Sword God

Vol 36 Chapter 39: Turn around

Chen Zong remembers very clearly that the Tianyuan Sanctuary or Lingwu Holy Realm when he left was broken and incomplete. Because of this, apart from those great holy realms that have not appeared before, the strongest is Nine-star half-step martial arts, and not many.

Everything is because of the limitation of the rules of heaven and earth.

However, when I left, the world ’s will has gradually recovered, and the rules of heaven and earth have become more and more perfect. To put it into account, many years have passed since I left Tianyuan Sanctuary. But it's been decades.

For decades, it was not known whether the will of this world would be fully restored to the level of the complete period, which is equivalent to the sub-world level of lower-order stars.

If it returns to its previous level, it will be different.

Passing through the sky thunder layer, Chen Zong quickly crossed the sky fire layer, and then crossed the squall wind layer, and saw a blue sky and white clouds.

Compared to the black and white world, Tianyuan Sanctuary is undoubtedly different by many times.

After all, the complete Lingwu sacred realm is only a sub-world, while the black and white realm is the original realm. There are several levels such as the small world, the middle world, the large world, and the main world. amazing.

"This heaven and earth vitality ..." Chen Zong felt it carefully. Compared with when he left, the heaven and earth vitality improved a lot. Such an environment is more conducive to cultivation.

Chen Zong did not go to Chen Xiu, because Chen Xiu had left Tianyuan Sanctuary and entered the void.

Yes, a few years ago, Chen Xiu, who slaughtered countless void demons in the void battlefield, finally broke through with tyrannical power and achieved the imperial realm.

As soon as he broke through the imperial realm and Chen Xiu consolidated, he left alone and went into the void to find the sword mound left by the Lord of Silent Sword.

Lord of Extinction Swords!

Before, Chen Zong was not clear about its meaning, but now he understands that it is a sword master.

If it were before, Chen Zong might be shocked, but now, Chen Zong, who has been remembered by the sword master of Dongting, has also become the true biography of the Heart of Heaven, which is not so shocking.

Although Chen Xiu is his avatar, in fact, it is also an independent whole. He has his own character and opportunity, so he naturally embarks on his own path.

It's just that the void is too big, and Chen Zong cannot sense the existence of Chen Xiu.

Similarly, Chen Xiu could not sense Chen Zong's existence.

Chen Xiu went looking for his chance. As the soul's deity, Chen Zong was heartily happy.

Standing quietly in the void, Chen Zong's thoughts fluttered and intertwined.

It is here that I continuously strengthened, defeated one strong enemy, and passed through the crisis again and again, and finally left Tianyuan Sanctuary by accident. Now, over the past decades, I finally returned.

Youzi returned home with a lot of thoughts.

Before returning, Chen Zong seemed to think a lot, but after returning, for a while, there was a feeling of overwhelming, a hint of confusion.

Take a deep breath and calm down.

Go to Shuramon first, after all, it is the last wish of King Shura that year, and you can be considered a lot of hard work in it, of course, to see what is going on.

In addition, visit some friends of the year.

In addition, there is the grave of Miya Tenjin, who had promised that year and wanted to admire Miya Tenjin's fine wine.

In addition, it is to complete the last wish of the Sword Emperor of the Heart, and at the same time, to visit some of the great sacred powers in the heavenly sanctuary.

After his mind calmed down, Chen Zong found that he had a lot to do.

Well, just do it one by one, and you don't need to divide it before and after.

Divine consciousness was released and swept away directly, covering a very wide area. Chen Zong carefully distinguished, referring to his own memory, and finally confirmed where he was.

If you sense it carefully, you can also sense the existence of Miguanghai Miguang Realm. With a thought, Chen Zong appears directly on Miguang Island. Unexpectedly, there are several people on this Miguang Island.

However, Chen Zong ignored them and appeared directly in the Taixuan Realm, flying towards Shuramon.

Chen Zong's purpose was just to see how Shuramon is developing today, that's enough, so he didn't show up.

Today's Shuramon has developed very well. It is completely the strongest force in the territory of Tailo City. The master and the original elders have greatly improved their cultivation and strength, and all of them have reached the level of a half step.

All in all, in the past few decades, Shuramon's development has indeed been on the right track.

In this way, Chen Zong can be regarded as a real wish, leaving silently.

Today's Shuramon has its own trajectory and no longer needs to contribute on its own.

At the time of the invasion of the Purgatory Ghosts, he and Chen Xiu worked very hard, and many people knew that they had a close relationship with Chen Xiu and Xiuluomen. Only a few decades passed, and they will never forget it.

Therefore, no one dares to provoke Shuramon now.

The first goal was completed, and the second goal was naturally to find the grave of the palace god, or where to bury after death, and so on.

The best people to look for were those who witnessed the war that year, and some of those people still remembered.

"Gong Tianshen disappeared ..." After exploring the news, but not as imaginary as he thought, Chen Zong could not help frowning, doubtful.

At that time, his power of refining one sword was very powerful, and God Gong Tian was split by his own sword. He should be dead.

However, those who intend to collect the dead body of Gongtian God to build a large tomb, have witnessed firsthand that the body of Gongtian God has disappeared into a touch of golden light. It has not appeared for decades, and there is no half news.

"Will it have anything to do with the will of the world?" Chen Zong couldn't help secretly guessing.

It's just a pity that for the return of the world, the world will not have any reaction, Chen Zong also passed, but it was invalid and did not get any response.

"Perhaps, Gongtian God did not really die." Chen Zong could not help secretly guessing.

If Gongtian Shen never died, where did he go?

Is there a chance to meet in Japan?

What if they meet?

Many thoughts flashed in Chen Zong's mind, and Chen Zong did not go to the bottom of it, because there was no way to pursue it.

"That being the case, I will return to the Xuanyuan Realm to look at." Chen said in secret, Chen Zong's body moved, disappeared, directly by the power of the fascinating light realm, first appeared in the Wan Ri Jian marks, and observed it.

At that time, Chen Zong felt that the sword qi in Wancha's sword marks was very amazing and extremely mysterious. It was a great place to learn about kendo, but now when I look at it, I don't have the feeling of arrogance, stunning, high mountains.

With a flash of his body, Chen Zong appeared at the end of the Wanli Sword, a forceful Wanli Sword intent, suddenly erupted, and turned into a sword.

Between the trance, Chen Zong seemed to see a middle-aged man in Tsing Yi holding a sharp sword, his eyes were stunned, the amazing sword was earth-shattering, tearing everything. Immediately, the stinging, sharp eyes so far seemed to pierce the stare of time and space And to.

From those pairs of eyes, Chen Zong felt a determination to go forward, cut everything, and never die.

Sword out!

A ray of cyan sword tears the sky instantly, and it seems to tear the heavy space-time to kill Chen Zong. With that sword awn killed, the middle-aged figure of Tsing Yi also quickly dissipated, turning into a little green and scattered. In the void.

Suddenly, Chen Zong looked so calm that the extremely heartless sword was also in hand, and the sword was cut.

The sword and the sword collided in an instant, and Chen Zong seemed to feel that an astonishing force tearing everything came, as if to tear his sword, tear his arm, and tear his body and even his soul.

That's the power of Wancha Jianyi.

The next breath, everything collapsed.

Fall apart under Chen Zong's sword.

Chen Zong holding the sword stood still in the void, motionless, and thought carefully.

That sword is a sword spaced apart.

That sword also made Chen Zong feel its power, and felt the strength level of Wancha Sword King.

That strength should probably be the level of the second turn to the royal realm.

Of course, because the interval is too long, it is not the real body, but the residual will, so it is difficult to judge clearly, but it should be the same.

Unfortunately, due to the invasion of the Nether Demon Army, the King of Splinter Swords finally died.

His body flickered and Chen Zong left.

The next step is to return to Xuanyuan Realm.

That year, when I left the Xuanyuan Realm, I encountered a killer, which is probably related to the Chu Dynasty of the Xuanyuan Dynasty.

There is also Master Xuanyuan, who wants to be deceived into forcing himself to give up the place of Lingwu Holy Land.

If it wasn't for God's mysterious war, he would help himself, I'm afraid that at that time, I would lose the chance of Lingwu Holy Land.

From the moment you cultivate, any opportunity you gain has a great effect on your own growth. The absence of any one will affect your own growth.

Therefore, if you wanted to seize the opportunity of your own spiritual and sacred place, you had to break your own path.

This grudge should be returned.

By the way, I can also see what kind of ability the Supreme Master has, and it can also be seen as what level the Great Holy Realm is in the Lingwu Holy Realm today?

How is it compared to the imperial state in the void?

Strength is fundamental.

With more powerful power, Chen Zong's self-confidence also increased a lot.

Eighty Miles Shen Guyuan ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ For Chen Zong at that time, it was very scary and extremely dangerous, but now, Chen Zong crosses directly.

Skeleton beasts appeared, and then condensed into a skeleton beast of the size of 100 meters. At that time, Chen Zong was unwilling to bump into it.

Then, it seemed that he felt the threat of Chen Zong, and continued to merge into a beast of a kilometer size.

Its power has reached the level of a half-step saint.

For Chen Zong, it was nothing.

Suddenly, as if angering some existence of Shen Guyuan, a terrible roar sounded, and the fog was rolling. Suddenly, a huge bone claw appeared out of thin air and fell directly.

This bone claw is surrounded by endless death, and the power is so terrible that Chen Zong has a sense of crisis.

But it's just a trace.

Never sent a sword, just pointed it out, a ray of sword gas broke through, and instantly shot and killed the huge bone claw.

Sword Qi is broken, bone claws are cracked!

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