Sword God

Vol 36 Chapter 49: Save one's hand




Be invincible!

That sword of light refracted and jumped, a sword that crossed five black scales.

Full strength is erupting, summoning the Su Ling of the life-threatening soldiers, is agitating the strength of the whole body, pouring into the magic wheel that rotates around him, preparing to make a forceful blow, and then retreating immediately, but suddenly stopped.

One sword!

It was just a sword, and it killed five powerful black scales.

It's incredible.

Previously, Su Luan felt that Chen Zong's current strength may have surpassed himself, but he also has confidence. Even if he surpasses himself, he will not exceed too much.

It is now clear that Chen Zong not only surpassed himself, but also surpassed many.

The three-turn black scales alone did not have the confidence to defeat Su Chao, but they couldn't stop Chen Zongyijian. The gap was so great.

Shocked, a rush of joy suddenly emerged from Su Chao's heart.

Perhaps with the help of Chen Zong, he can achieve his goals on this trip.

One sword killed five black scales, Chen Zongfeng was light and light, the sword light flashed, and the sword was encircled. Immediately, the five black scales were stripped of their scales with very skilled and exquisite superb skills. It was ignited by the fire and burned to ashes.

The five black scales were killed by Chen Zong, and the scale armor is the booty belonging to Chen Zong.

Su Chao has some envy, but he didn't say anything. His biggest goal is to get high-value treasures. As for other things, don't think about it for the time being. If you can get it, it won't matter.

There are hundreds of black scales on the tree, but only a few dozen are mature, and immature ones have little value.

Dozens of ripe black scale fruits were picked by Chen Zong and Su Chao.

Not feeling the danger approaching, Chen Zong picked up a black scale and bit it.

The skin of the black scale fruit is very tough, and the ordinary sword cannot be split at all, even a half-step sage-level practitioner can do nothing about it.

But for those who are in the power of the gods, this hardness is nothing, they just bite open, there is no flesh inside, but black juice.

Swallowing the juice in one sip, it's a bit spicy and irritating, and there seems to be a rusty smell.

All in all, Chen Zong didn't think the taste was good, but it was barely acceptable.

The juice ran down the throat, and suddenly turned into a stream of heat that spread quickly, rushing directly to the muscles, etc., and then flowed between the membranes.

The world's deities are working, and suddenly, Chen Zong transports and refines the power of black scale juice and thoroughly absorbs it.

For the cultivator, this black scale fruit can also be regarded as a good refining potion. It has the effect of assisting cultivation. After thorough refining, it will be used to improve its cultivation practice and will not form black scale protection.

But for non-refiners, they can only absorb but not directly refining, so a layer of black scale protection will be formed in the membrane to enhance their defenses.

Such is the case with Su Chao.

There is no doubt that black scale fruit is a magic drug to enhance its own defense ability, which can enhance its own life-saving and survival ability.

Chen Zong ate the black scale fruit one by one. Between the movements of the world's deities, the continuous refinement and absorption turned into nutrients, and the power and level of the world's deities were gradually improved, gradually approaching the Three Changes.

But Su Luan had no choice. After eating five black scales, Su Luan felt that he could not eat any more. His body had a feeling of fullness, and he was about to eat the same feeling.

This is because he did not refine the body, did not cast the **** body, and the ability to absorb and digest naturally for a period of time was limited. He had to wait for a period of time to fully absorb and digest before he could continue to eat.

Digestion is not the same as refining.

So looking at eating black scales one after another, it seems that he doesn't have the feeling of fullness that he is being held up. Su Nanda is envious from the bottom of his heart.

Hey, it's also the second turn to the Royal Realm. It's also the younger generation. Why are you so much better than me?

Chen Zongke was jealous and hated without knowing the emotion and envy of Su Chao.

Not long after, more than a dozen black scale fruits were completely refined by Chen Zong, and Chen Zong could feel his body, and his strength was a little stronger.

The world deity contains the world avenue, and the world avenue is transformed from the supreme way of the world. In essence, it is the top avenue in the void. The formed **** body is much more arbitrary.

But again, it is more difficult for such a powerful deity to be upgraded, and it will consume more resources.

It is estimated that the thirty black scale fruits are enough for the general deities to be upgraded from the second turn to the peak of the second turn, but Chen Zong's world deities are only improved by a few points.

The gap between the details is too obvious.

Looking at the hundreds of immature black scales, Chen Zong couldn't help feeling a little sorry.

Unfortunately, the black scale fruit can only live and bear fruit in the place of the black scale family. If it is uprooted and taken away, the immature black scale fruit is obtained, which has no value. In this case, it can only be abandoned.

Moving on, Chen Zong also found the traces left by the non-black scale tribe, very subtle, but under the mind of Chen Zong, there was nothing to hide.

"Brother Su, there are indeed other people entering here besides us." Chen Zong spoke to Su Luan.

Su Lianyan was shocked when he heard the words, and quickly and carefully observed, and he really made him see some clues.

So, be more cautious, because it is not clear who actually entered here.

It is interesting that along the way, the two did not find the other black scale corpses. I do n’t know if the earlier entrants were not found, or for other reasons.

But this peace was broken shortly after.

With the continuous deepening of Chen Zong and Su Chao, he continuously obtained Leymus chinensis and black scale fruit, and finally felt that a violent wave continued to come.

Fierce fighting is taking place ahead.

Not long after, Chen Zong and Su Luan saw a group of black scales besieging an old man in black robes.

The old man of the black robe was not weak at all, and his breath suddenly reached the level of the five-turn imperial state, but there were more than a dozen black scales who besieged him, and some were four-turn black scales. The rest are black scales with two turns and three turns.

More than a dozen black scales cooperated with each other and were very tacit. The black robe old man who called the Five-Road Royal Realm can only parry, even if he fights back, it is difficult to cause any damage to the black scales.

"Two Taoists, I am Elder You, the top star power, and please help me." The old man in the black robe also noticed the arrival of Chen Zong and Su Chao, and quickly asked for help.

"The You family is located in the airspace of the first town boundary city, and it is the most powerful star-level force in a unitary galaxy." Su Luan immediately said to Chen Zong.

As a star-level force in a monistic galaxy, all monastic resources must be enshrined in accordance with the prescribed time, etc., and the monarchy has been granted asylum.

Therefore, since this person is You's person, and Su Luan is the godson of monism, he is obliged to help each other.

But with Su Su alone, Chen Zong also shot, but Chen Zong did not show all his strengths, but was controlled at a level stronger than three turns, but less than four turns.

As the main force of Elder You, Su Chao summoned life-threatening soldiers to contain two two-turned black scales, while Chen Zong sent a sword to contain two three-turned black scales, so he shared some of the pressure of elder You .

break out!


Elder You's grasping the moment when the forces of the black scales teamed up was broken, and the full force was directly erupted, showing an amazing blow.

A black gunman condensed, which instantly penetrated the void, like a broken star, and the power condensed, and it completely broke out when it hit a four-turn black scale family.

Such a move before will be weakened by the continuous division of the black scales together, and it will eventually be difficult to cause obvious injuries. But now, the timing is grasped, and the four-turn black scales are immediately damaged.

It broke out again, and hit a four-turn black scale tribe again.

The third outbreak directly killed the third four-turn black scales.

Chen Zong restrained the two three-turn black scales, which effortlessly, had the upper hand, but Su Chao's containment of the two two-turn black scales seemed very laborious.

The elders of the You family continued to erupt and finally killed the black scales. Chen Zong also killed two three-turn black scales in succession, and assisted Suran to kill two two-turn black scales.

More than a dozen black scales died.

"Thank you two Daoyou, the old man is the second elder of the You family, You Tianming." The old man in the black robe took out the elixir and thanked Chen Zong and Su Luan. Together, these black scales have two scales. "

Chen Zong and Su Luan were also rude, and soon stripped the scales of the Blackscale tribe.

As for You Tianming, after learning that Su Luan is the monk ’s identity, he immediately relieved himself and asked the two to protect him for a while to speed up the refining of alchemy and restore power.

Chen Zong and Su Chao didn't leave, and they talked after You Tianming refined the elixir.

You Tianming entered earlier, but it was also after the first entry of Su Chao.

Su Luan deliberately inquired why You Tianming knew this place, but You Tianming was informed of the coincidence and discovered it.

Su Chao can't help being very speechless, because he spent a lot of time and energy and money to explore all kinds of news, and he went to the battlefield himself to find it. It took him a little time to find the entrance to this secret place, and his luck was not as good as the other party.

Fortunately, the other party met by chance ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ instead of other news leaked, otherwise there will be more competitors.

Chen Zong said nothing and listened quietly.

Later, You Tianming put forward the idea of ​​three people joining hands.

"Brother Chen, what do you think?" Su Luan did not immediately accept it, but Chuan Yin asked Chen Zong.

"You get the idea." Chen Zong replied, he was invited to help by Su Chao, not the leader.

"Elder You, I need the most valuable treasure in this secret territory. If you can promise, we will join hands." Su Luan said, his tone was unwavering.

"Is Su Jiazi doing the final assessment of his rivalry?" You Tianming asked in return, and it seemed that his information was more informed.

"Good," Su chaos said.

"Well, my husband agreed, and in the future I asked Su Jiaozi to take care of my You family one or two." You Tianming didn't hesitate and said immediately.

Although there is suspicion of gratitude, it is actually better, because the two Qings do not need to be confused because of this, but cause future troubles.

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