Sword God

Vol 36 Chapter 48: Void alien

The sound was sharp and sharp. At the moment captured by Chen Zong and Su Chao, the two subtle black awns had been shot from the side like cattle hair.

The creepy feeling suddenly swept away, making Su Luan cold all over the body.

"Brother Chen beware." Su Luan drank quickly while evading quickly. When he first entered, he had been attacked. The dangerous and dangerous party avoided it at the time. Some were embarrassed, but this time, it was much better.

And Chen Zong has been reminded of Su Chao before, plus Chen Zong ’s perception surpasses Su Chao, the reaction is even more rapid and amazing. Therefore, to respond faster and avoid the black mang shooting, there is a kind of calmness. taste.

His eyes were a bit sharp, looking at where Hemang came from, it was dark, even with Chen Zong's amazing eyesight, he could only see a blur.

As far as Su Chao can see, there is only darkness.

Although the eyes are difficult to see, Chen Zong can still capture it because of the mind.

The universal psychic mind of the Mind Heaven Palace seems simple but unpredictable.

Under the consciousness, everything within ten thousand meters is clearly perceived by Chen Zong, and the secretly attacked generations are naturally accurately captured by Chen Zong.

As soon as the figure moved, Jian Guang was faint and stunned.

Very fast!

Su Luan only felt that there was a flash of streamer in front of his eyes, and he returned to nothingness, but he saw Chen Zong grabbed his left hand in the void, and a figure flew out of the darkness and fell in front of the two.

It has a human-like shape, but it is not a human. It is covered with black scale armor all over it. Compared with humans, this body is much taller and stronger. Its body has a beautiful line structure, full of amazing power, and its hands. The ten fingers are like sharp claws, with extremely sharp ends, as if they contain a little bit of black coldness.

This is alien.

Dongting Jianzhu's memory exists.

The so-called alien race refers to the collective name of human race, star beast, and other races other than the void beast.

Vast and vast, mysterious and countless, also born and inhabited countless creatures, these beings, composed of many races.

Of course, for the human race, it is just the non-human race, which is the alien race.

Most aliens do not live in the territories of human races, but have their own airspace.

In short, this side of the void is vast. The division of the five voids in the east, west, south, north, and west is only for the territory of the human race, and a small part is not among them. It belongs to the territory of the alien race. For the inner void.

For example, the Xiuluo tribe that inherited the God of Shura warfare from Chen Xiu is one of the void aliens. In the memory of the sword master of Dongting, there are at least hundreds of alien aliens, and some may not be found.

The Shulu ancients are among the most tyrannical aliens, with amazing combat power, which is enough to rank among the top ten among the aliens.

As for the alien in front of him, Chen Zong carefully searched the memory of Dongting Sword Master to see if he had seen it.

After all, the master of the Dongting Sword is the master of the dominating class. He has lived for many years and has a wealth of insights and amazing visions.

After a while, Chen Zong searched for information similar to the aliens in front of him, and confirmed after repeated confirmation.

"This is the black scale group, which belongs to the branch of the holy scale group. It has strong black scales and has excellent defense power. It can be used to cast the **** armor." "The black scales are agile, fast, and good at bursting out. They can shoot black dead needles with the ten fingers of their hands. Once they are hit, they will lose their energy and eventually lose all their power."

Su Luan was stunned.

Why, Chen Zong could know so much.

The vastness of the void is mysterious, and no one can know it all. Normally, the practitioners increase their knowledge as they travel and practice, and continuously accumulate themselves.

Really savvy practitioners are never full of brain muscles, but also have a sufficiently high level of insight. Otherwise, when encountering any situation, they will be confused and unable to judge. Sometimes they will inevitably miss opportunities and even lead themselves to extinction.

Su Luan thinks he is older and relatively well-informed. After all, Chen Zong is a practitioner from a remote little star. The time when he walks into the void can't be compared with himself.

But what is going on now?

I can only confirm that this is an alien race, and that's all, but the other party can say the name of the alien race and all kinds of information in one go.


Su Chao couldn't help laughing.

It seems that not only is he not as talented as the other, but also not as knowledgeable as the other.

Then, Chen Zong showed superb skinning skills.

The scales of the black scales are good materials for casting the **** armor, even if you don't need them, you can sell them for a lot of void coins.

Void coins are very useful. You can use them for your own cultivation. You can buy Void Burning Crystals, and you can also buy other treasures. They are the real currency in Void.

"Brother Su, I will take it first, and after we leave, I will exchange it for the Void Coin and divide it evenly." Chen Zong took a few short breaths, and then peeled off the scales of the black scales and smiled at Su Luan.

"This black scale tribe is what you killed, it should be what you get." Su Luan shook his head and said.

Chen Zong didn't say much.

This distribution method is undoubtedly the easiest.

Whoever kills belongs to whoever, if it is shot together, then points are divided.

As for what is cruel and not cruel, Chen Zong doesn't think so, alien races are not human races. Although they are wise and even belong to their cultural heritage, they are not human races after all.

Similarly, the vast majority of aliens have the same attitude towards human races. Even some aliens will treat human races as random slaughter of cattle and food.

"Since there are black scales here, maybe it is a habitat for black scales." Chen Zong laughed: "If this is the case, we may have a good harvest this time."

The scales of the black scales are of great value, but relatively speaking, unless the number of scales can reach hundreds or even thousands, it will obviously help the chaos of Suran.

A bit of flame permeated and the skinned black scales were burned to ashes.

This fire is exactly the magic fire of heaven mastered by Chen Zong, and now it has also broken through and became a kind of magic fire. Of course, it is only the lowest-level magic fire. The power is very limited, and nothing can be done to Chen Zong's strength. The amplification effect is also good for corpse destruction.

This secret situation, as Chen Zong guessed, is clearly a habitat for the Blackscale tribe.

In addition to the black scales, Chen Zong and Su Luan also found some unique ore, called a thousand scale stone, which is a black body with black scales on the surface. It is also a casting material that can be blended into black scales. Within the clan's scale armor, it is refined into **** armor.

Of course, the scales are also the resources used by the black scales for their cultivation. By absorbing the power in the scales, they can improve themselves.

Void aliens are not the same as human races. From an innate perspective, human races are weak and far from being comparable to alien races.

Because the vast majority of aliens are born with extraordinary power, and the vast majority of human races are born with very little power.

For example, the black scales, who have just been born, have good power, and their level is equivalent to the half-step holy human race. When they reach childhood, they are equivalent to the sub-god level.

Once grown up, the black scales can possess the power of imperial realm.

In addition to the millennium stone, the two also found some weeds and fruits, which are also related to the black scales. They are scale blades and black scales. They are also necessary for the growth of the black scales. For the human race, the same It is useful, that Lepidoptera can be used in the smelter, as for the black scale, it is a spiritual fruit that can be eaten directly.

According to the memory of Dongting Sword Master, the taste of black scale fruit is strange, people who like it will like it very much, and people who don't like it will dislike it very much.

After eating black scale fruit, it can also strengthen the body. If you eat more, it will form a layer of black scale at the bottom of the membrane. After being stimulated, it will form a layer of black scale to cover the membrane and strengthen itself. Defensive power.

The black scale has the size of a fist, the surface is covered with black scales, it is very rough, and it is very hard, like a stone. When Chen Zong and Su Chao quickly picked black scales from a huge fruit tree , A team of black scales also approached.


When this five-person black squad squad saw that there were strangers picking the black squama that belonged to them, the anger and killing rushed up and erupted.

There was a scream and roar of unknown origin, and the five black scales burst into a breath of breath, approaching with anger and terrible murderous power.

The emergence of the five black scales was already known by Chen Zong, but Su chaos was slower.

As these five black scales burst out with amazing power, a few lines around their bodies also appeared around them.

That is a sign of the strength of the Blackscale.

A chain pattern represents the strength of a turn.

Of the five black scales, two are one-turn strength, two are two-turn strength, and one is three-turn strength.

With this information, Chen Zong has already told Su Chao.

So at first glance, Su Chao's look changed dramatically.

"Brother Chen retreat." Su Luan shouted quickly.

After all, the two black scales with one turn, two turns, two turns, and one turn with three turns ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ are not weak and very strong.

The aliens are inherently powerful. This is unmatched by the human race, but the shortcomings of the aliens are also obvious. Most aliens are born strong and talented. However, there are upper limits.

For example, the limit of this black scale tribe is the peak level of the royal road, and if there is a breakthrough, it is another level.

And it is very difficult to break through. Relatively speaking, it will be relatively easy for the human race to break from the royal realm to the Yuan Ming realm.

The same turn of the Blackscale tribe, its strength will be stronger than most human races.

Obviously, Su Chao did not realize Chen Zong's strength correctly.

"It doesn't matter." Chen Zong smiled slightly when he heard Su Chao's voice, but the highest was only three turns, not a rival at all.


Jixin Wuxiang Sword was killed in an instant, and the light of the sword flickered. At that instant, it was shot across the sky, tearing the dim light here.

Su Luan just felt the flash of Jianguang in front of him, and seemed to be very dazzling. There was an indescribable mysterious trajectory, as if he was passing directly through the mind.

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