Sword God

Vol 36 Chapter 53: Reincarnation of the evil god

In the secret territory, Su Chao has already retreated far away, because his strength is the second turn of the imperial realm. Perhaps he can fight in the ordinary three turns, but he cannot defeat.

At this moment, the two sides at war, both have the strength of the Seven-Road Royal Realm, and the aftermath is astonishing. If they are affected, they will also suffer if they die.

The two men fought relentlessly and fought fiercely.

Suddenly, I saw You Tianming's claws grow larger and longer in an instant, exuding a terrible wicked breath, that breath, as if it can invade the soul and erode the body, has amazing malice.

One claw broke through the air, leaving a trail of clearly visible scratches in the air. Chen Zong was all upright with sweat and hair, only feeling creepy.


Extremely terrible!

That claw glowed with black light, breaking through the air, there was a feeling of extinction, as if that kind of power would make your soul fly.

A sense of crisis from the deepest heart exploded directly.

Without hesitation, Chen Zongshi exhibited Wan Jian's return to Zongjue.

The first sword: Wan Jian returns to the school!

At the moment, the sword light shone, as if there were thousands of sword qi converging into one sword, which was directly broken and killed.

This is a sword technique created by Chen Zong. At present, it is a level of supernatural powers, but its power is very amazing.

Even if it's just basic, it's unpredictable.

Su Chao in the distance seemed to see a rush of sword light flying in the void, and finally converged into a majestic one. That one had a vast feeling, as if it could destroy everything in the world.

This method of Chen Zong's own swordsmanship is not a trivial matter, and it is completely inferior to the kendo supernatural powers at the levels such as the Great Smelting Star Sword.

You should know that Chen Zong's own talents are outstanding, his understanding is amazing, and he has a deep and solid accumulation of swordsmanship. He also has the memory of the sword master of Dongting, which is equivalent to standing at an amazing height.

After this fusion, he went to full enlightenment with the mind and heart of the mind and heaven, and the intention of Wan Jian Gui Zong Ju is extremely bright. In the future, he will surpass Kendo magical powers such as the mysterious sword of the sky in the sky. Not impossible.

And under Chen Zongjian, the power that Wan Jian Guizong can exert must also surpass the Kendo magical powers, such as the first Daxingxing Hengkong Secret Sword.

It's very simple, because Wan Jian Guizong was created by Chen Zong, which fits his sword skills best, and consumes the least sword skills.

Shi Zhanwan's return to the ancestors, to some extent, represents Chen Zong's true ability.

Fight with your own stuff.

Wan Jian returned to the school and came out of his own, so sharpen it with this strong enemy.

However, the opponent's claw was extremely evil, and its power was terrible. The sword was light, and then it was broken every inch.

"Heart fire!" Chen Zong secretly said. When the moment elapsed, the lighted seedling in the heart's palace fluttered for a moment, became vigorous, burned violently, and released amazing power.

Following this, the shocks of the heart palaces spread one after another, pouring into Chen Zong's body, and the limbs and bones were full.


A Dacheng heart palace increased by 10%, and four Dacheng heart palaces directly increased Chen Zong's strength by 40%.

The 40% increase directly increases the strength of Chen Zong again. At the same time, outside of Chen Zong's body, there seems to be a quadruple halo that is almost invisible, and the halo is burning like a futile flame.

Power of the sword in the beginning!


In this way, the power of Taiyuan Jianyuan increased again by 90%, which further enhanced Chen Zong's comprehensive strength.

Ten thousand swords return!

The second sword was shot, and its sword light was even more magnificent and more mighty. It looked like a sword, and it seemed like a million swords. It seemed that the million swords were just one sword.

Under one sword, You Tianming's claw was immediately defeated.

"Broken my claw of the great evil god." You Tianming was secretly shocked.

Although limited by some reasons, his strength cannot be fully exerted, and only about half of it can be exerted, but the power of saint martial arts is very scary.

You Tianming is confident that even the ordinary Ba Zhuan Yu Dao faced his own claw, most of which would be wounded, but he was defeated by the other two swords.

It's incredible!

With a sword defeat, Chen Zong didn't pause at all, stepped on his feet with exquisite footwork, and killed again.

The practice of breaking through to the second turn of the imperial realm and the Mind Heaven Palace is indeed very obvious for the increase in its combat power.

In this way, it is certain that the ordinary seven-turn imperial realm is no longer its opponent, and its strength can reach the level of eight-turn imperial realm.

Fight fight!

The shocking battle made Su Lan look stunned and extremely shocking.

He felt that that level was no longer the level that can be achieved by the ordinary Seven Turns Royal Regime.

Chen Zong's strength once again refreshed his knowledge.

Compare yourself again, and if you break out of your strength completely, you will kill an ordinary three-turn imperial realm.

The gap between three turns and seven turns is amazing, let alone eight turns above seven turns.

Is this the gap between yourself and those truly top-notch Tianjiao?

To say that, when he was younger, he could break through to the realm of God, and have the practice of the second turn of the royal state, and also be able to defeat the ordinary three turn of the realm. Not qualified to be the godson of monism.

But his genius, compared with Chen Zongyi, feels like a big parallel, and the gap is too big and despairing.

Su Chao even wondered whether he would have less contact with Chen Zong in the future. It was not because he had any opinions or dissatisfaction with Chen Zong. He was simply afraid of being attacked and affecting his own state of mind.

Obviously they are peers, even if they are older, but the other party is so much better than themselves. Faced with such a gap, who is not desperate.

Su Chao, who sighed and sighed, was very confused, but the battle between Chen Zong and You Tianming became increasingly fierce.

You Tianming's strength is very strong, and his strength is very evil and terrible, unlike the void demons, but also full of amazing power.

For a time, neither of them could do anything.

"So, I can only consume this body." You Tianming's eyes froze slightly and made up his mind. Immediately, he displayed the mystery of the holy tribe to burn the life of this body in exchange for more power the power of.

As long as you burn your life, your strength will be upgraded to the real level of eight turns. The power of your shot will be able to suppress the opponent when it is expected to reach nine turns.

Of course, the price of burning life is this physical death.

However, he had been following Su Zan's body originally, and now he is also considering Chen Zong's body. As for which one is required, he must be killed and put away, and then slowly considered.

Anyway, with the mystery of the saints, as long as the rebirth can be completed within a certain period of time.

A feeling of thriller, which suddenly rose from Chen Zong's heart, erupted in an instant, it was a feeling of extinction.

Chen Zong immediately affirmed that the other party had to perform some terrible secrets. For no reason, Chen Zong thought that before the strength of You Tianming reached seven revolutions, it was the performance of burning his own life.

Now, does the opponent want to repeat the tricks?

However, it takes a little time to cast the secret of burning life.

Chen Zong's eyes closed and opened at the next breath. At that moment, the eyes seemed to become nothingness, as if nothingness had diffused away.

Supernatural Powers: Refining the Eyes of Xushen!

This is the first time that Chen Zong has used this magical power.

This celestial power is mainly aimed at the spirit and soul.

The attack of the soul is extremely fast, and even unavoidable, it can only resist.

When Chen Zong exhibited the eyes of Da Lian Xu Shen with all his strength, he felt that his divine thoughts were like a torrent of water, which was quickly drained and consumed, and directly consumed 70%.

Even if the remaining 30%, it will not prevent Chen Zong from shooting.

Kendo area ... repression!

Four Hearts!

Power of the sword in the beginning!

All forces were mobilized again by Chen Zong.

In an instant, Wanjian Guizong's style merged with the kendo area in an instant, and the power was strengthened again.

Let Chen Zong feel that this is the true Wan Jian return.


It takes a little time for You Tianming to perform the burning mystery, a little bit is enough.

But in a flash, his soul was hit.

The holy tribe is very tough and powerful, better than the same level of human race, otherwise he could not succeed in reincarnation many times.

However, Chen Zong's spirit is also very powerful. He is better than many practitioners, and many aliens can't compare. He also has the magical eyes of Tianshentong to make the power of the spirit and soul more fully.

Under the direct impact, although it was not able to cause any damage to You Tianming, it also caused the opponent's spirit to tremble instantly. The burning life mystery during the cast was immediately affected and was interrupted instantly.

The consequence of the interruption of mysticism is that it is backswept by mysticism. Although this backstealing is not strong, it is just a momentary rigidity, but it is enough to divide the birth and death.

Because Chen Zong's full force broke out, Wan Jian, who had become more and more arrogant, killed him instantly.

Even though the body of the black scale tribe was arrogant and the scale armor was extremely tough, it could not stop Chen Zong's sword.


The body of the seven-round black scales broke in an instant.

"Win!" Su Chao, staring with wide eyes, only felt that his mind was smashed in an instant ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, a sudden tremor, and then an indescribable ecstasy rushed, and couldn't help it Roar.

too excited!

I thought I could get away, and I was in a dead end, I thought I was dead, and I saw the hope of life. The feeling of ups and downs in a short time, Su Chao can say that he has rarely experienced it. strong.

But at the moment when the body of the Seven-Turn Blackscale tribe was broken, an imaginary image flew out of the broken body instantly, fast, to the extreme, indescribable.

Just momentarily, the ghost seemed to ignore time and space, and rushed directly to Chen Zong, and immediately fell into Chen Zong's head.

Chen Zong was frightened, too. Did the other person stare at him, trying to seize his body?

This is undoubtedly very dangerous, but for no reason, Chen Zong gave birth to a ridiculous feeling.

Since my debut, I don't know how many times I have tried to take away the soul of a strong man. His cultivation is stronger than himself. The most powerful one is the sword master of Dongting, but he still fails.

So this time, Chen Zong had a hunch and the other party would fail as usual.

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