Sword God

Vol 36 Chapter 28: Difficult to Cross the Heart (Part 1)

A forest, two lakes, four mountains, and the Seven Kingdoms.

Under the best route, Chen Zong and Wang Yan spent nearly a year together. Of course, this is the World Year, which is different from the Nether Year.

Chen Zong also realized that the world is superior to the stars.


A void year is equal to ten world years, but in a powerful world such as the original world, although it is not as good as the void as a whole, under a ten-fold time gap, the same talent, the practice efficiency will be higher in the void.

The time flow rate inside and outside the world is very mysterious. Only by personal experience can you experience it, but what kind of mystery it is, Chen Zong can't say clearly, even the master of the Dongting sword knows it. So of course.

Time is more mysterious and inscrutable than space, and the dominant powers cannot penetrate.

This is why, every time a world is discovered, it will cause some scrambles and **** storms.

It is because of the words of the world that I get a resource and a convenience.

If it is a low-level world such as the sub-world, it is naturally used to train younger generations, that is, below the level of the gods. If it is the level of the middle world, it will help the cultivation of the powerful gods immediately.

As for the Great World and the Master World, let alone that.

In the void, there is such a saying, Although there are many stars, the world is rare.

Although the two men hurried on the road and also followed the best route, they encountered some accidents when flying over the edge of the four mountain ranges, and had to change their route to extend the distance.

This makes it longer.

One year!

It took a full world year to jump such a long distance, and thinking about it also shocked Chen Zong and Wang Yan.

You know, at the beginning, both of them were flying on their own, and it did n’t take long for them to feel too slow. After taking out the last Void Coin and buying some intermediate-level Void Burning Crystals, they used Wang Ji ’s intermediate-level Void Flying Boat to fly. It took a world year.

If all are flying by themselves, it is estimated that the time will be extended several times.

One world year is enough to orbit the higher-order stars several times.

As for the top-ranked stars, Chen Zong is not clear, let alone super-ranked stars and ancient stars.

In addition, the place where he and Wang Xi landed is not on the edge of the world, but is closer to the center of the world, otherwise the time spent will be much longer.

In this way, the black and white world is really too big.

At the very center of the black and white world, a seemingly subtle, dust-like, towering mountain like a tall, infinite and majestic shore is standing up and looming, as if the mountain exists in this side of the world, as if it is outside the world, and does not enter the void, Extremely mysterious.

Around the mountain, there seemed to be a layer of mist, and the mist was very illusory, with a mysterious feeling.

The edge of the illusory mountain is a huge lake shrouded in mist.

The lake surrounds the center, which is the mountain.

The endless fog is shrouded above the sea, and in the waves, there is a feeling of strange clouds, as if there are hidden some terrible crises and dangers.

At this moment, there is a gathering place outside the huge lake surrounded by waves, but it is not prosperous, but various facilities are also basically available.

This gathering place was built temporarily, one by one intending to cross the Xinhai to Naxianshan temporary resting place.

After all, they are all waiting for the sea of ​​mind to enter a plateau before they can cross it, but it is difficult to say exactly when the plateau will enter the plateau, and they can only wait patiently.

Hundreds of people have gathered in this scattered gathering place.

Some of them talked about the world in groups, pointed at the spirit of the country, and some of them were alone.

Most of these people are mainly young people, both men and women, but there are also a few who look older. For example, a person who hides on a stone alone in the distance is a man in his mid-thirties look. A bit lonely, a long, narrow knife rested beside him.

At this time, a burst of golden light bloomed from the distant sky, and it seemed to be accompanied by bursts of vocal music. The light fell like a smallpox, directly attracting everyone's attention and staring away, one by one.

I saw the sky and the golden light shining, a magnificent golden car cymbal was torn down by seven tall and robust golden dragon scale horses and horses, flying constantly in the sky.

The wheels rolled, as if there was a roar that kept ringing throughout the world.

On the golden two-sided hollowed-out car cowl, we could see several people sitting inside.

A young man wearing a golden robe was sitting next to a few women, who seemed to be disheveled and were flirting.

"Who is that? The pomp is so big?" Someone frowned as they gathered.

The golden dragon scale horse is a heterogeneous, noble blood, amazing value, and general forces cannot have it. No, it should be said that only those powerful forces are eligible to own it.

And can make the golden dragon scale 蛟 Malay pull the car, and there are seven horses, that identity is a bit scary.

"Seven golden dragon scales were pulled by horses, and the hollow pattern on that car's car is not ordinary. This person is definitely a son of a prince in the dynasty." A more knowledgeable person said, "From that direction, you should They are the royal children of the Royal Dragon Dynasty. "

"Oh, even the royal children of the Royal Dragon Dynasty are here."

"Well, what's up there? The three dynasties are indeed very powerful, but compared to the Mind Palace, it is nothing to be tied together." In this sentence, with a bit of acidity, it is obviously envious And jealousy, then turned into disdain.

But what is said is also a fact.

The three dynasties are indeed the top big forces in the black and white world. However, it is far worse to tie them together, and the gap is too big.

Even if the three dynasties and the four ancestral gates, as well as those ancient clan, add up, they still can't compare with Xinyi Tiangong.

Just a single point, in the black and white world, only the mind of heaven can have the dominant power, and there is more than one, other top forces are not, this is the biggest gap.

Of course, there is also a huge gap between heritage resources and so on.

This is why so many geniuses want to become disciples of the Heart of Heaven.

"There can be seven golden dragon-scale sedans, and there are also some beautiful women in the car, laughing and playing with each other. There is one person in the Royal Dragon Dynasty."

"Is that Hou Yichen who calls himself the Playboy?"

"It should be this person."

The sound of discussion has gradually decreased, because the golden car wheel is very close, and if you go on, it will definitely be heard by the parties.

In front of others, there is always something wrong, especially the origin of the other party is amazing, and the strength is also very strong.

The seven golden dragon-scale bridles landed, and the golden bridles landed to the side. They did not enter the gathering place. It seemed a bit disgusting, and the people in the bridle did not show up.

However, everyone heard a leisurely sentence with a sense of indescribable superiority.

"There is no one who can catch your eyes." It was Hou Yichen, who called himself the dude, with a bit of disdain in his tone.

"My son, when it comes to appearance, who can compare with you." A woman smiled and twisted a purple grape with her long, white fingers, gently moving like a willow branch, and put it into Hou Yichen's mouth.

The voice was not loud, but everyone was at least a sub-god of cultivation, and a small part was the royal road. Naturally, he could clearly hear it, and his complexion was instantly changed.

However, the other party did not name their names, and in addition, the identity of the other party is indeed beyond their own ability, and can only endure.

It is rumored that Hou Yichen, who is the most serious of appearances, is scorned by people or things that look bad.

At this time, a flying boat flew quickly from a distance.

"That's ... Void Vessels."

"Maybe it's too shabby."

I saw the surface of the empty flying boat full of tear marks, densely criss-crossed, shocking, giving the impression that it was as if picked out from a garbage dump. In short, how it looked, how it was so broken.

"What the **** is it, polluting the pure eyes of the boy." Hou Yichen showed his disdain and disdain in his car. After looking at it, he quickly turned his head as if his eyes were really polluted.

The flying boat landed, and two figures stepped out of the flying boat.

Everyone looked for a few moments, and found nothing special. In addition, the void boat was too broken, and they couldn't afford half the attention at all, but some people looked down on it.

The people who arrived were Chen Zong and Wang Yan.

Chen Zong and Wang Yan glanced at each other, and after seeing the crowd, they didn't care much. After all, they can come here, and others can come here too.

It just surprised Chen Zong that among the more than one hundred people, there are more than a dozen people who are at the level of miraculous imperial power. Except for the person who looks like a downcast middle-aged person, the others are young people ~ www .wuxiaspot.com ~ In the void, they are all Tianjiao characters.

"This is the sea of ​​hearts, and it's really weird." Wang Xing stared at the ever-changing fog, the kind of strange cloud-like feeling, made people feel hairy, could not help but sigh.

Chen Zong didn't answer, but his face was a little dignified, his brows frowned slightly, and between the gazes, he felt that the misty mist was changing, which seemed a little strange, but he couldn't say clearly.

Moreover, Chen Zong raised an impulse from his heart to explore, and to explore, naturally, he had to break into it himself, but Chen Zong was not sure, he had no grasp at all.

Difficult to cross the sea!

This is what Chen Zong knew when he searched for all kinds of information about the Heavenly Palace of Mind.

Even if the strong man in Yuanming Realm breaks into the sea of ​​mind that has not entered the quiet period, in all likelihood he will suffer, but if he is a disciple of the heart of heaven, even if it is only a turn of imperial realm, he can come and go freely .

So now, you can only wait until the sea of ​​hearts circulates to a quiet period before setting off.

This is actually a test, which comes from the test of the mind heaven.

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