Sword God

Vol 36 Chapter 57: Tian Gong Zhen Zhuan

(I don't know if my buddies found out that the updates of the previous few days were actually scheduled because Liudao took Liuyu and Xiaoliudao to Guangzhou and Zhuhai Chimelong for a tour)

Mountains and rivers, Chu family.

Chu Shanhe came out of the closed chamber of the family, and he was full of energy and fluctuated with powerful breath.

Sub-God Peak!

A few years ago, stimulated by Chen Zong, Chu Shanhe felt pained and resigned, and resigned from the title of Lord of the Second City Chengshanhe Diandian. He returned to the Chu family and devoted himself to retreat in order to improve himself.

The Chushan River has this ambition. The Chu family naturally cooperated with all efforts to continuously supply the resources needed for cultivation. Finally, the shaman was brave and brave, and the Chushan River will be repaired to the height of the next **** level.

Next, it is natural to break through to the gods realm.

It ’s just that it ’s not that easy to break through the Divine Realm. Chu Shanhe is going out of customs to take a break for a while, then take this opportunity to learn more, make good preparations, and then hit the Divine Realm to succeed in one fell swoop. I'm sorry.

You ca n’t be too prepared to be in the Divine Realm.

"Chen Zong, now I can surpass you." Chu Shanhe was full of spirits: "Even if I didn't, I would break through to the psychic state earlier than you."

It was precisely because Chen Zong was regarded as an imaginary enemy that Chu Shanhe kept retreating and practicing. He endured the dullness and almost drove himself crazy.

Because of this, it is possible to achieve such great progress.

Chu Shanhe, eager to find his father, who was the head of the family, then learned the news that Chen Zong had been here not long ago.

That ’s not the point. The point is that Chen Zong is already a powerful god, and his strength is astonishing, so that several gods in the Chu family are extremely jealous. In the end, he has to humiliately hand over 13 million voids. Give each other coins, with clear grudges.

13 million Void Coins!


This news is fatal to Chu Shanhe who has just passed through the customs and is full of spirits.

For a moment, the face of the Chushan River changed, as if playing with the superb skills of changing his face, and the next breath was like being slammed into his chest by a sledgehammer, and a blood spurted out like a fountain.

"Mountains and rivers." The Chu master suddenly was shocked.

I never expected that the blow would be so great.

Chu Shanhe was not injured in any way, but he was hit too hard, and then his blood spurted out of control.

After that, the Chushan River was ashamed, as if it had been destroyed, and the whole person was dead.

Suddenly, the door was pushed open, and a figure came in. The muddy eyes of Chu Shanhe just glanced at them and didn't care, because this person was the subordinate of the Chu family.

It was just that the dull Chu Shanhe didn't find it. The look of this person was a little weird, as if he was smiling, a little excited.

"Master Chu, do you want more powerful power?" The man suddenly spoke, and his voice came directly into the ears of Chu Shanhe.

Hearing the word power, Chu Shanhe's eyes suddenly lighted, as if seeing hope.

"If you want to gain more powerful power, you just need to do this." The man did not give Chu Shanhe any chance to ask questions. Immediately, he threw a piece of inherited spirit jade, and the next breath, the figure flashed. Disappeared, like an illusion, never existed.

Chu Shanhe's expression was bleak, he didn't know whether it was illusory or real.

But when he saw the inheritance Lingyu in his hand, he was certain that it was true.

Gritting his teeth, under the temptation of more powerful forces, Chu Shanhe poured the consciousness into the inherited spirit jade, and the information immediately poured into his mind.

After a while, the pale complexion of Chushanhe returned to normal, and even a little red caused by excitement emerged. A trace of madness was also revealed deep in the eyes and slowly condensed.

"Chen Zong, in order to gain strength beyond you, let alone sacrifice a thousand people, even if it is 10,000 people, 100,000 people, I will never hesitate." Chu Shanhe suppressed his own voice, but roared like a trapped beast. roar.


In the monistic monarchy, the monarchs who are rarely seen usually appeared, and immediately convened two vice-principals and three monarchs, as well as a elder and teachers in the church.

Everyone was very surprised, wasn't the leader in retreat?

How could it suddenly appear, is there something wrong?

"Everyone, be ready to welcome the coming of Tiangong." As soon as the leader gathered the crowd, he said with a smile.

It was true that someone had summoned him, and some disciples from Tiangong Zhenchuan came to visit him. As the leader, he naturally greeted him.

This is also what the monarch leader personally explained to the caretaker. If the identity of the visitor is very high, he must inform him directly.

"Tian Gong Zhen Zhuan?" Everyone, including the deputy leader, was surprised and puzzled.

Tian Gong Zhen Chuan!

Four words, too little information, they couldn't think of anything at once.

But from the appearance of the leader himself with a smile on his face, it can be inferred that the true story of the palace that day was amazing, at least the true story of star-level forces.

If it is only a galaxy-level force, the leader cannot come forward in person.

Moreover, if it is only ordinary star-level forces, the leader will not do so.

"That's right, it's the true story of Xintiangong." The unitary leader laughed.

"Heart of Heaven!"

All of a sudden, all the people were stunned, all of them petrified.

Heart of Heaven!

Whoever has some insight, who doesn't know the heavenly palace of mind, is the most powerful force in the void, with an unparalleled super existence.

For a time, everyone's heart was turbulent like a river, and it was shocked to the extreme.

The Mind Heaven Palace is so powerful that its true disciples are said to be at least at the level of imperial dominion, and non-genius imperial imperial enemies are not qualified to become its true passers.

As for Yuan Ming Realm in the Mind Heaven Palace, he is not eligible to become an elder and is still a disciple, but in monism, he is the leader of the leader.

To some extent, the true disciples in the minds of heaven, such as the Mind Heavenly Palace, have a higher status and identity in the void than the masters of some galaxy-level forces.

Now, a true disciple from the Tiangong Temple visits. How can I not be shocked? Of course, the leader must come forward in person.

It must be known that since the establishment of the monarchy, there has not been any experience in the true teachings of the Great Church. This is the first time, and it is the first true teaching of the Great Holy Land, which is the Xintian Temple.

In this case, of course, the monarchy has to come up with the highest specifications to receive it.

It is best that all important personnel, such as the elder son, elder son and elder son of the bishop's palace, are present. It is the most sincere to welcome them.

Soon, headed by the leader, and acted, all went to the Yuan School to greet the coming of Tiangong Zhenzhu.

After a while, a void craft approached slowly.

"Is that the flying boat that Tiangong really conveys? It really is extraordinary." This is what an Associate Leader said.

"Indeed, it seems simple, but in fact there is a kind of restraint, like the divine light is restrained." Another deputy leader also sighed.

The sales appearance of the Niankong was indeed good. After all, was it a top-ranking flying boat, but you could not see anything just by looking at the appearance. The words of the two assistant bishops were somewhat complimented.

As everyone knows, Su Chao looked very surprised.

That flying boat ... isn't it the Suzuki?

Others didn't know it because they hadn't seen it, but they had taken it several times.

Chen Zong is the master of the emptiness.

For a moment, Su Lan's brain quickly turned, but found that there was a sense of unreasonableness.

Brother Chen is not a disciple of Dongting Jianshan?

Isn't the flying boat in front of you, not the Void Sky, or the Void Vessels similar to the Void Sky?

This is not impossible.

However, when the Nether Flying Boat landed and the people inside came out, Su chaos was completely choked, and there were also two vice-gods and three god-gods, Yanzhen and other godsons.

Only the leader stepped forward with a smile on his face, and said, "Tam's sense of celestial sounds filled him when he was practicing. He thought it was Tan who wanted to break through, but it was the Tiangong that really came. "

Everyone could not help but twitch a little.

What sky-scratching sounds, so ridiculous, of course, this is also an exaggerated statement.

"Tiangong Zhenzhuan can come to my little monarchy. It is really the honor of my monarchy." The monarchist did not think at all about the other, that is, the smile on his face, the extreme enthusiasm, which made people feel like a sect Lord, but like a big businessman.

There are so many things in life, practitioners are weird and strange, it is not surprising that the monarch is so.

At this time, the archbishops of the Associate Bishop should come up immediately and visit the church together with the priest, but why is there no movement?

Looking back, the monarchs saw the strange looks of the vice-ministers, and they were annoyed immediately. At the critical moment, how could the chain fall off like this?

If the spleen of the Tiangong Zhenzhuan is not good, the guilt will be blameless, and it will definitely not bring any benefit to the unitary religion. On the contrary, it will be a disaster.

"The leader doesn't have to be so polite. I and Su Jiazi, your noble teacher, are good friends." Chen Zong smiled. "In addition, I only left the unitary religion not long ago, because I did n’t announce my identity before, so they did n’t I do n’t know. "

"Official introduction, my surname is Chen Mingzong, who once worshiped Dongting Jianshan as a true biography, but left Dongting Jianshan for some reason. By chance, now is the fifth true biography of Xinyi Tiangong." No disease said.

A simple sentence ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ clearly explains Chen Zong's true identity.

Su Luan and others suddenly realized that this was the case.

The disciples and true biography of Dongting Jianshan are two gaps. The true biography of Xinyi Tiangong and the true biography of Dongting Jianshan are two more gaps.

As for the true biography of the Mind Heavenly Palace and the true biography of a certain Tao in the Heavenly Palace, there is still some gap. Of course, this point is mostly unclear, but the leader seems to understand it. Therefore, after hearing the words, if you think about it, there is something deep in your heart. An inexplicable ecstasy.

Because the people who came to visit this time, their status is really amazing.

Su Chao was even more grateful, and a kind of sudden realization came out.

No wonder Chen Zong's strength is so arrogant that he is a true disciple of Xintiangong.

In fact, the reason why Chen Zong showed his identity came because he felt that the things of the evil deity were not a trivial matter. If his status was not enough, it is estimated that the conviction would be insufficient.

But if one's status is sufficient, the conviction will be different.

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