Sword God

Vol 36 Chapter 44: Penetrate the battlefield

Walking across mountains, rivers and rivers, the vast world is only at your feet.

After spending more than half a year, Chen Zong took his father Chen Zhengtang, his sister Chen Chuyun, and his younger sister Chen Lan to walk around the world, experience the customs, and see the world.

Invisible, it is also a practice.

After half a year, I often took the flesh and blood of the snake to nourish myself. Although the three did not deliberately exercise, their physical strength was several times stronger, and their cultivation was further improved. Some more.

Chen Zong hopes that they can live longer and live better, so in addition to increasing their lifetime, they will also give some guidance, pointing directly to the essence, so that their application of their own power becomes more subtle and powerful. It has also got a very significant improvement.

Six months later, Chen Zong returned to Donglu with the three.

All three were silent for a while, and they felt that it was time to leave.

"A Da, Yun Yun, Xiao Lan, practice well, maybe one day, we will meet again." Chen Zong was very persecuted, but also knew that it was time to leave.

For half a year, it was enough to take my loved ones through the mountains and rivers.

Today, all three have a lifetime of more than a thousand years, but the millennium is nothing more than a hundred years in the void.

After reaching the level of the Divine Realm, a hundred empty years is actually nothing.

When I return next time, I don't know how many years later.

If the three continue to practice and can break through the promotion and continue to increase Shouyuan, there may be a chance to meet again.

"You need to be careful here," Chen Zhengtang urged.

The son of a thousand-mile mother was worried. Chen Zong was brought up by Chen Zhengtang from a young age, and he was also a father and a mother. He would naturally be very worried.

"A dad rest assured." Chen Zong smiled, and then knelt down and bowed his head to Chen Zhengtang, then got up, turned around, and disappeared into the void.

Seeing where Chen Zong disappeared, the three remained speechless for a long time.

Maybe this time, there will be no chance to meet again.


Chen Zong rubbed his red eyes, his inner resentment gradually disappeared, and he gradually recovered his calmness.

It's time to leave here.

Suddenly, with a whim, Chen Zong looked at the sky, his pupils condensed, as if seeing through the void.

As soon as his body moved, he rose into the sky.

That sense of whim, called Chen Zong, felt that the blue world seemed to be facing a crisis of extinction.

Although they said they wished, the crisis in the Canglan World should be defended by themselves, but Adie and others are still alive and all are still here, and what the crisis of outbreak is likely to affect

Now that you haven't left, do your best.

Soon, Chen Zong broke out of the blue world and entered the void, because the feeling of crisis came from the void.

Looking up, Chen Zong really saw a dark shadow approaching at a rapid speed.

"Demon Bastion!"

That dark shadow is a bastion of the Void Demon, just one, but the Void Demon is evil and powerful. Even if there is only one fortress, once it invades the blue world, the blue world will be destroyed and completely extinct.

Perceived by the mind, there is no god-level demon in the fortress of the demon, that is, a void demon that passes through the level of the gods, so it is very easy to solve.

And refers to as a sword, void falling.


For a moment, Jianguang flashed, immersed in the void, as if disappeared.

Ten thousand meters apart, the demon fortress that was approaching was trembling slightly, and the next breath was cut off. Numerous sword gases broke out within the demon fortress, piercing, tearing, Crush.

All the Nether Demon died instantly.

Chen Zong observed for a while and found no other demonic fortresses. Perhaps this was just an accidental exodus.

As for those void demons that had been seen in the Earth Demon that year, they were not very strong.

Returning to the blue world again, Chen Zong once again inspired the power of the sword of heart, opened the channel of the world, stepped out and disappeared.

As for whether this blue world would encounter other crises, Chen Zong couldn't bother.

The world is like a person, and its own rise and fall, external forces can intervene, but if it is too much, it is not a good thing.

Leaving it again, the mystery of Dafa Kongfa becomes more profound.

When Chen Zong returned to Lingwu Holy Realm again, he immediately felt that Dafa Kongfa also broke through and reached Xiaocheng.

Tianshentong's cultivation is very difficult for the imperial realm. It is relatively easy to get started. It is more difficult to be small, but as for Dacheng, it is almost hopeless.

The more powerful the supernatural power, the more it needs to carry it.

The promotion of Dasao Kongfa to Xiaocheng was also a pleasant surprise.

In addition, after returning to the Canglan world, seeing a close relative, inspired by his heart, Chen Zong's fourth heart was also cast into Dacheng, and the fifth heart was also initially cast from this.

The further you go, the harder it is to cast your heart.

On the other hand, because of the relationship between traveling the world with relatives, unknowingly, the avenue of the world has also been improved. As a result, the aspect of refining has also broken through, reaching a level equivalent to the second turn of the royal road.

Of course, the Tongshen Realm is a collective term. The practiced Tongshen Realm has its own division, and the refining the Tongshen Realm also has its own division. Because different cultivation systems have different names.

The refining body equivalent to the realm level of the imperial realm is the **** body.

In other words, Chen Zong's practice today is the level of the second transformation of the royal state and the second transformation of the divine physical state.

In other words, this time, I spent some time to settle my wish. It is not a waste of time, but an unexpected gain. This is also an unexpected joy.

Returning to Lingwu Holy Realm, Chen Zong immediately went to Baiyun Mountain.

There is still no news of Yu Nianxin.

"Perhaps, it has already entered the void." With a deep sense of unclearness and unclearness in the heart, if so, perhaps at some point, you will meet in the void.

But the vastness of the void is hard to say.

After leaving Bai Yunshan, Chen Zong returned to Tianyuan Sanctuary.

This time, instead of entering the void directly, he entered the void battlefield of the Xuanyuan Dynasty.

Chen Zong wants to give it a try.

I have traveled several times before, but I have never seen the Void Demon. It seems that the battlefield does not exist, but it may be on the other side.

Now this time, all wishes have ended, and one should be able to enter the void and pursue the road with all his heart.

In this way, from the void battlefield, Chen Xiu of that year directly killed the void battlefield.

The void battlefield of the Taixuan Realm was actually penetrated by Chen Xiu, so that the Void Demon had countless deaths and injuries, and the intensity of the invasion had dropped a lot, which was less than 10% of the usual, which greatly eased the pressure of the Taixuan Realm.

In fact, Chen Zong also had a hint of thinking against Chen Xiu.

Break through the empty battlefield and slaughter countless demons.

The battle between the deity and the avatar started from the moment the avatar appeared.

Through the Void Channel, Chen Zong once again stepped into the Void Battlefield of Xuanyuan Realm.

At this moment, the Void Demon Army was launching a huge attack.

The Xuantian Army, naturally, is doing its best, and the God Xuan Army, which has obtained the serpent flesh, is naturally more powerful.


Extremely fierce fighting.

Even in this battle, a god-level vanity demon was dispatched, and he was fighting fiercely with Xuantian God, and in the void, he was extremely fierce.

When Chen Zong arrived, he did not rush, but observed it first.

According to the current situation, the side of the Xuantian Army has not fallen behind, of course, there are casualties between the army and the evil demons.

But it didn't take long for the anomalous changes to occur, and another army of demons came, and immediately called the Xuantian Army into danger.

The killer who obtained the external **** soldier and refining and the blood monster Black Snake flesh, he was trained to be more than twice as powerful as before, and killed many demons, but he is now surrounded.

In a hurry, a bit of sword gas broke through the air, and the surrounding void demons were killed directly.

Chen Zong stepped into the battlefield.

Never draw a sword, but there are countless swords blasting away.

Each sword qi will kill dozens of void demons, as if chopping vegetables and melons.

The Void Demon, who had just gained the upper hand, died of tens of thousands in just a few breaths.


Unilateral slaughter!

Unless it is a god-like void demon, there is no sword qi that can resist Chen Zong.




Kill them all!

As soon as Chen Zong took the shot, he directly resolved the crisis of the Xuantian Army.

For a time, the soldiers of the Xuantian Army were stunned. What a fierce man it was, to kill so many void demons with his own power was terrifying.

For Chen Zong, it was a very happy feeling, without the need to keep his hands, and slaughter.

And use this to practice the inheritance swordsmanship of the Dongting Jianshan Killing Taoist Temple.

That is the sword-based swordsmanship. It is a swordsmanship that condenses a murderous killer. The stronger the killer, the stronger the killer. The easier the sword practice is, the more powerful and horrifying its power will be.

This time the army of void demons is hundreds of thousands, but under the sword of Chen Zong, it is as powerful as a bamboo shoot, irresistible.

Kill as many as you can ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ 100,000!


Chen Zong's murderous accumulation became more and more terrible, but soon, the murderous as if all disappeared, Chen Zong continued to condense.


The soldiers of the Xuantian Army were all reduced to spectators, only to feel that the battlefield was filled with endless sword energy, and each sword gas was terrible.

The Xuantian God and the god-level Void Demon who have been fighting fiercely in the sky have also noticed that Xuantian God will be a great joy. As for the god-level Void Demon, it will be extremely angry, but he will not be able to escape the restraint of Xuantian God.

Not long after, hundreds of thousands of vanity demons were slaughtered by Chen Zong, and even the demons and fortresses were destroyed and completely crashed.

Chen Zong looked up and stared up at the sky, directly locking the god-level void demon that would fight with Xuantian God. His body stepped out step by step, and instantly appeared behind the void demon.

Never drawn a sword, no need to draw a sword, just a swipe of the sword, with a mysterious trajectory, and then pierced forward.

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