Sword God

Vol 36 Chapter 40: The Great Sanctuary of Tianyuan Sanctuary

(Add a chapter for the leader "Fairy Under the Moonlight", so today is the third one)

As if angered by Chen Zong, a terrible horror sounded, as if the horror roar from the death row sounded, the endless dark breath from all directions like a storm that swept away endlessly, covering the sky and the earth.


The endless bones continued to emerge from the ground, and rushed to the bone claws, like a stream of ancestors, fully integrated into the bone claws, the path was mysterious, let Chen Zong's look slightly moved, and a kind of mysterious and mysterious feeling was born inside, as if Contains a certain law between heaven and earth.

Vaguely, it seemed that Chen Zong was about to capture something, as if there was any inspiration to burst out.

However, it seemed that it was covered with layers of larger armor claws, and was shot down again severely. This shot directly reached the level of the imperial realm, and it was extremely powerful and amazing.

Chen Zong can be sure that the strength of this bone claw should not have been so powerful decades ago. The reason why it has become so strong now is that it has something to do with the awakening and rapid recovery of the world's will.

At the beginning of Jianguang, the stars gathered and the town was empty.

Big Alchemy Sword of the Sky!

In a hurry, the sword light was like a giant star, emitting unparalleled power and suppressing everything.

Supreme power came, although the bone claw was arrogant, but it was not level enough. Under the suppression, it fluttered suddenly, couldn't move, the next breath was broken.



It seemed to be a little shocked again, and finally, it was slowly lost to silence, and it seemed that the will of 80,000 miles was scared.

Since he was afraid, Chen Zong had no plans to pursue.

As his body flashed, Chen Zong flew across Shenguyuan at the fastest speed and flew into the airspace of the Xuanyuan Realm.

As soon as he entered the Xuanyuan Realm, Chen Zongjing stood still, and many thoughts and pictures continued to flash through his mind.

Xuanyuan Realm should be regarded as the second stop after entering Tianyuan Sanctuary, but it can also be regarded as the place where he truly rises in Tianyuan Sanctuary.

Here, I bear many memories of myself.

In the past, one's own opponents, one who was better and more powerful than himself, are now overtaken by themselves. I don't know what level they are practicing now.

Is it half a step?

Or sub-god level?

The Tianyuan Sanctuary decades ago, except for himself and Chen Xiu and Gongtian God, had no other sub-god level, but today's Tianyuan Sanctuary, with the world's will to wake up and recover, decades later, it is also greatly It's different.

In the Taixuan Realm, Chen Zong felt some sub-level breath.

After turning his thoughts, Chen Zong did not look for those people at all, because there was not much friendship at first.

The body moved again, Chen Zong flew towards the royal family of the Xuan Yuan Dynasty, and appeared directly above the royal family. The domineering consciousness also swept out.

Looking for Master Xuanyuan.

Decades later, the world changed, and Chen Zong did not know if Master Xuanyuan was there.

Divine consciousness swept past, but he did not find Master Xuanyuan, but found King Chu.

Its breath fluctuations have suddenly reached the level of the sub-god level, but it is a strong person in the Xuanyuan Dynasty and a high-weight person.

But how about that.

Looking at the person who suddenly appeared in front of him, Chu Wangshi frowned, angrily, and the improvement of cultivation did not increase his mentality, but magnified the inner tyranny of the past.

"Who are you?" Chu Wangshi's eyes shot a hint of murder.

"I haven't seen you for decades, don't you recognize me?" Chen Zong smiled slightly. "I was in Shenguyuan that year. You asked the killer to chase me."

"It's you!" Chu Wangshi's pupils suddenly shrank like a needle.

Seeing the look of Chu Wangshi, Chen Zong knew that the three killers of the year were indeed related to Chu Wangshi.

That being the case, no need to talk nonsense anymore.

When he moved his mind, he did not see the momentum, a sword air burst out of the air instantly.

Very fast!

To the extreme, the King of Chu, the first level of the sub-level, was not aware of it at all, and when he wanted to say something, his eyebrows had been penetrated and he died directly.

Chu Wangshi opened his mouth wide and his eyes widened, and seemed unable to believe that he had been killed like this.

Immediately afterwards, an overwhelming idea broke out and a ghost image condensed on him. Chen Zong recognized it at a glance.

Unsurprisingly, Master Xuanyuan really left some means on the king of Chu.

"Who are you? How dare you kill your disciple." Master Xuanyuan's thought gazed at Chen Zong with a bit of murder.

"I'm waiting for you." Chen Zong answered inexplicably.

Xuanyuan's thoughts suddenly showed a sense of coldness, and the next break was broken.

At the same time, Master Xuanyuan, who was practicing, opened his eyes at a place outside Xuanyuan Realm.

"How dare to kill the disciple of this deity, no matter who you are, you can't escape death." Under the wrath of murder, Xuanyuan's body quickly faded.

He is confident!

Because he is a great sacred realm, and in these decades, the changes in the heavenly sacred realm are very obvious, the benefits are very amazing, and his cultivation and strength have been significantly improved.

After a while, Chen Zong felt the breath of Xuanyuan's Master.

Over the sky, Chen Zongjing waited for the arrival of Master Xuanyuan.

After the breath, it was the figure. The arrogant breath of Xuanyuan's Master also locked Chen Zong far away.

"Why did you kill my disciple?" In the perception, Master Xuanyuan felt that the person in front of him was familiar and seemed to have seen it somewhere, but he did not think in the direction of Chen Zong. After all, it was only a few decades apart. His own The disciple Wang Shizi, under his own teachings and the changes in the world, also cultivated to the sub-level.

"Dammit." Chen Zongbu Xu Buji responded.

"You know, that's my close disciple." Master Xuanyuan was furious and angry, and seemed to burn Chen Zong out.

"Rest assured, I don't kill you. At that time, you intended to seize my chance. I will pay you back for this resentment." Chen Zong was not affected by the anger of Xuan Yuan's lord, and he was not stunned. With a smile, said.

Master Xuanyuan didn't do it immediately because he couldn't see through Chen Zong. Now listening to Chen Zong's words, look at Chen Zong carefully. The more he looks, the more confused he becomes.

Chen Zong didn't say anything. Between sword and light, the heartless sword was concentrated in his hands.


Jian Guang killed in an instant.

Only moments ago, there was a flash of Jianguang in front of Xuanyuan's eyes, and a bit of cold mang killed him, and the world under that Jianguang seemed to be in darkness and all the light was swallowed up.

This is a terrible sword, a sword that chills itself.

The crisis of death and despair suddenly emerged from the deepest heart.

However, Master Xuanyuan also practiced for many years. After many years of living, his heart was extremely tough, and all his powers erupted in an instant.


A kind of upside-down feeling, endless turbulence, endless vitality of the world, gathered from all directions to Pentium, fully integrated into itself.

For a moment, Master Xuanyuan seemed to be in control of the countless vitality of the heavens and the earth, leaving Chen Zong unable to control anything.

However, this sword cannot be affected by Chen Zong.

This is the ultimate sword, a sword capable of penetrating the moon, as if in heaven and underground, nothing can block the sword.



Master Xuanyuan found that all means, all powers, and all resistances were unstoppable.

When the darkness receded, the sword light also disappeared, as if it had never appeared.

Chen Zong's face was a little disappointed.

Master Xuanyuan couldn't even stop himself with a sword.

From the outbreak of the other party, Chen Zong has felt that the cultivation of Master Xuanyuan is a turn to the level of the imperial state, but in fact, the strength is not high, and it is only a turn of the level of the imperial state. Divine Realm.

For a while, many thoughts flashed into Chen Zong's mind.

The previous Heavenly Yuan Sanctuary belongs to the broken sub-world. Naturally, the sub-god level is difficult to achieve. Even the previous great sacred state has been affected. It is not only difficult to improve, but also restricted, and it cannot be easily shot. Even if it is a shot, it only uses a little force, not most of it.

Otherwise, the opportunity that belonged to Chen Zong was seized, and Xuantian God would not be able to come forward if he could not support it.

With the awakening of the world's will and the restoration of the world, the suppression of the Great Holy Land naturally disappeared, and it began to truly cultivate and improve itself.

However, after all, the sub-world is a sub-world, and even if it is restored to a complete sub-world, it is very limited.

Decades ago, Master Xuanyuan was still at the level of the first transfer of the imperial realm, and it is estimated that it will take longer to break through to the second transfer of the imperial realm.

Unless he dares to venture into the void to look for opportunities.

But the void is very dangerous, and the royal realm may be killed.

"You ... you ..." Master Xuanyuan was trembling all around, feeling only a ray of sword gas walking in his body. Wherever he passed, there was a feeling of being lingering, and his strength was defeated and it was difficult to condense. .

There was no death or serious injury, but the tenacity and fortitude of that ray of sword gas made Master Xuanyuan unable to expel the slightest, which means that his strength was temporarily abolished.

Not killing, but worse than killing. Today's Master Xuanyuan is just better than ordinary practitioners, and nothing more.

Do not kill Master Xuanyuan, but give punishment.

Chen Zong also intends to learn some news from the master of Xuanyuan ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ For example, news of other great holy realms and so on.

Fearing death, Master Xuanyuan naturally co-ordinated all the news he knew. In this way, Chen Zong had a more intuitive understanding of the great sanctuary of Tianyuan Sanctuary.

Before the ancient war, there were some great sacred realms in Tianyuan Sanctuary, and their strength was not weak. After all, the spiritual and sacred realm at that time was still complete.

However, after the war in ancient times, the world was broken and gradually declined. Master Xuanyuan only broke through at that time, but it was not complete.

After the breakthrough, the air has its realm, but has no power, until now it is considered to be restored.

In addition, there are some so-called great holy places, which are not complete holy places.

"Do you know the news of Hongyan Knife?" Chen Zong asked finally.

"Hongyan Swordbrake!" Xuanyuan's Master was suddenly shocked, and then shook his head: "Hongyan Swordbrake was a great sacred power before the ancient war. Before the outbreak of ancient war, it seemed to have left the Lingwu sacred realm. Never returned, no news. "

Chen Zong could not help frowning, this is not good news.

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