Sword God

Vol 36 Chapter 42: Return to the blue sky

The sky was full of stars until the tenth day of the day, and it gradually disappeared. The eastern sky, the golden light of the rising sun burst out, rising.

A figure stood on top of the mountain. When a ray of golden light fell on his face, his eyes trembled with a little blank thought, as if he had come alive, and regained his agility.


Chen Zong stood at the top of the mountain all night, because his mood was a bit chaotic, because he heard the news that Sister Yu disappeared for decades and could not find it. This chaos came so suddenly, so ... caught off guard.

This night, Chen Zong recalled all the past and got along with Yu Nianxin's world. Although short-lived, he never thought about it. The memory is so deep. It turned out that he had left a touch of faintness in his heart before he knew it. trace.

That trace did not dissipate with the passage of time, but settled down and became a dusty memory, which is now unsealed as if flowing.

Originating from the kendo of the heart, the deepest inner feeling, Chen Zong judged that Yu Nianxin was still alive, but he didn't know where he was.

Chen Zong also asked Bai Yunshan to conduct a further search and even offered a reward. Whoever can find Yu Nianxin's whereabouts can get a hundred catties of blood and flesh.

The so-called divine beast flesh refers to the flesh of the void monster black snake naturally. For the practitioners of the four upper realms, it is a well-deserved divine beast. Of course, telling them that they are such a void beast, they cannot understand. Chen Zong will not explain in detail.

The word "God Beast" is enough to cover them, and it is enough to make them extremely excited.

Therefore, when the news spread, all four major domains went into action.

If you still can't find it, you can only say that Yu Nian's heart is no longer in the top four domains.

After Chen Zong had seen the Four Avenue Master in Baiyun Mountain, he also left them with tens of thousands of kilograms of black snake flesh, which was enough to improve the cultivation and strength of the Fourth Avenue Master, and also allowed the overall strength of Baiyun Mountain. Also promoted one level or more.

This is also the final gift that Chen Zong once worshiped in Baiyun Mountain.

The next stop is naturally to return to the floating cloud domain, one of the thirty-six lower domains. Qingyun Sect, is the gate where the soul entered the Lingwu Holy Realm, and it is also his own starting point.

In addition, it was the older sister of this body.

Find my sister first. Now, the older sister who is not suitable for cultivation has passed by for decades, but she is not too young, but with the secret support of Qing Yunzong, she passed through peacefully, without illness and disease, and her grandchildren .

Although Chen Qingyao, who is still old, is still in good health, the first reaction when he saw Chen Zong was to hold back.

"You ... you ..." Chen Qingyao's eyes seemed to blur, and his healthy body stood up instantly, shivering uncontrollably.

"Sister." After a few decades, I saw Chen Qingyao again, an indescribable emotion permeating from my heart.

"... you ... you ... are you a brother ..." Chen Qingyao's voice was shaking, her eyes blurred: "It's really a brother ..."

For decades!

Since Chen Zong left for decades, Chen Qingyao has never seen him again.

Although I married a good person and gave birth to a pair of filial sons and daughters, after the marriage of the children, they also gave birth to several lovely grandchildren. The family is happy, disaster-free and disease-free, and the life is simple and happy.

However, Chen Qingyao always has a bit of regret and deep regret.

That is his brother Chen Qingzong.

This regret did not dissipate with the passage of time. Instead, it settled down and accumulated slowly.

Until now, after a few decades, it seemed like a dream to see my brother again.

Chen Qingyao was crying and laughing, Chen Zong also wet his eyes unconsciously.

Sister and brother, naturally have to talk well, especially Chen Qingyao, hiding a belly.

Chen Qingyao said, Chen Zong listened, time passed.

Later, Chen Qingyao also introduced her husband to Chen Zong, and invited her children and grandchildren to visit Chen Zong. After all, Chen Zong, but their elders, had to cry.

When I saw someone younger than myself, I was screaming. Chen Qingyao ’s children were surprised, but they also knew that her mother did say that she had a younger brother or a cultivator. She had amazing talents. I worshipped among those powerful sects.

And they have also heard that powerful practitioners can extend their lives and stay young.

This time, Chen Zong did not leave immediately, but stayed for about half a month.

Naturally, Chen Zong also gave her sister a few simple benefits. Although it was a simple benefit, it was enough for them to prolong their lives and strengthen their bodies. It would not be a problem to live a hundred years without disaster and disease. It was easy.

As for my sister's grandchildren, of course, they also benefited. If they embark on the road of cultivation, they can be regarded as geniuses.

Departing, Chen Zong went to Qing Yunzong and his party and left some benefits for them. One was that they had practiced in Qing Yunzong that year, and the other was to return their secret care to their sister over the years.

Everything is done, and everything in this world should do basically.

"It's time to return to the Canglan World," Chen Zong secretly said.

To return to the world of Cang Lan, you can't do it with your current strength, but you have your own sword.

Adjust the amount of power and inject it into the Heart Sword Mark. Immediately, the Heart Sword Mark trembled and glowed. Then, following Chen Zong's will, it seemed like the sky sword was chopped, splitting a channel of the world, straight through Blue world.

When Chen Zong's figure moved, he immediately stepped into the passage.

In the past, it was a passive shuttle, but this time, it was an active shuttle. The feeling was very wonderful, so that Chen Zong could not help immersing himself in it.

In particular, Chen Zong possessed the magical powers of the Great God, and was able to shuttle in the void and felt more deeply.

The mystery of the Void was revealed more clearly, and the mystery of the Daxu empty law was further enlightened by Chen Zong.

Previously, Chen Zong was only a master at the entry level when he was enlightened by Dafa Kongfa. Even if he put it in his own heart to practice it, the short-term improvement was very limited.

But now, Chen Zong has a feeling that his ascension speed of Dasao air speed has accelerated, and maybe soon, he can be ascended to Xiaocheng.

The gap between entry and Xiaocheng should be large.

Not long after, Chen Zong stepped out of the passageway of that world and saw a barrier, but the barrier has been torn by the power of the sword of the heart.

Chen Zong stepped out, crossed the barrier, and went directly into the blue world.

When Chen Zong entered the Canglan world, when a moment passed, a terrifying breath suddenly breeded, and the sky was dark in an instant, and there seemed to be countless dark electric lights permeating.


The breath of earth-shattering destruction bred in an instant, and spread quickly.

For a time, everyone in the entire world felt a kind of uneasy palpitations and panic, just like the end of the world, especially for those who cultivated higher, the feelings became clearer, as if the disaster was extinct, as if everything To be broken, everything will vanish completely.




Everything will be broken and returned to nothingness.

Appearing in the blue world, Chen Zong felt the upheaval of the world before he looked around.

With a slight look, Chen Zong quickly converged his breath, and even blocked it, which was very thorough.

Only in an instant, the world that changed drastically as if the end of the world was coming was also a little meal. Gradually, the horrible sense of destruction also faded, and the dark clouds gradually dispersed.

The feeling of extinction also disappeared.

"Sure enough." Chen Zong could not help secretly said.

The blue world is not as good as the Lingwu sacred realm. When it comes to levels, it is far from reaching the sub-world level of the world in the void, which can only be regarded as the level of the semi-sub-world.

Such a world is naturally unable to withstand the advent of the mighty powerhouse.

Fortunately, Chen Zong is very special. He can block all his own power and block all his breath without revealing anything. Otherwise, the world will be destroyed.

Chen Zong was not here to do destruction. Naturally, the Canglan world cannot be destroyed.

Many years have passed and I don't know what happened to the old people.

As soon as the idea moved, Chen Zong stepped out at once. In a moment, the void opened up layers of ripples, and Chen Zong's body was directly immersed in it. When it appeared, it was already 10,000 meters away.

One step across 10,000 meters, which is nothing to Chen Zongquan's speed at all.

However, after all, the Canglan world is not strong enough. If Chen Zong was flying, he would not be able to achieve the speed of ten thousand meters. It is not impossible, but it is not possible, because it will cause great damage to the world on this side. .

Fortunately, the Dao Kongkong Method can be performed here, of course, it can not burst out of full force, but only a small part of the power, the consumption is very low, and it will not damage the world here.

One step is ten thousand meters, and one hundred thousand meters is ten steps.

Chen Zong turned his head and thought while walking 10,000 meters.

Taiyuan Tianzong!

Aspect Sword Sect!

These ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ are all the gates that they have worshiped, and they should also go and see some benefits for them.

Of course, this benefit cannot be too much, too much, then it is not a blessing, but a disaster.

Go to Taiyuan Tianzong first. As for the land demon, Chen Zong ignored it. At that time, he had done his best. Now, things in this world should be handled by people in the world. Besides, less than a century, the land demon. The tribe's vitality was seriously injured, but it was not so easy to recover.

After leaving some benefits, Chen Zong also quickly left and went straight to Jianzong.

After leaving some benefits for Zong Jianzong, Chen Zong's footsteps did not stop.

Next, it was the first teacher he worshiped in that year: Lin Shanhou.

However, when he left, Lin Shanhou had been greatly valued by the dynasty. Presumably now, it is even more important.

As his first teacher, Chen Zong has enough respect for Lin Shanhou. It is necessary to return to visit him this time.

In addition, the daughter of Lin Shanhou, who was also her sister Guan Yunxi, took care of herself quite a bit. She also had to pay a visit.

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