Sword God

Vol 36 Chapter 31: Righteousness

Crossing the heart of the sea, outsiders can't intervene, that is, they can't help, they can't do bad.

When Chen Zong passed Wang Wang's side, he saw that Wang Yan's face looked weird and smiled very brightly, as if he had achieved his big wish.

It seems that Wang Ye was attacked by that weird figure, and a certain desire in his heart was magnified indefinitely, so he fell into the illusion and was difficult to extricate himself for a while.

With a bang, someone fell into the water.

As soon as I fell into the water, I woke up instantly, and realized that it was backed up by a force, pushed by ripples and ripples, and pushed towards the seashore.

Failure, this time missed the mind Tiangong.

Of course, there is no limit to the number of times for the Mind of Heaven. If you are sure, you can cross the heart again later. As for this time, so far.

Although Chen Zong felt that he was a bit out of place compared with other people, as if he shouldn't be so calm, he didn't bother to move forward, and soon left everyone behind.

The heart sea is not very big, but it is only because of the invasion of the heart ghost that the people who cross the sea will be affected and it will become infinitely long.

However, Chen Zong's mind is extremely strong, and the attack of the ghosts in the heart of the sea can not play any role at all, at most, it is only the ripples and ripples that are lightly opened, and there is no impact.

This is helpless. Chen Zong has cultivated mind changes, cultivated a tactic, and mastered the avenue of the heart, which is transformed from the sword of the Supreme Heart. The intensity of the mind is amazing, perhaps not as good as the amount Yuan Ming Realm, but in terms of strength, it is better than many Yuan Ming Realms.

If the mood of the turbulent period, Chen Zong's mind can't hold it, but the peace of mind in the quiet period, it is impossible for Chen Zong.

After a short while, Chen Zong stepped to the end of the heart sea, and stepped out, it was the mountain of mind.

The mountain seemed to stand directly in the center of the sea of ​​hearts.

When viewed from a distance, I felt that the mountain was not very tall, but when Chen Zong stepped in, he found that the mountain was infinitely tall, as if pointing directly at the sky.

Cross the heart of the sea, ascend the mountain.

Chen Zong was already ahead of others and started to climb the mountain.

This mountain seems to be infinitely high, but Chen Zong understands that it is not really infinitely high, just a feeling, a feeling that comes from the heart.

This kind of enlightenment is also because of the relationship of Kendo of the heart.

Standing at the foot of Xinshen Mountain, a wonderful feeling lingered in Chen Zong's heart.

On the mountain of mind and heart, inside the palace, under the circular light mirror, Chen Zong's body was directly irradiated. As for other people who were still in the sea of ​​hearts, they were ignored.

"Why doesn't this person move?"

"Unclear, and read on."

Three true stories observed.

As usual, after crossing the heart of the sea, those who walk on the mountain will not stand still, but will start to climb, but continue to climb, they will find that they cannot climb to the top of the mountain, as if there is no end.

Only after becoming the true biography of the Mind Heaven Palace can we understand the mystery.

But now, after Chen Zong stepped into the mountain, he remained motionless. This situation is very rare.

"I seem to be a bit impressed, as if there were similar records in our Tiangong." One of the true disciples said after meditation.

But for a while, I couldn't tell why.

Chen Zong's figure remained motionless, as if he had taken root, but his heart was turbulent and endless.

In the midst, Chen Zong seemed to see an infinitely high mountain in front of him, unable to climb.

Immediately, the sound of a mighty sky sounded, as if it came from nine days away, as if it came from the summit of the mountain, and it seemed to sound from the deepest heart.

"A realm is divided into black and white. There is righteousness and evil in the heart ... the righteousness of the heavens and the world, the evilness of the righteousness, the right way, the evil rebellion, the ancients have always been righteousness and evil.

The voice seemed to be magnificent and boundless, and it seemed to be ancient and low and vigorous. It contained an unspeakable rhyme, as if pointing directly to the deepest heart, shaking the mind.

As if it is a kind of Tao singing, the rhythm of Tao Yun, fluctuating endlessly.

Chen Zong's whole person seems to be integrated into it.

At the same time, in the heart of the sea, people are constantly falling into the water.

The test of crossing the mind and sea to climb the mind and mood is an abnormal channel to promote the true biography, and the difficulty is naturally scary.

The Mind Heaven Palace is a sacred place in the black and white world. It is also a very strong existence in the whole void. It can be called the first. It is naturally not easy to become a true disciple.

Even those who have been practicing since they were young can not successfully pass the assessment and become a true biography.

Over the ages, many people have also gone through the test of the state of mind, but there are very few who can really pass through.

This time, it is estimated to be the same.

Falling into the water, one by one, only half of it is left.

These people, while weird smiles appeared on their faces, as if to achieve a certain wish, while frowning from time to time, as if resisting the attack of the ghosts of the heart.

Whenever you are arrogant, your mind will not be weak and stronger than most practitioners.

But the invasion of the ghost of the heart sea is also amazing.

If you want to resist, it is very difficult, you can only resist slowly, try to make yourself awake and keep moving forward.

As long as you can climb the Xinhai Mountain, you will naturally get rid of the invasion of the Xinhai ghost, and you will be awake. Of course, after climbing the Mountain, it will be another test.

Of course, you must first cross the sea of ​​heart before you are eligible to consider Shenshan.

At this moment, Chen Zong is being tested by Shenshan.

The boundaries are black and white, and the heart is right and evil!

The ancient sound of the heavens slowly sounded, and was continuously introduced into Chen Zong's ears, and for a time, Chen Zong was caught in a kind of confusion.

Right and evil!

How to conclude?

This seems to be a torture, a torture of the heart.

Rao is the strong mind of Chen Zong. For a time, he also fell into the state of being tortured, so he remained motionless.

"My heart is strong. Although I don't know if it was born or made the day after tomorrow, it is a good seed." Somewhere in the heart of Shenshen, the old middle-aged elder was looking at Chen Zong through a round mirror, his face appeared There was a look of laughter.

The test of the normal mountain of mind is not so, naturally he has strengthened the difficulty.

After all, this is a good seed with a strong mind. The general test must be difficult for him. Naturally, it is necessary to strengthen the difficulty. If you can pass such a test, it is naturally better.

Because of this, Chen Zong did not climb, but remained motionless and fell into torture.

Being tortured with evil.

Torture of the heart.

What is righteousness?

Since ancient times, there has been a conclusion, which seems very clear, but if we go deeper, that line seems to be blurred again.

Positive and evil are not absolute, but relative.

Everything has its righteousness and evilness. Seeing which side it shows.

On the other hand, righteousness and evil are related to the outside world. When you act in the interests of some people, they will think you are righteous, but if it is harmful to their interests, they will naturally be considered evil.

In this way, the line between positive and evil has become more blurred.

"Positive and evil ..."

In Chen Zong's eyes, there was a daze.

Those who are saved by themselves will say they are right, but those who are killed by themselves will think they are evil.

So how is right and evil defined?

"My heart is positive, that is, right, my heart is evil, that is, evil and righteousness. There is one heart between me." A kind of enlightenment, a kind of firmness, immediately rose from the heart of Chen Zong Up.

Positive and evil are always opposites, but positive and evil are not so clearly opposed, but opposite.

It is in the mouth of others, in the standpoint of things, but Chen Zong believes that those are secondary and all are false. The true righteousness lies in the heart.

If I think it's right, it's right, even if Qianfu refers to it, it's right.

If I think it is wrong, it is wrong, even if everyone says it is right.

It's paranoia as well as firmness and cognition.

Suddenly, the mind is like a sword, and the sword light overflows, cutting through all obstacles and confusion.

Righteousness and evil, in my heart, do what you want, what can righteousness and evil do?

Chen Zong showed a smile and stepped out, as if the end of the earth was at his fingertips.

When Chen Zongding looked at it, he found that he was already on the top of the mountain.

On the top of the mountain, there is a continuous palace, as if it is located on the top of the mountain, and it seems to be suspended on the top of the mountain, which is very mysterious.

Like a reflection, but reflected in the sky.

Chen Zong also saw these wonders for the first time.

Before the earliest time, Chen Zong once traveled to the void and entered the mind and heaven palace of the black and white world, and got the experience of the previous changes of the mind, but at that time the speed was too fast, and his mind was not strong enough, so he did not see clearly.

While Chen Zong secretly marveled, observing his three true mind disciples of Tiangong, they were all dumbfounded.

The previous breath, still standing at the foot of the mountain, the next breath, but suddenly appeared at the top of the mountain like a teleportation, as if that step directly spans time and space, and puts the horizon at your fingertips.

What they know is that ascending the mountain is naturally climbing step by step from the foot of the mountain.

Xinshen Mountain seems to be immensely tall, but in fact it is not. It also has its end point. Climbing to the top of the mountain naturally passes the test of Shenshan.

But like before ~ ​​www.wuxiaspot.com ~, I passed by in an instant, and it was the first time I saw them, and it is no wonder that these three people would be so shocked.

In the sea of ​​hearts, there are more people falling into the water, and now only eight people are still walking slowly, with strange smiles on their faces, and frowning from time to time to resist the invasion of the ghosts of the sea.

Of these eight, two fell into the water and failed.

But the other six have crossed the sea of ​​heart and climbed the mountain.

These six are the dude Hou Yichen, the five ancient women of the He nationality, the true disciples of the four major gates Gu Daozong, and the young man born with the stars and the king who came with Chen Zong and the humble middle-aged man with a knife.

Forty-odd psychic realms, including Chen Zong, only seven have crossed the Xinhai Mountain to climb the mountain. How difficult is the test of that sea?

The difficulty of climbing Mount Shenshan is stronger than crossing the sea of ​​hearts.

In this way, whether these six people can successfully reach the summit of Shenshan is still unknown, and the probability is very low.

Of course, Chen Zong didn't know all this, because when he looked back, he could only see the endless mist, and he couldn't see other people or things at all.

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