Sword God

Vol 36 Chapter 38: Final return

(Someone leaves home and the boss returns, An Neng can distinguish that I'm male and female, and you go home)


There is a battle between Chen Zong and the void monster Black Snake.


However, Chen Zong soon discovered that the strength of this black snake was obviously inferior to the praying blade giant snake beast that had been bombed and killed by the Kongkong.

Rao is so, the strength of the black snake is not weak, after all, it is the level of the growth body. It is estimated that the normal state of the royal road has turned to three turns, not its opponent.

Although Chen Zong's repair is a turn, he is so strong that normal five turns are not opponents.

However, the Void Behemoth has a huge physique and an extremely powerful defense force. It has unparalleled strength and vitality. Even if it is stronger than them, it is difficult to defeat it.

After some temptations, Chen Zong burst into full force.

A sword is lifted, the stars are bright, and it shines in all directions, and the amazing coercion pervades and suppresses everything.

Supernatural Powers: Mysterious Sword of the Sky!

The inheritance of the Mind Heaven Palace is not a martial art that directly attacks. It is all skills and secrets. In addition, the two magical mysteries introduced by Chen Zong are amplifying, and the mind is perceptual Does not have direct attack power.

Make a star with a sword and cut it off.

Facing the **** of this sword, the void beast, the black snake, was immediately suppressed, and continued to growl to resist.

However, the power of this sword was very overbearing, and it was directly wounded, but not killed.

At that time, Chen Zong used the eternal world to erupt the power of the imperial state for a short time. It was relatively easy to break the body of the serpent from the inside, and that strength was not weak.

Opened from the inside, the snake suffered a serious injury, which also affected its speed, before Chen Zong successfully escaped.

Otherwise, the serpent in its heyday was terrible.

"It wasn't dead." Looking at the injured and bleeding snake, Chen Zong frowned slightly, and was shocked by the amazing vitality of the void monster.

"So, I try to increase my heart."

Suddenly, the flames of fire broke out suddenly, becoming fierce from an early age, burning, burning everything like a raging fire.

An amazing anger erupted immediately, as if to swallow Chen Zong's reason, but that anger was limited again and could not affect Chen Zong.

However, Chen Zong could clearly feel that waves of power seemed to emerge from the depths of his soul and body.

That power seems to be endless.

One strength!

Double power!

Triple power!

The emergence of triple powers has helped Chen Zong's overall strength to increase by 30%.

The 30% increase is still not as good as the previous Arcana Secret, but the Arcana Secret is just a little magical power, and it is no longer possible to bring yourself any increase.

In addition, the intensity of the increase in heart fire is closely related to the cultivation level of the thirty-three heavens of mind, and the potential is amazing.

If they are all trained and cast 33 Dacheng heart palaces, it is enough to increase the strength by 33, which is 33%, more than three times.

Moreover, cultivation for promotion will not weaken the increase of the magical power of the fire.

The stronger the stronger!

"Come and try this sword." Chen Zong's eyes burst into amazing starlight, as if bursting in an instant.

A sword rises, endless starlight surges.

Big broken star breaks the secret sword!

This is the same as Daxingxing's Crossing Sword, and it is one of the big secret swords of the Star Academy.

A sword was cut off, and the starlight burst instantly, falling on the serpent's body, as if the stars were exploding, erupting into an extremely horrifying power.

This sword focuses on destructive power, and has an increase in heart fire. The power is even more powerful, but it still does not kill the snake.

The third sword!

Triple Heart Fire!

Power of the sword in the beginning!

Big broken star breaks the secret sword!


Even more powerful, with one sword cut off, can destroy the stars, the serpent finally died.

Looking at the huge body, Chen Zong was finally relieved.

The Nether Beast is really terrible.

Fortunately, this giant snake is much weaker than the mantis giant snake. Otherwise, it is not an opponent, and it must be killed by using the emptiness.

When his heart recovered, Chen Zong felt that there was a feeling of emptiness in his heart, which was because the power of the mind had consumed a lot.

However, compared with the side effects of breaking the mystery method, the side effects of heart fire are obviously smaller and last longer, instead of erupting instantly.

With a slight smile, Chen Zong collected the corpse of the giant snake and quickly returned to the Kongkong.

This battle was fierce, but it didn't last long, and it ended in less than a quarter of an hour.

Naturally, Chen Zong also got a giant beast crystal. The big snake's big tendons are also very valuable. Its snake skin is also very valuable. The flesh and blood contains rich power. It is also good for the gods. Not to mention below the psychic realm.

So now, let's start to find the direction of the Lingwu Holy Realm.

Open the astrolabe, the distance seems not far away.

Look for!

Chen Zong began to search continuously.

But the Lingwu Holy Realm seems very secretive, otherwise, it is estimated that it has already been found.

The target location given by Devotion is not so precise, it is only a general scope, and this scope is not small.

Time passed slowly. Ten days later, Chen Zong searched carefully, like a carpet-like search, but still could not find it.

Ten days have passed and I still can't find it.

Chen Zong could not help feeling a little disturbed.

Is it wrong for Master to give him the right position?

Of course, this is not to say that he devoted himself to giving the wrong position deliberately, but that he didn't remember it so clearly, it was just a rough idea, and there might be deviations.

In the void, the gap brought by a trace of deviation will be very amazing.

But this is the end, Chen Zong is very helpless, there is no way, he can only continue to look for, and then try again, if you can't find it, maybe, you can only go to that void temple to try your luck.

However, it is not so easy to go to the Nether Temple, because the Nether Temple is not located in the East Nether, but in the North Nether. To reach the Nether Temple, there is no time to move the array, and it takes a lot of time. .

Finding the Nether Temple is a follow-up plan. As of now, take the time to look for it and search for it.

Time slowly passed and another ten days passed. Chen Zong still could not find it, but he was not anxious and discouraged.

The soul is more and more settled.

It was another half a month later, Chen Zong felt a surge of power in his own way, and the power of Kendo in the heart was surging. He quickly stopped searching and calmly came to realize.

In the Shenhai, on the sword light of the Kendo of Heart, the second pattern slowly condenses and forms.

The second round of Yudaojing!

Unexpectedly, I haven't found where the Lingwu sacred realm is, but unexpectedly broke through the cultivation and reached the level of the second turn of the imperial realm.

For a moment, even with the sense of God became stronger.

However, in terms of refining, World Avenue has not broken.

After consolidating, Chen Zong continued to look for it.

Because of Xiuwei's breakthrough, the sense of God has increased, the six senses have become more acute, and the sense of the void has also improved a lot.

Under careful induction, every inch of the void was searched by Chen Zong without any omissions.

With the passage of time, Chen Zong has searched more and more places, and the scope marked by One Heart Taoism has also become smaller.

If the remaining area is still not found, Chen Zong may really have to consider leaving to go to the Nether Temple.

After Chen Zong's breakthrough, he can even feel a little nervous.

Taking a deep breath, after a short break, Chen Zong looked again.

Looking for it, an indescribable induction, which emerges from the deepest part of the heart, is very subtle, yet very clear, so that Chen Zong can clearly feel it.

Chen Zong's eyebrows shook, and a smile suddenly appeared on his face.

With this feeling, it seems that he has to find Lingwu Holy Realm.

Sure enough, under the efforts of Chen Zong, after a quarter of an hour, he saw a trace of the presence of the imaginary outline.

If it is not close to a certain range, it is difficult to discover at all, even if it is accidentally discovered, it may be ignored.

This world seems to pretend to be on its own.

It is also because Chen Zongnai came out of the Lingwu Holy Realm, and there are inextricable associations with the Lingwu Holy Realm, so that he can feel induction after approaching.

Looking at the long-lost familiar outline, Chen Zong finally revealed a sincere smile from the deepest heart.

Finally, when I found it, I didn't bother myself.

Lingwu Holy Realm!

I am back.

Without being immersed in emotion, Chen Zong's figure was a movement, approached quickly, kept approaching, and then reached the edge of the void outside the Lingwu Holy Realm.

The next breath, his body flickered, and he officially entered the Lingwu Holy Realm.

Upon entering, Chen Zong first felt a force of repulsion, but the force of repulsion disappeared only momentarily.

It seems that the force sensed Chen Zong's identity, or that Chen Zong's body was a part of the spirit of Lingwu Holy Realm.

Chen Zong also sensed instantly, that kind of power fluctuation is exactly the power of Lingwu Holy Realm.

For outsiders, www.wuxiaspot.com, there will be a kind of exclusion. Chen Zong speculates that this exclusion may be caused by the will of the world. After all, when he entered the black and white world, he was not subject to any exclusion.

Sky mine layer!

Sky thunder rolled, lightning turned across the sky, like a thunderous sea of ​​electro-optical thunderstorms. This kind of thunder power is more indescribable than the black and white world's sky thunder layer. It's indescribable, but Chen Zong raised a A very familiar feeling.

At that time, when I was relatively weak, I had traveled to and from the minefield several times. At first, it was relatively difficult. In the end, the minefield had no effect on myself.

As for now, the Tianlei layer naturally cannot help it.

With a complicated mood of returning to his hometown, Chen Zong went into the Tianlei layer alone, but the thunder was rolling, but there was nothing he could do about Chen Zong, and Chen Zong could also feel that the power of the Tianlei layer was more powerful than that in the past. To improve a lot, at least several times.

Without the practice of the sub-god level, it is difficult to move freely in it. From the high-order half-step saints to move freely to the sub-god level, it is almost a qualitative improvement.

"But I don't know if there is a sub-level **** in the Tianyuan Sanctuary now?" Chen Zong said secretly.

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