Sword God

Vol 36 Chapter 20: Shelling Nether Beast

In the Black Steel galaxy, Chen Zong unfolded at full speed and did not feel stared.

However, this speed is much different than driving the Wukong, which made Chen Zong repeatedly want to take out the Wukong, but he was a little bit suspicious.

Another point is that the Void Burning Crystals of Wukong really do not have much.

I don't have much Void Coins. I need to get a lot of wealth, at least millions of Void Coins, before I can buy hundreds of high-end Void Coins to support them for a period of time.

After that, it may be necessary to get another batch.

After all, there are several star fields between the star field where one is now and the star field where the mind sky is located.

Chen Zong's current position is considered to be a relatively marginal area of ​​the Black Steel Galaxy, with relatively few human tracks.

The inky meteorites were suspended in the void, standing still.

Such meteorites are common.

Chen Zong's body flickered, and he immediately passed through the meteorite belt and hurried forward.

This meteorite belt is quite wide, scattered and irregular.

Flying and flying, all of a sudden, Chen Zong raised a sense of consternation, a black light tearing the void like a residual moon, killing silently.

At the moment, Chen Zong's body was sharpened by the amazing hundreds of meters of moonlight and black light, which not only cut open the body of Chen Zong, but also split a huge meteor from a few meters away.

The meteorite was divided into two, and its cut surface was smooth like a mirror, and it went silently to the two sides.

Immediately, a huge black meteorite with hundreds of kilometers in length was also stretched in an instant, turning into a huge figure.

The figure was dark all over, and the surface was covered with ring patterns. It looked like a mystery. The body looked like a python. The first half looked thicker, as if wearing a dark armor. Similarly, a pair of mantis-like claw blades, as if the hundreds of meters of black residual moon that had been split, were the blow of this claw blade, which was extremely powerful.

Chen Zong's body appeared thousands of kilometers away, staring with lingering fear, his face solemn.

Nether Beast!

The huge meteorite was just a camouflage of a void monster.

The appearance of the void monster is not necessarily the same. For example, the head of the void monster that is several kilometers in size and a python-like body has a mantis-like hook blade. The eyes are cold and ruthless. The breath emitted by the body is very strong, terrible. , As if able to roll up a terrible storm of destruction and killing.

The memory of Dongting Sword Master flashed, and immediately let Chen Zong know what the void beast in front of him was.

Praying Blade Serpent!

It is a very appropriate name, and it is also one of the more common types of void monsters in the void.

Different types of Nether Beasts have different temperaments. Some Nether Beasts have mild temperaments and never actively attack other creatures.

However, some Void Beasts are extremely aggressive, and the Praying Blade Serpent is one of them.

Perceived that the little creature had not been killed by himself, the Praying Blade Serpent suddenly struck again, and the double-edged volley slashed to death.

Chen Zong's look changed, he quickly carried out the big air law, bursting out at an alarming speed.

The sense of godliness told Chen Zong that the strength of this praying serpent was very strong, and he was definitely not his opponent.

As a result of World War I, there is a high possibility of death.

Because the strength of the mantis-snake is far superior to itself, but it is certain that the level of the mantis-snake is still equivalent to the imperial realm.

Void beasts are distinguished from their practitioners by their growth stages.

Juvenile Nether Beasts are stronger than most sub-gods, but not as good as Royal Realm, and grower Nether Beasts are stronger than most Royal Realm, but not as good as Yuan Ming Realm.

The mature Void Beast is stronger than most of the Metaverse.

Above the mature body, there are the complete body and the ultimate body.

If further subdivided, each growth stage is divided into two levels: ground and sky.

For example, the juvenile body level is stronger than most sub-god levels, but there are still powerful sub-god levels that can rival or even kill. Compete, let alone hunt.

In the same way, the void monster on the growth level is stronger than most of the imperial realms, but there are still powerful imperial realms that can counteract and even kill.

The void monster in front of him is just the stage of growth, it seems, it is still the growth of the ground.

"The value of a growing monster in the void is amazing." As Chen Zong retreated quickly, he thought secretly, his eyes flashed brightly, and a bold thought came up in his heart.

Kill this void monster.

If you kill this void beast yourself, if you sell it, you can sell at least millions of void coins, and you will have the first wealth to buy high-end void burning crystals.

The void monster of the stepped growth body did not face the catastrophic disaster of Yuan Ming Realm.

So, try it first.

Jixin Wuxiangjian appeared, and instantly split into Wandao Jianguang.

Ten thousand swords return!

Without hesitation, Chen Zong directly exhibited the Xeon attack.

Under the orderly arrangement and combination of 10,000 sword lights, they traversed the void and directly killed the mantis-blade snake.

This sword was Chen Zong's sword against the extreme calamity at that time. It was amazingly powerful and extremely powerful.

The speed of the Praying Blade Serpent is not slow, but it is not a void monster that excels in speed. On the contrary, it is better in strength and because of its huge size, it cannot be evaded at all.

Hit them all!

But Chen Zong's complexion changed with it.

The attack of Wandao Jianguang did not cause much damage to the Mantis Beast, but was resisted by the opponent's hook blade, which was the hardest part of the Mantis Beast.

Under the control of Chen Zong, Jianguang suddenly reunited again. Through that pair of hook blades, he directly killed the body of the mantis beast of the praying blade, hit the armor on his body, made a dull sound, and also sputtered countless Mars.

There was still no obvious break, just because of the amazing characteristics of Taiyuan Jianyuan Gong, which caused some scars, and he couldn't keep up.

The difference in strength is too great, and the defensive power of a void monster such as the Mantis Snake Beast is very amazing.

The dark cross-knife tore through the void to kill him, called Chen Zonghan's hair upside down, and the sense of crisis overwhelming erupted, as if drowning himself.

Big air law!

Without hesitation, Chen Zong immediately exhibited the Daxu empty method, and his body was directly submerged into the void to shuttle in the void.

Of course, the Dao Kongkong method, which is displayed by the current practice, cannot be compared with the void shuttle of the void ship, let alone the distance of a void year, even if it is not one tenth.

Not even for a day.

Suddenly, Chen Zong appeared at a distance of 100,000 meters. Of course, the distance can be farther away. However, the consumption of power will increase, and even the load on himself will increase a lot. The farther away, the greater the load, If Chen Zong's refining body also broke through to the Tongshen Realm at the same time, he would not be able to shuttle so far at once.

One hundred thousand meters died, and the distance between the mantis and the serpent beast was directly opened, but it was impossible to get away with it.

Although the Praying Blade Giant Snake is not good at speed, compared to Chen Zong, its speed is still out of reach, 100,000 meters, but it can be crossed in just a few breaths.

Without hesitation, Chen Zong took out the Qikong, went directly into it, opened the middle-level protective cover, and charged the middle-level void shelling.


At the same time, the Praying Blade Serpent approached quickly.


The dark double-edged blades crossed the void, bringing a huge light of hundreds of meters to the dark moon, and severely beheaded on the Niankong. When the moment passed, the shield of the Niankong shook for a while, but it was not broken, but just opened. Countless ripples.

When he was chased before, he faced the bombardment of the Void Vessels. Chen Zong chose to open the high-level protective cover because he was not sure if the opponent's Void Vessels had a high-level level. High-level shelling.

However, this mantis-snake giant is at the growth stage, and it is not at the level of the Yuanming Realm. The intermediate-level Nether-flying boat shield is enough to resist.


In an instant, after being chopped, Chen Zong drove the Kukong to retreat quickly, with an astonishing speed, much faster than the mantis monster.

This is the speed of the mid-level void flying boat, and also the speed of the Yuanming Realm.

As the distance widened, the void shelling was also fully charged.


With a bang, a silver divine ray blasted out like a sword light bursting through the air. The speed was extremely fast, and it directly smashed a vacuum and blasted to the mantis beast.

Void monsters are characterized by a strong body, which is extremely powerful, defense is amazing, and they are extremely good in strength and speed. It is terrible. In short, the void monster has almost no weaknesses.

If you have to say yes, it is relatively weak in the soul. Of course, it is also relatively weak. It is indeed worse than the strong one, but it is also a normal level.

However, there is another point, that is, the void monster of the growing body, which does not have the super-sensing ability of the Yuanming Realm to consolidate the Yuanshen. Therefore, it is difficult to avoid the middle-level void bombardment.

One shot, hit directly.

This one is ten meters thick, and directly hits the huge body of the mantis-blade serpent, breaking its incredible defense ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ penetration!

Intermediate void bombardment directly broke through the tough coating of the Mantis Serpent, blasted into its body, and exploded, causing damage.

However, the mantis-snake giant is a huge body with a size of several kilometers, and its vitality is extremely strong and very majestic. Such an injury is not fatal, but it angers the mantis-snake.

When he was hit by a cannon, he failed to kill. Looking at the mane-blade serpent that the fury had killed, Chen Zong was extremely calm.

Such a large body, without the ability of strong induction, can dodge in advance, is the best target.

Chen Zong's expression was cold, his eyes were moving brightly, and he was gazing at the continuously approaching mantis-snake through the Qiukong, recharging the Nether Cannon again.

Intermediate shelling!

At the same time, under the precise control of Chen Zong, Kuangkong maintained the same speed and the same distance as the Mantis Beast.

With a bang, the second artillery bombarded again, and once again hit the angry and continuously approaching Mantis Beast.

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