Sword God

Vol 36 Chapter 29: Difficult to Cross the Heart (Middle)

The sea of ​​hearts fluctuates endlessly.

Chen Zong and Wang Yan settled down temporarily in this gathering place, waiting for the sea of ​​hearts to cycle to a peaceful period before crossing.

Time passed slowly and more people came from a distance.

Chen Zong is a relatively quiet person. When facing strangers, unless he has a special situation, he will not take the initiative to talk to others.

Wang Yan is different, his temperament is more warm-hearted, and has a bit of smoothness.

At that time on the flying boat in the void, it was also Wang Xi who took the initiative to talk with Chen Zong before making friends.

Therefore, Wang Jingjing was so eager to move that she soon got in touch with other people, learned more information, and then shared with Chen Zong.

Except for Chen Zong and Wang Xi, all the other people who came were black and white natives. As for the people who came from the black and white world, there were relatively few, and there was not necessarily one in ten years.

Of course, according to the statement, either do not come, and sometimes it is better.

In addition, the identity of all the people present was also probed by Wang Ye. I have to say that in this regard, Wang Ye is still very talented.

For example, the person who has been playing and having fun with beauties in the golden cymbals is one of the three dynasties. He is the royal son of the Royal Dragon Dynasty. He is the most important son of Prince Su, the four princes of the Royal Dragon Dynasty. , Natural love, like the best things, often look down on ordinary people and things.

This kind of person, Chen Zong, was the first to hear it, and was a little surprised, but he didn't care too much.

As for the others, most of them have good origins, and only a few are of ordinary origins, or they are simply casual repairs.

It's like the downcast middle-aged man who sits alone and is very uncomfortable. He just repairs one. He doesn't seem to be young, and the cultivation is not very high. At least among the people in the audience, it is just a second-pass government. Just fix it.

As time passed, more people arrived, including younger generations, as well as the old people who cultivated the realm.

After all, the mind and soul test of the Mind Heaven Palace, regardless of gender and regardless of origin and age restrictions, as long as you can pass through, whether you are a three-year-old child or an elder, are equally eligible to become the true story of Mind Heaven Palace.

When he knew this, Chen Zong was still secretly surprised. After all, any sect of sects that he had come into contact with before was restricted to recruiting disciples. Generally, the smaller the better.

Some forces even recruit disciples must verify their origins. Only innocent origins and even those who have not practiced any obvious sign of Falun Gong are eligible to become their disciples.

To do this, of course, is to prevent secrets from other forces sneaking into the gate, martial arts techniques or other methods that ultimately cause losses to the gate, etc.

As for the younger age, the mind is uncertain, and even the spiritual wisdom is not as good as that of the adult. The Three Views have not yet been fully formed. In this way, we can better cultivate our loyalty to our door, which is more in line with our door's interests. Contribution to growth and heritage.

But the test of the mind and state of the Mind Heaven Palace seems to do the opposite.

Chen Zong estimates that the state of mind must have the mystery that he does not know, otherwise, there would be no such restrictions.

As for any mystery, when you go out, you may understand.

Now, while meditating, wait for the sea of ​​hearts to cycle to peace.

Gradually, more than a month later, the number of people in the temporary gathering place increased from more than one hundred to more than three hundred, and it is still increasing.

Boom boom!

In the distance, there was a loud roar. Everyone looked up and saw the dust billowing, and a strong breath swept away, as if to destroy everything and break everything.

Someone is fighting, and the strongest in the royal realm are fighting, and they are constantly approaching here.

The power of the Yudaojing powerful is amazing, the destructive power is very terrible, once the battle occurs, it will be amazing.

However, Chen Zong also realized that the black and white world is the original world, the rules of heaven and earth are extremely perfect, and they are very strong. Correspondingly, their spatial strength has also been greatly improved, and the hardness of mountains, stones, sand, and so on has become very amazing.

It can be said that if a branch in the black and white world is taken to the Heavenly Yuan Sanctuary, no one can destroy it, and it can be regarded as a holy artifact.

Therefore, although the fighting between the two imperial realms is not small, the damage to the surroundings is actually very limited.

Everyone can see clearly, the two sides of the battle, one is a young man wearing red armor, with a resolute face, thick eyebrows, full of masculinity, and a hot breath rising around him, like the breath of the sun, fluctuating endlessly Emits amazing light and heat.

The young man held the halberd and killed it with a halberd. The amazing power burst out, as if he could smash the mountains.

His opponent was a young man in a blue robe with a feminine appearance. He was holding a thin sword. The sword was light and tough. With a sword in his hand, he felt as if the wind was blowing the willows, just like that. The opposite is true for red armored youth.

"It turned out to be the great disciple of Chiyangmen Lieyangzi and the weak disciple of Huan Shui Gong."

"Chiyangmen and Huanshui Palace are old opponents. This fierce yangzi and weak water sword are also old opponents. Once they meet, it is a fierce battle, but until now, there has not been a high or low."

The battle was fierce, and they kept coming here.

The weak water sword gas radiates, as if the flowing water is endless, and the fiery euphorbia is empty, and each hit is as if it can break the mountains.

After the fierce yangzi and weak water sword approached the gathering place, they all closed up.

The two snorted, saying nothing, but spreading apart.

It can be seen that the two men have fought many times and never won. Although each time they meet, they will fight each other, just like a daily fight, but they will not fight red eyes.

Chen Zong looked a few times. The practice of Lieyangzi and Weak Sword was not weak, and he was better than himself. It was the level of the second turn to the state of Tao. It was really amazing that he was so young.

Of course, the real strength, Chen Zong outweighs them, even if it is one to two, they can win stably.

Of course, Chen Zong will not really shoot, after all, the two sides have no injustice and no enmity.

In a blink of an eye, another month passed, and many people came during the period.

In this way, there are more than 500 people. Among them, there are more than 30 royal states. Most of them are relatively young. They belong to the younger generation, and a few are older. They are middle-aged or Aged look.

As for the others, they are all sub-level.

Let Wang Zong know and let Chen Zong know the origin of these people and so on. The best ones are two or three.

One is the **** Hou Yichen, the other is a woman from the He tribe, one of the five ancient ethnic groups. The white veil is masked and light, and the whole person has an elegant feeling. True disciple.

At this time, a wave of clouds appeared in the ever-changing sea of ​​hearts, and a large ship appeared.


"How can there be a boat?"

When everyone was surprised, the big ship rushed out of the fog steadily, and stopped at the edge of the sea of ​​heart, and the light emitted from it repelled the misty clouds.

A figure appeared, that was a young man in Tsing Yi.

"You, I am the true story of the Heavenly Palace of the Mind. This time, I am extradited to enter the Heavenly Palace for examination below the Tongshen Realm. Those who intend to enter the Heavenly Palace for evaluation, please board the boat." The young man in Tsing Yi smiled, his smile was subtle, but it seemed to be in the hearts of everyone. It looks like a magnification, so that people can clearly feel it.

Suddenly, a lot of people got excited, especially those sub-gods.

They actually came to try their luck, because it has always been said that the extradition ship will appear in the Heaven Palace, and some people have indeed seen it. I did not expect that they had such good luck.

Soon, hundreds of gods were on board.

"As for you, Xinhai will cycle to a peaceful period within one month. At that time, you can cross the sea by yourself. I hope you can successfully cross the sea and climb the mountain. It is true for my heart." The man in Tsing Yi looked at everyone, smiled slightly, and immediately Turning around, the extradition ship also opened and disappeared into the mist again.

There were only thirty or so Yudaojings facing each other, and each one smiled.

Within a month, the heart sea circulates to a quiet period, at which time everyone can cross the sea to climb mountains.

"Climbing across the sea is the true story of the heavenly palace of the mind." Chen Zong was thinking about the words of the man in Tsing Yi.

According to the information, only after passing through the state of mind, can he become a true disciple of Xinyi Temple, regardless of his status, status, gender, age, etc., but now the saying of the man in Tsing Yi is to cross the sea to climb into Tiangong as a true disciple of Xintian Temple.

This statement is somewhat different.

Of course, you can think too much about it yourself, everything will be clear soon.

Waiting without a goal is undoubtedly tormenting, but waiting with a goal is different, full of vitality.

One day, two days, three days, time was running out, and someone came.

When the fifteenth day was half a month, finally, the sea of ​​heart surged violently ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The mist was raging, as if the tide was sweeping, attracting everyone's attention.

The drastic fluctuations were very violent, as if tsunami-like, extremely shocking, making everyone look dignified.

Chen Zongdu determined that if the situation in this case rushed in, it would be miserable.

Such a severe situation, after about half an hour, began to gradually weaken and fade, and after another half an hour, it returned to its original level, but did not stop, but continued to weaken, and became more calm, The fog also seems to be getting lighter.

Isn't that the sea of ​​heart is going to cycle to a quiet period?

The eyes of everyone shone.

Some have waited for more than half a year, some have waited for a month or two, and finally waited until the sea of ​​hearts circulated to a peaceful period.

It's finally time to cross the sea.

Gradually, the mist on the sea became thinner, and the seawater could be clearly seen. The seawater seemed clear and bottomless, and it seemed turbid and unbearable, but at a glance, it seemed that there were endless storm waves It seems strange, it is difficult to explain the mystery.

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