Sword God

Vol 36 Chapter 19: Big Air

The vanity bands between galaxies and galaxies are often not too wide, but to a certain extent, the existence of vanity bands is equivalent to a kind of separation mark and a buffer zone between galaxies.

After all, any galaxy, regardless of its size, has a center point, a huge star, and so on. Therefore, galaxies have an inward force.

If the distance between the galaxy and the galaxy is too close, the two forces will collide with each other, and then collide, causing the stars of the galaxy to collide and collapse, resulting in an amazing void disaster.

Therefore, the existence of nothingness is very necessary.

At the speed of the Ningkong's high-level void ship, in a few days, Chen Zong crossed the void zone and entered the next galaxy: the Shadow Hunting Galaxy.

There are also different sizes of galaxies. The Hunting Galaxy is larger than the one ruled by the Han family, and is the main galaxy of the middle-order galaxy-level forces.

As soon as he entered the Shadow Hunting Galaxy, Chen Zong immediately opened the star map and searched for trade stars, etc., especially high-end ones.

Chen Zong intends to sell some things, obtain Void Coins, and then buy more Void Burning Crystals to reserve power for the Void.

Chen Zong didn't know yet. The Han family had already transmitted their relevant information to the surrounding galaxies, and this hunting galaxy naturally knew it. As a result, a group of sacred realms had already begun to search for Chen Zong's whereabouts.

Not to mention the other, just a high-level void ship, its value is very amazing.

The Niaokong kept flying, and flew to a town boundary city searched out on the star map, because the trade star was too far away, first went to the town boundary city to sell something, and then bought some void burning crystals as a backup before making other plans. .

"Perhaps, I'll change my name first." On the empty space, Chen Zongfu felt so kind and suddenly said to himself.

Although Chen Zong did not know that the Han family leaked his information, which led to a lot of psychic states like smelling **** sharks, the supernatural perception that seemed like a **** and made Chen Zong realize that he might encounter the next. To great danger.

Even if there is a emptiness number, Chen Zong does not have much confidence. After all, he cannot stay on the emptiness number unless he has enough vanity crystals.

But obviously, he didn't.

Therefore, it is necessary to leave the Void.

Leaving the Void Sky means that you have lost the protection of the Void Sky. Once you turn to the strength of the Imperial Realm, although it can already withstand many void disasters, it is not enough to run through the void.

Even the strongest in Yuanming Realm can't run through the void.

Those who are truly qualified to run through the void can only be dominated by powerful men.

Of course, there aren't many powerhouses who dominate the class.

However, anyway, he is only a prince, he has strength, but he has not yet reached that level.

Yudaojing can only be said to be truly qualified to step into the void alone.

"That's the Nether Flying Boat in the image. It really came."

At the same time as the Han family spread the news, Chen Zong's image and Wu Kong's image were also transmitted. In this way, it is more convenient for others to find Chen Zong.

Now, Kuangkong has been targeted before it reaches the destination town of Jiejiecheng.

In a hurry, these caring people started to act.

Chen Zong immediately had a feeling of being stared at, and this feeling was very magical.

"Have you been spotted again?" In Zong Kong, Chen Zong's brow frowned slightly. When the idea of ​​temporarily hiding herself was raised, she was caught up before she could implement it, and her plan could not keep up with the changes.

It seems that the town Jiecheng cannot go, otherwise, you may fall into the siege, and then you want to get out, and the difficulty will increase more than ten times.

"Han family!" Chen Zong flashed a bit of cold in his eyes.

If before, he had killed an elder of the Han family and was chased by the Han family. Chen Zong did not feel surprised or annoyed. Now, Chen Zong is angry with the Han family.

In Japan, you must take a trip and ask the Han family to pay the due price.

Because apart from the information from the Han family, it is impossible for him to be followed. After all, people who are not familiar with life have nothing to do with it.

That sense of intelligibility told Chen Zong that he was being watched and could not be separated from the Han family.

Even more closely related.

The trouble of looking for the Han family is the last word. As of now, it is still better to get out as soon as possible, a sense of mysterious crisis that is constantly becoming stronger.

This shows that there are more than one person who focuses on oneself, and there are many, among them, there may also be strong men who cannot resist.

This is really ...

Chen Zong could not help but smile.

Soon after I broke through the imperial realm, I originally thought that I was in a good mood, but I didn't expect it, just because I killed a three-turn and four-turn imperial realm, and started to be hunted down again.

Speaking of which, I seem to be used to it.

Since I entered the cultivation path, I don't know how many times I have faced the killing, and I have also escaped from the repeated killings, and I have built a superb ability, and sharpened a tough and extremely strong will.

Well, this time, it should be the same.

Chen Zong could not help showing a smile, if he was seen by others, he might think he was crazy.

Facing the chaos and pursuit of many powerful people, they can still show such expressions, which is really not normal.

Boom boom!

Suddenly, a series of void bombardments came from all around, but some did not hit the Hukong because the Hukong was fast.

Some coincidentally hit the emptiness number, but were shielded by the protection number of the emptiness number, without any damage.

"High-level Void Flying Boat!"

"Sure enough, it is a high-level void ship!"

For a while, these people showed a greedy look.

These people are all from the realm of the Royal Road, from the various forces in the Shadow Hunting Galaxy, among them, the strong hunting shadow gate.

"The high-level void flying boat, I don't even own it." The strongest person in the Shadow-hunting Gate, a Yuan Ming Realm stronger than Han Jiatai, was flying through the void at an astonishing speed, and continued to pursue.

The magical powers of Lieyingmen can transform into the shadows and travel through the surface of the void at an extremely fast speed.

But unfortunately, the speed of the high-level void flying boat is still not comparable to that of Yuan Ming Realm.

Therefore, all the pursuit and interception were all thrown aside by the emptiness number and could not be caught up at all.

In the empty space, Chen Zong was thinking.

Perhaps it's time to use the super-order void burning crystals.

Leave here as soon as possible.

Then, only ten years of void travel can be started.

As for the century-old void shuttle, the load that is generated instantly, to be honest, with the strength of Chen Zong's current soul, it can barely bear it, but it is estimated that it may fall into a coma, which is not good.

For the time being, a ten-level void travel should be enough.

Ripples and ripples are crowded, and under the pursuit of the crowd, the emptiness swiftly plunged into the depths of the void and disappeared, making those who could pursue it unable to catch up, only to be angry.

Not long afterwards, the Uranus appeared in the distance, but it was still within the hunting galaxy. The hunting galaxy was much larger than that of the Han family.

Maybe night long dreams, Chen Zong can only hurt, and once again consume ten high-level void burning crystals, and once again start the ten-level level of void shuttle.

In this way, it rushed out of the Hunting Galaxy and entered the void zone between the galaxies.

After hunting the shadow galaxy, it is called the flying shadow galaxy, which is also the galaxy ruled by the hunting shadow gate. It cannot stay, so it can only consume the high-order void burning crystals.

A galaxy!

Two galaxies!

Three galaxies!

Four galaxies!

When entering the fifth galaxy, there are few high-level void-burning crystals left, and intermediate-level void-burning crystals have more left, but if you continue to open the void shuttle, it will not be able to support for too long.

In addition, Chen Zong also fumbled a little. The Kukong was very obvious and had been targeted. I do n’t know if this is still the case in this fifth galaxy. For insurance purposes, when Chen Zong has not rushed out of nothingness, Put away the emptiness number.

Staring at the twinkling starlight in front, it was the next galaxy, and the sixth galaxy to reach and pass by.

To be on the safe side, Chen Zong also took out a silver mask and put it on, at least, covering up his appearance, it was not easy to be found.

The speed is full, although it is not as good as the No. 1 Aircraft, but it is a lot faster than the ordinary turn of Yudao.

"Then, let's try the mystery of Dasao Kongfa." Chen Zong secretly said, his body was in a flash, and there seemed to be a shaking, like a ghost like a ghost, and then, the original speed increased again very quickly More than ten percent.

But Chen Zong also found that his own power was constantly being consumed, much faster than usual.

Sure enough, for Yu Dao Jing, in particular, he is still at the level of Yu Dao Jing, and the consumption of performing magical powers is still amazing.

Great magical powers are supernatural powers that are just right for the imperial realm. As for supernatural powers, they should be used as a means of explosion.

It didn't take long for Chen Zong to enter the galaxy alone, without encountering any interception or pursuit, it was much safer.

The tenth heavy Taiyuan Sword Yuan Gong keeps running, constantly absorbing the vitality of the void to recover the consumption of its own power, but it can't keep up.

But it is enough for the time being.

First observe and investigate the situation. If you have not been pursued, then you can use the empty space.

Chen Zong flew while running Taichu Jianyuan Gong ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~.

This is the edge of the galaxy, with relatively few stars and a remote location, as if uninhabited.

Chen Zong simply stopped, and continued to draw the vitality of the void to restore his own power consumption, until fully recovered.

"Try another type of Dakongkong method." Chen Zong secretly said, his eyes flickered endlessly.

The supernatural power of Dasao Kongfa is extraordinary and has a double mystery.

One weight of mystery is naturally flying as fast as the body, and the other weight of mystery is similar to the void shuttle of a void ship.

The original purpose of Lord Yukong's self-produced Dazhukong law was to shuttle through the void by himself.

Chen Zong's eyes flashed with a touch of brilliance, and his arms trembled immediately, scratching forward, as if tearing the void, and the ripples and ripples swept away, Chen Zong's steps also followed. One step into the void, a wonderful feeling, immediately surrounded the whole body.

With just a breath, Chen Zong's body disappeared into the void.

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