Sword God

Vol 36 Chapter 66: Tremble

(Quick, get in the car)

With all his heart, it seems that Chen Zong was not given any special means of life-saving.

Of course, to say no or not, at least the heart-printed treasure is an excellent means of life-saving.

The first level is the artifact that corresponds to the gods, and the second level is the spirit artifact. The heart-printed treasure is actually the spirit artifact.

The value of the spirit artifact is very high, it is amazing, it is better than all artifacts.

Forging materials are not the same in difficulty and effectiveness. Heart-printed treasures are not ordinary spirit artifacts. They not only have the ability to resist weakening attacks, but also have another effect.

That was not known to Chen Zong. Before, it was temporarily banned, and until now it has been broken.

This can also be regarded as the test of the heart.

I have to say that the way he treats his disciples with all his heart is really simple and rude. It seems that he has not considered whether he will be killed.

In any case, the ban on the Heart Seal Baoyi was broken by violence, and it truly showed the power of the spiritual artifact.

Along with the buzzing sounds, a faint layer of light flowed from the heart-printing treasures, covering every part of Chen Zong's body.

Chen Zong can clearly feel that with that layer of light flowing, the cool breath instantly penetrates into the almost broken body, and the body recovers at an amazing speed.

At this rate, it is estimated that it won't take long to heal.


Just when Chen Zong was shocked, the terrible punch of the evil **** king that burst beyond the limit instantly fell off and directly hit Chen Zong.

However, the light covering Chen Zong's whole body released from the heart-printing treasures blocked the punch that was terrible enough to kill Chen Zong into slag.

While blocking, the light violently oscillated and consumed quickly.

The evil king stunned for a moment, then blocked it again.

It was unexpected again.

The ants did not die, and it was very disturbing.

In this case, use the last resort.

At an instant, the evil **** king's eyes closed, but the eyebrows on his brows trembled slightly, as if it took every effort to stretch them out.


The eyebrow eyes were forcibly opened, and a crack was opened. It was indeed an eye, but it was not the same as the vertical eye. It was a horizontal eye.

It seems that for some reason, this eyebrow eye is not completely open, it just opens a gap, just like squinting, a ray of blood fluctuates in it, extremely evil.

The next breath, a faint, transparent red mang radiated from the slightly opened one-eye, and shot directly at Chen Zong's heart.

Although the body recovered quickly under the power of the heart-printed treasure, Chen Zong still felt difficult to move, not to mention that the speed of the red light was extremely fast, even in the heyday, it was difficult to avoid.

As for the light that can withstand the extreme blow of the evil **** king, it seems to have failed, and is directly penetrated.

Although the heart-printed treasure is clever, it is not omnipotent.

The almost transparent red light, as if it did not exist, is a power belonging to the spirit and soul level. This blow must directly break the spirit of Chen Zong.

As long as the spirit is broken, it will die directly.

With the almost transparent red light radiating out, the eyebrows of the evil **** king's eyebrows closed quickly, his complexion was slightly white, and his breath seemed to drop a little.

This method, if it ’s his spirit consciousness completely comes, it will have no side effects if he exerts it once or twice. Already.

Therefore, once I cast it, I feel a heavy load, and I ca n’t perform it the second time. I do n’t know how long it will take to recover, and my strength is also affected. At least it ’s dropped by about 30%. To be able to recover.

Another point is that the time to adapt to this side of the void oppression has also been lengthened.

When that red light shot into the heart of his eyebrows, Chen Zong's eyes became dull, and only the power carried by the Heart Seal Baoyi continued to recover the nearly broken body and healed quickly.

Within Shenhai, the weird black shadow blocked by the soul-seal technique is still screaming for Chen Zong to unlock its seal, but Chen Zong did so immediately because the black shadow was too weird and made him feel Extremely jealous.

The nearly transparent red light entered and suddenly hit the spirit of Chen Zong.

At that moment, Chen Zong only felt that his spirit was pierced by a spear, which was extremely painful, and a weird and cold breath permeated it, as if with an amazing heat.

It hurts!

Incomparable severe pain raged in the body of the soul, and there was a feeling of being torn and shredded.

Rao is Chen Zong's willpower is extremely arrogant, and it can't bear it.

But this time, the evil **** king obviously miscalculated Chen Zong again. I don't know that Chen Zong's spirit is actually very powerful. That blow was just to hurt Chen Zong's spirit, but he couldn't really defeat it.

However, the severe pain of being torn through is still very uncomfortable. Chen Zong's spirit was not badly damaged at once, and the whole person's consciousness began to become groggy, as if to pass out.

In the past, Chen Zong has suffered many injuries, but they are all physical injuries. This time, not only was his body physically damaged, but even the spirits were also severely damaged. He did not know when he would be able to recover as before.

It is estimated that it will be difficult. After all, the spirit is more mysterious than the body. Even a minor trauma will take a lot of time and cost.

This wave is really a big loss.

Although I encountered a big fish, this big fish is too fierce to eat.

Since breaking through the sacred realm, Chen Zong is also considered to be very smooth. Coupled with the induction of God and understanding, once there is any danger, he can respond in the shortest time.

This time, the boat turned over in the gutter.

The evil **** king is too weird. When Chen Zong feels the crisis of intense and extreme calamity, the response can also be called very fast. Generally speaking, he can avoid it and enter the empty space. There was no sign, and it was extremely fast, and he hit it directly.

Chen Zongke does not know that if the evil **** king is converted according to the level, it is equivalent to the dominant one.

It is terrible even if only a consciousness of less than one percent comes.

Fortunately, the spirit and soul consciousness of the advent of the evil **** king is less than one percent. If there is more, maybe that blow will be enough to defeat Chen Zong's spirit.

In terms of the strength of the soul, Chen Zong is far from being able to compare with the dominant one.

"Unfasten my seal, or we will all die." The weird shadow screamed more and more panicked, it didn't want to die.

At the critical moment, Chen Zong was groggy and slowly sinking into fainting. He did his best to unlock the nine soul-seal techniques on that weird shadow.

The lifting of the nine soul-seal techniques seemed to have exhausted Chen Zong ’s last soul power. Originally, he slowly fell into a sense of drowsiness, and all of a sudden came like a torrent of a dyke, which directly defeated Chen Zong ’s consciousness Same, momentary, falling into the abyss.

Deep bottom of the abyss!

He kept falling and passed out completely.

"Hee hee hee ha ha ha ha ha ..." After breaking away from the weird black shadow of the nine soul-seal techniques, his eyes glowed with red light, and he immediately gave out an extremely happy and extremely proud sharp laughter, echoing in this sea of ​​God.

He is free.

Finally get rid of the **** seal of soul sealing, free, and, next, everything will be dominated by himself.

I am no longer bound, but I can truly have a body and walk freely in the heavens and the earth, which is real life.

"From now on, I'm Chen Zong, the ants in the void, welcome the advent of this demon, tremble ..." This dark shadow turned into a human figure, dancing and dancing in the sea of ​​God.

Immediately, he remembered that at this moment, the body was still in danger, and he had to control it as quickly as possible and react quickly.

Without hesitation, the black shadow shook again, transforming from a human form into a black curtain, covering the sky, and rushing to the spirit of Chen Zong in an instant. The next breath, directly wrapped the spirit of Chen Zong, seems to swallow Like.

After swallowing up the soul of Chen Zong, the black shadow condensed into a human figure again. It seemed that the extremely clear and extremely solid was Chen Zong's appearance.

Under the power of Xinyin Baoyi, Chen Zong's almost broken body has basically recovered, and the light of Xinyin Baoyi has become extremely weak. At the next breath, the light disappears.

It was noticed that the ants had a breath, and the evil **** king who had not completely died was completely enraged.

I have used many methods, even exhibiting unwilling methods, but I have not been able to kill them.

And it seemed that the body almost broken by himself had recovered.

Why is this ant so difficult?

If these so-called human races are as embarrassing as the ants, the plan of the saints is to be implemented, the difficulty is only to be increased more than ten times, and there is a great possibility of failure.

The saints can't afford failure. Once the consequence of failure is ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, displacement is destroyed in the void.

Punch out!

The evil **** king once again punched out. Since the attack just didn't kill the opponent, this time, it should be more thorough, even if the life of this body is burned, the ants will be killed.

With a bang, the punch banged directly on Chen Zong's body, but at that moment, Chen Zong's dim, indifferent eyes suddenly flashed, as if there was a flash of blood flashing past.

Unparalleled speed, the whole body was invisible, but slipped back in an instant, avoiding the terrible one-strike bombardment, the ground was directly blasted, the debris was flying, revealing a huge deep pit.

But this punch did not hit Chen Zong.

The evil king stunned again, this is not sure how many times he was surprised now.

"Weak chicken of the evil **** family, you played very well just now." A few hundred meters away in front, the broken human robes and ants in the robes hung in the air, and a long hair fluttered in the wind. There was a feeling of burning flames. The eyes are extremely dark and deep, as if abyss like a black hole. A little blood in the center of the eye pupil seems to contain the supreme evil, the corner of the mouth is slightly raised, and a smile of evil is extreme. .

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