Sword God

Vol 36 Chapter 33: 1 Heart Taoist

(Little sister-in-law finally worships)

Wang Ye failed, and stopped at Xinshen Mountain.

At the request of Chen Zong, Elder Ma brought Wang Xi to meet Chen Zong.

"Congratulations to your brother Chen." Wang Xi knows sincerely that Chen Zong crossed the heart of the sea and crossed the mountain, and is expected to become a true disciple of the Heart of Heaven.

It ’s just a pity that I did n’t ascend to Shenshan Mountain and missed this intention Tiangong.

Chen Zong didn't know what to say.

"Brother Chen doesn't need to worry about it or comfort me. Now that I'm here, I'll be ready for failure." But Wang Yi smiled freely: "Not to mention that the Heavenly Palace of Mind doesn't prohibit multiple breaks. This time, I will fail next time Come again, until it succeeds. "

I have to say that deep down in Wang Xi's heart, there is also a persistence.

That's fine.

"I hope you will succeed next time," Chen Zong laughed.

"Take your good words," Wang Yan laughed, and then left.

Those who do not mind Tiangong have to stay here for a long time.

Wang Ye left, but he did not leave. His purpose was to join the Heart of Heaven and become his true biography. Now he fails, but there is still a chance.

So Wang Xi began to travel in the black and white world.

Because of the cycle of the heart sea, although the law is not very certain, after at least one quiet period, there will be no second quiet period within a short period of time. Of course, Wang Ye will not always stay outside the heart sea, even if it is Waiting, he can no longer climb to Shenshan.

Only by travelling the world, sharpening the Tao heart, strengthening oneself, and strengthening one's mind, can there be hope.

In addition to Chen Zong, there is another person who succeeded, that is, the downcast middle-aged man with a knife. Although he was very reluctant, he successfully reached the top.

"It's not bad to work hard three times. Whether or not you can get a true biography, depends on your future performance." Elder Ma laughed, and Chen Zong heard it.

Prepare for the true story!

It seems that it is not as simple as I know it.

"Now, I'll take you to see you with all your heart." Elder Ma laughed.

With a wave of his hand, as if replacing the heavens and the earth, Chen Zong's eyes seemed to fall into darkness, and he seemed to see light in an instant.

This is another palace before.

"The elder Ma Xuewen met with respect, and reported on important matters." Elder Ma stood in front of the palace and saluted.

But no sound came from the palace.

"Jin." After a long time, only one voice, if any, sounded directly in Elder Ma's heart, but Chen Zong didn't notice it.

"Go." Elder Ma said to Chen Zong immediately.

With Elder Ma, Chen Zong also entered the palace, and a unique atmosphere spread along with it, as if straight into Chen Zong's heart.

With one heart, it was even out of control, and it worked on its own. For a moment, Chen Zong had a feeling of being integrated with the atmosphere in this palace.

Vaguely, there seemed to be a sound of suspicion, making Chen Zong awake instantly.

"Elder Horse, who is this junior?" He never heard anyone but heard his voice first. The voice seemed to be a bit erratic, and seemed to be extremely cohesive, pointing directly at his heart.

"Returning to Taoism, this junior is named Chen Zong, but he has just crossed the heart of the sea, and all the ghosts in the heart of the sea have nothing to do, and after being tortured by the mountain, they will pass through the new disciples of the true story without the light." Road.

The amount of information in it was a bit large, and Chen Zong thought about it carefully.

Crossing the heart of the sea, torture of the mountain, no light path ...

It seems that in addition to crossing the sea of ​​hearts, the downcast middle-aged person is different from himself.

However, Elder Ma also said that the downcast middle-aged man is becoming a true biography, and he is a new true biography.

"A man born with a strong mind ..." seemed to speak to himself, and seemed to be asking.

"Return to Taoism, whether this son is born with a strong mind is uncertain. However, this son has been changed in the mind of our mind Tiangong, and it is the inheritance of Taoism." Elder Ma's words fell, and when he died, A figure also appeared in front of them.

This man, a large black and silver robe, does not look like an old man, but looks like a forty-year-old, looking indifferent. Under the wide black and silver robe, the body seems to be non-existent, which is very strange.

As soon as this person appeared, his eyes flashed with a touch of fineness, and immediately, the eyebrow seemed to open a crack and radiate a golden light, and the golden light passed by Chen Zong in an instant.

Chen Zong had a feeling of being seen through, and his heart's speed of operation increased.

"There is indeed a heritage of heart tricks, and a heart-printed treasure." Yixin Dao's vertical eyebrows are closed, and his tone is impassive: "I have traveled to the void many years ago, leaving a few heritages, and my friends can be inherited. , Can also be considered to be related to the deity, but I do n’t know where the little friend got the inheritance? "

The words of respect for the heart made Chen Zong's heart move slightly.

Before I thought about it, I first came to Xintian Temple, and then searched for the Heavenly Realm, which is the Lingwu Holy Realm. I thought of all kinds of possibilities, and even thought of looking for the Nether Temple.

But now I think of it. Since Yixin Zhenjun was now the one-hearted Taoist deity, and since there is a legacy inherited in Tianyuan Sanctuary, I have been to Tianyuan Sanctuary. Well, it is also called Lingwu Holy Realm.

Then, if you want to go back, you can ask for help and respect.

"Return to Dao Zun, I came from the Lingwu Holy Realm." Between the thoughts turning, Chen Zong answered truthfully, while gazing at the heart of Dao Zong and seeing the reaction of the other side.

"Lingwu sacred realm ..." He heard the words from his heart, his frown seemed slightly frowning, as if contemplating, after all, he had lived many years, had many experiences, and had traveled to many places in the void, his memory was too grand .

If it is a particularly impressive thing or a recent thing, you can easily think of it, but some things that are relatively long and not particularly important, you must think about it first.

This is normal practice, especially for those who practice the more they live the longer they live.

Chen Zong was not anxious, Elder Ma stood aside and did not speak.

About a moment later, the dedication of the heart only stretched his brows: "Lingwu Holy Realm, I have some impressions, that is only a one-time world, and some potential. I have been meditating in that world for a few years, and realized something, so I left a secret. Inheritance and a heart-printed treasure robe are regarded as feedback. "

Speaking, Yixin Daozun looked at Chen Zong again and smiled slightly: "I didn't expect that someone in the world could get the chance inheritance that I left behind, and cultivated successfully, stepped into the void, and came to the black and white world. You, seriously There is a great destiny with my heart. "

"Yixinjue is the skill that I created by comprehending my mind to change thirty-three days, and it is the unique skill of my veins." Yixindao stared at Chen Zong with a little dignity and gaze Seriously: "Since you can get the heritage of one heart, you can also cultivate successfully, and you can come to me and have a good relationship with this deity."

There was a slight pause in the words.

"I want to accept you as a disciple, I don't know if you are willing?"

Chen Zong's heart moved slightly, while Elder Ma was slightly surprised. Perhaps this new and true biography Chen Zong did not know the prestige of Zhongxin Dao, but he was very clear.

I can be respected by one's heart and take the initiative to be accepted as a disciple. What a honour. If I change to him, I will immediately become a teacher without hesitation. Coming from one place, very anxious.

However, he could not make a decision for Chen Zong.

The cultivation of the Mind Heaven Palace is free to talk about fate.

If he refused, it means that Chen Zong had no chance with Yixin Tao.

Chen Zong is thinking, worship, not a child show.

From my own practice to this day, I have indeed accepted some people's instructions, and indeed some people have to accept themselves as disciples, of which there are good intentions and malicious ones.

I have also worshipped others as teachers.

At the time when the mind-changing heritage was obtained, Chen Zong actually had a kind of thought deep in his heart, and the deepest thought hidden in his heart.

That is to worship into the heavenly palace of the mind, to worship the master of the heavenly palace of the mind as a teacher.

After that, I got the inheritance of one mind, and now, the creator who is facing the one mind is respected, and it is indeed very fate.

Accept yourself as a disciple!

Chen Zong found that there was no resistance in his heart. On the contrary, there was a feeling of expectation.

"Disciple Chen Zong, see Master."

In a flash, everything became clear, Chen Zong didn't hesitate any more, and directly bowed down.

"Congratulations to Dao Zun, you have received a good fellow." Elder Ma smiled quickly.

"Come up, now, you are the fifth true biography of my heart and heart." Yixin Dao Zun also showed a smile, as if happy, the wide robe sleeve was windless and automatically: "I have rules in the heavenly palace, After the true transmission, when you want to go out to practice, wait until the experience returns, and then give the title, so now, the teacher can not give you the title. "

Chen Zong nodded. He didn't know what the title was, because he had just arrived.

"You have just entered the Tiangong Temple, and you don't know enough about Tiangong, but it doesn't matter that there are not many rules in Tiangong. Soon you will understand." Yixindun smiled.

"Dao Zun, my friend, I will leave first." Elder Ma is also very knowledgeable. Now that he has worshiped the teacher, the next time, it belongs to other students and apprentices, it is not appropriate for him to continue to stay.

Chen Zong salutes Elder Ma ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Elder Ma leaves, and in this palace, Chen Zong and Yixindaozu remain.

"The follower came with me." Yixin Daozun waved his wide robe sleeves, rolled up Chen Zong, and when he was in time, shuttled through time and space, and next breath appeared on top of a mountain.

Looking down, the sea of ​​clouds is vast, but nothing else.

Chen Zong was surprised and difficult to understand. Is this the peak of Xinshen Mountain?

It feels strange inside, it's wonderful.

"Sit." With one heart, Dao Zun pointed with one hand, and a cloud of futons appeared on the top of the mountain.

"Sometimes what you see is not necessarily true." Yixinzun seemed to know that Chen Zong was surprised, and said with a smile, without the high-cold appearance when he first saw him.

Chen Zong didn't know what to say, because he found that many things were invisible and unpredictable everywhere after coming to this Xintian Temple.

It's as if your heart is covered in a mist, but you won't feel bad.

It's just because his mind is too low to be level.

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