Sword God

Vol 36 Chapter 30: Difficult to Cross the Heart (Part 2)

The sea was calm and calm, all the fog seemed to dissipate, and you could clearly see the end of the sea. It was a mountain.

A mountain shrouded in endless mist.

The mountain is as subtle as a mustard, and the great shore like a star stands forever.

Heart of God!

Xinyi Tiangong is on that mountain, or in other words, Xinxin Mountain stands for Xinyi Tiangong.

A dry man stared, his eyes glowing.

"Go too."

"Heart of Heaven, I come."

One by one, a long shout, a slight smile, or a silent speech, they all stepped forward and stepped out.


Tread water!

When Chen Zong stepped out and stepped into the sea of ​​heart, he suddenly felt an inexplicable force appearing and fell directly on his body, making himself unable to fly in the air at all, falling in shape and treading on both feet.

The power moved, and the moment when both feet stepped on the water, they trembled a little, giving birth to waves of ripples, which did not sink into the water.

Like Chen Zong, so are others.

Walk on water.

When the footsteps fall, there are layers of ripples and ripples to wash away.

Forty or so gods are constantly advancing, the speed is fast or slow, and gradually, the distance is widened. The first one is four people.

The beautiful appearance is so beautiful that even the women will be jealous when they look jealous. The dude is wearing a floral robe, filled with a hint of floral fragrance, and the figure is healthy and light. When the steps fall, the water waves wave Going like a blooming flower, with different attitudes, is extremely beautiful.

It feels like walking in the flowers, there is an unspeakable coziness, as if walking with the beauty in the flowers.

His movements are light and smiling, and he is really full of inexplicable charm, charm to women.

I'm afraid that most women will attract him when they see such a look, and even indulge in it, the name of the **** is worthy of the name.

The white-veiled masked woman of the He tribe, one of the five ancient races, has a light body and walks on the water. There is an indescribably beautiful beauty that is different from the beauty of the playboy. The beauty is The beauty that belongs to women is like a crane stretching her legs to walk on the water, which is extremely light and flexible.

Looking at it, the He woman is like a fairy white crane, elegant and light.

The third one is the true disciple of Gu Daozong from the four ancestors. Between the wave of the robe sleeves and the footwork, the clothes are fluttering, and there is a momentum of me and flying by the wind.

The fourth, but a tall man, wearing a battle armor, is like a battlefield general. Between the steps, the sound of wind and thunder surges, as if dragons and tigers are following, and the momentum is astonishing, as if charging on the battlefield. War is regret-free, as if going forward, as if able to break everything.

This person is also a person from the Royal Dragon Dynasty, but the son of a general of the Royal Dragon Dynasty, born a star-like figure.

These four people dominated, kept moving forward, and distanced themselves from other people, which was regarded as the forefront. As for the second column, it became clearer, with a total of ten, and the rest were in the third column.

"Brother Chen, we have to work hard." Wang Yan smiled, his breath suddenly shocked, and his speed suddenly increased.

Anyway, in the void, he can be regarded as a heavenly pride. How can he be compared with the heavenly pride in the black and white world, not to mention that his cultivation is not inferior to them, but is flat.

That's right, the cultivation of those four people is at the level of three turns of Yudaojing.

"Then look at Brother Wang to show his skills." Chen Zong smiled at Wang Xi's back, but still stayed in the third row.

It is not that Chen Zong cannot be faster, but that there is no need.

After crossing the heart of the sea, you still need to climb mountains, and it is nothing to win for a while.

What's more, Chen Zong's instinct feels that this sea of ​​hearts should not be crossed in such a simple way. This perception originates from the Kendo of the heart.

When approaching the Mind Heaven Palace, Chen Zong felt that his Kendo of the heart seemed a little more active than usual, and when he stepped into the sea of ​​heart, that active feeling became more apparent.

Now, Chen Zong is realizing this feeling carefully.

It's very strange, as if the kendo of the heart was awakened from sleep. Of course, the previous kendo of the heart did not fall asleep, just a metaphor to explain the state of the kendo of the heart.

After a while, Wang Yue crossed the second row, stepped into the first row, and advanced with the four men.

There is competition in some people's places. Seeing Wang Yan rushing up, although the four did not say anything, they secretly encouraged and slowly increased their speed.

At this time, abnormal changes occur suddenly.

When the dude dropped with one foot and stepped out of the flower-like ripples, there seemed to be a ghost image spreading out of the ripples, but for a moment, he could not escape into the dude's body.

Suddenly, the smile that fascinated thousands of people's faces suddenly became stiff, and then became a bit weird, as if they were having some strange dreams, the speed dropped sharply, and they stepped out. Footsteps also became crooked.

This was not only the case for the Playboy, but also for everyone else. The expressions became a little weird. They seemed to be dreaming strangely, and even some of them laughed and became obsessed.

Not only did the look become weird, the speed also slowed down, and the steps were crooked.

But Chen Zong also found that although a few of them looked weird, they frowned occasionally, seemingly resisting something.

Similarly, Chen Zong also felt that something seemed to pervade from under his feet and fell into his mind.

Under observation, it seemed to be a weird phantom that entered into the mind and stirred Chen Zong's mind, as if to enlarge certain years of Chen Zong's heart indefinitely, or to pull into some strange illusion.

Everyone else was basically successful, but Chen Zong was not successful.

Because the strange figure entered Chen Zong's mind, and when he was about to make waves, he couldn't shake Chen Zong's mind. It was just a ripple of ripples. This ripple caused Chen Zong to see a trace of presence. The illusion of nothing has no effect.

There are three people in a certain palace in the heart of the mountain, and in front of them is a round light mirror, which clearly shows a person who has crossed the sea of ​​hearts.

"I don't know if this time, will anyone be able to cross the heart of the sea and go to Shenshan and enter our heavenly palace." One of the three laughed.

"I estimate that at least half of the people will fall into the water." The second old man was in the presence of his voice, with a firm tone.

As soon as it fell into the water, it was natural that the crossing of the sea failed, and there was no chance to enter the heart of heaven.

"The state of mind and state of mind, the world has passed that the test of state of mind can be true for our heavenly palace, but they do not know that when they step into the sea of ​​mind, they are already testing the state of mind." The third person strolled.

If those people heard this, they would be very surprised.

It turns out that the sea of ​​mind is part of the test of the state of mind.

"It wasn't clear to us that year either, until we passed the test of our state of mind, and then we became enlightened."

"Look at the two brothers, that man is not deceived by the ghosts of the heart of the sea." One of them pointed to the circular mirror, and it was Chen Zong.

The three of them stared at each other with wide eyes, surprised.

"It's impossible. The spirit of the sea can inspire the subtle desires of the mind, magnify it infinitely, and enter the illusion. Even the most powerful person will be attacked."

The three observed, gradually, more and more certain, that person was really not deceived by the ghost of the sea of ​​hearts.

Who the **** is this?

Can you be immune to the attack of the ghosts of the sea?

It's not a trivial matter. As the true story of the Mind Heaven Palace, the three of them have the responsibility and obligation to consider all the Mind Heaven Palace, without hesitation, immediately calling the elders.

But within three short breaths of time, a figure emerged from nothing, condensing into a physical appearance in this palace.

Three true stories quickly reported.

This elder is like a middle-aged person, his eyes fixed, and the eyes seemed to rotate in an instant, as if there was a layer of divine light brewing in them, as if he could see through all mysteries.

After about a dozen breaths, the divine light in the eyes of middle-aged people also dissipated.

"This son is not immune to the ghost of the heart of the sea, but the spirit is extremely powerful, so that the ghost of the heart of the sea cannot be confused." The middle-aged man also said, showing an interested look.

The disciples of the Mind Heavenly Palace, however, have such a powerful mind, which is really amazing.

Of course, this is not surprising, after all, some people are born with a strong mind, and some people have got some special opportunities to make their minds strong.

Others may be treasures that protect the mind and so on.

Of course, there are very few, very few treasures to defend the mind, very rare and very rare. If you have them, it is your chance.

However, according to the elder's observation, it was found that the man was in a powerful state, but he could not see whether it was congenital or acquired.

However, those with strong minds are best suited to cultivate the inheritance of the Xinyi Temple.

"Look at it." After the middle-aged man said a word, his figure faded and disappeared.

"It looks like we need at least one more disciple." One of the three true disciples laughed.

"Haha, Brother Shi, I'm not sure yet." Another true disciple smiled.

In the mind of Tiangong ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, the names of the brothers and sisters are not divided according to the order of entry, but determined by the strength of the strength.

Even if you start late, as long as you have more strength, you can become a master.

"Look, this person is likely to be our brother, as for the others, I think this and this and that have some hope."

The accused is, of course, four or five of them. As long as the others are not pointed out, it means that they are not optimistic.

How difficult it is to become a disciple of the Heart of Heaven.

In particular, this method is also very difficult, and it is more difficult than the normal mind-hearted disciples to promote the true story.

The people who are optimistic are just a bit hopeful to break through the state of mind and be listed in the true story of the mind and heaven, rather than being affirmative.

In other words, they still have a great chance of failing, because of the true story of the Heart of Heaven.

Chen Zong didn't know this, but just constantly resisted the invasion of the ghosts in the heart of the sea, kept walking on the water, and gradually left everyone else behind.

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