleep.

However, at the first glance of the other party through the Kukong, Chen Zong raised a strong sense of crisis.

Not an opponent!

It is not an opponent at all, and the feeling of being as clear as God tells himself that the strength of the person in front of him is extremely strong and extremely arrogant, far superior to himself, and he is not an opponent at all.

Once you fight, you don't think you have a little resistance, but you will be defeated in an instant.

Based on the memory and experience of the owner of the Dongting Sword, Chen Zong made a judgment. The strength of the old man in the black robe was at least the peak of the royal state, and even surpassed the royal state.

"Do you have the courage to kill my old Korean parents? Do you have the courage to stand in front of the husband?" After the emptiness, it was forced into Chen Zong's Shenhai.

Chen Zong only felt the tremor of Shenhai, and his own soul seemed to tremble with it. An inexplicable panic emerged from the depths of the soul and permeated.

But in an instant, Chen Zong recovered. The feeling was just an influence, not real.

Of course, if it cannot be resisted, it will become true.

Because, the other party is really a strong person who transcends the Royal Realm, that is a higher level: Yuan Ming Realm!

The gap between Yudaojing and Yuanmingjing is also extremely obvious. Even Chen Zong can leapfrog the challenge, but Chen Zong estimates that he can only now resist the standard five-turn Yudao state. I haven't encountered it.

But the gap with Yuan Ming Realm is absolute.

Unexpectedly, it wasn't long before he broke through to the Royal Realm, and he had to face Yuan Ming Realm.

However, when Zong Han's elders were beheaded, Chen Zong was actually prepared.

Galaxy-level forces not only have some imperial realms, they also have at least one elemental underworld.

But Chen Zong still didn't keep his hands, because his heart was based on trust.

The emptiness number is the barrier to face the elemental underworld.

Without hesitation, Chen Zong shoved a high-level Nether-burning crystal into the furnace, opened the main gun of the Niaokong, and directly locked the opponent.

Void bombardment spurred by the energy of high-order Nether crystals is very powerful. Once hit, it is enough to bombard Yuanming Realm, but the premise is that the opponent is not a fixed target and will let himself attack .

Therefore, the shelling of the Void Flying Boat is generally used to attack extremely large targets or targets that are difficult to evade.

But now, Chen Zong is going to break through the interception of a Yuan Ming Realm.

With a bang, a silver brilliance ripped through the void like a sword, killing Han Jiatai directly.

The color of Han Jiatai suddenly changed, and only felt that silvery radiance, enough to kill himself into **** in an instant.

And its speed is extremely fast.

However, the Yuanming Realm gathered up the Yuanshen and became more sensitive to everything. Therefore, at the moment of the shelling, he quickly started to dodge, and a lifelike figure left in place was directly crushed.

The aftermath that almost passed by immediately made the Han family too terrifying.

"At least it's a high-order flying boat." Han Jiatai was shocked up and down. Although he also learned that the other party had purchased a high-level void burning crystal, he did not dare to guess directly.

The value of a high-level void ship is so amazing that even the entire Han family has never owned it. As he, as a Han family, he only owns a medium-level void ship.

For a moment, Han Jiatai's mind was fully alive.

A high-level void ship, and according to information, this person is just a casual repair Tianjiao who got a great adventure.

Although there are not many casual repairs of Tianjiao, they also exist, and there is nothing to doubt.

Although this adventure is a little bigger than expected.

After one shot, after the opponent's interception was opened, Chen Zong burned the crystal with a high-level void, urging the speed of the Kongkong, and continuously raised it. He opened a high-level protective cover and rushed forward.

The flying speed of the mid-level void ship is even better than the U.S. dollar underworld.

As for the flying speed of the high-level void ship, let alone say.

If Chen Zong is willing to use the top-level void to burn crystals, the speed will be even more amazing.

However, the value of the top-level void-burning crystals is astonishing, and the quantity is very limited. The point is that it is difficult to buy. The highest number of void-burning crystals purchased by Chen Zong in the former town boundary city is the highest level, and the number is still limited.

If you want to buy the top-ranking void burning crystal, at least you have to go to the higher-level trade stars to have hope.

If it is a top-ranking trade star, there must be.

Comprehensive all kinds, Chen Zong can only save first.


With the strength and speed of the Qikong, and the high-level protective cover is opened, if it is hit by the front, the strong Yuanyuan will also have a broken muscle.

The Han family is too good to dare to connect, and can only avoid it.

Only momentarily, the speedless sky-flying nautical boat flew by, and kept going forward at an astonishing speed.

"Stop me!" The Han family was furious and immediately took out the mid-level void ship, quickly spurred the speed to the maximum, and kept chasing away.

Even more, he started to instigate a void bombardment, which was shot out by a bombardment, and directly hit the Niaokong.

However, the bombardment power of the mid-level void ship was limited, and it was bombarded on the Niaokong, and was shielded by the protective cover without damage.

In the end, I could only watch the Niankong go away quickly, burst out of the galaxy's range, and enter the void zone.

"Han family, you remember, it won't be long before I will come back." Chen Zong's voice also passed through the void into Han Jiatai's ears. There was no anger and corruption, no anger, no anger, some just calm .

As if talking about a very simple thing, the clouds are light and light.

However, this bland tone made Han Jiatai become angry and eager to destroy everything. At the same time, he did not know why the deepest part of his heart seemed to breed a horror of astonishment.

As if, the Han family had provoked a strong enemy that should not be provoked.

But this is the end of the matter, and I can only accept it, not to mention that I am Yuan Ming Realm.

The gap between Yudaojing and Yuanmingjing is extremely large. Even if the opponent is talented and has had a great adventure, it is difficult to break through to the level of Yuanmingjing.


The Uranus rushed out of the galaxy ruled by the Han family, into the void zone.

Nothingness, dark, no wind, no light, nothing.

There isn't even any vitality here.

How the nothingness zone appeared in the memory of Dongting Sword Master did not seem to exist.

All in all, this is the interval between galaxies and galaxies, star fields and star fields.

In most cases, the Void Zone is not dangerous, just because the Void Shuttle cannot be carried out, and it will take a long time to cross.

But sometimes, there are unpredictable crises in the Nihility Zone, which is very scary.

Chen Zong was meditating while letting Wukong fly at a high speed in the high-speed void craft by himself.

Xiaoyingyingshu, Xiaohuaxushu, and Xiaozangkongshu, once the three magical powers master the mystery of the polar realm, they can be merged into the celestial magical powers.

The three supernatural powers, Xiaoding Kongyan, Xiaoxuexuan and Xiaochongxuanxuan, master the mystery of the polar realm, and they can also be merged into the magical eyes of Tianshentong, and their power is equally amazing.

If you master these two supernatural powers ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, you will definitely improve a lot.

It is hoped that after passing through nothingness, one can grasp the polar mysteries of the six small magical powers, and if they are unsuccessful, they must first master the three, and then merge them into one magical power.

After Han Jiatai returned the last time, he immediately sent a message from the owner.

The news was that Chen Zong had a big adventure, and the news that he had at least one high-level void ship spread out, and soon spread to the surrounding galaxies, and more people knew.

In any case, the other party must be removed to prevent future problems.

It was this decisiveness and caution that kept the Han family standing for so many years.

Although it is a pity not to get a high-level void flying boat or even the other party's adventure, it is the best way to put the other party on the cusp.

Chen Zong, who is still flying in nothingness, does not know that the news about himself has spread all around the galaxy, and many strong men have also acted, preparing to capture themselves and obtain what they call their great adventures.

An amazing storm came quietly.

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