Sword God

Vol 36 Chapter 45: Wan Jian Gui Zong Jue

A little sword gas, like a cold mang bursting into the sky, rushed into the air.

The moment when the god-level void demon had just noticed, it was immediately penetrated into the eyebrows, and the terrible sword gas penetrated into the body and raged away.

Even if the body of the god-level void demon is extremely powerful, the vitality is extremely tenacious and useless.

Xuantian Shen will be very shocked. This god-like void demon is very tyrannical. He can barely compete with it, or if he consumes the blood of the void monster, the power of the black snake has increased.

However, Chen Zong only killed him with one finger and a sword.

To Xuan Tian Shen Jiang, this god-level void demon is indeed very strong, but to Chen Zong, it is nothing, but it is only a turn to the level of imperial realm.

Before, you could kill yourself, not to mention that now, your cultivation is much stronger to achieve the second turn of the royal road.

If the Void Demon had the strength of a six-turn imperial realm, he might be able to fight against himself.

It is trivial to kill this god-like void demon.

After Chen Zong and Xuan Tianshen said something, they stepped into the void and quickly left.

Chen Zong deliberately tried the Dacheng air method in Xiaocheng's realm, stepped out, and when it appeared again, it was 200,000 meters away, but he consumed a lot of power, almost 60%.

This can't help but surprise Chen Zong.

Sure enough, Tianshentong can not be used casually, and the consumption is terrible, especially the higher the level of Tianshentong, although the stronger, the more amazing the consumption.

Yuan Ning Realm can freely bear the consumption of celestial power.

Take out the Nuokong, put it in the nucleus, open the star chart, and Chen Zong searched a little.

Here, it is still within the one-ary galaxy, and the second town boundary city is set, and the Uranus begins to fly.

As for Chen Zong, it was to restore the consumed power first, and then cultivate.

Now that I want to end it, the rest is chasing the avenue, so there is no need to rush as much as I did before, and all kinds of rapid rushes.

For yourself now, cultivation is the first priority to improve yourself, so in fact, it is no difference to hurry or not, because you can practice well.

Even to a certain extent, if you don't rush to time and less rush, your mentality will be calmed down and relaxed, which is more beneficial to cultivation.

In the fourth heart palace, the supernatural power that Chen Zong put in is the eyes of the Dalian Xushen.

I always feel that this supernatural power will be very helpful to myself.

As for now, Chen Zong is the first priority in training.

The practice of one-hearted tricks is also more interesting. You can enter the state of one-hearted tricks to learn and practice the other. In this way, you can learn and practice other martial arts at the same time.

What Chen Zong now understands is just one of the inherited swordsmanship of the Dongting Jianshan Killing Daoist Academy: The Great Sword of Blood Prison!

This is a magical sword skill at the same level as the Great Smelting Star Sword. This time, killing hundreds of thousands of void demons, Chen Zong has accumulated a great deal of murderous energy, and can be used to practice it.

With the memory and experience of the sword master of Dongting, as well as superb understanding, and a huge accumulation of murderous anger, Chen Zong also found that with one mind and one mind, his own efficiency of enlightenment and cultivation has increased by about 10%.

The improvement of 10% is undoubtedly very amazing, and it goes a step further.

Wukong flew towards the target by himself, while Chen Zong practiced with all his heart, during which he encountered any danger.

The Kuankong also kept approaching the second town boundary city.

In the empty space, the evil spirit of Chen Zong's whole body is constantly surging, turning into a trace of blood red, like **** hell, as if it can slaughter life, it is extremely shocking and terrible.

As if there were countless screams, like a fierce soul roaring, captivating and shocking.

The next breath, the blood was instantly restrained.

The Great Slaying Blood Prison Sword finally cultivates to the second level of entry, which is the level of the entry of Tianshentong.

"Now, my accumulation is enough, it is time to continue to create my own swordsmanship." Chen Zong secretly said.

The swordsmanship obtained from others is always the swordsmanship of others. Only the swordsmanship created by ourselves is the most suitable for ourselves.

Moreover, because of the peculiarity of the destiny's decisive sword, which is closely related to Chen Zong's life and death, Chen Zong's own swordsmanship can fully exert himself and the decisive sword of decisive sword.

Ten thousand swords return!

That was used before, but Chen Zong was very clear that it was just a rough application. Even if it was constantly bumped up and raised under the power of the gods, it still did not reach the level of satisfaction.

The true Wanjian's return to the ancestors should be completely controlled.

At this time, it is not yet that level.

Entering again and again, Chen Zong began to enlighten.

With a solid foundation and a huge accumulation of swordsmanship, countless mysteries, constantly flashing in my mind, it seems that there are various figures, in which a variety of exquisite swordsmanship are performed.

In Chen Zong's conception, Wan Jian returned to Zong, which was to hold the essence of all swordsmanship in one, and to merge the mystery of countless swordsmanship.

Of course, it is very difficult to reach that step, and it is difficult to say, but there must always be a starting point, like a foundation, before you can cast a huge tower.

Ten thousand swords return!

In this name, we can see Chen Zong's mind and Chen Zong's superb intention for this sword.

The first form, or the first move, is often the beginning of a swordsmanship and belongs to the foundation. It is very important because it will affect the mystery of subsequent sword moves.

Chen Zong was very cautious and repeatedly pondered.

When the mind is depleted, the mind is restored, and when the mind is restored, it enters the one-hearted mood again, and continues to participate in interpretation.

Repeatedly so, the accumulation of bit by bit, the first priority of one mind also continued to improve.

Getting started into Xiaocheng, at this speed, it doesn't take long to reach Xiaocheng.

The Kuankong was very fast, flying at the speed of a high-order void ship.

Gradually, the outline of the second town boundary city also appeared in front of the eyes, and the first sword of Wanjian returning to the ancestors gradually took shape.

The first sword is the foundation, which is very important, but it can also be regarded as a relatively difficult sword.

This sword, Chen Zong did not specifically think of any name, it is directly named Wan Jian Guizong, as for the entire sword, then named Wan Jian Guizong Jue.

Chen Zong feels that creating this trick is not the limit, but he can continue to improve.

The second town boundary city has arrived.

There was not much emotion, Chen Zong put away the spacecraft flying in the air, flew into the boundary town of the second town, and went directly to the main town.

There are two powerful breaths in the city's main palace, which are the breaths of the two gods.

Those two breaths are quite familiar.

One is Su Zan, the owner of the second town of the boundary city, and the monk of the Yuan Dynasty. The other is the old man who is following Su Zan. Both of them are imperial states.

Chen Zong also exuded a hint of breath and poured into the city's mansion, which immediately surprised Su Chao and the old man.

In the second town boundary city, there are usually strong people from Shenjing Realm, but relatively few.

The main thing is that this breath made Su Chao feel familiar. In his mind, a figure flashed and a name popped out, but he couldn't believe it.

When Su Luan saw Chen Zong, he was extremely shocked.

Royal State!

Chen Zong, it is already the cultivation of Yudaojing, it is incredible.

To calculate, how many years have passed since Chen Zong entered Dongting Jianshan.

However, if you think about it, you can understand that after all, Dongting Jianshan is very powerful. I don't know how many times it can beat one yuan education. It is an incomparable behemoth.

Chen Zong is also talented. It is normal for him to practice in Dongting Jianshan and break through to the level of psychic power.

However, there was a rumor not long ago that Dongting Jianshan fell apart?

"Congratulations, you finally broke through the psychic realm and qualified to be among the strong in the void." Su chaotically laughed as his brain turned.

"Tutor Su's blessing." Chen Zong smiled.

Su Chao's breath is restrained, but Chen Zong can still feel it. Su Chao's cultivation is just like himself.

However, that kind of self-evident feeling tells himself that Su Chao is not his opponent. If he takes out his strength to shoot, a sword will be enough to defeat and even kill Su Chao.

That's the gap.

"Haha, I'm very curious about Dongting Jianshan, I don't know if you can give me some confusion." Su Luan smiled while welcoming Chen Zong into the main palace of the city.

Seeing Chen Zong and feeling the breath of Chen Zong, the old man's heart was full of shock.

How long has it been since Chen Zong was still at the top of the magic prison? At that time, it was still the first level of the sub-god level. Now, it is already an imperial realm, and there is a sense of impenetrability.

However, Chen Zong also saw that the cultivation of the old man was higher than that of Su Luan.

However, its strength may not be stronger than Su Luan.

After all, Su Luan's talent is pretty good, stronger than the old man.

Su Lan was curious about Dongting Jianshan, and Chen Zong also said a little, but didn't say much, just a basic framework, etc., but also surprised Su Lan.

In monisticism, the younger generation who is in a state of **** is the godson, surpassing the true disciple.

However, among the powerful forces such as Dongting Jianshan ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, the younger generation's psychic realm is still a true disciple, which is also the gap between strength and heritage.

"I also heard a news that Dongting Jianshan had an accident and fell apart, and I was worried about you. It seemed that the news was false." Su Luan sighed suddenly: "I don't know who came from According to the news, if he dared to arrange Dongting Jianshan in this way, he would not be afraid to bear the anger of Jianshan. "

Chen Zong's expression remained unchanged, but he was secretly shocked.

Unexpectedly, it didn't take long for Dongting Sword Master to die, and Dongting Jianshan began to be turbulent.

Dongting Jianshan was originally supported by the Dongting sword master. Although the strength of the courtyard master of the Four Avenues was also arrogant, in the final analysis, it was not true surrender. In the memory of Dongting sword master, The four of them were surrendered.

Now that the main body of Dongting Sword is dead, they all feel that they will no longer stay in Dongting Jianshan.

As soon as the leaders of the four courtyards left, coupled with the fact that foreign enemies knew that Dongting Jian's body had died, Dongting Jianshan was naturally unstoppable, and it was natural to fall apart.

I just don't know if the current Dongting Jianshan is completely falling apart or in a state of disintegration.

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