Sword God

Vol 36 Chapter 55: Give you back 1 sword

At that time, when Chen Zonglai came to Yuanyuan, it was only a sub-god level cultivation. For a galaxy-level force, it was very weak.

For the second time, monarchism is still monarchy. It is estimated that there is not much change, but it is completely different. It has broken through from the sub-god level to the supernatural state, and has also reached the level of the second turn of the royal state. It is better than two turns of Yu Dao, even if it is seven to eight, you can fight oneself.

The levels are different, and the mentality is different. This time, there is no such indifference as the last time, only the true calmness from the deepest heart.

Even if the monarchy had a problem, he still had enough strength to deal with it. If it was unsuccessful, there was also the emptiness number, no more, and the identity of the true story of the Tiangong.

This time is different.

"Brother Su, is Yanzhen here?" Chen Zong asked.

"Yanzhen ..." Su Luan stunned for a moment, his expression flashed a little, and it seemed that he knew Chen Zong's plan to find Yan really.

After all, Chen Zong and Yan Zhen did not have the slightest friendship. On the contrary, Yan Zhen tried to oppress Chen Zong and interrupted his understanding.

This is more or less a grudge. The purpose of Chen Zong is to settle the grudge.

"I ask." Su Luan said immediately, and soon got a response: "Yan really is there, now in the Temple of One Yuan."

The Yuan Temple is the main hall of the Mon religion.

Led by Su Chao, the two immediately went to the Temple of One Yuan.

Chen Zong is a foreign aid invited by Su Chao. Naturally, he is also qualified to step into the Yuan Hall. Of course, if Chen Zongliang reveals his identity, the monarch leader must obediently greet him.

However, under normal circumstances, Chen Zong does not intend to oppress people with their background.

Because no matter how big the background, it is not as important as your own strength.

When any major conflicts and grievances really occur, in the case of last resort, all backgrounds and concerns are all set aside, killing the other party first, and as for follow-up, that is follow-up.

In the past, there were many opponents with a higher identity background than himself, but in the case of a real threat to himself, Chen Zong would not worry so much, and said first.

The background is only useful when some contradictions have not intensified to irreconcilability.

Of course, Chen Zong is not a pedantic one. When he should borrow background to overpower others, he will.

In the Yuan Hall, Yan Zhen was present. In addition, there was a middle-aged person. The diffused breath around him suddenly reached the level of the Five-Road Royal Road, which was a foreign aid invited by Yan Zhen.

In addition, in this Yuan Hall, there are other powerful psychic powers. According to Chen Zong's perception, they are two strong powers of the Nine Turns to the Realm and three strong powers of the Eight Turns to the Realm. They are one yuan. Teaches two vice-chiefs and three masters.

Finally, there is another godson, the godson from Xuan Gong and the foreign aid she invited.

It's all a royal state.

When Su Luan and Chen Zong entered, their eyes also swept away, and eventually fell on Chen Zong, but Chen Zong's breath was introverted and it was difficult to feel that there was a kind of secretiveness that made people secretly jealous.

There is no doubt that this person is an imperial state, but after a few turns, he cannot see it.

However, being able to calm down in front of many imperial realms is certainly not weak.

Yan Zhen squinted his eyes, his face was somber, and his heart was surprised.

How long has this been before this person is already at the level of imperial realm.

"Yan Zhen, when you broke me to enlighten you, I returned you a sword today." Chen Zong glanced away, also looked at that Yan Zhen, and spoke directly.

"Well, don't say a sword, I am not afraid of ten swords." Yan Zhen sneered.

Even if it breaks through to the imperial realm, at best, it is only a level of imperial imperial realm. Now that he is a second imperial imperial realm, his strength is comparable to the ordinary three imperial realms.

But when he said that, he saw a weird smile flashing on Su Ran's face, and deep in his eyes, a flash of mockery and pity seemed to flash, making Yan really unknown.

Indeed, at Su Luan, Yan Zhen's sentence was really ignorant. Of course, it was also because Yan Zhen did not know Chen Zong's true strength.

If he knows Chen Zong's true strength, he doesn't know if he can still face his face.

Therefore, Su Chao felt pity.

"To deal with you, one sword is enough." Chen Zong smiled slightly, and did not look down on Yan really meant, more or less, Yan Zhen can be regarded as a genius.

If he hadn't oppressed himself and interrupted his own understanding, Chen Zong wouldn't bother him.

The two vice-chiefs and the three palace masters did not show anything, but looked like they were lively.

At their height, it doesn't matter as long as it doesn't cause any serious injury or death.

Moreover, it sounded that Yan Zhen had destroyed the other party ’s understanding, which was a taboo. Now it is reasonable for the other party to return a sword.

Seeing nothing, Chen Zong shot, but Jianguang flickered, and shot out of the air, killing Yanzhen.

Chen Zong did not use all his strength, because he was not trying to kill Yanzhen, but he only returned a sword and gave a lesson.

At the moment when Chen Zong shot out without warning, Yan Jian only felt the flash of light in front of his eyes. It was extremely dazzling, as if it were the light of an explosion in the void. It was extremely brilliant and terrifying. It was extremely intense. His thriller suddenly permeated from the deepest part of his heart, and it exploded instantly.

With a loud yell, Yan Zhen immediately aroused his full strength, and when he was about to draw his sword, he took a slow step.

His hand just came into contact with the hilt of the sword, and before he grasped it tightly, he felt a terrible sword air running through his body, and exploded in his body, spreading quickly, as if Wan Jianling was late. Yes, the pain is so great that it directly invades the soul.

Yan Zhen couldn't help but screamed, his face turned pale and his body twitched, but he was not dead.

The main body of Jian Gong Palace flashed, and immediately appeared next to Yan Zhen. He immediately reached out and grabbed Yan Zhen's shoulders. Under the power of the movement, he assisted Yan Zhen to expel the sword gas invading his body.

The strength of Ba Zhuan Yu Dao Jing is still very good. After ten breaths, Jian Qi is expelled, but Yan Zhen is pale and weak, and he still feels a burst of tear-like pain spreading in his body.

"The little friend's shot may be too heavy." The sword palace palace gaze stared sternly, and a surging sword intention also spread.

"Are you going to help him?" Facing this sensational sword, Chen Zong's expression remained unchanged, but a smile appeared, and Xu Xubu asked.

"Stop first." A vice-chief spoke, and immediately looked at Su Luan: "Su Luan, what the **** is going on?"

Su Chao immediately reiterated what happened then, impartially.

"Since there have been grudges, one sword has been returned today, and the grudges are now cleared." The bishop immediately said, and then looked at Chen Zong: "A little friend is Chen Zong who worshiped in Dongting Jianshan?"

Being able to defeat Yan Zhen with a single sword shows that this son has a very strong strength, at least four strengths of the Royal Realm, so young, so brilliant, and must have a very high background.

From Su Luan's words, I learned that Chen Zong's name was combined again, and he could immediately infer.

Dongting Jianshan, that is far more powerful than the unitary religion.

Even if there is a little news now that Dongting Jianshan seems not good, but even if it is not good, it is not comparable to the unitary religion.

In this way, monarchism cannot offend Chen Zong without absolute grudges, and it will not do any good to monarchism.

Chen Zong did not expect that the identity of the disciple of Jianshan in Dongting who he was unwilling to admit was still so useful. What if he was a true disciple of Xintiangong?

Yanzhen gradually recovered after taking the elixir, but looking at Chen Zong's eyes, with a little flicker and a trace of inconceivable surprise.

Of course, there are unwillingness and so on.

But, what about that sword? It was the end of the little grievances of the year, and it was also in the face of Su Ran. After all, Su Ran was the godson of monarchism, and he was also a friend of his own. face.

If Yanzhen plans to seek revenge, he will be sent directly to hell.

For no apparent reason, Yanzhen felt a cold chill strike, as if emerging from the deepest heart.

But he couldn't find the source.

Since the grievances were cleared, Chen Zong didn't look at Yanzhen any more, and people who could be killed with one sword didn't need much attention.

The next step is the highlight of the game, which is to teach the children to fight.

The monarchy has six great sons, each fighting, and has reached the final critical moment, which is the last step.

Three godsons have obtained what they consider to be the most valuable treasures. As for the other three godsons, they have never returned.

But this does not prevent the identification of treasures now.

"I'll come first." After Yanzhen recovered from taking the elixir, he immediately took out the treasure he had received. It was a sword, an unusual sword.

That is the weapon used by the powerful gods.

The weapons used by the psychic powers are also divided into five levels.

At the lowest level are the artifacts corresponding to the level of the imperial realm, followed by the spiritual artifacts corresponding to the Yuanming Realm, and then the artifacts corresponding to the Divine Realm.

"This is ... a pseudo-spirit artifact!" After studying it by a deputy ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, he studied it carefully, and suddenly a look of consternation appeared.

There are relatively few weapons and treasures suitable for use in the Divine Realm, which are not available by hand. Some imperial realms do not have them. Some Yuanming Realms use ordinary artifacts instead of spiritual artifacts.

Of course, as a galaxy-level force, monarchism naturally has spiritual artifacts, but there are very few. The value of pseudo-spiritual artifacts is very high.

"Yes, it is indeed a false spirit artifact." Another deputy bishop confirmed immediately after confirmation, Yan Zhen showed a smile, in order to obtain this false spirit artifact, he was completely ruined and paid a great price.

Su Luan was secretly shocked, but at the same time relieved. Fortunately, he was assisted by Chen Zong. Otherwise, it is really difficult to say whether he can surpass Yan.

Now it is clear that purple scale fruit is a medium-grade middle-grade divine medicine, which corresponds to the level of Yuanming Realm, or belongs to a different fruit. Its value is definitely higher than that of pseudo-spirit artifacts. Only real spiritual artifacts can interact with Comparable.

In the end, it was no surprise that the treasures taken out by the three godsons were the highest value of the purple scale fruit brought by Su Nuan, which shocked the two deputy masters and the three palace masters.

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