Sword God

Vol 36 Chapter 54: Secret Shadow

Win the house!

At the beginning, Chen Zong was very scared and worried, but when he experienced more, he didn't feel much.

Because every time you win, you end in failure. On the contrary, you can get a lot of benefits.

Of course, this does not mean that Chen Zong can ignore looting, because in the past, he has to deal with it with every effort, this time, it is the same.

After the body of You Tianming's black scales was crushed by Chen Zongwan's return to the ancestors, the spirit turned into a shadow, drew into Chen Zong's Shenhai, and appeared.

The moment Chen Zong's thoughts turned, his consciousness sank into Shenhai and he saw the body of You Tianming.

Without the body as a bearing, the spirit is loose. After condensing, it looks like the body, so it may be possible to see what race the other party is.

However, when Chen Zong saw the soul of the other party, he was slightly surprised. In the memory of the sword master of Dongting, there did not seem to be such a race.

Is it a race that has never appeared?

I saw the spirit of the other person's condensed shape. It has the same shape as the human race, with a head, body, arms, and legs, but the head looks longer, the hair is thick and hard, and it looks like algae , Like a cold snake.

It has two eyes, but unlike the human race, the human eyes are horizontal, and its eyes are vertical, which looks very weird.

It seems that there is no nose, and the mouth should be very large. A radian is drawn from the left cheek to the right cheek, and only one mouth occupies half of the face.

This look is really weird, and it contains an unspeakable sense of evil intentions. At first glance, it seems to make people have nightmares.

The opponent's arm is also longer than normal, especially his hands, which are different, only thinner, with sharp fingers like sharp claws, and one with thicker, thicker and harder five fingers. The back of the hand is covered with a crack Armor.

His legs are slightly bent, and he seems to be very good at running and jumping.

Of course, because of the relationship between spirits, it doesn't look as clear as the real body.

Can't find it!

Chen Zong searched the memory of Dongting Sword Master and found that it was indeed that he could not find a race that matched the alien in front of him.

Of course, the East Sword Master is not a panacea.

At the moment of brushing, the other's thinner arm struck to the ground, turning it into claws, as if to tear Chen Zong's spirit body into pieces.

The body of Chen Zong's soul was almost substantive. He grabbed with his right hand and flickered the sword light, and appeared in his hand, killing with one sword.

This is in Shenhai. I shot with the spirit body, without the physical limitations, I have a smoother feeling.

With one sword, Chen Zong defeated the opponent's claw.

Although this unknown race has a terrible evil appearance, in the state of spirit and soul, facing Chen Zong, there is not much advantage.

Immediately, when the opponent's claws were defeated, the other sturdy arm suddenly trembled, and the five fingers clenched into a fist.

Shenhai also seemed to be shocked in a flash. The punch came like a meteorite bombardment, and its power was extremely powerful.

Feeling able to bomb everything into pieces.

Actually speaking, the spirit of this unknown race is still very powerful, but only because Chen Zong's spirit is special and better than the relationship between most practitioners at the same level, so that the other party can not prevail.

If it is replaced by Su Chao, it is estimated that it has been crushed.

Divine spirit has always been one of Chen Zong's advantages.

The battle in the Shenhai world was evenly matched at first, and then it became the opponent being slowly suppressed by Chen Zong, and then it became crushed.

"No ... no ... no ..." This unknown race also realized that it wasn't good. He really chose the wrong candidate. He knew that he would choose Su Luan.

Now, it's too late to regret it.

A top Tianjiao like this, once grown up, will definitely hinder the plan of the saints.

"An Evil God Reincarnates ... The Spirit Reverses ..."

Even if his plan fails this time, he must be killed, otherwise, the plan of the saints will definitely be affected.

Without hesitation, this unknown race casts the magic of the soul, reverses the power of the soul, and compresses instantly, detonating the soul.

If it detonates the spirit here, it will definitely cause terrible harm to Chen Zong.

If the soul is damaged and wants to recover, it is difficult and difficult, and it will also affect its own foundation, which is very unfavorable for future cultivation.

Chen Zong's expectation of the other's dog jumping from the wall was also unexpected, and he had a coping strategy.

However, when Chen Zong was about to respond, he didn't know where to start, and suddenly a weird shadow appeared.

The dark shadow seemed to be a stream of air. Between the electro-optical flint and stone, it turned into a human silhouette. The whole body was dark and dark, as dark as nothing. When it appeared, for no reason, it caused Chen Zong to have an unspeakable feeling of heart.

As if this shadow is a natural enemy, it poses a great threat to himself.

But the black shadow didn't bother to appear. From the continuous expansion of the figure, it turned into a black net, surrounded by overwhelming envelops, wrapping the spirits of unknown ethnic groups that were about to explode, and then quickly shrunk to a point.

At the next breath, the black shadow swelled up, like a balloon that was blown up, and then dried up quickly, and the black shadow seemed to be full when it was full.

Chen Zong found that the shadow seemed to have become more solid from illusory.

Immediately, the shadow was condensed into a human shape, a pair of eyes glowed with a ray of red light, and stared at it. When Chen Zong was fully absorbed in precaution, the shadow retreated.

"Hee hee hee hee ha ha ha ha ... your body ... sooner or later is mine ... is mine ..."

With a burst of sharp and weird laughter, the dark shadow disappeared in front of Chen Zong's eyes, and only the echo lingered, making people panic.

Chen Zong quickly pursued, but couldn't catch up. He quickly searched and couldn't find it.

You know, here is your own sea of ​​God, under your control.

But now, it is mixed with weird shadows, and has wisdom, and can eat the self-exploding soul, which is scary.

Such strange things exist in their own sea of ​​gods, which is not a good thing.

However, no matter how hard Chen Zong searched, he still couldn't find the trace of that weird shadow, and there was no trace at all.

As a last resort, Chen Zong can only give up temporarily, but in the future, he must pay more attention. Maybe when that weird dark shadow will appear and start his own soul.


"Brother Chen?" Su Luan looked not far away, looking dignified.

"Resolved." Chen Zongwei smiled, letting Su Luan relieved.

But Chen Zong was diligent.

One is that unknown race, I do n’t know what race it is. The few words the other party said before, inferred, made Chen Zong have a very bad feeling.

The words of the other person are of any race or alien, as if they were not known aliens.

The void is very large, and it is normal to have undiscovered aliens, but it is clear that this unknown race is uneasy and kind, and it seems that it is ready to start against the human race, which is different.

The other is the weird dark shadow that suddenly and suddenly disappears in Shenhai.

"Brother Su, after returning, you should investigate the You family to see if we can find the weirdness." Chen Zong temporarily depressed her inner dignity and said to Su Luan.

Su Luan also realized that things were not easy, and nodded his expression.

After the two recovered their strength, they quickly left the mystery and closed it again, and Chen Zong also recorded the position of this mystery on the astrolabe.

After all, there are still some black scales in this secret territory, which can continue to kill a wave of skinning, and the value is not low.

Hurry up before, because Chen Zong, who did not buy Void Coins to buy Void Coins, knew that Void Coins needed more reserves, and Void Coins needed more reserves.

After leaving the confines of the mystery, Chen Zong took out the flying boat of the Kongkong, and when they entered, they opened the flying boat and left immediately.

The speed of the flying boat continued to increase, eventually reaching a high level, and then, the Nether Shuttle was opened.

One shuttle is ten years, going in the direction of monism.

Hurricane Hurricane hurried on the road, and the time to reach the unitary religion will only be much faster than Su Luan himself.

Within the Niankong, Chen Zong continued to search for Shenhai.

"Come out." If not found, Chen Zong planned to call the other party out, "You can hear my voice."

However, Shenhai was empty, no other voices sounded, and no figure appeared.

It's as if you can't hear it.

But Chen Zong was determined that the shadow could hear his own voice. The reason why he didn't show up was because the other party didn't want to show up.


Still don't want to bother?

Chen Zong didn't know, just affirmed that the other party would not be good for himself.

"Since you're following me, come out for a fight." Chen Zong said again: "Like a turtle with a shrinking head, is it useful?"

As such, there is still no response.

After repeated attempts and no response, Chen Zong still had to give up again.

Of course, it's just giving up temporarily.

It didn't take long for the Nuokong to reach the periphery of the One-Star, and its speed slowly decreased.

There is Su Chao's identity at ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The Nuokong has nothing to block, and it directly enters a large array of Vientiane.

This time, Chen Zong can more clearly feel the power of this large array, which is very amazing. Most of the imperial realms are afraid of being irresistible.

However, the emptiness number should be able to resist.

With the flying boat of the sky, Chen Zong and Su Chao soon fell and fell into the range of the monarchism on the monarch.

Chen Zong and Su Luan appeared outside the flying boat, which was also included in the Nine Heavenly Circle by Chen Zong.

From the appearance alone, the level of the 遁 space number can not be seen, so it has not caused much attention.

Going back to the monarchy, Su Chao has an indescribable joy and excitement in his heart.

I got the treasure, and the value is not low. I am very sure to stand out in this battle of godsons, surpassing the other five godsons.

Of course, there is only some certainty, not full confidence. After all, other godsons will certainly work very hard to find high-value treasures and obtain them at a great cost.

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