Sword God

Vol 36 Chapter 61: 1 heart 2 hearts

Void, boundlessness, vastness, and the passage of time leave no trace in the void.

In a blink of an eye, one year has passed since Chen Zong discovered the evil protoss.

This year, Chen Zong ran for thirty times in a row, killing seven evil protoss. Except for the evil protoss who were swallowed up by strange shadows at the beginning, Chen Zong sealed four groups of evil pross Soul.

As for the weird shadow that disappeared after the soul-closing technique formed by Chen Zongjiu's soul lock, it never appeared again, as if it had really disappeared.

However, Chen Zong would not relax his vigilance, because he was very clear, even if he could not feel it, the weird shadow would still exist, but he did not know when it would suddenly appear, which would cause him great trouble.

Over the past year, Chen Zong's revisions are still at the level of the second transfer of the imperial realm and the second change of the divine realm, but he has also improved a lot in the control and application of his own power.

Cultivation has reached the Divine Realm, and it is difficult to improve. Some practitioners who are weak in talent and have little chance may not be able to upgrade for a few hundred years.

In general, when the cultivation reaches the level of the gods, the gap will be widened again. Some practitioners can be upgraded to a cultivation within a few years, while others may take more than ten or even decades. It takes hundreds of years.

It's only been a few years since Chen Zong broke through to the realm of the gods. Now it is the second turn level. It is considered to reach the peak of the second turn. Further, it is the third turn. This speed is placed in the whole void, which is very fast. Quick levels.

The greatest gains in cultivation are the one-three-day cultivation of the mind with one mind and one mind and one mind. With the unremitting efforts of Chen Zong, the results have finally been achieved. Today, one mind can indeed be used to help the mind Thirty-three days of cultivation, casting the heart.

The fifth heart is also successfully cast into Dacheng in this case.

However, in the casting of the sixth heart, Chen Zong found that the difficulty has increased to another level, and getting started is extremely difficult.

Fortunately, the first focus of Yixin Jue has also been cultivated to the stage of Dacheng. Now, if you continue, you can cultivate the second heart.

But as soon as he tried, Chen Zong knew that it was extremely difficult.

The nature of one-heartedness is multi-purpose, and multi-purpose is not too difficult for Chen Zong.

However, the single-minded and single-minded multipurpose and ordinary multi-minded use have completely different meanings.

Because one mind and one mind is the basis for living in one mind, one mind, one mind, and the mystery of one mind, one mind, is to concentrate all your attention on one point, one heart, one mind, one mind, one heart, one mind, one mind, one heart, one heart, one heart, one heart, one heart, one heart, one heart, one heart, one heart, one heart, one heart, one heart, one heart, one heart, one heart, one heart, one heart, one heart, one heart, one heart, one heart, one heart, one heart, one heart, one heart, one heart, one heart, one heart, one heart, one heart, one heart, one heart, one heart, one heart, one heart, one heart, one heart, one heart, one heart.

It's like a person's consciousness is constantly copied and copied into ten copies, each of which is intact. At the same time, these ten consciousnesses are completely and completely controlled by a little heart.

As for multi-tasking, the consciousness is divided into multiple parts, each of which becomes incomplete, only a small part of it, complete and incomplete, with completely different meanings.

The ten complete wills will undoubtedly be more difficult to be mastered and controlled by one's own light of soul.

After several attempts, Chen Zong ended in failure.

"Why am I pursuing my whole heart from the beginning." Chen Zong suddenly thought that when the road was difficult to go through, he had to find a solution.

Concentrated, it is difficult to promote at once, so try to reduce the difficulty.

For example, start with one heart.

Although it is still difficult to try, Chen Zong can feel that the difficulty has been reduced a lot.

With one mind!

It seems that one's consciousness has been changed from one to two. The two consciousnesses are not only complete but also exist independently. It is as if they have become two people, which is wonderful.

However, these two independent and complete consciousnesses, however, are completely controlled by themselves, as if they were two people at once in an instant.

Chen Zong tried it, and realized the magical powers with one mind and two moods, and found that he can simultaneously realize the two magical powers without interfering with each other. However, the consumption of the power of the mind is amazing, which is twice the consumption of opening the mentality with one mind.

In this way, if the whole heart is consumed, isn't it ten times as fast as the whole heart?

In this way, it means that it is impossible to open a state of mind for a long time.

As for the more up-and-down whole-heartedness and even the whole-heartedness, it is even more terrible, its consumption.

Chen Zong estimates that the exhaustion of the power of the mind by one's heart and soul is enough to evacuate his own power of mind in a short period of time.

This also means that the exertion of one mind cannot last for a long time, especially when the realm is deeper, the duration may be shorter.

So, what is the meaning of Yixinju?

Chen Zong is not very clear now, but since it is the foundation of the one-hearted palace, it naturally makes sense.

Dedicating one's heart to consuming twice his mental power, but Chen Zong's mental power is strong, so it can support longer.

Suddenly, Chen Zong perceives that the change in the Nine Heavens Ring is a crystal ball shaking.

"This is ..." Chen Zong took out the crystal ball for a look, and immediately remembered that this was not the crystal ball of Chunyulou.

The crystal ball burst into a burst of light immediately.

In the end, a black gold mask appeared in front of Chen Zong's eyes.

"You ... you have broken through to the realm of magic ..." The mask of black gold was just a mask. No expression was seen, but its tone was full of shock.

Before, the black gold mask had solicited Chen Zong and promised that as long as Chen Zong had served the Chunyu Tower for a hundred years, he would let him break through to the psychic state within ten years.

Since then, less than ten years of vanity, Chen Zong has broken through and has to be surprised by the black gold mask.

But surprised and surprised, Chunyu Tower has a long history, is very old, knowledgeable, and not too shocked.

"What's the matter?" Although I also know that Chunyulou is mysterious and ancient, Chen Zong is not very afraid, because Chunyulou is a very special force, a transaction-oriented force, and it won't be because of your tone. A difference.

"Chu Shanhe is waiting for you at Wangyuan Xing." The black gold mask said Xu Xubuji, but Chen Zong seemed to hear a hint of jokes in the tone of the other party.

Chen Zong froze slightly.

Chushan River!

Isn't that the young master of the Shanhe Xingchu family and the master of the Shanhe Hall in the second town boundary.

After taking 13 million void coins from the Chu family, Chen Zong left this person behind.

Now, Chu Shanhe turned himself on.

This had to surprise Chen Zong.

"Chu Shanhe has broken through to the gods?" Chen Zong asked the doubts in his heart.

"Yes ... and not ..." The answer from Black Mask was very interesting.

Suddenly, Chen Zong's heart moved, and the other party was Chunyu Tower. Perhaps he could trade with him.

"To know the origin of the evil deities, what does it cost?" Chen Zong asked directly. As for Chu Shanhe, Chen Zong didn't care much.

"Evil Protoss ..." The black gold mask was silent for a moment.

Chen Zong also waited quietly.

"The origin of the Evil Protoss is too mysterious to detect." A moment later, the black gold mask opened his mouth, with a bit of solemn tone: "The only thing that is certain is that the Evil Protoss are deliberate.

Chen Zong couldn't help feeling a little disappointed. Even Chunyulou couldn't detect the origin of the evil deities. It was indeed very mysterious.

Of course, Chunyu Tower is not a panacea. For example, Chen Zong is now a true disciple of Xintiangong. Chunyu Tower does not know yet because they have not explored the relationship.

There is no so-called omnipotent and all-round, Chunyu Tower can know a lot of news, but also because of the relationship between the transaction, something too secretive, Chunyu Tower is also difficult to know.

Since Chunyu Tower cannot be detected, it can only be explored on its own.

The black gold mask disappeared, and the crystal ball returned to its original state.

After a while, there was news again. This news made Chen Zong start immediately, take control of Wukong, and quickly go to Wang Yuanxing.

That's right, it's the low-level stars of the Chu Shanhe meeting with Chen Zong.

Originally, Chen Zong did not intend to ignore Chu Shanhe, but the news shows that Chu Shanhe's whereabouts and actions have been abnormal this year.

Behaving abnormally!

Make another appointment to show that the other party is sure, there must be something wrong.

Then, take a look and see what the Chu family master has to rely on and dare to challenge himself.

If the other party seeks his own way, then he doesn't mind sending him a ride.


On the original star, in the branch of the Chu family, a figure exuding a strong breath sits on the main seat, and below it are members of the branch of the Chu family.

Forces such as the Chu family have, over the years, blossomed, and counted many personnel.

The figure that exudes a strong breath on the theme is Chu Shanhe.

"Young Master, the resistance is basically over." Below, all the people stood respectfully.

After this year, they all saw the strength of Chu Shanhe, very strong and very strong, and it was simply the level of invincible inferior level.

The leader of the rebellion, a master with sub-level peak strength, was beaten directly by Chu Shanhe's palm, understatement.

That gap is too big.

They all think that Chu Shanhe is already a powerful person in the realm of magic ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Don't let go of the evil. "Chu Shanhe knocked his fingers on the back of his chair, and a flash of red light flashed under his eyes. A faint breath suddenly came, making everyone in the hall tremble, as if falling into a dark blood prison, terrifying.

too terrifying.

When they sent Chu Shanhe away, they all turned pale, as if relieved.

"The young master's strength seems to be stronger."

"When he arrived a year ago, the young master was not so amazing."

"Fighting young masters is a good thing for our Chu family and a good thing for us."

After the Chu family left Chushanhe, they all whispered in a whisper. In the tone, they were all marveled, of course, there were doubts and curiosities.

It's only been a year, and the improvement is so obvious. It is truly amazing, but deep down in their hearts, they have deeper questions and fears, but they just dare not speak out.

Because this year, there were many masters of resistance who were sent to the underground chamber.

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