Sword God

Vol 36 Chapter 27: Boundary black and white (below)

Although the Mind-Heart Temple is the most powerful force in the void, in fact, not much information is circulated, and even much information in the black and white circles is rarely circulated to the outside world.

Wang Yan wants to break through his mind and mood and become a true disciple of the mind and heaven palace. Naturally, he will collect the information of the black and white world and even the mind and heaven palace in advance, but with little effect.

In Chen Zong's mind, there was the memory of the Lord of the Sword of Dongting. However, the Lord of the Sword of Dongting only entered the black and white world after becoming the master of the year, and he challenged the powerful leader of the Heavenly Palace to be defeated.

When he came, Dongting Sword had a strong idea, so naturally he wouldn't care about others. As soon as he entered the black and white world, he went directly to the Heart of Heaven to challenge him. After the defeat, he left in frustration and didn't pay attention to everything in the black and white world.

Therefore, Chen Zong's understanding of the black and white world and even the heart of heaven is very simple.

As a result, two people who know very well will act blindly together.

If you haven't calculated the wrong time, the two have been flying continuously for a month, flying over the mountains and over the long river, over the dense forest, over the valley, and over some gathering places, but they still do n’t see their intentions Temple of Heaven.

The Royal Highlander has been flying continuously for one month. Even at this speed limit, it is not comparable to that in the void, but it can fly far and far.

In the end, the two decided to find a gathering place for some people to explore the situation.

Otherwise, neither of them knows how long it will take before they can reach the Heavenly Palace of Mind, or it is not as simple as they think.

The two landed outside a huge city and walked into the city.

This gave Chen Zong an instant feeling of embarrassment, as if returning to the feeling of Tianyuan Sanctuary, and the atmosphere was closer and more similar.

Of course, there are many practitioners in the city. Demi-gods and sub-gods abound. Chen Zong's even super strong perception can still capture the breath of some powerful gods. Although not many, there are two or three. This should be the level of imperial realm.

It's truly the world where the Heavenly Palace of Mind is located. Just by randomly looking for a small city, you can feel the existence of some powerful people.

The original realm!

Really unusual.

Chen Zong and Wang Zheng started their actions separately. The first thing they paid attention to was the news of Xintiangong. As for the others, they will be ignored for the time being.

Because the purpose of coming to the black and white world is to join the Heart of Heaven and become a disciple, especially a true disciple.

Although there is not much information about the Mind Heavenly Palace in the outside world, the star domains such as the Sacred Heart Star Domain that are adjacent to the Da Tianxin Star Domain still know more, for example, except that In addition to carefully teaching and promoting to become a true disciple, the door has a way to become a true disciple of Xintiangong.

That's the state of mind.

Those who can cross the state of mind and spirit are eligible to become true disciples of the mind and heaven, and they are not limited in age, sex, or background.

It took a few days and paid a lot of vanity coins before Chen Zong and Wang Xifang inquired some news about Xintian Temple.

In the black and white world, the Mind Heaven Palace is a holy place, the only supreme holy place.

Secondly, Xinyi Tiangong is located at Xinshen Mountain, and Xinshen Mountain is at the center of the black and white world.

Again, outside the mountain of mind, there is a sea of ​​hearts surrounding it, and the sea of ​​hearts is changing. People who are not mindful of the heavenly palace cannot cross. Only at a certain moment, the sea of ​​mind is in a relatively calm period, and can it be crossed, but there is a certain danger. .

While exploring these news, it is inevitable that of course, I also learned some other information in the black and white world.

For example, in the black and white world, there are many ancestors, kingdoms, and families.

Among them, the Four Heavenly Gates are the most powerful, and there are a few powerful ancient families and the three dynasties in many countries.

However, no matter whether it is the three dynasties, the ancient tribe, or the four ancestral gates, they are far from being able to compare with Xinyi Tiangong. Because of this, Xinyi Tiangong is respected as a holy place.

As for the strength of the four major gates, Chen Zong also deliberately explored it, it seems that it is not weak, and put it in the outside world, at least it is also a galaxy-level force. As for whether it is stronger, the information is not detailed enough, and it is impossible to judge.

However, Chen Zong did not mean to find out what he wanted to do. As long as he arrived at the Xintian Temple first and became his disciple, everything afterwards could be learned slowly.

Now, when the main goal of the mind Tiangong is, we will not give up everything.

Even more, the two made a total and spent a lot of vanity coins to buy a map.

"From where we are, we need to cross four mountains, two big lakes, a forest, and seven kingdoms." After finishing the map, Chen Zong and Wang Zheng were a little speechless.

After careful calculation several times, this is indeed the shortest distance and the most direct distance, but it is also the most dangerous distance.

Those seven kingdoms can be crossed directly, but there is nothing, and two big lakes and a forest can also cross over.

One of those four mountains is the largest mountain in the black and white world, which stretches almost half of the black and white world. Among them are countless monsters, and there are a lot of monsters equivalent to the level of the gods, and even a lot A monster that is more powerful than Yudao.

Crossing such a beast mountain range has a very high danger factor, which is likely to attract powerful beasts. If it is only a beast at the level of the imperial realm, it may be better, but if it is a Yuan beast or even a stronger beast If they do, they will be finished.

Therefore, the route must be changed again.

How to change it?

Of course, you must gather more information before you can judge.

In desperation, the two acted again.

Chen Zong also calmed down and found himself anxious.

After entering the black and white world, and learning that the palace of mind and mind is not far away, the ups and downs of his mind have caused him to lose the calmness he should have had before, and to lose his wise rational judgment.

However, Chen Zong was not upset, after all, the mind of heaven is really special to him.

The first change of mind!

There is also the inheritance of a heart trick, and even Chen Zong doubts that the sword of heart is also related to the heart of heaven.

Compared to the Eternal War Fortress, Chen Zong feels that his fate is deeper.

Because of this, the closer you are to the Heavenly Palace of Mind, the more excited Chen Zong's mood becomes, so that he loses the peace of the past and becomes a little eager.

But now aware of this, Chen Zong took a few deep breaths and adjusted it to restore himself to the calmness of the past.

As soon as he was calm, Chen Zong's thinking became extremely clear and his thinking became extremely clear.

To collect more and more comprehensive information, workers must first sharpen their tools if they want to be good at it, and then combine the various information collected by the two to work out the best route.

During the whole process, Wang Zheng was in a drowsy state, because he felt that Chen Zong seemed to have changed into a person all at once, and between the bright eyes, there was a kind of unrivaled confidence, as if driving and controlling Everything looks like it.

Every word spoken from his mouth carried an extremely confident force, which convinced Wang Xun.

To the extent that all the discourses he had thought about before were unexplainable, because compared with the line formulated by Chen Zong's discourse, it seemed too rough.


Extremely admire!

"Brother Chen, I find that meeting you is really my best luck in this trip." Wang Yan said affectionately.

"Let's go, I hope this line is correct." Chen Zong smiled.

This route is the shortest and safest route that has been specified by combining the information collected by the two people, and after many deductions.

Of course, the journey is long and there are some unknown variables, and sometimes it is planned to catch up with changes, etc. Therefore, I dare not say 100%.

But if there is no unexpected situation, Chen Zong can confidently say that this route is the best.

As for something unexpected, that is no longer within your own control. Even the dominant power can't handle unexpected situations. You can only deal with it and respond to changes.

"I believe in you." Wang Zhe seemed more confident than Chen Zong, only because Chen Zong's ingenious feeling gave him great confidence.

After they distinguished their directions, they immediately set off from the city and flew up again in the air, which immediately caused a lot of surprises.

After all, the powerful people who are in the state of God will not appear in front of people casually.

In particular, it still looks so young, and only those powerful forces can appear.

The sky is vast, the clouds are vast, and the sight is boundless and vast.

The two men, Chen Zong and Wang Yan, flew through the sky like wind and electricity, and continued to fly to the established route.

Seven kingdoms, four mountains, two big lakes, and a forest!

No matter which one, it is very wide, and it takes a lot of time to cross and fly through ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, especially, they are not closely connected with each other, and there is no short interval, like The buffer zone is the same.

Time passed slowly, and when the power was consumed to a certain extent, the two of them either reduced the flying speed and slowly recovered the power, or simply stopped and rested, and then resumed the flight on the way.

These days are undoubtedly boring, but because of the purposeful relationship in the heart, both of them are motivated and have no feeling of being boring.

When he first entered the black and white world, Wang Xun thought that he had a higher cultivation speed and would be faster. Later, he discovered that even if Chen Zong's cultivation was not as good as himself, the speed would not be inferior to his own.

Nowadays, for long-distance flights, the endurance is also not lost to myself. I really don't know which monster came out of it.

It is indeed monster-like, with a powerful and amazing mind. It is obviously two times different from itself, but it is not inferior to itself in terms of speed and endurance. Anyway, he can be regarded as one of the top geniuses. The other person is more genius than himself , Not what a monster is.

"With Brother Chen's ability, it shouldn't be too difficult to become a true disciple of Xintiangong." Wang Xi secretly thought, as for himself, he didn't really have much confidence.

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