Sword God

Vol 36 Chapter 32: For this reason

The channel is dark, deep, lightless, and silent, as if it blinds the five senses. The eyes cannot see, the ears cannot hear, and the nose cannot smell, but Chen Zong has no discomfort, because he also needs super strong perception. Hazy, as if from the perception of the heart.

Between the hazy, there seemed to be a fuzzy figure condensing in front, killing with a sword.

When Chen Zong's heart moved, she felt a sense of being unable to be touched, and quickly avoided it.




Constantly moving forward, as if walking on an endless road, from time to time, he will appear to kill, Chen Zong avoids one by one with the sense of heart.

When avoiding the ninth figure's rush, Chen Zong suddenly appeared in front of him, but a middle-aged man wearing black clothes looked at himself with a smile in front of him.

"It's good, it's worthy of being a powerful person." The middle-aged man clapped his hands and praised.

From the other person's body, Chen Zong could not feel the slightest breath fluctuation. Is the other person an ordinary person?

No, being here is definitely not an ordinary person.

Although he didn't feel the slightest fluctuation of breath, the wonderful feeling from the Kendo of the heart made Chen Zong know that he was not the opponent of the person in front of him, not the opponent at all.

If the other party wants to kill themselves, one move is enough.

"Chen Zong has met his predecessors." Chen Zongxing sword ceremony.

"My surname is Ma, you can call me Elder Ma. From today on, you are the true disciple of Xintiangong." Elder Ma laughed.

Chen Zong slightly hesitated, now he has become a true disciple of Xintiangong?

It seems that it is not as difficult as it is rumored. On the contrary, it is very simple.

It is to cross a sea of ​​heart, simply walk through it, step into the mountain, and then go through a torture of righteousness and evil. As a result, the heart has passed by, and then there is a black, closed, five-sense channel, which is also taken by itself. pass.

Did n’t you say that you have to go through your mood?

Suddenly, Chen Zong recalled the words of the man in the extradition ship Tsing Yi.

Cross-sea climbing is the true story.

Could it be called the state of mind?

Elder Ma also seemed to see Chen Zong's question, smiled slightly, but did not explain much.

The current Chen Zong indeed passed the test of the state of mind, yes, but strictly speaking, it cannot be regarded as the true story of the state of mind.

Chen Zong had many questions in his heart, but for a while he didn't know where to start.

Time passed slowly, and Chen Zong thought of Wang Ye.

"Elder Ma, I don't know if the Wang Ye who came with me has crossed the sea of ​​heart?" Now thinking, Chen Zong asked quickly.

Elder Ma smiled slightly when he heard the words. Immediately, he saw his finger lightly stroke in the void to draw a circle, and the light inside that circle was rippling like water, directly reflecting a vivid scene.

Wang Ye is climbing the mountain.

In addition to Wang Xi, there are several others.

"Look, who are these people, who can climb to the top of the mountain?" Elder Ma seemed to test the general of Chen Zong, and laughed with a smile.

Chen Zong did not answer immediately, but looked closely. It seems that the few people are nothing different, looking calm, constantly climbing the mountain, and constantly going up, Chen Zong can not see what kind of mystery is in it. .

Because at that time, Chen Zong himself could clearly feel that he hadn't moved. Until the end, after Ming Wu's original control of righteousness, he stepped out one step, directly reached the horizon, reached the summit, and these people It's all different.

Why is it different?

Chen Zong couldn't help looking at Elder Horse, but Elder Horse looked like an old god.

"The junior can't see it." After looking at it for a while, Chen Zong shook his head, and was totally unsure about this kind of thing for the first time.

The mountain of mind is too mysterious, beyond the scope of my own perception.

"But ... these hopes are very small." Chen Zong said again, this is a feeling, whether it is accurate, Chen Zong has no bottom in mind: "At most, not more than one person."

Elder Horse suddenly secretly wondered, is this the mystery of the powerful mind?

It's almost the same as your own judgment.

As time passed, Hou Yichen, the boy-in-law, stopped at halfway up the mountain and could no longer take it one step further.

Next, Gu Daozong's disciples also stopped at halfway up the mountain, just a few steps up from Hou Yichen.

After that, Wang Yan also stopped.

Immediately afterwards, the downcast middle-aged man with a knife stopped.

Then, it was the day when the star would stop.

Only the five ancient He women are still moving forward.

Does this person have the hope of reaching the summit?

But it didn't take long for the He women to stop.

At this time, the downcast middle-aged man who had stopped still took another step. Although he was faltering, he slowly climbed up step by step, with an unspeakable firmness.

Chen Zong was a little surprised, secretly wondering, although it was not clear what test they were facing on the mountain, it was not ordinary to be able to take another step after stopping.

Could not help but glance up at the downcast middle-aged man.

"I remember this person," Elder Ma said with a smile. "This is the third time he has come to his heart and mind."

Chen Zong suddenly moved his heart, noticed the words of Elder Ma, and broke his heart.

In other words, one's guess is correct, crossing the heart to Hayden Mountain is for the mood.

In addition, this person turned out to be the third time to come to the state of mind and mood, it is really tough, but, after passing through the state of mind, can be a true disciple of the mind of heaven, is also very attractive.

Perseverance and perseverance.

"For the first time, he fell into the water of the heart sea, and the second time he crossed the heart sea, but stopped at the foot of the mountain. This is the third time, and I don't know if he can climb to the mountain." Elder Ma's tone didn't care much. .

It's one thing that has nothing to do with oneself. In addition, the mind palace is not so good.

Every time the sea of ​​mind enters a quiet period, there will be some imperial realms coming in, ranging from a dozen or more to a hundred. Today, forty or more this time, it is not much.

But every time, it ends with a total failure.

In a few cases, there will be a case where one person crosses the heart of the sea to climb to the top of the mountain. The best result is that three people in the same group succeeded, but I do n’t know how many years, and not many times.

But this time, at least one person succeeded, and he was a powerful person, and this one person was enough to outperform several people.

Elder Ma, who has increased the difficulty of the test with his own hands, knows how powerful he can be to pass those tests. At the level of the imperial realm, few people can compare. It is important to know that even the most true disciples of the Mind of Heaven can not be so Pass the test of strengthening yourself in a short time.

However, this person has done it, and the other party obviously has not yet truly cultivated the inheritance of the Heavenly Palace of Mind. Once he has cultivated, his mind will definitely be stronger.

Thinking of inheritance, Elder Ma rubbed his chin and stared at Chen Zong.

"What did Elder Ma teach?" Chen Zong couldn't help asking.

"Have you ever cultivated the skills of my mind Tiangong?" Elder Ma also thought of this suddenly, because the people of the mind Tiangong would go out to experience, travel to the black and white world and even the void, leaving some basic inheritance, which is also normal and insufficient. Strange.

Someone got it, and if the cultivation is successful, it will indeed strengthen the mind in the invisible.

Although there are a lot of inheritances of the people in the Mind Heaven Palace, but they can get a lot, they have the chance, and after they get, they can practice even less. Even if they do, they may not be able to come to the mind. Temple of Heaven.

In the black and white world, the inheritance of the Mind Heaven Palace is very rare, almost non-existent, and there will be more void in the outside world. However, it is not difficult to reach the black and white world. The third floor of the thunder sky and the wind alone is enough to withstand countless people.

Comprehensively, there are very few people who can get the basic inheritance of the Heart of Heaven Temple and have the honor to come here, and can also pass the test of the state of mind.

From ancient times to the present, it will not exceed ten.

Well, if this junior has also been passed down from the Heavenly Palace of Mind, it can be regarded as the tenth.

"I did get the inheritance of the Heavenly Palace of the Mind." Chen Zong didn't cover it up, and his reply lightened the elder Ma's eyes slightly.

"Which kind of inheritance do you get?" Elder Ma's tone went a little faster.

"I'm fortunate to have received the first few changes of my mind change and the true heart of a true heart." Chen Zong answered truthfully.

Elder Ma immediately got up and looked at Chen Zong more carefully. He had a secret look.

"It's to be expected that you will inherit the previous changes of your mind, but you can get good luck with your heart and soul. Elder Ma's tone is more solemn.


Chen Zong fainted for a moment. In the memory of the sword master of Dongting, the Tongjing realm was divided into five realms, and the royal realm was the lowest.

The practitioners of Yudaojing always have the title of superior, which is like a title level.

As for the practitioners of Yuan Ming Realm, they can be called real people.

The third realm of Tongshen Realm above Yuan Ming Realm is called Zhenjun.

A true heart is a strong man at that level.

As for the fourth most important aspect of the psychic state, it is called Taoism.

The fifth most important level of psychic power is called the Taoist.

The Taoist also has another title, he is the master.

From this point of view, the one-hearted true monarch who left one heart in the Tianyuan sanctuary has now broken through to the fourth level of the sacred realm ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ and become Taoist.

Chen Zong also keenly captured the point. When Elder Ma called him with one heart, his tone was respectful.

In other words, Elder Ma is better to respect himself.

"Coincidental coincidence." Chen Zongwei smiled, it is indeed a great opportunity, if the purgatory ghosts invaded the heavenly sanctuary, awakening the sleeping world will, and they are outstanding enough to let the world will take the initiative to trade with themselves I'm afraid that I can't get a single inheritance.

If you don't get the inheritance of one heart, then you may not be able to reach this point now.

So, fate is so.

"Since you have been inherited from Yixindaozong, then I will send you to the door of Yixindaozong." Elder Ma said after a few moments of silence, but secretly regretted it.

Originally, he also planned to take Chen Zong into the door. After all, a strong-minded person has great potential for cultivating value. Taking in the door will have great benefits for himself.

But since the other party has been passed down by one heart, it is related to one heart.

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