Sword God

Vol 36 Chapter 65: Unfasten my seal

The blood was as strong as the sun, and once again shot in all directions, one after another, overbearing, weird, extremely evil.

The blood of the Chushan River began to change dramatically.

Through the blood, Chen Zong's keen eyes can faintly see Chu Shanhe's body is constantly stretching and expanding, and bursts of weird sounds, like the broken bones and broken muscles, are astonishing. Quivering and horrifying, accompanied by a weird, low-pitched roar, it seemed to bear great pain.

Chen Zong took the opportunity to sword out, the sword light was strong, but also could not penetrate that layer of blood.

From the beginning to the end of the change, but within a short period of time, the blood light was restrained again, but this time, the blood light did not completely disappear, but instead solidified into a substance, and became a set of blood-red daggers. Covered on that strong and bulky body.

The Chushan River has changed a lot, and it has completely lost its original appearance.

A blood-red hair was thick and long, fluctuating constantly, like a seaweed in the water, and swaying like a viper, it seemed to have a kind of evil feeling, greasy and gruesome.

A face also changed greatly, with eyes becoming vertical, and a horizontal mark on the center of the eyebrow, like a closed one-eyed eye.

There is no nose, but a mouth is large, and the arc is amazing. It stretches from the left cheek directly to the right cheek, which is very weird and has a cruel feeling.

Its ears are as slender as a blade.

On his strong body, he wore an immensely close-fitting blood-red puppet armor.

That face was exactly the appearance of the evil gods that Chen Zong had seen before.

However, his hands are not the same as the previous information about the evil **** family. It is not a long, short, thick, and thin evil **** arm and evil **** claw. The two arms are the same length and the same thickness, but between the five fingers. , But ejected five slender and sharp claws, like a blade, as if to tear everything.

The height of this evil protoss reaches three meters, which is much more than Chen Zong, and his body is also very strong. The breath fluctuating is terrible and extreme, making Chen Zong's heart tremble.

His body was standing in the air, floating between the heavy, the scarlet cloak behind him fluttered against the wind, grinning like a banner.

"Is this the suppression of the will of the void?" The evil king moved his hands and feet, feeling that he was being oppressed and repelled by an invisible force, very uncomfortable, and a tyrannical force could not be fully displayed. This feeling Very unhappy.

Unfortunately, if Chu Shanhe can complete three sacrifices of flesh and blood rebirth, not only can he fall into most of the spirit consciousness, but he can also better adapt to the suppression of the will of the void.

But now, the tribe only completed two sacrifices of flesh and blood reincarnations. As a result, they could only come to a small part of the spirit and consciousness. After manifesting the true deity, they could not quickly adapt and get rid of the suppression of the void will.

According to this situation, it takes at least hundreds of years to adapt to and get rid of the suppression of the will of the void.

Now, only a small part of the power carried by the spirit consciousness is naturally not too strong, and it is suppressed by the will of the void, weakening most of it, showing the power that the evil **** can use behind him, only a little of his own power .

However, even with this power, it is enough to get rid of the ants in front of you.

Then, starting from this ants, set foot on the road of dominating the void.

The manifestation of the manifestation of the real body is more obvious and very uncomfortable. Then solve this ant as soon as possible, and then change back to the appearance of the human race, so that you can better adapt and act.

Chen Zong's complexion was so dignified that the evil **** king in front of him gave himself a feeling of extinction.


Without any hesitation, Chen Zong flew back immediately, and quickly took out the Niaokong flying boat. As long as he died, he could enter the flying boat and use the Niaokong to resist.

There seem to be many thoughts and thoughts, but in fact, only one or two breaths have passed since the time when the evil **** Wang Xianhua realized himself.

With a bang, the evil king shot and punched out.

With this punch, Chen Zong didn't even notice any prelude, and any sign, just when he felt it, had already come.

Too fast, too obtrusive, and extremely fierce, completely locked Chen Zong, so that Chen Zong could not get out, could not enter the spacecraft, as if time and space were blocked.

Fortunately, Chen Zong's response was extremely rapid.

Kendo area!

Ten thousand swords return!

This sword can be used not only to attack but also to defend.

But only momentarily, countless sword lights shattered and exploded like sparks.

Violent and extremely violent and extremely brutal boxing power, after being directly smashed Jianguang, he was mercilessly bombarded on Chen Zong's body.

After this punch, the evil king is ready to converge the true god, because he has full confidence in the power of his own punch, which is enough to kill the opponent into slag.

Chen Zong was also directly bombarded by this fist, and threw out with a bang.

In a split second, the power of that punch was weakened by the Yinyin Baoyi, but it was no longer 70%, but 50%.

Chen Zong also did not know why this was the case, and did not have time to think.

The remaining 50% still has terrible power. After passing through the Yinyin Baoyi, they directly bombarded Chen Zong's body.

At this moment, the benefits of Chen Zong's refining and training at the same time were manifested. The powerful world gods had amazing strength and defensive power, blocking the power of this punch, but their terrible power also kept blasting in. Within the body of Chen Zong.

The avenue of the world runs and swallows up that violent and weird force into it. The sword of time, the wind rises and the wind is turbulent, as if a hurricane has passed, the vegetation is broken, the river is against the current, and the mountains are blown up.

Too strong!

The force that exploded into the body was too arrogant and exceeded the level of Chen Zong's tolerance.

If it weren't for the **** of the world gods and the mystery of the world avenue, it is estimated that Chen Zong has been blown by this punch.

This is a punch that has surpassed many imperial realms. As to whether it has reached the level of Yuanming Realm, Chen Zong is not sure, but even if it has not reached the level of Yuanming Realm, it is almost invincible at the level of Royal Realm. .

For a moment, Chen Zong flew out dozens of meters before he paused. He couldn't stop spitting his blood and turned pale, but he was not killed or fell.

"It actually blocked the king's punch!" The evil **** king was surprised, his eyes narrowed and condensed.


It was unimaginable that an ant blocked his punch.

That being the case, it's better to make another punch.

Without a gesture, his body flickered, the evil **** king turned into a red electric mang and quickly swept across the sky, appearing in front of Chen Zong.

When Chen Zong saw the other person's figure, he made another punch in his chest.

This punch is heavier and more violent than just the punch.

It is still weakened by 50% of the heart-printed treasures, but the remaining 50% of the power is still terrible, making Chen Zong feel that his chest is being smashed, and the internal organs are also broken. The pain is sweeping everywhere in the body .

However, the arrogant world **** body still resisted, but spit out a large blood, and did not die.

Even taking this opportunity, Chen Zongyi Jian burst out.

Ten thousand swords return!

This sword directly bombarded the evil **** king and immediately wounded the evil **** king, leaving a slap-sized scar and dripping blood.

The evil **** king once again choked.

The second punch is a one-punch punch that I can use now. I can resist it, and I have the strength to fight back, and I can also hurt myself.

Even at the same level among the evil protoss, this step cannot be achieved.

This cricket ant is really unusual. Give him more time, maybe he will become his real opponent.

But unfortunately, for the sake of the saints, they must die, otherwise, they will only cause trouble to the saints in the future.

Although that sword caused harm to the evil **** king, it was actually nothing to the evil **** king.

Third punch!

Fourth punch!

Fifth punch!

Just moments ago, the evil king's fire was full, his arms waved and his punches continued.

Boom boom boom boom!

Every punch was done with ten percent strength. In an instant, dozens of punches were blown out, all of them were bombarded on Chen Zong's body. Chen Zong flew back and forth, his body continued to tremble, even if it had a heart-printed treasure. The weakening of the world and the power of the world's deities cannot resist so many so powerful and fierce fists.

At the end of the day, the membrane was broken, the bones were broken, and the internal organs were broken.

The entire body seemed to be completely smashed. Chen Zong flew hundreds of meters and fell to the ground, motionless, feeling like the body was broken.

Consciousness, a little sober.

Chen Zong could not help but smile a bit.

Unexpectedly, I never expected that the gap between myself and the other party would be so great.

When I felt that I was not an opponent at all, I hit a punch when I was going to protect myself with the Niankong. Next, I was completely out of control and was constantly hit by the opponent.

At present, the only consciousness left is that he cannot enter himself into the Nuokong, which is hundreds of meters apart.


It has reached the point where the mountains and rivers are exhausted.

There is no movement in the sword of heart, and it seems that there is nothing to do with the current situation.

Unless this evil **** king invades the soul into his own sea of ​​God ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, it is possible to provoke the counterattack of the sword of the heart, just like the sword master of Dongting, but Chen Zong is not very sure. .

However, this evil **** king did not have the idea of ​​capturing Chen Zong's body. A fist was raised, and the light continued to gather on his fists. The blood-red one seemed to condense a group of strong sun.

The horrible breath fluctuations continued to spread from the fist. This was a punch with momentum and a punch beyond the limit.

With this punch, Chen Zong's body will be completely smashed and completely wiped out.

"Quickly unlock my seal."

Crisis struck and death shrouded. Chen Zong did not give up, but felt a sense of weakness, and a strange, sharp voice sounded in Shenhai.

"Hurry up, untie my seal, otherwise it's too late."

Chen Zong heard it. It was the weird shadow that had hit his nine soul-seals before. His tone was very panic, as if Chen Zong was killed, it would die.

"Hurry up ... unlock my seal ..." The dark shadows appeared, and soul locks flickered around.

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