Sword God

Vol 36 Chapter 62: Chu's Mountain River

On the original star, a field is vast and extremely vast. On the field, a tall grass grows wildly.

The wind blew, the weeds swayed, as if the waves swept through, making a rustling sound, ringing in all directions.

A figure stood in the middle of the air, carrying his hands on his back, and a brocade of mountains and rivers in his body. It seemed that there was a sense of spirit and pointing.

As if that figure is the master of this river.

In the distance, a light flew like a meteor and appeared in front of it.

"You are finally here." As if the Lord of the Rivers and Mountains, a young smile appeared on his young face, his eyes were extremely sharp, a faint glow of blood appeared, and a trace of fierceness arose, his voice, also It became fierce and manic in an instant, and rang out in all directions, surpassing the rustling sound of the wind blowing in the field: "You know, I have been waiting for this day for a long time."

Along with the mighty sound, a violent and extremely violent breath burst out from the Chushan River.

When the wind came to a halt, the weeds below were immediately suppressed by invisible forces, and then they shattered into a pile of grass.

Chen Zong was in a stature, his eyes condensed, looking at Chu Shanhe, his frown slightly.

The Chushan River now looks different from the Chushan River in the impression.

It is true that people are still Chushanhe, their appearance has not changed, but their breath or temperament has changed.

In the past, the temperament cultivated by the Chushan River was a bit overbearing. After all, the magical power of the Chu family had something to do with the mystery of the mountains and rivers.

But the Chushan River's temperament has changed and become a bit weird. The whole person seems to have a little more evil charm.

It's almost like changing people, but Chen Zong can still feel the original breath of Chu Shanhe.

"Did Chu Shanhe be taken away by the evil protoss?" Chen Zong couldn't help but flash a thought and immediately denied it.

If Chu Shanhe was taken away by the evil protoss, he should not take the initiative to make an appointment for himself. Instead, he would act secretly to prepare for the plan of the evil protoss.

It is estimated that what special opportunity or inheritance the Chushan River has received, so that its strength has made rapid progress in a short period of time. With strong power, the Chushan River has been given greater self-confidence, and only through Chunyulou to itself issue a challenge.

With this in mind, Chen Zong had a little interest.

What is the inheritance of this Chushan River?

Seems unusual.

Moreover, Chen Zong also noticed that the cultivation of Chu Shanhe is a breath, or a sub-level level, but he is a level of supernatural powers. What confidence does he have to counter the level of sub-levels with sub-levels?

"Any way, take it out." Chen Zong smiled slightly.

"Dead!" As Chu Shanhe's voice fell, his palm suddenly burst out.

This palm is the mountain palm of the Chu family. The palm print turned directly into Chen Zong like a river, and he wanted to suppress and crush Chen Zong.

Chen Zong's expression was slightly dignified, and it was clear that the cultivation of Chu Shanhe was only a secondary god. Why did this palm bring himself a sense of crisis, which was surrounded by traces of scarlet energy? Chen Zong could feel that it was those The scarlet spirit surrounding the palms of the mountains and rivers threatens himself.

That seemed like a terrible power.

Perhaps this is the opportunity that Chu Shanhe got.

However, what kind of opportunity can actually make a sub-level cultivation practitioner threaten such a god-like state.

It's incredible.

Suddenly the thoughts turned around, and that palm was already blasted to death.

Chen Zong did not draw the sword, but just came out with a finger to point at the sword, hitting the palms of that river.

When he died, the palm print was broken, and the scarlet spirit was also broken, but it did not disappear. Instead, he tangled Chen Zong's fingers, so that Chen Zong felt that the blood in his fingers was being pulled, and he wanted to break out his fingers. .

In addition, the scarlet spirit also contained a terrible destructive power, as if to crush Chen Zong's fingers.

Weird and overbearing!

However, for Chen Zong, such strength is still not enough. When the sword fingers trembled, the sharp edge stunned, and the scarlet energy was completely shattered and disappeared.

Chu Shanhe suddenly made a long howl, which was high and sharp, as if the magic sound was wearing his brain. Then, he saw his robe fluttering like a strong wind, and there was a strip of skin on his skin. The blood-colored lines spread rapidly at lightning speed, spreading all over the body.

Just a blink of an eye, **** lines appeared on the whole body of Chu Shanhe to his face.

The scarlet lines spread from cheek to cheek, over the eyebrows, meet at the center of the eyebrows, and then quickly spread to the eyes.

Chen Zong noticed that the pupils of Chu Shanhe's eyes had also changed. The original round black pupils had become vertical pupils, and a bright red and dazzling red, extremely scary, appeared in the center. .

The blood of the Chushan River, covered with blood-colored lines, became more and more strange and weird. When Chen Zong stared at the eyes of the Chushan River, his look changed slightly, and he felt only a very evil will, as if from Chushan River. The eyes burst out, as if going to penetrate into his own soul, causing an impact and making his mind cholera.

It may have been a move to a more ordinary psychic state, but Chen Zong will not, because Chen Zong's spirit is extremely powerful, and his sword is amazing, and external evils are difficult to invade. Where can it be shaken.

All the crimson spirits permeated from the body of Chu Shanhe and surrounded the whole body. The vitality turned like a scarlet blade, as if it could cut everything.

Suddenly, the Chushan River turned into a blood light and flew out, as if a **** electro-optic swift, killing Chen Zong.

Just moments later, Chu Shanhe approached, and Chen Zong did indeed perceive that when he opened his mind, there was no soul fluctuation of the evil gods.

In other words, Chu Shanhe was not taken away by the evil protoss.

This is amazing.

It's not the cultivation of the Divine Realm, but such an amazing speed and power can erupt. It is completely a level belonging to the Divine Realm, which is really weird.

There is no information related to the memory of the sword master of Dongting.

The gap between the sub-god level and the Tongshen realm is like a gap. This is recognized. At that time, before the sword master of Dongting planned to take away Chen Zong, he also had to help Chen Zonghua to refine the origin of Kendo to be sure at the sub-god level. Levels have the power of the Divine Realm.

The origin of Kendo!

How amazing, it is the treasure, even the master level will be the heart of the treasure.

In this way, it is possible to forge the power to possess the divine realm at the sub-level.

But now, Chu Shanhe can use the power of the sub-level cultivation to exert the power of the divine realm, and it is not the general divine realm.

Could it be said that in the inheritance of Chushanhe, the treasures similar to the origin of Kendo are smelted?

If so, it can only be said that the luck of Chushan River is really amazing. This time, if it is not proactive to provocate itself, maybe it will grow up in the future, it is a Xeon in the void.

But unfortunately, since he took the initiative to fight himself, he also came, and this battle is dead.

The speed of the Chushan River was extremely fast, and the blood flashed to death, and the palm of his hand gathered the terrible power and directly hit Chen Zong's heart, as if a palm would break Chen Zong's heart.

Chen Zong only felt his heart tremble suddenly, as if held by an invisible big hand, and was about to be pinched.

This strength is too terrible.

However, Chen Zong responded very quickly, pointing out the sword, piercing the void like a real sword, revealing the incomparable sharpness, as if under the sword, all invincible.

However, the crimson energy condensed in the punch of Chu Shanhe was also very terrifying, even blocking Chen Zong's sword fingers.


Chu Shanhe's change speed is also amazing, another punch is also blasted out immediately, followed by the legs blasted.

For a time, Chu Shanhe's whole person seemed to become a weapon, crazy attack.

Furious and weird, the power is overbearing.

In the end, it forced Chen Zong to pull his sword.

It's incredible.

You should know that Chen Zong is a second-turn imperial realm. He does not pull out a sword, and his strength is not comparable to the general three-turn imperial realm. Therefore, he cannot suppress Chushan River.

With the sword in hand, Chen Zong was considered to have come out with real strength.

A sword came out and directly split the Chushan River.

No matter how fast Chu Shanhe is, but after all, Chen Zong is not as good as Chen Zong. With his sword in hand and strength, Chu Shanhe is not an opponent.

This sword, although Chen Zong did not burst out full force, but also did not intend to stay.

In principle, the sharpness and power of this sword is enough to split the body of Chushan River, but the Chushan River that was cut and flew has not been split. The instant contact made Chen Zong feel that His body is very powerful, and he has a sense of refining his body.

But Chen Zong can be sure that Chu Shanhe is not a spiritual practice.

That sword just cut Chu Shanhe's chest, leaving a wound with deep visible bones, but the next breath, a scene called Chen Zong's eye pupil contraction appeared.

I saw the wounds on Chu Shanhe's body filled with a trace of blood-red energy.

But in a short breath, the wound of Chu Shanhe was healed, and no trace of injury was visible.

In the sharp laughter, Chu Shanhe turned into a blood light again, and flew to kill again.

He had no intention of defense at all, but continued to attack, because his self-healing ability was extremely amazing, extremely amazing, even if he was injured, he would be able to heal in a short time without leaving any dark injuries.

Moreover, the blood-red energy is very terrible. Once he is hit directly, Chen Zong will definitely be severely traumatized and eventually killed by himself.

Chen Zong evaded Chu Shanhe's attack, while fighting back, the sword fell on Chu Shanhe, splitting the wound, but healed within a short period of time, which caused Chen Zong to frown.

What the **** is this?

The sub-god level cultivation, but has the combat power of divine realm, and the self-healing ability is against the sky, just like an immortal body, terrible.

Anyone who faces such a strong enemy will feel headaches.

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