Sword God

Vol 36 Chapter 47: Netherland

Ten million, to thirteen million, was an unexpected delight for Chen Zong, but a major bleeding for the Chu family.

Take out 10 million Void Coins, the Chu family will be hurt, let alone three million more, and the extra three million is determined by the Chu family ’s five-turn royal guardian. of.


Spend money on peace.

You ca n’t kill it. If you can win a battle, even if you can win, it is estimated that you will have to pay a small price, but also be remembered by the other party. Depending on the other party ’s talents, maybe it will be another hundred years. If we seek revenge again, the Chu family cannot stop it.

In order to consider the development of the Chu family, we can only settle grudges.

How did it end?

The best way is to pay the price and be soft.


Not willing!

Sad and angry!

How can that be?

Weakness is the original sin.

To many casual or small forces, the Chu family is indeed a strong one, but to the unitary religion, the Chu family is a weak one.

Strong and weak are often opposite, unless it is the master of absolute power, for example, becoming a Taoist master, a dominant power, and having a Xeon power, even if it is defeated, it is difficult to be killed unless it is like the master of the Dongting sword In general, a small portion of the source of the Avenue of Swords that was beyond his ability was backswept and eventually died.

With bad luck, Chen Zong planned to take over the real spirit, and ended up with a disappointment.

Compared to the depressed Chu family, Chen Zong and Su Chao left with a smile.

On the empty space, Chen Zong took out three million void coins to give to Su Chao.

In any case, the follow-up of Su Chao also saved a lot of effort.

With three million void coins, it would be impossible for Su to say that he wouldn't mind. It is not easy for him to earn three million void coins.

However, Su Chao refused.

"If Brother Chen feels indebted, he might as well do me a favor." Su Luan said.

In the past, Chen Zong was a sub-god. Although Su Nuan regarded it as an equal attitude, the gap is the gap, which has always existed.

But now, Chen Zongke is no less inferior to Su Zan, and even Su Zan thinks that Chen Zong's strength may be better than himself.

This is true equality.

Of course, initially Su Luan was optimistic about Chen Zong, but he also made friends with Chen Zong. Later, he asked Chen Zong to help him, but he did not expect that Chen Zong's promotion would be so fast and beyond imagination.

"Brother Su, please." Chen Zong was also very clear. At first, Su Luan was optimistic about his purpose. Of course, this is normal.

Except for loved ones, there is no love or hate for no reason.

The beginning of friendship is either a fate or a value. The friendship between friends is not counted from the beginning, but gradually deepens with the slow contact and identification.

Su Luan is a good person, and Chen Zong agrees.

Friends who need it, naturally have to help each other, not to mention the two ribs intersect, at least to contribute their strength within their ability.

"The fighting between the godsons of the unitary religion has reached the last moment." Su Luan explained to Chen Zong.

Monism has one patriarch, two associate patriarchs, and three palace priests. Among them, the patriarch is the strongest of the Yuan Ming Realm. As for the associate priests and the palace lords, they are at the level of imperial realm.

After all, unitary religions are only low-level galaxy forces.

When Chen Zong realized this, he was also a little stunned. The monarchism that was so powerful in his own eyes now seems to be the case.

Of course, this is not to say that Chen Zong is better than the unitary religion, but if there is an empty horn in hand and there is sufficient energy, the unitary religion can't help itself.

There are six godsons in the monarchy, all of which are at the level of the divine realm. As godsons, naturally they are the candidates for the future bishop and deputy bishops.

However, in the end, whether to become the head of the palace, to control the first house, or to become the deputy head over the head of the palace, or to become the head of the monarchy, depends on the skills of the children.

The rivalry between the godsons has always been the tradition of unitary religion. This is how any generation of palace masters, vice-chiefs, and masters.

Of course, the selection of the teachers is only preparation, and there is no real succession. They must wait until their cultivation has been promoted to a sufficient level, that is, after they have reached at least seven revolutions, they are eligible to succeed and become new. Gongzhu or vice-bishop and even bishop.

As for the previous generation, after the abdication of the bishop of the palace and the bishop abdicated, there are two choices, either long-term retreat and whole-hearted practice, or leaving the unitary religion and walking into the void to explore opportunities and improve themselves.

The current battle between the godsons has reached the end.

At present, the evaluation results of the six godsons are almost evenly matched, and there are differences and small differences.

After all, none of them are simple, and now is the final battle, which will affect the final results.

The final battle is that the six godsons will get their treasures from the outside world within the ten-year period.

What treasure is not limited, but it must be a useful treasure. Ultimately, the value of the treasure is used to determine the level of the treasure.

Ten years, long is not long, and short is not short. After all, it is a year of vanity.

With two years remaining until the end of the deadline, Su Luan is constantly collecting information in search of higher value treasures, provided that he is likely to get it.

In the end he chose three goals.

One goal is the alien fruit guarded by a star-beast in the Yuanming Realm on a high-order star.

However, although the value of the alien fruit is very high, the star and beast guards who have Yuan Ming Realm cannot get it at all.

After thinking about it, Su Luan knew that he couldn't get the difference by himself. Of course, he taught his son to fight and allowed foreign aid, but he didn't have the ability to let the strong man in Yuanming Realm help him.

In this way, we can only choose another goal.

The other goal is relatively uncertain. It is a void and secret. It was the news that Su Chao spent a lot of money to buy it, and entered it once in person, but it is full of danger. With his own strength, he ca n’t go deep. Exit in time, I'm afraid I might die in it.

Although he did not go deep, Su Chao did get some treasures, which made him have greater expectations.

Originally, he planned to enter with his old servant, that is, the old man who turned around three times, but did not expect Chen Zong to come.

Realizing that Chen Zong's strength is not weak, maybe even more than himself, he intends to ask Chen Zong for help. Perhaps the two can join hands to explore more and get more valuable treasures.

If it really doesn't work, then you can only retreat to the third goal, which is the easiest to get, but if you want to achieve an extraordinary victory, it is difficult to get the best results.

Chen Zong's invitation was agreed without hesitation.

Immediately, the Voyager adjusted the direction of navigation.

Now that Chen Zong has a huge amount of 13 million Void Coins, of course, he must first purchase a batch of high-level Void Burning Crystals and medium-level Void Burning Crystals as reserves.

That star core still has some power left, which is just for its own use in practicing Dongting Jianshan Xingchen Taoyuan Kendo Magical Power.

It didn't take long for Chen Zong to successfully purchase a thousand high-level void burning crystals and a thousand medium-level void burning crystals among a high-level trading star, leaving two million spare coins for the void.

Turn on the extreme high-level void flying speed, and then perform a void shuttle of ten void years.

Just a ten-level void shuttle and a few days of high-speed void craft flying at the extreme speed, they reached that void.

Within the world and the stars, there are mysteries, some of which are natural, and some of which are artificially created. There are also mysteries in the void.

Similarly, some mysteries were created artificially, while others were naturally occurring.

I don't know which kind of secret place Su Su found.

But all mysteries, which have not yet been developed, have amazing value. Of course, they also contain amazing dangers.

"Here it is." Su Lan remembers very clearly. After a while, he found the entrance to the mysterious realm. The entrance was set by Su Chao and disappeared. The ban has been moved. "

Chen Zong's eyes were frozen.

This means that someone else knows it, and even entered that secret place.

Who entered?

It is not clear, it is unknown, and the unknown may represent uncertain danger.

"Jin." Chen Zong did not hesitate.

"Go in." Su Luan also resolutely.

Without hesitation, the two moved in shape and immediately stepped into the mysterious state, their bodies disappeared as if they had fallen into the depths of the void.

This feeling is not the same as Nether Shuttle, but it has a similar feeling.

Keeping awake, Chen Zong and Su Chao fell successively.

The land underneath seems to be the land, but it does not seem to be. It seems to be formed by countless breaths. It is very strange. It has a very hard feeling, but it also has a soft feeling.

As if stepping on steel, as if stepping on cotton, the strange feeling of force made Chen Zong and Su Chao very vigilant for a while.

Especially Chen Zong, when he first entered here, he needed to adapt.

However, Chen Zong's ability to adapt has always been excellent, but in less than ten minutes, he fully adapted, which surprised Su Lan secretly ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ If he cannot adapt to the environment here, he will lead to his own strength , It is difficult to play out, and once in danger, you will be caught off guard.

When entering for the first time before, Su Chao encountered this situation.

He originally intended to let Chen Zong feel it after entering, and told him again, but he didn't expect that he hadn't said it yet, but in a short period of time, Chen Zong got used to it, which was really amazing.

This can not help but bring greater confidence to the Soviet Union.

Maybe this time, it is really possible to go into the depths of this mystery and find amazing treasures, compare the other five godsons at once, get the best results, and get the candidate for monarchism directly.

With deep anticipation, Su Chao began to lead the way, following the route traveled last time.

On the one hand, Su Chao also noticed the traces, whether the people who entered were along this route or other routes, and whether the traces were relatively new or old, which can be used as a judgement.

Chen Zong also kept an eye on everything around him, and his eyes were flat, with sharpness.

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