Sword God

Vol 36 Chapter 56: Evil Protoss

"Thank you Brother Chen." Su Luan raised a glass of wine with a grateful tone, respecting first.

Had it not been for Chen Zong, he would not have been able to get that amazing purple scale fruit, nor would he be able to suppress Yanzhen and another godson in one fell swoop.

Of course, there are three other godsons who have never returned. It is still unknown what kind of treasure they will bring, but Su Luan also has confidence. At least, even if his purple scale fruit is not the highest value, it will not be the lowest. of.

Can't make preparation for the leader, at least it can also become the assistant leader's preparation.

Of course, it is best to be able to become the leader.

This is the end of the matter, and I have already done my best, so I do n’t need to worry about it anymore. The next step is to concentrate on improving my strength.

Seeing Chen Zong's amazing strength, Su Chao was hit hard, but now he is clearing up his mind and trying hard to cultivate, even if he can't compare with Chen Zong, but at least, he must be stronger.

"Brother Su, I'm going to that secret place again. Would you like to go with me?" Chen Zong also raised his glass and asked after a drink.

There are also some black scales in that secret territory. Their scale armor is very valuable. In addition, there are scale blade grass and a thousand scale stones, etc., which also have some value.

Entering it with your own strength is tantamount to gaining those wealth for nothing.

"No." Su Luan's heart moved slightly, and then he shook his head. He knew very well that he was going together, not the opponent of the black scales, and could only rely on Chen Zong: "But if Brother Chen wants to get those materials, he can find The unitary education is fair in price. In addition, Brother Chen should move fast. Soon, I plan to report this mystery to Zongmen. "

"Okay." Chen Zong laughed and got up to leave.

Su Luan sent Chen Zong a star.

After the Yuankong flew out a yuan star, the speed quickly increased to the extreme, and then started the Nether Shuttle.

After all, this mystery was discovered by Su Luan, and then reported to Zong Men, which is also a great contribution.

It's a pity that the unity's godson's battle is to get back the treasure, not any news or anything else. Otherwise, the mystery will be reported directly before, and Su Chao will undoubtedly become the leader's preparation.

It's convenient to have the empty space number, and Chen Zong realized this more, and he was very satisfied with his trip to the Dragon Star.

Therefore, they are also grateful to Bai Mei who invited themselves to the Dragon Dragon Star. Unfortunately, this time they are not in one star, but went to other stars to perform tasks and sharpen themselves, in order to fight for an early breakthrough in the miracle of God. ready.

Not long after, Chen Zong arrived again and entered the secret place.

Some of the black scales that have not matured before are also ripe and can be picked and eaten, but some black scales are still not mature. Chen Zong intends to kill a wave first and clean up all the black scales in this secret territory. Are these fruits ripe?

As for the mature ones, all were taken by Chen Zong for refining, and the world's **** body was also improved, gradually approaching the peak of the second transformation.

After the last incident, the nine-turn black scales and eight-turn black scales died. Only a few seven-turn black scales and some six-turn, five-turn, four-turn, and so on survived.

Ten thousand swords return!

A sword is killed, but it is coordinated with the field of kendo, which makes the sword more powerful.

At the beginning of the creation of Wan Jian, Chen Zong did not think of this, but faced the pressure of the seven-turn black scale tribe occupied by You Tianming, and unexpectedly combined the kendo field with Wan Jian. , Unexpectedly good.

It feels as if it complements Wanjian's return to the ancestors, and it seems to find another application in the field of kendo.

In other words, there is no Wanjian Guizong integrated with the kendo field, but an incomplete, ordinary level Wanjian Guizong, while the Wanjian Guizong fused with the kendo field is a complete Wanjian Guizong, with a difference in power. Is doubled.

If the incomplete Wan Jian Gui Zong Power is one, then the complete Wan Jian Gui Zong Power is two, and it is more powerful.

Unfortunately, the area of ​​Kendo can only cover 100 meters, and beyond 100 meters, this power will fall to the ordinary level.

However, the promotion of the kendo area is too difficult. How many imperial realms cannot master the martial arts domain, and even many Yuanming realms cannot master it. Chen Zong can master it now and reach 100 meters, which is simply amazing.

Under the cover of the Kendo area, when his combat power was at full strength, Chen Zong was confident of fighting against the Eight-Road Royal Realm. Of course, it was not the genius Eight-Root Royal Realm who could leapfrog.

However, Chen Zong's current practice is only the second transfer to Yudao.

With such strength, the swordsmanship is superb, and the Blackscale tribe is not an opponent at all. Otherwise, Chen Zong would have been slaughtered for experimental sword tricks.

Rao was so, it didn't take long to kill them all.

After peeling, the light road is familiar, and some of the remaining material resources can be taken away.

Immediately, Chen Zong left the mystery, because sooner or later, this mystery would become the unitary religion.

Of course, Chen Zong can also take this secret realm as his own true story of Tiangong, and there is no dissatisfaction among the monists, but this secret realm has lost those black scales and so on, and the value is not so great.

The massacre made Chen Zong's application of Wan Jian Gui Zong more familiar.

The creation of swordsmanship also has to go through actual combat, especially life and death battles, because in life and death battles, you simply don't have much time to think about how to move next, everything is done in the electric light flint.

Therefore, battle experience and combat talent are extremely important, and they can make the most effective response in a short period of time.

Combat talents are innate and difficult to change, but combat experience can be, that is, a lot of battles, frequent battles, especially high-intensity battles, life-and-death battles, so that you can sharpen yourself, adapt to changes, and even become an instinct.

Chen Zong enters the Kongkong and starts flying, then he sinks his heart and realizes slowly.

Suddenly, a piece of information didn't know where it came from, and went directly into Chen Zong's spirit, and was absorbed by Chen Zong.

Contained in the sudden information is a memory.

The content of this memory suddenly opened Chen Zong's eyes, but his eyes contracted like a pin, and his face was shocked.

Evil God Clan ... Evil God Rebirth ...

Only very soon, Chen Zong judged that these memories should be the memories of the unknown race that had been killed by himself before.

Evil Protoss!

What race is that?

It seems that among the hundreds of aliens in the void, there is no such name as an evil protoss.

The information in this memory is not much, it has the name of the race and some characteristics.

For example, the evil devil's claw and the evil devil's arm remind Chen Zong of the previous battle. The martial arts of the demon spirit body of the evil deity tribe, a thinner arm is a sharp claw and a thicker arm is a fist.

However, there is no information about the origin of this evil protoss.

However, there are also some plans recorded in the memory of this evil **** tribe, that is, the way of the reincarnation of the evil god, to take away the human race, to become as high as possible the human race within each force, to take power, and then wait for the opportunity to attract more Of the evil gods came.

For example, this evil deity who was killed by himself occupied the body of a child of the You family first, and then occupied the body of You Tianming. Now the layout is focused on the unitary religion.

Because of the monary galaxy, monistic religion is the most powerful.

However, it is too difficult and the possibility of failure is too high to want to occupy the monarch and vice-bishop and bishop of the monarchy directly.

Coincidentally, the news of Su Luan searching for treasures was spotted, and it happened that the evil protoss had also found the secret place of the black scale tribe, and the plan was generated.

Capture the body of Su Ran as a rebirth of the evil god, and then mix it into the monarchy as a person of Su Ran, find an opportunity to contact the palace master or vice-chief, seize its body, then contact the leader, and seize again.

Step by step, extremely vigilant, because failure is not allowed. Once failure, the plan is gone, which will have an impact on the great plans of the evil protoss.

If it is not possible to capture the body of the monarch leader and others, then it is also necessary to obtain higher power based on the identity of the godson.

Of course, the mystery of the black scales is also an important link.

The black scales inside are equally important, especially their flesh and blood.

Kill those black scales, and then arrange the evil gods to lead the altar with their flesh and so on, so as to attract other evil gods to fall into the secret realm, and then introduce the monist disciples into it, one after another, occupying the body, Eventually, the monistic religion will be thoroughly penetrated, and the monistic religion will become a stronghold of the evil protoss, and it can come on a larger scale.

The information in this memory made Chen Zong startle.

This method is too weird, and it doesn't seem to be noticed in a one-ary galaxy.

The information in the memory naturally mentions others, such as in other galaxies, etc. The plan of the evil protoss is to blossom in multiple places, instead of putting eggs in a basket.

In case any plan fails, it may not be all lost.

Of course, it is best to ensure that every plan can be successful. Only in this way can the evil protoss enter here at a faster rate and grow and grow rapidly until it is occupied by the void.

"What is the origin of the evil protoss?" Chen Zong's consciousness appeared in his own sea of ​​God ~ www.wuxiaspot.com. At that time, it devoured the spirit of the evil protoss to explode.

So Chen Zonglai asked about that weird shadow, which was reasonable and not faulty.

However, Hei Ying didn't answer, and seemed unwilling to bother Chen Zong.

There is no way, Chen Zong can only withdraw from his consciousness.

When Chen Zong's consciousness withdrew, there seemed to be a subtle and strange laughter sounding somewhere in Shenhai.

In Zongkong, Chen Zong carefully searched and sorted out some memories, and immediately took control of Zongkong's flying boat, and then headed towards the direction of Yuanyuan again.

From the inner feeling, the evil protoss is not a trivial matter, but a major matter, you must say it.

The best object in a monadic star is undoubtedly the monadic religion, and then the monadic religion spreads secretly to other forces.

Chen Zong felt a little bit big for a while. This kind of transaction processing has not always been good at himself. What he likes more is to cut his sword, and conspiracy and conspiracy.

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