Sword God

Vol 36 Chapter 63: Mutation

The violent collisions, turbulence, and bursts of fire caused numerous grasses to be chopped down, and then turned into powder dust under terrible power.

In the distance, a shadowless condensate turned into a solid, frowning, the bottom of his eyes flashing red, with a bit of anger.

"Stupid, big stupid." The curse sounded from this population. If Chu Shanhe saw this person, he would be very shocked, because this person is the person who asked him if he wanted to get strong power, but also Shanhe Xingchu The servant of the house, at this moment, where he looks like a subordinate, the look is like the Chushan River running through, full of holes: "Damn things, I hope not to affect the rebirth of my king."

Chen Zong and Chu Shanhe did not know that in the distance, someone was staring at the battle here.

The Chushan River broke out with all its strength, and the more it attacked, the smoother it felt, as if the body was activated. All the power poured out like the torrent of a dyke, and there was a feeling of inexhaustibleness.

Once he was hit and wounded by Chen Zong, he would immediately heal. There is absolutely no need to consider other things. He only needs to attack and attack again. The crazy uninterrupted attack will never tire.

"Hahahahaha ..." Chu Shanhe laughed wildly.


This is the power I want.

With inexhaustible power, the undead body is extremely violently pouring.

This feeling is incomparably wonderful, and sure enough, the flesh and blood reincarnation array of the second level is amazing. Unfortunately, the flesh and blood reincarnation array of the third level is too difficult and too difficult to complete. After all, that requires a thousand gods. Only the strong can be laid.

But that ’s okay. After Chen Zong is resolved today, he will have to take action, catch a thousand sacred realms, and then lay a third level of flesh and blood rebirth. At that time, his strength will definitely become more powerful, than It is now many times stronger.

Ten thousand swords return!

In a hurry, countless sword lights sparkled, diffused and converged in Chen Zong's whole body, and met in the field of kendo.

One sword becomes ten thousand, ten thousand swords return to one!


This sword is inescapable. Although Chu Shanhe's strength is constantly being stimulated, he becomes more and more powerful, but he still cannot resist.

Suddenly, Chu Shanhe's body was hit directly, and his left arm, along with his shoulders, was directly crushed by the terrible sword light.

In the next breath, a scene called Chen Zong's pupils contracted like a needle occurred, and I saw that the **** vitality of the broken left arm of the Chushan River was constantly entwined, and the bright red granulation was constantly wriggling, like a viper.

But in just three breaths, the smashed left arm actually grew back and was intact.

"Chen Zong, you can't kill me." Chu Shanhe's voice was extremely sharp, full of amazing evil, and the whole person seemed to become another kind of life. The blood-colored lines on his body became brighter and blood-colored. It became more and more intense, completely enveloping the entire Chushan River.

The Chushan River has not been seen at all, there is only a blood-colored figure, and a laser-like flare radiates out. Its speed is even higher and faster than before.

Suddenly killed, I saw Chu Shanhe suddenly grabbed and pulled with both hands, a **** energy condensed into a **** blade, revealed the extremely evil edge, suddenly tear the sky, and killed Chen Zong fiercely.

Chen Zong's expression could not help changing, as if the blood-colored blade could tear himself, unable to resist the slightest.

His body flickered and he stepped forward. Chen Zongshi exhibited the big 遁 air method and appeared ten meters away, avoiding the **** blade's beheading.

Datong Kongfa was originally created by the Emperor Yukong. In order to simulate the supernatural shuttle of the Void Flying Boat, the best thing is naturally the long-distance shuttle.

But now under the control of Chen Zong's enlightenment, it can be used as a combat body.

Casting in a small area is extremely fast and amazing, and the power consumption is very low.

It's only ten meters after all.

These ten meters, however, told Chen Zong to avoid the terrible scarlet blade.


Wan Jian returned to kill again.

This is the area of ​​Kendo, and Chu Shanhe is in it, and it will bear Chen Zong's most aggressive attack.


get well!

Repeating this process so continuously, Chu Shanhe seems to be really immortal.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ..." Chu Shanhe's laughter echoed all around: "I'm not dead, I'm not dead, no one ... no one can kill me."

Chen Zong did not respond and looked dignified.

This Chushanhe feels very strange to him. Chen Zong has not regarded him as a sub-god.

Maybe Chushanhe does not reach the Divine Realm in terms of practicing Qi cultivation and refining body cultivation, but the **** and strange and overbearing power is a real power of Divine Realm level.

Chen Zong knows a bit, the vastness of the void, the practice of qi is the mainstream, and refining can also be regarded as the mainstream, but in addition, there are some other cultivation systems passed down.

It's just that, for one reason or another, other cultivation systems are difficult to practice, and after cultivation is successful, they cannot be promoted to a high level, so they are gradually cut off and replaced by the practice of qi.

Today's era belongs to the era of practicing qi.

Having said that, there are indeed some special niche heritages in the vast void, and these heritages can be tenaciously retained, and naturally have their own arrogance.

Maybe at the end, it is better to practice Qi, but at some stages, it has a terrible power that is worse than Qi training.

Practicing Qi is just because it is more adaptable, easier to get started, and can be practiced to the extreme before it is promoted.

Could it be that the inheritance of Chushanhe is the special and powerful inheritance of the niche, so it is so weird.

Not dead?

That is impossible. The so-called immortality is only relatively speaking.

No real immortality.

Although it is not clear what kind of opportunity the Chushan River got, he can recover from injury again and again, and there will definitely be consumption. When that consumption reaches a certain level, the so-called immortality is a joke.


In a hurry, the heart fire was burning violently, it was extremely strong, and the firepower was amazing. Chen Zong's body was also surrounded by layers of invisible fire light.

Ten thousand swords return!

The vastness of the sword light directly shattered the strong **** energy of the whole body of Chu Shanhe and broke his body again.

Attack attack attack!

Chen Zong is extremely powerful, much better than the same two-turn imperial realm. Such an attack of such intensity is nothing to him, and it can support it for a long time.




Restore again!

Sure enough, as Chen Zong expected, the **** energy surrounding the Chushan River began to fade and seemed to be constantly consumed.

Chu Shanhe realized this and was panicked.

He also suddenly understood that once his **** energy was exhausted, he could no longer heal instantly and was likely to be killed.

The thought of being killed, Chu Shanhe couldn't help feeling panic.

How can you die?

He has a bright future. He doesn't know. Everyone who seeks Chen Zong for his own death has the same idea in the end.


Without hesitation, aware of the bad Chushan River, he immediately screamed, turned into a **** streamer, flew out like a lightning, and quickly flew away.

However, Chen Zong had realized his plan, and the sword was shot out, the sword was vast and directly bombarded.


Immediately, Chen Zongyi's sword rose, Jianguang burst out, and it was extremely dazzling, as if it were a star, with amazing coercion, it was directly suppressed on the Chushan River.

Big Alchemy Sword of the Sky!

The main power of this sword is reflected in the suppression.

Chu Shanhe's smashed body was a little meal, was directly suppressed in the void, and it was difficult to get rid of it for a while.

Next Sword: Big Broken Star Breaks the Mystery Sword!


The terrible sword was cut off immediately, and the stars shattered in an instant. The terrible power fell directly on the body that Chushanhe was recovering quickly.


Chu Shanhe's body also shattered with the stars, more thorough.

Chen Zong quickly approached and shot again with a sword.

Ten thousand swords return!

Two consecutive strokes of the Celestial Sword are powerful and powerful, but their own power consumption is too large, and the third stroke of the Celestial Spell can no longer be exhibited.

But this last sword, Chen Zong is sure to kill Chu Shanhe here.

It was said that sooner or later, between the electric light and the flint, a virtual shadow suddenly appeared from the side, filled with extremely cold murderous murder, and mercilessly killed Chen Zong.

With a bang, the wind was violent, and the void seemed to be smashed. Chen Zong only felt an amazing punch to break through.

That punch was overwhelming, as if it had replaced the whole world, and it was astonishingly powerful.

At a glance, Chen Zong recognized it at one glance, it was the evil **** arm of the evil **** tribe.

Beside Fang Cai, an evil protoss was lurking and waiting for the opportunity, he sent himself an outrageous blow.

The punches were overwhelming and domineering, and they directly hit them. First, they rushed into their own sea of ​​God. They had to suppress their general spirit and will smash their bodies.

This is a long-awaited blow.

At the moment of the electric light flint, Chen Zong judged that the other party had a relationship with Chushan River ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Otherwise, there would not be an ambush here.

For an instant, Chen Zong also came out with a sword.

Originally, this sword was supposed to kill the Chushan River and kill the Chushan River, but now it is killing the arm of the evil god.



There was a bang, and a sudden collision erupted into an astonishing vigour.

Chen Zong can feel a force that is extremely terrifying, and is killed by the bombardment of the extremely heartless sword, as if to destroy himself. Fortunately, Chen Zong is not an ordinary god-monitoring state, but he is practicing Qi Qi. The fellow initiates who broke through at the same time, the arrogant world **** body, let Chen Zong withstand the bombardment of the power of this fist.

The tyrannical and weird power blasted in through the sword body, and was first weakened by 70% of the power of the heart-printed treasure, and the remaining 30% rushed into the body, as if it had fallen into a world, but Stirring the air ripples and blowing waves of wind, but could not cause any damage to Chen Zong's body.

The defensive power of the world's deities is so powerful that Chen Zong himself was surprised.

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