Sword God

Vol 36 Chapter 43: Heart moved

(Some friends said that yesterday's update was a little dizzy because they forgot the previous plot. They also said that they had to read it again from the beginning. They were commendable. Some friends said that they had six small notes to remember. In fact, the six were also forgotten. I have to double it to know)

Lin Shanhou, now is the king of Lin Shan, with a high weight, can be described as one person under 10,000 people.

When I saw Chen Zong again, Wang Linshan was the first one, and then he felt a lot of emotion.

Sister Guan Yunxi is not too young, but because of cultivation, it doesn't look old, but years have left marks on her face.

Compared with the playful look of that year, Guan Yunxi was a bit more mature and charming.

I saw Chen Zong again, and, so young, Chen Zong, as if in those years, did not leave a trace on his body.

Guan Yunxi had an inexplicable envy, but it was only envy, and his heart was agitated.

For decades, Guan Yunxi never married, which was a headache for Linshan Wang.

After Chen Zong stayed for a day, he left Master Linshan and Sister Guan Yunxi with some resources that were helpful for them to practice, etc., and couldn't wait to leave.

Because, Donglu is in sight.

Although Chen Zong has changed a body, the blood of this body is no longer related to Donglu, or even to the Canglan world, but the imprint from the depths of his soul has made Chen Zong and This side fits heaven and earth.

The imprint of the soul is better than the blood.

Donglu ... Aunt ... Aunt ... Sister ... Family ...

That is the deepest concern in myself.

After saying goodbye to Master and sister, Chen Zong left immediately.

With deep desire and urgency, Chen Zong directly exhibited the Big Dharma Method, one step further.

"Your brother, I don't know what level it is." Looking at Chen Zong stepping out of the disappearance, Linshanwang sighed a bit, he was a little bit embarrassed and a little proud.

Guan Yunxi didn't answer. Looking at Chen Zong's disappearing back, if he was lost, his eyes did not consciously dim.

The daughter's thoughts are understood by Linshan Wang, but unfortunately, there is no fate.

Not to mention, can't keep up.


Chen Zong remembers that familiar mountain. When he first crossed the mountain that year, it was because of the onset of the crisis that he had to venture into it. He had only passed through after nine deaths and entered the new world.

Looking back now, it seems as if it was yesterday, and it is as old as it has been in the past.

Chen Zong couldn't help but raise his corner of his mouth, showing a smile.

When I was young, I think of it now, just like a drop of nectar, with a kind of endless aftertaste.

"People like to remember the past when they are old. Am I old?" Chen Zong couldn't help touching his face, still young, handsome, and chic.

Of course, looking at young people, but for ordinary people, Chen Zong is indeed very old. After all, the years he has lived are at least 100 years old.


Chen Zong was a little bit nervous and even more afraid.

Afraid of going here, I ca n’t see Dad, only ...

Taking a deep breath, the breath rolled up an amazing and mighty storm.

When his mind calmed down, Chen Zong stepped forward again.


In that year, Chen Zong's return established the stability of Donglu in one fell swoop, and also gradually developed the Chen family.

I wonder if the current Chen family is more prosperous?

But in fact, whether the Chen family was more prosperous, Chen Zong didn't care, only the few people in his heart.

After several expansions, the Chen Family Mansion is now much wider than today. Today, the Chen Family is full of lights, red lanterns are high, and the atmosphere is very festive.

The guests were endless, and all came with colorful gifts.

"Zhenwumen master brought ten elders and delivered ten boxes of jewellery, ten cheats, elixir ..."

"Wow, it turned out that Zhenwumen and the ten elders came."

"That's not it, the Chen family, our first family in Donglu."

There are many people who come to congratulate, and many people come to see the lively, because the Chen family will put a large water table for three days and nights. Anyone can come and enjoy a great drink.

As for the troubles, there is no, because the Chen family today is the first family in Donglu. The population was not large at the beginning, but as time passed, the number of people continued to increase. So far, there are ten strong men in Zhenwu Realm There are dozens of them, and there are dozens of masters who are practicing.

In addition, the relationship between the Chen family and Zhenwumen was very good, and Zhenwumen was the first gate in Donglu.

The union of the first family and the first gate completely suppressed Donglu, even if there were young people, but they did not dare to strike their minds on the Chen family and Zhenwumen.

Especially now, in the days of great joy, who dares to make trouble, simply thinks that he lives too comfortable.

Not to mention, the Chen family, but there are still the famous Raksha swords Chen Chuyun and Chen Jiatai on Chen Zhengtang many years ago. It is said that they are both super powerhouses who have transcended Zhenwu Realm.

At this moment, a young man in a white robe was walking slowly, looking at the brightly colored Chen Jia's mansion, showing a smile.

With a turn of knowledge, Chen Zong found a few familiar breaths.

The next breath, the figure disappeared like a phantom.

"Well, what about people?" The person beside him rubbed his eyes hard and looked again. Just now it was clear that there was a person in front of his eyes, how could it suddenly disappear.

"Who?" The companion next to him stared, "You're dazzled."

"No, there was a man in white robes just now."


Chen Zongru entered into a state of no one, people came and went, but no one could find him.

The deepest part of the Chen family mansion, which is equivalent to the forbidden area of ​​the Chen family mansion, seems to be a small courtyard independent of the Chen family mansion.

Over the years, the Chen family has undergone several transformations and expansions, but they have expanded outwards. The small courtyard has remained the same as it was more than a hundred years ago, because it bears thoughts.

In the courtyard, three people around him became extremely smooth because of the passage of time and frequent wiping.

Three of them, one with pale and old hair, but ruddy, bright and peaceful eyes, full of air.

One is an old woman who is holding Yun Yun, her face is also ruddy, her skin is like a baby, her eyes are not only bright, but also a hint of sharpness.

The third, also an old woman, looked older than the second, and seemed to be older.

But if you hear them talking, you will be surprised.

"Dad, Aunt Yun, drink tea." After the tea was poured, the old woman said to the old man and Yun Yun, with a respectful tone.

"Laner, you drink too." The old man smiled with kindness on his face.

Chen Zhengtang!

Chen Chuyun!

Chen Lan!

Today is the day of great joy for the sons of the Chen family ’s current owners, and the day of the trio ’s juniors, but none of them went out, because the descendants were separated from them by several generations.

The fun is to let the juniors of the Chen family go to lively. The three of them, the oldest and the oldest in the Chen family, are unwilling to go together, but are also happy in their hearts.

Because from generation to generation, Chen Zong not only inherited, continued, and became stronger.

Even if one day their Shouyuan arrived and they had to leave, the Chen family had enough self-protection to shelter the Chen family's children.

"Dad, Sister Yun, Xiaolan ..." A call suddenly sounded and passed into the ears of the three.

The sound was a bit familiar, as if it penetrated distant space and time, awakening the deepest memories inside.

Uncontrollably, Chen Zhengtang trembled, the tea cup in his hand trembled, the tea spilled, and the hot tea fell on the back of his hand, without ever being aware of it.

"Have you heard?" Chen Zhengtang looked at Chen Chuyun and Chen Lan: "Did you hear that?"

He thought it was hallucination.

Chen Chuyun was also excited, and Chen Lan was confused.

"Is it a hallucination of inner thoughts?" Chen Chuyun thought secretly.

Immediately, because there was a white robe in front of the table.

If the eyes are stars, handsome and extraordinary, the young face seems to have a layer of divine light and unique character.

And that face gave them a very familiar feeling. For a time, their eyes narrowed, as if they had penetrated for hundreds of years and saw the appearance of that year again.

"You ... you ... you are Zong'er ..." Chen Zhengtang shuddered, his old tears crisscrossed.

Chen Lan's eyes widened and shocked.

Chen Zong!

My brother Chen Zong!

I have to say that the sudden return of Chen Zong, the impact on Chen Zhengtang and Chen Chuyun and Chen Lan is extremely large, it is impossible to describe.

After the excitement, it slowly calmed down, but the inner joy was always irritating, as was Chen Zong.

My heart is so irritated that it is difficult to calm down. It is the joy and touch from the deepest part of my heart.

Because her aunt had no talent for cultivation, she died decades ago.

However, the talent of the sister Chen Chuyun is very good in Donglu, and there are a lot of resources and Chen Zong's guidance. So, more than ten years ago, she successfully broke through the real martial realm and entered the extraordinary world A heavy layer of human extremes.

As for Chen Zhengtang, it was also a breakthrough made a few years ago, and it was a great achievement.

For Donglu, the human extreme is an invincible existence.

The younger sister Chen Lan is a bit worse. Now she is still in the true martial arts realm, but it is not so easy to break through the human martial arts realm, so she looks older.

If you ca n’t break through, I ’m afraid it wo n’t be many years.

But now, when Chen Zong returns, naturally they will not let them die so early.

Before returning, Chen Zong decided to stay at home for a while.

The cultivation of the thirty-three minds of the mind has nothing to do with the vitality of the heavens and the earth ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ has nothing to do with the rules of the heavens and the earth, and is closely related to one's own mind. Therefore, there is no difference between practicing in the east land and practicing in the spiritual and spiritual realm.

Staying at home, but Chen Zong did not pay attention to the other Chen family, after all, it has nothing to do with himself.

As for Zhen Wu Men, Chen Zong will not even bother.

First of all, to adjust the body and blood for Adi and his sisters and younger sisters, Chen Zong's spoils are many. Some are useless for half a step or more. They have great use for the transcendental realm. It is not difficult to extend life and return to old age. thing.

As a result, Chen Zhengtang reverted to his forties, Chen Chuyun reverted to his thirties, and their cultivation has also improved significantly. As for Chen Lan's cultivation, he has broken through to the extreme And returned to the thirties.

Today, Shou Yuan, who has cultivated and used elixir, can live for thousands of years.

"A father, sister, Xiao Lan, today I will take you to travel around the world." Chen Zong laughed, it was a wish that had grown up that year.

It was only difficult to achieve in the past, but now, it is easy, and the three agreed.

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